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Changing the song, about Jack and Diane,

Oh yeah life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin' is gone
Oh yeah say life goes on
Long after the thrill of livin' is gone, they walk on....

Oh yeah, life goes on
Long after the thrill of caregivin' is gone.

So let it rock
Let it roll!
Life goes on........

"God Bless The USA"

If tomorrow all the things were gone I'd worked for all my life
And I had to start again with just my children and my wife
I'd thank my lucky stars to be livin' here today
'Cause the flag still stands for freedom and they can't take that away

And I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA

From the lakes of Minnesota, to the hills of Tennessee
Across the plains of Texas, from sea to shining sea
From Detroit down to Houston and New York to LA
Well, there's pride in every American heart
And it's time we stand and say that

I'm proud to be an American where at least I know I'm free
And I won't forget the men who died, who gave that right to me
And I'd gladly stand up next to you and defend her still today
'Cause there ain't no doubt I love this land
God bless the USA

One of my favorite things to do now is to cook in Mother's kitchen where she made so many foods we all loved.It makes me feel closer to her somehow.The tastes and smells bring back memories,times I loved and miss.She loved making desserts and chocolate most of all,so that's what I enjoy making too.Especially hot fudge sauce over vanilla ice cream...yummy!

The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dog.

This english pangram has long been known and popular because it contains all the letters of the alphabet,,great for testing your fonts, letters, typing, etc.

Not being picky it is just that it wouldn't have an s it should read.
The quick brown fox jumps over the lazy dog.

The Tudor Monastery Farm ... I'm watching it on Youtube right now ... and my fave thing about is Peter Ginn's calves; not the animals -- the legs. His twitter handle is @whatahunkygeezer. He certainly is that.

Send/Phoenix: I think both are correct.

Oh, interesting. There's no "s" character in the first version. ...

Favorite things: semi-productive days. I say "semi" because those are the ones that don't wear me out for the next day! I accomplished a few things off my To Do list that are important, and I didn't take on too much. Winning. :-) ((((hugs)))) and semi-productive days to all of you.

Ali: Then I am wrong, you clever person you ... and I am being semi-productive.

Phooey, Phoenix!
You know darn well that the edit feature does not work after a certain time has passed.
"The quick brown fox jumped over the lazy dogs."
How is that?

...jumps over the lazy dog, isn't it, Send?

Oh, sorry. Failure to keep up!

It's whatever you want it to say.....just having fun here.
I was wrong,
All along,
Phoenix is always right,
If she didn't show up,
This forum would be
Such a fright!

It takes a caregiving village!

You are okay! It is not a failure if you or anyone cannot keep up. Lately, it has been harder with the new website changes. With less and less time in between family crises (did I spell that right? plural of crisis = crisises?) , just checking in, saying hello, has been a challenge for me.
There is a sense of comfort when I see you all posting still, and then I don't feel, so bad.
"I simply remember my favorite things,
And then I don't feel, so bad."
Movie reference?

Sound of Music? And it's crises, Send; looks very peculiar to me too tho', and anyway, I completely understand. *Still* a sore back.

My favorite things and goofy things...sunshine after walking in the rain, buying things for my grandsons. I have toy cars and a stuffed elephant and a stuffed lion. So much fun getting them things.

Did you get the stuffed elephant for yourself?

Thanks Jing.
Maybe if I don't spell it right, there won't be anymore cry sees. Lol.

I would certainly cry if there wasn't anymore Sees's

Me too MsMadge! And what other place just gives you a piece of chocolate for coming in their store?!!

My grandmother always liked Fannie May chocolates. Well, either that or those were the stores that were closest. There used to be one just at the corner, not even a block from where I live now, her home for the last 40 years of her life... but it's a pizza place now (which is arguably as good as or better than a candy store since I love their Mediterranean pizza SO STINKIN' MUCH!). When I was driving the other day, I noticed a stand-alone Fannie Mae store somewhere else around here. I didn't know if they were still in business or not. I don't know if I've ever been in a See's. If I see one, I'll make a point to go in and taste the "famous chocolates." :-)

We don't have a Fannie Mae store here,but we've received it for Christmas and it was Delicious!

I'm eating the last piece of limited edition dark cherry truffle - oh my it's good

I'll trade ya all my dark chocolate for all your milk chocolate MsMadge.I don't care for dark but I like white chocolate.My Mom used to make chocolates and there was always a crockpot full going in the kitchen and we dipped anything and everything into it....

So many of my favourite things involve eating and drinking, like all of that delicious sounding chocolate you all keep mentioning. I wish I could shake my brain like an etch-a-sketch and erase the guilt and regain the ability to indulge in such simple pleasures without worrying about the long term health effects. One is never enough.

One of my favorite things, which occurs monthly, is leaving the office at the end of day and ... gasp! Seeing the almost full moon up in the clear daylight sky. It is just so beautiful. It never ever fails. I stop walking and stare at the moon. I can only see the moon so clearly from my work. At home, the cliffline blocks it. One more night to see the full moon!

One of my favorite things to do is to go up in the attic and explore.It's another land up there filled with so many good old memories.

My family just started to share photos I have never seen, it made me cry happy tears.

Newborn kittens for Luckylu!

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