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Jingle, how does a can help with balance, is it full of beans?

No, it's full of vit D.

Cane, you noodle.

You are correct, Jinglebts, the signals from your brain are not getting to your feet/legs correctly. There are degenerative changes in my spine that cause my legs to miss signals, and, plop, or flying now, I have fallen. Using a cane made it worse, concentrating on where the cane goes. Use the cane like a baton or above the head exercise instead. Rest enough when you get weak.
My balance has improved, but if balance issues arise, I continue or re-commit to the following: 1) Always look in the direction you are heading; 2) Accept your limitations if you have fallen before and concentrate on a slower, steady pace;
3) I had to discontinue gerd rx (prilosec) because it caused trouble, including dizzyness; Vit. D3 had tested low, Dr. advised this and no known side effects!
Magnesium supplement @1000 mg. helped nerve and muscle conduction and stops leg cramps.
There is no clinical proof that a slap upside the head will help, but willing to try it, lol.
Things are not returned to perfect, and mild exercise, physical therapy effort, and being more careful keeps me going. Juiced organic celery 8 oz. in a.m. before food helped with g.e.r.d. for awhile.
Do you have fibromyalgia?

Oh well, I confess, going after a hot dog in a hurry, I would have fallen or tripped too! BTW, Love hot dogs, but the nitrites alone in those things can re-arrange your brain, and balance, imo. Try kosher knockworst. Or stop falling for hot dogs, if you will.

No, I don't have FM. I've had two strokes: one not so bad, in the late '90s. My mum was dying then and I didn't see the point in telling her -- I said that I had a pinched nerve in my shoulder.

In 2012 I had a second one, went to rehab, and everything was coming along quite smoothly until I broke my hip in the spring. The right one -- the strokes have affected my right side.

Then I could NOT get the strength back in my right leg and my balance worsened. And I had to leave my husband, so everything went a bit pear-shaped at that point. Now I'm recovering, sort of. I'm at my place by Lake Huron.

Do you think I can get kosher knockwurst in Wasaga Beach?? And I'm certain that I can get organic celery at Walmart -- snort. Going to Toronto tho' tomorrow, so I'll try there.

Did you have one of those four-pronged canes, or a single one? Mine has four prongs. I think it helps more than it hurts. I'll try physio again too -- that might help. I just got some private benefits coverage (I worked for Nortel Networks, it went bankrupt, I lost my benefits and $350,000 worth of life insurance -- the story in a nutshell). I'll use that for my physio.

It's been so good talking to you, Send. Adios, for now.

Adios, Amigos. Sounds like you need the four-pronged can.
Love, from Send.

He brew nati on Al are the hot ogs I get at al ma art. They used to sell knockwurst there at wallyworld too.

Send hun? Can you do that last one in English please for a dumb Brit?

Does it say Hebrew National are the hot dogs you get at Walmart? And what is wallyworld

Wallyworld - euphimism for WalMart.

What I got from that post was Hebrew National hot dogs at WalMart.

You can't get hebrew national hot dogs in Canada, in fact in my opinion you can't get any decent tasting hot dog brands at all in the grocery stores. Every time I buy hot dogs I am terribly disappointed after I take the first bite, they just aren't as good as I remembered. That probably explains why hot dogs are mostly covered in ketchup and given to the kids and adults gravitate to burgers and sausages.

We can get German frankfurters here which are more like the hot dogs I remember but I know they aren't kosher

Phoenix, have you see what the queen was wearing today? I know she likes to stand out but you really have to be 90 years old and royal to get away with a neon green outfit! (She looked fabulous in it too, as always)

cwillie I think the Queen has multiple outfits made up in all colors of the rainbow and as you said always looks gorgeous. I did notice she held the railing to walk down the steps of the Abbey. i have never seen her do that before but at 90 she is entitled.

Phoenix we can't get British bangers here. probably wouldn't like them these days anyway.

Send there is no shame in using rolator and you have somewhere to sit and rest. I find a cane just another impedance. If I can't get a handicapped parking space I park by a cart return and walk in with that. Forget the electric carts, unless you go in the middle of the night they are just a hazard. Getting used to my new normal, reluctantly.

We can get British Bangers at our local Butcher shop, and they are quite good too! Great for Bangers and Mash, when I'm missing my Mom's cooking so much I could cry! My Parents were from Wales, UK, and she was an amazing cook! My sons yearly birthday meal request is still Nana's Roats beef dinner, with Yorkshire Pudding, plus Rice Pudding for desert! Lol! Kids never forget their Grannies cooking! Plus, she used to give my kids vanilla ice cream with a tablespoon of Bailey's Liqueur on top!!! Mother!!! Good as Gold, she was!!!

