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Oh-oh. What have I missed, Send?

It probably wasn't Vladimir Putin's version of Blueberry Hill, but that would certainly be one example of a good song not so much ruined as just made really alarming.

The other that I can't quite forgive Mike Myers for is Dr Evil and Mini Me's duet to 'Just The Two of Us.' It will never be the same.

But, so, who's using what for which campaign?

We are the champions, by queen.
I was interested to hear something about the Queen of England, so I clicked on the rnc in error, there was the song being played, trending now. Please protect your loved ones and dementia patients from the news-they might think it is all real!

Where is Gershun with her kitty-cat avatar, protecting Canada from all bad things?

Cooking two chicken breasts in tiny toaster-oven for later.
Then, we are having chocolate ice cream. Really hot day, heatwave.
Staying cool @95 ° only. Putting on the exit fan, even the tiny countertop oven is making heat.

:O !!!

I am just picturing the strategist responsible running the original video past the official candidate and trying to explain Freddy Mercury to him.

For a follow up, perhaps they should use "I want to break free"?

So many favorites, lol!

P.S. I get it.

Hey Send! You asked and I answered. Kitty is guarding the fort. I was going to say locked and loaded but considering the times we are a living in............? Not such a good idea.

He looks fierce with an unloaded rifle. :)

We are all going to need a lot more kitties, lol.

This thanks goes out to all the loving, brave souls who continue to strive, after losing a loved one after years of caregiving, and are still a part of the caring going on here.
Love, from Send

Hubs and I just got back from 3 days at the river house,,, and I love West Virginia! It is such a beautiful and green state.. We also love New Hampshire.. the lakes region. Water everywhere in both states ( we love rivers and lakes). Where does everyone elso love to visit or dream of visiting? We just got back from Scotland,, a dream trip there too as it is water water everywhere!

I would love to visit Scotland, as many of my ancestors are from there. But my dream trip is to Venice, and then Egypt. Perhaps a river cruise.

My ex is a complete knobhead. A tallywhacking jerk face knobhead. (I'm plagiarizing from monkeygirl. At least I admit it, not like another woman who spoke for her bloviating bigoted knobhead of a husband.)

The above two paras have nothing to do with each other, except that b/c I got rid of the knobhead, I now can go where I want.


Favorite thing - discovering new chocolate. Local grocery store periodically has sales on Lindt chocolate bars. A new one is a dark chocolate bar with pineapple. There's just the hint of pineapple, lending a nice, fresh, subtle taste to the dark chocolate.

This one's a keeper. I need to get back to the store and stock up!

GA - I was at WalMart the other day, getting groceries, and noticed they had a bunch of stuff on clearance. One of the items was Eight-O-Clock Coffee CHOCOLATES. Not kidding. Little squares of coffee-infused chocolate. I picked up a plain and a hazelnut - they are incredible! Who knew?!

My favorite today is visiting the pets, sitting in an A/C house, watching a real t.v. with the current news on a big acreen. Will be taking my Lindt with me-hope I find the pineapple chocolate!

P o e m:
Do not stand at my grave and weep. I am not there, I do not sleep. I am a thousand winds that blow. I am the diamond glints on snow. I am the sunlight on the ripened grain. I am the gentle autumn rain. When you awaken in the morning hush, I am the swift, uplifting rush of quiet birds in circled flight. I am the soft stars that shine at night. Do not stand at my grave and cry; I am not there, I did not die. -Mary Frye


OK, you had me googling sno-caps, I had never heard of them.
But now I want chocolate, dang it!!!

Thank you ,send...

Luckylu, You are very welcome!

cwillie.....Have you ever heard of a candy called "BottleCaps"? They are little circles of Pure sugar and I just LOVE them!

A little while ago I tried to get my mother talking by asking her about her favorite candy when she was little. She said they were too poor to buy candy and couldn't remember having any. I, on the other hand, went on a trip down memory lane. Bottle Caps are similar to Sweet tarts I think, I was obsessed with them as a tween. Others I remember are sponge toffee and Macintosh toffee, pixie sticks (remember when the straws were paper?), popeye candy cigarettes (these were popular because we could pretend to smoke them, as I recall they didn't taste like much), black licorice pipes and black licorice nibs, and smarties (these are like m&ms). Oh, and black balls jawbreakers because you could spit them out and see the colours change!

When I was real little I used to like Gold-Rush gum because it came in a little bag and I also liked those wax bottles

cwillie....I could only have candy cigarettes once a year at my cousins house when we went to visit.My Mother wouldn't allow me to have them.Candy is one of my biggest downfalls/pleasures and I know I eat too much.

I love smarties!!

Hi Everyone! I just wanted to tell you all that I love the comments about Snow Caps, Bottle Caps, etc. I takes me down "memory lane". Thanks all for sharing!

luckylu: I do remember penny candy and Zotz. One of my all-time favorites were Pixie Stix! Talk about pure (flavored) sugar! I also used to love the Bazooka Bubble Gum with the comics inside. I'm not sure if you're aware, but there is a place called Yummie's (you can Google it and order on-line). They have just about every kind of candy you can imagine (even the ones we used to get - it's a trip down memory lane just viewing all the "stuff". Hope you get a chance to look at it. They may even still have "Bottle-Caps".

My favourite thing? In addition to Coffee Crisp chocolate bars (can't get them in the U.S.) ... I sold my condo two days ago! Sold at a loss, but still profited $CAD35,000 (which is equal to abt $US31), but none the less ... never thought it would sell, as the condo market in Ottawa is really "soft".

So yay! Huzzah!!

Yes, I mean $US31 ... (in the absence of an edit button, which I'm sure the AC programmers are working their wee fingers off programming), I mean $31 ONLY...

Jingle, hear that change jingling in your pocket? These days, in this economy, we never know if we can sell at all, or lose our homes entirely and be in debt.
It was very brave to proceed and not wait for something worse to happen.
So, good for you for paying off a mortgage! That was a job well done!

Will you have a place to live comfortably?

Send: I didn't exactly pay off a mortgage, but I did sell a condo that I couldn't afford anyway. So now I can pay my taxes ($15,000) and my CCs and buy a few things, and still keep my little place near Lake Huron.

And re-retain my lawyer, as my ex is still being beastly and petty and unpleasant. Oh well, one step at a time.

Thank you for saying I'm brave. Sometimes I don't feel it at all.

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