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Heard the rain! It might as well have been Santa Claus arriving on Christmas morning the way I jumped out of bed, ran outside (wear slip-ons), backed the car out into the rain, where it is being washed right this minute! It was not still dark when I did this, and yes, I was still dressed from the day before because, exhausted, fell asleep in my clothes. Yay! Everyone should try that on purpose, just once, because one really can get outside quick, first thing this way. imo.

Yeah, Sharyn,
Gentle, soft rain, IN CALIFORNIA!
Me too, yay!

That was an interesting favorite thing.
Because you are not going to work.
Is it just my imagination, or did I get a sense of sadness or melancholy in your post?
It is raining harder now, and would be inconvenient to get in the car and drive dH to work in the rain. But the joy of having rain and that he has a job to go to later this afternoon, that is a favorite thing for me.
I don't expect that with your job caring for your Mom it would be all joy, but hoping you do have something to sustain you, encourage you, help you, and make you joyful. Best of today, take care of you! Me thinks that sooner or later, that frost has gotta go anyway? Is it that cold yet that the frost won't melt all day?

It is good you hear the rain, especially a warm, gentle rain when you really need it, hooray!

The problem with waking up in yesterday's clothes, do you have to change or can you consider yourself ready for the day?

It is a beautiful, sunny Fall day here, temps rising to 50ish today and up to 60 for the weekend and halloween (thanks to TWN for converting degrees C to F). Lots of leaves were on the trails when I went for my run/walk this morning and I have been busy tidying up the yard and garden before I get mom up for a late lunch. I am always looking for the easier way to do things so I buzzed off flowers with my hedge clippers, raked the debris onto the lawn and went over the whole yard with the lawn mower. No raking leaves and bagging yard waste for me! LOL

Good job, Cwillie!
Preferring to shower and dress anew daily, I was only good-to-go to pick up our tire. My schedule must be flexible to meet the needs of hub's schedule. If I have to go out, I am always eyeing the opportunity to jump in the shower. Unfortunately that could be midnight, 3 a.m.(bothering his sleep), or 5 a.m.--
(will there be hot water?) So, clean and presentable, always the goal.

There are a few caregivers who it appears from their posts over time, that there would be no doubt how good they are as a caregiver to their loved one.
Since these people will hardly notice I am talking about them due to being humble, I will just say it bluntly-Cwillie-you shine!
Those with a schedule, a self-care routine-and caregiving techniques tried and true will mostly be successful, imo.

I took the day off work to clean the floor furnace and relax before taking mom to the doctor this afternoon

Haven't done a lick of housework but might go take a little walk in the rain and then have a little warm apple strudel

That's the spirit, Ms.Madge! A walk in the rain.
Did you see how excellent an example that was, slipped by us by Cwillie---
"Walk/run, tidying up the yard and garden, late lunch"

As if it were the easiest and most natural sequence of events....!

Rained all night here and continued until around noon.

What a beautiful sky!
Glad it is not raining just now, as I am driving to pick up hubs...There should be a better way, because I really shouldn't be going out at 10:30 p.m., imo.

With a little fortitude, encouragement, and prayer, I can do this.

Cant sleep..but feeling blessed by the private messages I am getting from people who miss working with me.

One of my favorite things to listen to on TV on a Saturday night is The Lawrence Welk show.Mother always had to see it and now,without her here,it somehow brings me closer to her for that hour and the music is happy and sweet and I Love the ending song"Good night,Sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you...".

one of my favorite songs can be found on Youtube..

I can see waters ragin' at my feet
I can feel the breath of those surroundin' me
I can hear the sound of nations risin' up
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome
I can walk down this dark & painful road
I can face every fear of the unknown
I can hear all God's children singin' out
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!

The same power that rose Jesus from the grave
The same power that commands the dead to wake
Lives in us, lives in us
The same power that moves mountains when He speaks
The same power that can calm a ragin' sea
Lives in us, lives in us, He lives in us, lives in us!

We have hope, that His promises are true
In His strength, there is nothin' we can't do
Yes, we know, there are greater things in store
We will not be overtaken, we will not be overcome!

Sorry to roll back to last month......but liverwurst, oh yes! On rye. Braunschweiger (sp?) on crackers. And the mention of olive loaf sent me reeling on the "way-back machine." Haven't given it a thought in 30 years or so, but I could sure go for some right now. Shout-out to summer sausage, too. (Extra points if it's venison.) Sardines....anchovies....oh how I love my salty-stinky "old guy" foods!

Also.....scrapple, anyone??

sorry no scrapple here but I do like creamed chipped beef

BH.....I was totally w/you until you got to scrapple......threw me back to childhood. Dad was sick and couldn't work. Mom went out to earn the bread. Got a great job (for a college-educated woman in the 60's who now had to support her whole family).....Executive Secretary to the VP of Amour Foods.....turned out he was the nicest person in the whole world.....

