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Yeah, And I should know better than to mess with an Irish blessing-it was shortly after that the wind whipped up, the electricty blew....

Hit by a car, not card...........LOL

It's okay, Gershun, some people can be hit by a car, a card, or a feather and the effect would be the same. We knew what you meant. Lol.

Was the card a birthday greeting?

or, was the car in Ireland also?

Right now one of my favorite things is sitting in Mom's room and watching tv with her.we enjoy Blue Bloods, Big Bang Theory, Chicago Med, Chicago Fire and Chicago P.D. For Mother's Day I got her a collection of Carol Burnett Show on DVD, so that will be another way to enjoy time together.

The Carol Burnett Show collection on DVD is non-stop laughing and I find it more enjoyable now than when we watched the original shows. Definitely a must have!


Beatles- OBADI OBADA, la la how ife goes on.....

Thanks Glad, for the millenials song.

Ever hear of SIBLING RIVALRY??

What about STIGMA against the mentally ill?

My Mum had a very elderly friend visit yesterday - now it is always amusing to listen in to two people's conversation (made even more amusing by their inability to hold the line of conversation)

Mums friend is really very hard of hearing, Mum has dementia and her speech is quite soft now (unfortunately that doe not follow through to her harsh comments but hey ho)

So overheard conversation
Started with Mum saying

Its about time you sold that house and got a flat - you can't manage it now

I don’t want to move from my house …go on say something

Well the Queen doesn’t use a stick yet

She pretty though lovely skin

Yes but she’s had the best of it all her life

Well not all her life she’s a commoner

Is she but Charles wife isn’t is she

Who Kate oh she’s lovely

And their baby is cute

Which one


And as for Eileen well she has had a stroke

Well she wont be on duty much now then - who’s Eileen

Now when I had taken said friend home Mum said to me I like having Freda here (friend is not called Freda!) She and I have so much in common and she understands me. Its a shame she doesn't live nearer - perhaps she could live with us!

Oh and perhaps I could kill myself now!!!!!! I did say I thought caring for one person was enough to which I got the reply that I was selfish. Well I don't care .......I am a selfish caregiver!

Maybe it all made perfect sense and it is really just you losing your hearing? lol
BTW they are right, the queen 'is' remarkable for her age, isn't she?

So funny-maybe the friend, whatever her name is, would bring along her own caregiver, live next door?
Are you recording the conversations for your caregiving book?

Cwillie, Should I be worried? The conversation made perfect sense to me.
Who is Eileen, inquiring minds want to know!!! I hope she recovers from her stroke.

Still, Dame Eileen, who dreamt up the idea for the original series of Upstairs, Downstairs with her friend Jean Marsh, says: “When I first heard that they were reviving it, I thought, 'well, that’s my pension sorted out.’”
It was not Dame Eileen who had the stroke, it was her friend, Jean Marsh, at age 78, who had the stroke.
Long time ago.

Eileen is my Mums friend so all is sort of there just very jumbled up. I feel more and more often these days as thoughI have one of those kids' puzzles 6 children 6 kites but the strings all jumbled up and you have to find out which kid has which kite! In Mums world they all have the same kite I am sure

I feel for you, Phoenix. Maybe it's not all the same kite, but multiple kites with one string? Who knows - just when you think you understand it, you find out you really don't at all...

I'm only 54 and I don't make much sense a lot of the time too. :(

Gershun, You are still very young. You make so much sense-a very astute Canadian who knows what trouble we will all be in the U.S. if we don't wake up and get a viable candidate for the highest office in the land. Worried, I thought I should ask my Canadian friends for ideas.

I wish I had an answer for you Send. I don't know enough about politics to even speculate a solution for the problem that is Donald Trump.

I'm 54 as well.


Tell your heartxto beat again

"Tell Your Heart To Beat Again"

You're shattered
Like you've never been before
The life you knew
In a thousand pieces on the floor
And words fall short in times like these
When this world drives you to your knees
You think you're never gonna get back
To the you that used to be

Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
Step into the light of grace
Yesterday's a closing door
You don't live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you've been
And tell your heart to beat again

Just let that word wash over you
It's alright now
Love's healing hands have pulled you through
So get back up, take step one
Leave the darkness, feel the sun
Cause your story's far from over
And your journey's just begun

Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
Step into the light of grace
Yesterday's a closing door
You don't live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you've been
And tell your heart to beat again

Let every heartbreak
And every scar
Be a picture that reminds you
Who has carried you this far
'Cause love sees farther than you ever could
In this moment heaven's working
Everything for your good

Tell your heart to beat again
Close your eyes and breathe it in
Let the shadows fall away
Step into the light of grace
Yesterday's a closing door
You don't live there anymore
Say goodbye to where you've been
And tell your heart to beat again
Your heart to beat again
Beat again

Oh, so tell your heart to beat again

Gershun and all: I don't know a lot about politics either, but I've heard a lot of people say that they're going to Canada if Trump gets in. One girl that works across the hall from me said she will go back to Africa. I guess the pickings are pretty slim, and this is probably the one of the hardest times people have had in choosing someone for president. It's a little "scary" to me. Thank you Gershun and all for sharing your thoughts, input, advice and stories.

Well at least in the USA the president's term in office is limited, here in Canada they can stay on forever (at least it sometimes seems that way).

Sendme, I looked up that song yesterday, very nice :)

Yes we have Justin Trudeau.............don't know what he has done yet except look cute and promise to legalize marijuana. But I'd still rather have him than old comb over Donald.

He would be more believable if he spent a bit of time and money to go to the best aesthetician in THE PLANET and get a decent and proper haircut, dye, and new style.
It is his hair, but it looks RIDICULOUS.
Having the best of the best, he must change the birds nest he
has on top of his head! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Uuuggghhhhh! M88

I wonder where he gets that particular shade of yellow for his hair. ??????? :p

It's utterly ugly and long and messy.
Who would respect a character that cannot even comb his hair?
What about matters of State and World Affairs?


I wouldn't mind his hair so much if he at least had a nice personality or knew what the h*ll he was talking about. You figure with all that money he would groom himself a little better though.

I guess I'm in the minority, but I think if Trump is elected he will surprise us all and be a good president. They said a lot of bad things about Reagan. The most important thing is he loves the US. nuff said

Trump himself has said a lot of his more outrageous comments are just an attempt to spark debate, not a blueprint of his intentions. I think the people that vote for him based on what he says will be very surprised if he wins as he has no intention of following through with most of it. In my opinion this is not a good strategy as it inflames and reinforces the radical fringe and will ultimately increase their distrust of all politicians.

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