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Send, we will make an exception for old Frosty. :)

Never liked him anyway. Lol.

Uh oh, here I am on the wrong thread, again. I take it back, I really do like the song, "Frosty, the Snowman".

Hi everyone! Garden Artist, I like your artful and wonderful description of the first snow. We had our first (only about 4 inches) this past week. The first thing my husband said when he got home from work was that it was so quiet all around. The kids in our area had delays for school, and even our dog was happy to see the white stuff (she thinks it snows just for her)! It won't be so great tomorrow, though because the temp will be around 2 degrees with a wind chill of about 20 degrees below 0! I'll be glad when I decide to retire and won't have to venture out in this weather. I don't mind the snow at all - it's pretty to look at an so calming. When it's black ice, and below zero for temps, it seems to be a little harder to deal with. Thank you all for sharing and I wish you all a wonderful, safe holiday season. Enjoy every part of it if you can.

One of my absolute favorite things is being retired. I was a building trades electrician for just under 100 years. (seemed like anyway) My truck with all the ladder racks on top wouldn't fit in the garage so I would be out at 7 am every morning in ridiculous northern Mi weather chipping the ice off the damn truck. it was a company supplied truck with NO WHEEL DRIVE. You had to be a real ace to pilot that thing around in the winter.


Casting Crowns

I Heard The Bells On Christmas Day

I heard the bells on Christmas day
Their old familiar carols play
And mild and sweet their songs repeat
Of peace on earth good will to men

And the bells are ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on earth)
In my heart I hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

And in despair I bowed my head
There is no peace on earth I said
For hate is strong and mocks the song
Of peace on earth, good will to men

But the bells are ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir singing (peace on earth)
Does anybody hear them? (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Then rang the bells more loud and deep
God is not dead, nor does he sleep (peace on earth, peace on earth)
The wrong shall fail, the right prevail
With peace on earth, good will to men

Then ringing singing on its way

The world revolved from night to day
A voice, a chime, a chant sublime
Of peace on earth, good will to men

And the bells they're ringing (peace on earth)
Like a choir they're singing (peace on earth)
And with our hearts we'll hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Do you hear the bells they're ringing? (peace on earth)
The life the angels singing (peace on earth)
Open up your heart and hear them (peace on earth)
Peace on earth, good will to men

Peace on earth, peace on earth
Peace on earth, Good will to men

"I Heard the Bells on Christmas Day" is a Christmas carol based on the 1863 poem "Christmas Bells" by American poet Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. The song tells of the narrator's despair, upon hearing Christmas bells, that "hate is strong and mocks the song of peace on earth, good will to men".

Chocolate and an Andre Rieu CD

The things that make me happy are the smallest acts....don't know why, or even where the ideas come from. Just now my hubs brought me coffee.
Yesterday, we went out for a haircut, took someone elderly out with us to get his Christmas haircut. It is always the smallest things.

"When I'm feeling low, I simply remember my favorite things, and then I don't feel so bad".

Mine is Starbucks!!! Whenever I am stressed, feel bad, overwhelmed - whatever it is, my saving grace is Starbucks! That’s the only thing for me.

A local church has a carillon and they have been playing carols at noon. Nice :)

I Love Helen Hayes.She was a beautiful lady with an awesome soul.One of my favorite poems she wrote was called "The Magnolia Tree"from her book "Gift of Joy".My Mother recited it before a group of ladies about 2 years before she died and I was lucky enough to hear her do it.I will never forget it.

I've got free tickets to the races on Monday and so if we can out maneuver the parade and game traffic, I'm taking mom and her caregiver to the great race place for a New Years celebration and a pretty good bowl of clam chowder
Go baby go

MsMadge....I sure hope it works out for you all that you can get to the races.Do they serve clam chowder at the track?...I wouldn't be surprised,they serve about everything.Iv'e seen mile-high Reuben sandwiches there that look awesome~Will you have a Mimosa too?

The sun will come out
Bet your bottom dollar
That tomorrow
There'll be sun!

Just thinkin' about
Clears away the cobwebs,
And the sorrow
'Til there's none!

