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SusanA43 - I love that show as well, used to watch with mom years ago. I especially liked the fact that they had a hard time not to laugh during the taping. It seemed like they adlibbed and had a great time with the show. I never knew that the ear tug was a signal to her mom. Thanks for sharing!

Sendme....I love "From A Distance" by Bette Middler.Such a beautiful song and when I lost my Dad,'the Wind Beneath My Wings" was the song I listened to over and over.Right now,there is a song out that says"I'll tell you all about it when I see you again" that I love but another song Iv'e always loved is the one at the end of The Lawrence Welk Show,The Goodnight song...I don't know all the words but I like 'from now till we meet again' and "It's always sweet sorrow to part,but you'll always remain in my heart"...something like that.Today I think I should listen to"Here Comes The Sun" by the Beatles.....

May Each Day
Andy Williams

May each day of the week be a good day,
May the Lord always watch over you,
And may all of your hopes turn to wishes,
And may all of your wishes come true.
May each day of the month be a good day,
May you make friends with each one you meet,
And may all of your day dreams be mem'ries,
And may all of your mem'ries be sweet.
The weeks turn to months, and the months into years,
There'll be sadness and joy, there'll be laughter and tears.
But one thing I pray to the Heavens above:
May each of your days be a day full of love.
May each day in the year be a good day,
May each dawn find you happy and gay,
And may all of your days be as lovely
As the one you share with me today.
May each day in your life be a good day,
And good night.

CentralMass - you should watch some of the reunion shows where they explain how all that happened. There were 2 shows done in the same night - both the same show, just one live and one recorded. They would do the first one flawlessly, and then on the 2nd one, Tim Conway would just destroy Harvey Korman by ad-libbing or really hamming it up - and poor Harvey would lose it every single time.

SusanA43: Thanks! I'll have to look for it in our TV guide. I think Harvey Korman, Tim Conway, Carol Burnette were so funny, down to earth and made a great team. Even the other actress, I think it was Vicki Lawrence, who came in later, and played (I'm not sure -- Mamma?), was a great addition. I like the TV Land channel and watch a lot of the older shows (including All In The Family); they're so much better than some of the stuff on the air now. They didn't need much in the special effects area, or background either -- they WERE the show! I like discussing these things on here because there aren't too many people around the office or at home that like the same things, so it's hard to talk about them. This is sort of like a book club -- you can find people who know what you're talking about! Thanks again.

A good thing about not having a lot is that little things mean a lot. Don't laugh. I got a new faucet and PVC pipes for my bathroom sink. I feel so rich with big happy.

Oh, I need to relate it to a show. How about Robin Williams in Fisher King? That's what being happy with a little is like... until the Red Knight comes to steal all the joy. Eek.

JessieBelle: I don't remember Fisher King, but I liked what you said about the new faucet and PVC pipes! I thought I was the only one who got excited about things being fixed around the house. For me, it was one time when we got the washing machine fixed after it flooded part of the basement! It was a fairly new machine and found out that behind the back panel, the hose was broken. Oh, I also got a new rake in the fall so I could rake the leaves. It seems like the little things in life make us happiest!

After almost a year with no oven,Somehow we got a grant through Hospice and we were able to get a new oven.I was and still am Very grateful.

Central I think there is almost nothing on these days that the whole family can watch together. I shudder to think what we will watch as a family if I ever have grandchildren.. old disney movies? Oh yes,, lets watch the programing on evening tv with sex/violence. Not that I don;t like some of those shows.. but it gets awkward with the parents.. much less with children!

pam, when my granddaughter was little, I bought a bunch of old Disney movies on VHS for cheap. As she's gotten older, we use Netflix. I was surprised that not only did they have Sherman and Mr. Peabody cartoons, but she knows who they are.

I still have all the old Mary Kate and Ashley videos and a VHS player. Disney too.. But I still wish there was something on regular TV. Sometimes I think all this violence on TV is part of the problem in the world today ( just my old lady rant)

You sound like our parents when they said all those drugs in music and on TV would turn us all into potheads, why next thing they'll be wanting to make that mary jane legal! No, wait... uh, ...

Thank you for that reminder of Robin Williams and one of my favorite movies,
The Fisherking.
On the way to becoming real, like The Velveteen Rabbit and Pinocchio, The story of "The Fisherking" in the movie is many layered. I am reminded of the Red Horse in Revelation that comes to take away the peace of the world.

In a blog, I found this (but do not have the exact reference):
"We as humans, though, search for meaning. We seek to transform our suffering into something better, something stronger, just as coal is tortured into being diamond. Through recognizing their fallible humanness, through identification with another, through suffering, through laying down their lives for someone else, through an acceptance of God’s divine grace, Jack and Parry are both transformed. "
(Jack and Parry, the characters portrayed in the movie-Parry being played by Robin Williams). Robin Williams was in real life, a man who suffered from his own demons, had a fine mind, used drugs and pot for a long time, his life ending in suicide.