He would leave his exec office, go down to the plant (yeah....back when exec's actually had a physical connect to the plant and the workers) and pack up a big box for Mom: Camay soap, Dial soap, Armour bacon, and.....yesss.....crates of .....Spam.....

LOL....we were, I guess, pretty poor at that point, BUT....we were d*mn near willing to starve to death before we had to survive on SPAM.....

Sorry.....for whatever reason, "scrapple" which I will admit, I do not even understand and have very possibly, never tasted, just reminded of that SPAM.....

I love your cutting wit and incisive posts, BH......thank you for this strange but welcome memory of my very recently late, wonderful Mother.

It is a food then, not a spelling game, scrabble?


We've missed you, Mina !

Executive secretary positions were big deals back in the day - I wonder if anyone knows Gregg Shorthand anymore?

Amazon gift cards from my credit card points. I just discovered today that the credit card I use for paying my car gas has reward points that I can use on Amazon. I tested it today and used the reward points to buy a used book ($4.00). Another card for bills and house supplies - I've already exchanged points for 2 $100 gift cards for this year. I'm so enjoying ordering 'free' and/or inexpensive books/ebooks this past year using these points. =)

MsMadge, I have to jump in here and talk about Gregg shorthand!

Early in my career when I became bored with secretarial work, I moved from law firms to the county and became a court reporter. At that time, ALL court reporters in that particular court used Gregg shorthand. After practicing and practicing, I qualified at 200 wpm, the requirement to be a court reporter.

Years later, my fingers still wiggle and move and take down conversations automatically. People might think I have a medical disorder, but the practice of recording became so ingrained that my right hand automatically starts "recording."

I probably couldn't tell you how to write specific characters - I'd have to watch to see what my fingers do as they have better patterning memory than my brain! It's a good thing I can hide my right hand sometimes so it doesn't begin jumping around recording social conversations.

Favorite things: first freeze of the season. The yards are covered in Mother Nature's frosting, lending a lovely, soft touch and compliment to the leaves rapidly departing from their lofty perches and moving to their winter home on the ground, or eventually as mulch.

It's time to treat myself - spend the day relaxing, cuddling up in warm throws or quilts, drinking hot chocolate or hot cider, and of course thinking about which rib-sticker stew to make today. Homemade bread would be a perfect accompaniment if I can muster up the energy.

Hot chocolate and warm chocolate chip cookies.

Book, one of my credit card has points that I can use as payment on Amazon, too. Just noticed it today! Pretty nice side benefit!

When I was a kid, I was fascinated with my mom's old Gregg shorthand books. Loved how they opened upwards. Loved all the squiggles and symbols. Tried to teach myself.....but not really....because I kept getting distracted by Shaun Cassidy, Charlie's Angels and such ;-)

Long into her life -- and long after shorthand had fallen out of favor -- mom would inject the occasional symbol into her to-do lists and such.

So pleased that this thread cracked open a long-dormant memory. Because I primarily rant and vent on this site, most folks probably think I had a lousy past with my mother. Not entirely true. As I was growing up, there were aspects of our family life that sucked sh*t. There were also good times. Including some preferences and traditions that I've carried into my adult life.

In fact, one day last year, I intended to start a thread titled "It Wasn't All Bad." And share some positive stories about my mom.....things I appreciate about her (that got lost in the fog of her decline and my stress). Came home from some errands that afternoon, and my landline had a string of missed calls/messages from the police, EMS and county coroner. You can guess the rest.

When I was a kid,one of my favorite things was being with my Dad.One of the best things we did was on Friday nights when Dad would take me to Git n Go and he'd buy me comic books and an Icee and $1.oo in penny candy and back then,it was a hundred pieces.Then go home,read the funnies and eat candy.I still enjoy my comic books today....and candy!

lucky, your post brought back memories of the neighborhood mom and pop market. Every Saturday I would go with my .50 cent weekly allowance for chores (around age 6-8). I would buy my favorite milk chocolate Hershey eggs. Back then they were single and wrapped in a football designed foil for .1 cent each. Good ole penny candy. Wax lips, etc!!!

Sharyn, I haven't even seen wax lips for decades! I remember the peanut shaped candy confections, and vaguely remember other wax treats. Your comments brought back some real memories as I envisioned where we used to live, the corner stores, and even recall when we walked over to the store to get bread or a wax treat from the smaller store across the street.

I also remember the gold wrapped chocolate coins; they were a real favorite at Christmas.

That seems like a century ago!

Yes GA!!! remember the coca-cola refrigerated chest with water?? We reached in the cold water pulling out an ice cold coke??? What did they cost....25 cents with a .5 cent depoist when you returned the bottle back when we recycling was was in its its infancy. Great memories!!!

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