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Hey jingle any money is a win these days,, I agree with Send! And as I get older, a smaller place calls my name,,

One of my favorite things is a fresh,clean bed...

Oh yes!!

Yes, a fresh, clean bed when you have just had a good shower and put fresh, clean jammies on. Ahhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!

A clean bed,a shower,pj's,and a cat or dog to snuggle with.......Sooo good!

Another favorite thing....A box of old pictures....

Going outside, taking some new pictures of my summer garden, still green mostly, a surprise to me. With just some initial hard work, and regular hand trimming, routine schedule of hand watering, the yard is much less care and looking good this year. Was able to decrease water usage by adding lots of decorative rocks. It is okay.

My favorite thing is hearing about my friend walking her cat around the block, and choosing that to do for herself.

Favorite Movie Line - I want to believe the dead are not lost to us, that they speak to us, that they are part of something greater than us, greater than any alien force. If you and I are powerless now, I want to believe if we listen to them speak, they can give us the power to save ourselves. Mulder - Last Episode X-Files

It's Lawrence Welk night!

momdoesntknowme....That's an AWESOME line!And thanks for the reminder cwillie...I will put Lawrence Welk on and remember how much Mother Loved it and how we watched it Together every Saturday night...Good night,sleep tight and pleasant dreams to you!

Ahh, a nice hot latte in a little coffee shop, locally owned, with a nice breakfast sandwich or burrito! Gotta love those weekend mornings! :-)

Looking out my window at the wildlife that spends time in the backyard. Groundhogs with babies, squirrels with their young, birds of all kinds and, my favorite, the twin fawns with their Moms, watching the male deer develop their elaborate head gear in the fall is also a treat. We live in a city but have these creatures are here for our enjoyment. I am an animal lover anyway so this is very nice. I have way too many photos of these wonderful creatures. I spend quite a bit of time on the pc as I am scanning old photos to put on disk. I had a large screen TV put on the wall for Mom so she can watch while I work. Andy Griffith, Alfred Hitchcock, Mary Tyler Moore, etc. is playing the background.

A favorite thing from the past. I remember almost every Saturday Mom would give me and my 2 brothers a 50 cent piece to go to the movies, the theater was only 3 blocks away. It was always a double feature. That 50 cent piece got me into the movies, and a coke and a bag of popcorn! She wanted us out of the house but it cost her! ;)

1. A child's laughter.
2. Cheesecake.
3.A few hours to do whatever I want.

There are some christians reading and posting on here. To comfort them after the loss of a loved one (because they will understand), I am posting this from another person, not to offend others, not to convert or proselytize, but to encourage those who have been forced to private message due to their beliefs, which may be different than others, I get that.
Author Anonymous:
about 3:00 a.m., I put on the TV and this wonderful program was on and the man was talking about Grief,of all things.It was SO good and I finally got a little answer to one of my big questions....Why are good people taken?...And he said,in the book of Isaiah 57:1-2 ...Good people are taken away,but no one understands.Those who do right are being taken away from evil and are given peace.Those who live as god wants find rest in death.....and he said in Psalm 139:18...All the days you planned for me were written in a book before I was one day old....I mean 139:16 I think and he said that we may be sad down here but they are not sad,they are very happy praising God,they marvel at Heaven...Theyv'e moved on to a better place and some day we will too.Anyway,this man was great and I can't believe I caught it in the middle of the night.It was called "Traveling Light" with Max Lucado.I always love to read Psalm 23.That is so comforting.

Send I don;t think anyone could not appreciate that ! Everyone should want to think their loved ones are in a better place. Thank you

Mom, I also remember my Aunt giving us all money to go to the movies on a Sat.. and the double feature! Then maybe extra for a milkshake if we were frugal! I also remember the newsreels.. Gosh I am OLD!!!

The very best sort of dream (if you're a dog) is one where you're snuffling through the undergrowth and you catch a faint scent of a delicious pizza, and as you run up the hill, all four paws twitching busily, you see a person standing there waving a tiny slice of it and calling your name faintly, and as you get to the top of the hill with your nose on full alert and your paws going nineteen to the dozen... you wake up... and it's TRUE!!!

(Very very small slice of pizza, to reassure those concerned about dog welfare).

CM, that's funny! My little Charlie-girl must have been dreaming last night too, as she was making these little humming sounds in her sleep, id reach over to pet her, and she'd kick me away as if to say LEAVE ME ALONE, I'M HAVING A NICE DREAM HERE! LOL! I feel the same way, when someone wakes me up in the middle of my fantasy dream with Sean Connery back when he was about 40, yumm Yumm!

Stacey, I too remember those Sean Connery movies. Remember Paul Newman? Sighhhhhhh.

Lee Marvin for me.

Oh Ya! He's a dish too! And my other Favorite, Robert Redford! OohLaaLaa, I'm headed in for a Nap Right Now! Lol! Do Not Disturb! Lol!

Oh, and another thing! My Lucky Number is 341, and I noticed CM, that your post was 341. This is the house number of my parents and our family home, where we grew up. It comes up all the time, and of course it is insignificant to everybody but me, but I'll look at the clock, and its 3:41, on the back of a bus 341, even in the Casino, I'll win 341, might be pennies or dollars☺, but it happens all the time for me, just thought you would want to know! You must be my Lucky Friend!😉

Stacey, Someone must have pulled a switcheroo on post order, because now GardenArtist is #1341, Lol.

Countrymouse, dog dreams-wish I was a dog dreaming of pizza. How do you imagine what a dog is dreaming, sounding so real! Beautifully done.

GardenArtist, Been on a great photo tour of Yosemite at a backpacking site!
That was enough to get the tent dreaming out of the shed, if we can do that, maybe we will go! In the crisp fall season, soon, only 4 hrs, 26 minutes from home. Hoping it is not unrealistic to go camping if I can only walk less than 1 hour. Maybe we could hire a guide that would put up a tent.? 007.

Send, I've noticed for some time that someone is rearranging the order of the posts.

And absolutely, go to Yosemite! If you're not able to do a lot of walking, just try to see what you can and enjoy the beauty of the area.

I don't know if there are guides, but I'm guessing there are a lot of facilities and accommodations for a variety of people. You might call the park office and see what's available. Or let me know and I'll post for you to see what's available.

There may be some local trails or parks that are closer that could be starter destinations.

Are you getting hooked yet?

Yes, perused the southern entrance for a view of half dome, and like the idea of a floating tour-as long as its not a kayak, taking my own photos would be fun.

What to do if hubs takes off, do I get to leave him in the wilderness, or must I wait?
He would be having fun and be okay, but I would be the basket case asking the rangers to find him. It has happened before-but now there is GPS?

I wil google disabled access, thanks GA.

Rearranging my furniture to the tune of harvest crusade rock concert tonight my hubs is listening to. Visualize this: Satanic music trying to convert to christianity, seems to be working anyway, o dear.
What's with that? " Aye, aye, feel like a monster" heavy metal by Skillet.
me scared now, everybody say amen he says.

Skillet sounds weird.Nothing Like it I have ever heard.

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