"The sadness will last forever" said another great artist, Vincent Van Gough.

Another of my favorite songs: Starry Starry Night sung by Don McLean, can be found on youtube.
"They're not listening, they're not listening still, perhaps they never will"

Drugs, pot, and suicide are just not the answer to anything, imo.

Van Gogh and the song about him always touch my heart. Van Gogh was a man of God, but tormented by mental demons. His work is like he saw too much too clearly and had to turn the brightness and volume down to try to keep hold.

I love the movie Fisher King. I always thought it was Perry. Now I know better. Each time I watched it -- I had the VHS for years -- I would notice a new theme. It wasn't until the last time I watched that I really understood "Forgive me." Our tongues can indeed be vicious weapons that can destroy our own lives, as well as others.

But let me not say to much lest I spoil it for anyone who hasn't seen it. Fisher King is definitely worth viewing for people who like to think beyond the most superficial level.

Sendme2help and JessieBelle, I'm so smiles right now. One of my favorite things is museums. I have a 60 -90 minute window once a week and I went to see Van Gogh's Bedrooms exhabit twice before it left. I dont remember ever seeing Fisher King but now its on my list.
In my old life I had the freedom to come whenever. But now I take some plesure in planing how to spend my free time.

Is Fisher King a movie with Beau Bridges?


M88, Not Beau Bridges. The Fisher King is a 1991 movie with Robin Williams and Jeff Bridges, but you would not want your Mom to see it. You can google the story line.
The movie has some violent scenes depicting a tragedy in the mind of a homeless man tortured by the images he replays in his mind. It actually was kind of scary.

Send? You'd be surprised what elders enjoy - I asked my originally German great aunt what she was doing for her birthday, and she said some friends had got tickets for an Ibsen play. "Oh! - Ibsen's so gloomy!" I said. "I *like* gloomy," she said (you have to do the irremediable Prussian accent, still there after sixty years in England).

On the other hand... I agree you need to take care with recommendations... my SIL's husband was hunting out a treat for his (unbelievable) mother, and I'd seen a review in the paper about a play that sounded promising. Until I heard myself reading aloud to him over the phone, as the review carried on: "... a turning point in his relationship with his overbearing, domineering and narcissistic mother which changes their lives forever." I said oh well, perhaps she would think it was actually about a sullen, ungrateful child being sharper than a serpent's tooth towards his saintly mother. I think they went out to dinner in the end.

pamzimmrrt: I totally agree. Makes one wonder how we ever got along with one TV, a few channels, and you actually had to get up from the chair/couch to change the channel! The shows back then were family friendly, and you only could watch the news at 6:00 or 11:00! Thanks for sharing.

Yes, being careful with recommendations is something to be aware of. Entertaining another's psychotic delusions can be harmful, or so I was taught in nursing college. Ill persons may enjoy shows, but may also believe it to be true.

Does anyone remember discussions about a year ago, when jokingly, we entertained silly ideas about placing our remains in a freezer to save burial expenses? Well, in the news-a woman was arrested for doing just that! Google: Woman sells freezer with dead mother inside, North Carolina.
Re-thinking what being careful means.


Cwillie, Did you get your empathy potato chips?

Today, my favorite thing is that the second set of car keys-has been found!
A burden was lifted-trying to prevent my thoughts from wandering to what the worst could be if the keys were found, by the wrong person, say, dropped in the driveway! Losing my keys-very new to me.

DON'T google the story line. It is a major spoiler! It will tell you the whole story, rather than let you discover it along the way. If I had known the story before I watched it the first time, it would have ruined it the last part of it totally.

Mmmm, Lays classic. Thanks Send! I think they should include that as a hug along with the cookies.
Today we are having bowel problems in the other direction (thank god?) and I have decided to opt for a cocktail instead of potato chips.

Potatoe chips.. my downfall!! We are from a small town in Pa, and they make a brand called hartlys.. OMG!! My relatives bring us a case or two when they come down... not good for my waist but great for my soul!!

Reading an old post from 2013, the advice was Vit D3 for solving irregular poop issues and balance issues!

Send: Vit D3 is good for balance issues? I have to walk with a can b/c my balance is so bad, and last week I even fell over in a parking lot outside Canadian Tire b/c I was getting a hot dog and trying to get up to the curb (I didn't use my cane -- duh) ... but whatever, I think my brain doesn't work right when going up, and esp. down, stairs.

So I'm going to take D3 for my balance issues. I'll thump you upside the head if it doesn't work ;=)

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