They have had a shooting in Florida that killed 50, injured 53, this morning. It reminds. I won't repeat anything until the news update, because you never know if the first facts are true. May God have mercy on all of us.

Phoenix, My effort to comply with AC rules was Not to say Walmart, Not to say Hebrew National, and 'Wallyworld' is just another nickname for Walmart.
Everyone said it anyway, however, consistent with my entire life, my post will be
- t h e. o n l y. o n e s. d e l e t e d . Lol, La l la la la la!

Veronica, There is always hope in getting used to a new normal. My wheelchair was on the front porch for almost two years, rarely using it except as an assist in walking, and when I could go no further, I sat in it and was wheelchaired home.
I never wanted a rollator-looked like something lightweight that would just help me fall easier, so I used the wheelchair handles. After cleaning our yard and porch, and clearing out the shed, my wheelchair now sits in the shed. There may come a time when I have to occasionally use it-especially if I continue to stupidly over-exert doing yard work helping hubby-the wrong kind of exercise! I hope that I never have to rely on it again, but one never knows with fibromyalgia and lower spine radiculopathy. Still have my eye set on some physical therapy, but my butt doesn't agree with my eyes. There is hope, imo.
Do you think, dear nurse, that taking more pain medication and then walking, pushing oneself is a good idea in the short-term? (for me?).
I hope in your case the conditions of new normal are not permanent, V.

Chari, this morning news from Santa Monica, CA prior to a parade in West Hollywood there was a man in full riot gear, assault weapons and explosives, etc. at about 10:00 a.m. Sunday, about one hour's distance from here. Do not have access to the late-breaking reports, and am also reminded that is something to take care of right away-be emergency ready with accurate, timely news, easier access and not to rely on tech husband for this.

My favorite thing would be when all the threats and violence are over. I do have a scanner just now reporting protesters, the sherriff have a presence. Prayers for everyone's safety. No more terrorism or hate crimes, anywhere in the world.

I know the news can be a worry, but I regret reporting the news here on AC, which is more about caregiving. Hopefully, people will feel free to say what is on their minds always, and I appreciate that admin allows for freedoms of speech, but recommends staying on topics of caregiving.

Will be asking my hubby today to assist with advice for me to have immediate access to the news when he is not at home. Or, I can take care of this still on my own!
Love to caregivers and their families everywhere!

Well we have had a week of it haven't we? The queen in her neon green god alone knows what possessed her to wear that colour but as said she gets away with it. Then all the trouble in USA with violence and hatred and again in France with the Brits and Russians engaging in violence through racism and alcohol.

It saddens me to see communities damaged by these outrageous acts, it saddens me more to see politicians trying to get an edge both here and in USA from the outpourings of evil FROM A MINORITY GROUPING. Let us ALL try to remember that it is the few as always that damage lives for the rest of us. let us ALL try not to HATE a whole subsection of our communities through the acts of the few intent on creating chaos.

That said stay vigilant people xxxx

On a lighter note.. as to favorite things.. Am I the only one HOOKED on Jeremy Wade and River Monsters? Yes pun intended..LOL I can watch this all day long. I need a job where they send me all over the world to fish and investigate mysteries.. Along water and beautiful scenery... and did I mention PAY me??

Sorry Pamzi, Could not click "like this" to acknowledge your post.
But who is Jeremy Wade and the Monsters?

River Monsters is a show on Animal Planet.. he looks into "monster stories" that are/may be some sort of unknown/local fish.. or monsters...that have harmed or taken people. They are always fish,, but the stories are so good! And these are fish you never WANT to see in your pond or river! He did one on Loch Ness.. he looks into history too. ( Check your messages gal.. I sent you a private one!)

See you got it!!

I LOVE Walking Dead. So there.

Rembering Jacquie Lawson cards, GardenArtist! Used to love them, but my friends, not so much. They said it interferred with their computers, then stopped opening them at Christmas. I remember one where the choir boy was late as they slammed shut the church door, he belted out the song, alone, on the stairs. Animated cards were so wonderful.

Send, I love Jacquie Lawson cards. Last on from auntie dearest at xmas about three years ago. It did mess up my computer, froze it. Auntie asked why I had not picked it up. Whether she believed it messed up my computer will never know.

What I liked is that if you were worried about an elderly family member, your Jacquie Lawson account would let you see if they picked up the card.
Except, I warned them that others could see when they got the card (to protect their privacy rights) and that was the end of that!
I did love her works of art and interesting stories.

Strawberry shortcake, yum!

Strawberry Shortcake with whipped cream, home made! Don't forget the Lactaid.

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