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Midnight? EST?
Putting my kindle away, 9:15 p.m.PDT.
That was such a good idea, V.

Today is a watering allowed day in SoCal, my favorite thing.

Perseverance, how caregivers persevere is my favorite thing, especially when I want to run away.

Music. I love Music, and this may be the only thing that will get me through this week of 9/1/2016.
Not responsible if there is a B flat in there, never could read music, but used to play chopsticks by ear, Lol.

Just because I am good at balancing checkbook, paying bills, budgeting very little income doesn't mean that it doesn't cause me stress, and it gets harder. I am thankful it is not high finance.!! The pressure to give money to dH to repair his computer is real pressure. He will have to wait. I will have to say no. No. NO.
So, when bills are paid, that time is my favorite time.


May each day of the week be a good day....Andy Williams

The aroma of good food slow roasting in the oven as I relax a little as I get ready to craft a gift for my grandies. Boxes I am covering in batman and superman fabric, then I will fill these small boxes with little toys like matchbox cars etc!!! It will be such great fun to just put something together for the boys!!!

Thanks for the reminder-retrieving a top round slow cook candidate from the fridge, flour, browned, then slow cooked , add potatoes and carrots later for dinner will actually save me time!
Getting out the new supply of sub-lingual B-12 for my dH, taking some myself will also help. It will help me to help him too!
A yay! day if ever there was one.

The grandies are the best, sure that others will agree. Wouldn't want anyone to miss that all too brief time in a grand-parent's life. Blessings abound.

Little kids,Ages 3,4, and 5 are my favorites.They follow along like little "chickies" and offer so much unconditional love.

I have a plan. I will spend the rest of my days traveling. I've laid out how exactly I will do it. I have planned out all the logistics. I measure my progress on the plan every week. I dream and research every week. It is my lifeboat. It is my favorite thing to think about...dream about.

When my obligation here is done, I will hit the road and not just see North American...but travel and live in all the places that I have read about. I figure about 3-6 months in any one place would be a fair time to really know a place...then move on again. I even have the travel plan itself....but, it is constantly being updated to add more detail and places.

I am going to "do" it all. Or as much as I can before I kick the bucket.

I want to spend the rest of my days enjoying life without stresses. I want give and make things for both my children and just have pleasant time together. That does not mean constant time together because I respect their private time as such as I want I nh private time.

KatieKate, sounds like the best plan ever!!

Wish I had a river, that I could skate away on....(Joni Mitchell)
But a little slab of ice will do....

I'm sailing away set an open course for the virgin sea
I've got to be free free to face the life that's ahead of me
On board I'm the captain so climb aboard
We'll search for tomorrow on every shore
And I'll try oh Lord I'll try to carry on
I look to the sea reflections in the waves spark my memory
Some happy some sad
I think of childhood friends and the dreams we had
We live happily forever so the story goes
But somehow we missed out on that pot of gold
But we'll try best that we can to carry on
A gathering of angels appeared above my head
They sang to me this song of hope and this is what they said
They said come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail away with me
Come sail away come sail away
Come sail…

Away on a slab of ice.

"With all its sham, drudgery and broken dreams, it is still a beautiful world. Be cheerful. Strive to be happy.
Max Ehrmann, "Desiderata"

KatieKate....I will second ladybug's sentiments....and add, from firsthand experience, nothing is more wonderful than experiencing/getting to know another culture little avatar pic is me, Mom and lil sis from 8 years ago. We were visiting sis in Ireland (where she lives). Mom was 87 YO and hearty as h**l 😀....literally she was hiking w/us over hill and dale.
So.....don't just dream can do it....Power on!

Hi Mina! Recognize your Mom. BlackdogMina, right? Lost track, name changed?

Cwillie, Thanks for re-posting that from Desiderata! Did not see it until just now!
Tue. night, 11:00 p.m.

It is still a beautiful world!

Lord Make My Life a Miracle

These hands, just ordinary hands
Are called upon to meet life's extraordinary demands
These lips could speak the truth in love
But all would be in vain unless empowered from above
How could I ever hope to make a difference
Unless you work a wonder deep within?

Lord make my life, make my life a miracle
May your Spirit be the difference in me
I want to live supernaturally
Make my life a miracle, Lord, a miracle

This mind, teach it through your word
I need the mind of Christ in this world so distorted and blurred
These feet will run to win the prize
No stopping on the way for some enticing compromise
Jesus in me can make a world of difference
Jesus in me - the power of the Lord
continued online.

Yeah! That anger from fixing the shed with dH sure felt supernatural!

One Of my Favorite things is having lots of animals around me.I have my birds I feed and watch everyday,my 2 stray cats I feed,the neighbor's cat who likes our house better so he lives here and a tiny dog,plus the possoms and squirrels and raccoons.It makes me feel loved and they count on me.

So excited for you and your new doggy!
When hubs and I visited the dogs today, I was trying to explain how tiny your chuhuahua was. He said (just like in 101 Dalmations II) that they are so small you could have many more of the same dog underfoot, and this would be a good thing! Ha, ha, ha, lol, wouldn't 101 dogs be great? We wish.

Karaoke on a Friday night?
Hubs sent an e-mail, everyone can sing this popular song..but the words ere struck me...
Maybe there's a God above
But all I've ever learned from love
Was how to shoot somebody who outdrew ya
And it's not a cry that you hear at night
It's not somebody who's seen the light
It's a cold and it's a broken Hallelujah

Struck me silly.....

Send, my Mom asked me once to write out the words for that song for her but if you really listen it's not really religious. It has a good chorus though.

Ah, Gershun, a person with discernment! I have studied that song, and even though the author borrows from biblical stories, he is referencing, I think, the spirit with the small letter "s".

My favorite thing is looking forward to my favorite place...
There will be a place with no more suffering
There will be a day with no more tears, no more pain, and no more fears
There will be a day.....
Lyrics from a song by Jeremy Camp

I know a place ain't nobody worried, ain't nobody crying...

An old Staple Sisters song

hmm... make that Staple Singers.

Kinda takes you 1972
"I''ll Take You There" is the title.

Good morning JessieBelle, hope you have a good day today :)

You're still here too Send? I hope you had a nap somewhere in between posts!

It is chilly here this morning, I had to plug in a heater for mom (eye roll) ... why can't it just stay a nice 72 degrees? I'm off to push myself out the door for some fresh air... ta ta!

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