When I'm stuck with a day
That's grey,
And lonely,
I just stick out my chin
And Grin,
And Say,

The sun come out
So ya gotta hang on
'Til tomorrow
Come what may

I love ya

You're always
A day

Tomorrow, tomorrow it better not snow tomorrow. I accidentally threw my shovel away.!!!!! Come on.........everybody!

Sorry there's rain in the forecast again tomorrow

Clam chowder crab cakes and champagne - we'll be sitting inside the restaurant 5 floors above the finish line - a casual place and lots of fun

Normally we would do a mini buffet of snacks for New Years Eve, but with me still kind of laid up, I think we're going to cheat and get some chinese food. I can drive down and have daughter run in and pick it up.

Last night while leaving Kroger's after checking out, I noticed an elderly couple, perhaps in their late 80's. The woman had severe osteoporosis, and was bent over at perhaps a 45 degree angle. Carrying a cane in her left hand, her right hand was holding onto the arm of the man with her.

After they checked out and navigated their way along the crowded aisle, people who saw them stepped back to allow them room to pass with their shopping basket filled to the brim.

I noticed a woman on the side smiling, with that kind of light in her eyes which expresses a combination of compassion and admiration. We exchanged a few words, both agreeing that it was so sweet to see this elderly couple, still strong and apparently at least to the extent of grocery shopping, self reliant.

Others who saw them also moved aside to allow them to pass. It was really a tribute to their strength and determination that they were out doing their own shopping, on a chilly winter night. And it was but a small gesture, but important, that others saw this couple and moved aside to allow them space to pass to exit safely.

I decided to follow them and ask if they would like help in transferring the bags to their car, so I hurried to my car, quickly unloaded my basket, then turned to follow them but they had already disappeared completely.

I thoughtf for awhile about that sweetness of their journey out in winter, and their courage in braving the elements to get their own food.

Something that lovely must have been real if others noticed it too.

So that is something good to say about the human condition, right now, right here, right today.

Hoping for more favorite and pleasant observations to come!

You express them wonderfully. Is there a book in the works?

In the desert, there is a mirage in the distance, looking like a body of water.

Do they have mirages in snow flurries too? Inside a krogers? Guess not, then it must have been real. But they disappeared?

Send, how kind of you to suggest I write a book! Yes, over the years I've considered trying my hand at writing, something that would integrate the garden experience with the spirituality of life and the universe.

And as to the sweet old couple, they definitely were not a mirage. But I've found all grocery stores do have mirages - they're chocolate mirages when the chocolate bars and goodies suddenly appear to be reaching out from the shelves begging and pleading me to buy them, with the promise of extraordinary delights and of course no weight gain or fatty pads anywhere as a result of indulging.

You raise an interesting question about snowflakes. I think you might enjoy seeing some fractals, which don't necessarily have mirages but are beautiful mathematical configurations of natural phenomena. I'll PM you some links.

Love chocolate GardenArtist! I have limited eating chocolate because you wrote about the effects on. g.e.r.d.- so I do limit consumption after dark.

But today, I am going to the market to find chocolate fractals. Once there, I will enjoy my visit and observe how the elderly get their shopping done, as I always do.

Has anyone been to starbucks this season and ordered the tuxedo cocoa? The white chocolate cocoa is really a treat!

There is no snow where I am living, but that is okay, I am sometimes a real flake.

Thank you for the links, Garden Artist. Will be checking that out, saving them now.

A favorite movie and a favorite movie quote:
"All this nothing has meant more to me than so many somethings.”
– Kathleen Kelly

Coffee and a sweet treat in the afternoon.
I'm trying to cut back on the treat part, but only coffee in the afternoon is just not as satisfying. I wish I was blissfully ignorant and could just enjoy life's simple pleasures without the guilt that is attached.

Sweet treat, no guilt:
Small handful of blueberries, some slices of bananna, with less than one-half cup of Vanilla Greek Yougurt (very thick brand). Stirring not necessary.

My favorite thing this whole year might be the expression on this cat's face.

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