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Goodnight Gershun!
Everyone stay safe.

Sunday brunch is going to be italian sausage, vermicelli, romaine salad!
It is a beautiful, slightly windy day here in So. California.
Then, because I really want to, we will go see the dogs at the animal control shelter. Dh will forego his Sunday nap from 2 p.m. to 5 p.m. because this will be good for him.

Forgo Sunday nap?! Never!

How many doggies will you come home with Send?

In protest, I thought I would steal the whole lot of them, bring em home, cause trouble in the hood with barking, call the pound to come and rescue them because the new rules by the new managers are that you have to leave the area to walk your dogs and cannot walk them on the street here.

But I would never do that to doggies, it was stressful enuff the first time in the pound truck when as strays, they were first picked up.

Dh took a nap anyway.......

One interesting tidbit....
Cesar Milan, the Dog Whisperer has a facility near here, have run into him a few times as he goes to the park with his dogs.

Send: The dog whisperer -- love that program -- he makes it look SO easy! Have you read "What the Dog Saw" by Malcolm Gladwell? It's a collection of his essays, including those printed in The New Yorker, and one is about Cesar Milan. Gladwell interviewed specialists in movement for "What the Dog Saw" and it was very interesting. It seems that Milan exudes authority by his very body language and that's why he's so good with dogs. It a type of innate physical genius that very few ppl have -- Wayne Gretzky and Baryshnikov have it, Nureyev had it. You could do a search on "What ... Saw" and read it -- it's downloadable as a .pdf document.

Thanks for mentioning it!

Baryshnikov and Nureyev have a type of genius, for sure - their dancing is legendary. My breath is always taken away when I see them in the solo portions of ballets.

But they also have that Russian training, which is so rigorous.

Dogs or ballet - they're extraordinary men.

Jinglebts and GardenArtist,
Thank you! Maybe Cesar is just part dog?

I have a secret crush on Cesar..........

Yup, tis me, la mulata88

Is he as good looking in person as he is on TV?


He has a great smile, waves from his car. He is just engaged to be married.

well, he is just an awesome human being. Hope his fiancee is good to him. Or else we'll toss her to "the dogs"............hahaha................!!!


My favorite things? Loved riding in a boat, snorkeling and hanging out on the beach, all things I can no longer do because of the multiple herniated disks in my back and neck. So now I love to sing in church however I can't stand and lift my hands any more. It is harder to get with the spirit when you are in pain. So what do I love that I can do that doesn't cause pain? Cuddle with my dogs!!!!

Send: He has a lovely smile -- brilliant.

One of my favorite things is getting into bed when you'e just washed the sheets and had a shower.

That was me last night. Ahhhhh! ☆★☆★☆★ sweet dreams.


Gershun - better yet if the sheets have been hung outside to dry on a bright, sunny day with a stiff breeze. I miss my clotheslines. :-(

Lol. That was all 7 days ago. Wash, rinse, hang on line to dry-REPEAT! My favorite thing! Except-shower daily.

Trying to stay positive today in light of recent

Least favorite things:
Cold front coming that may actually bring snow flurries. In May.

Dandelions & weeds in a yard that has never had proper care, other than mowing. (Thanks Dad....)

Clients who drop off the face of the earth without paying me for a week at a time, then re-appear, demanding everything be done RIGHT NOW. (Paid me after I refused to do any work until they did. Ha!) And then they leave the country after telling me they're going on a trip "in May" - but don't give me dates (they left TODAY) - and leave their email forwarded to an invalid email address, so I can't even access it to help cover THAT.

Vehicle that is dying of old age. How appropriate is that for those of us on this site...
Having to repeatedly explain to creditors why bills are late - because I am handling all of the expenses of this neglected house and yard, mom's private room at NH - without help from anyone.

Last remaining member of my Dad's immediate family (his sister) is very ill, in ICU and having scope done on her lungs. It doesn't look good. She's a lifelong heavy smoker and has a history of pneumonia, so they say the spot they found could be mucus....or something else. She also has repeated bowel problems (for years now), leg infections, and now she has bed sores or pressure sores - not sure which.

Ok....shaking off the negative!

Favorite things:
72 degrees in May (today, at least. Better enjoy while I can!)

Gift cards from clients and/or random surveys from vendors that give gift cards as a reward. ($50 in Amazon cards in one week!)

Free weed n' feed for the yard (courtesy of the 2 free gift cards mentioned above) - and it was $10 cheaper on Amazon (w/free shipping for a 40-lb bag!) than it was in the local big box store for the same product.


Clients who refer me to their colleagues - if everything comes through the way I hope it does, all the financial worries will be a distant memory soon. I hope.
Mom's health is holding steady.

Neighbors and a brother who are willing to run me to and from the garage to take the van in.

Dealerships that sell vehicles with a financing option my budget can handle right now, since the replacement of the van was an unexpected (and unpleasant) surprise.

So, while there may be some serious negatives going on, there are also some wonderful positives to balance it out. I may not be rich (yet), but money is coming in weekly from my clients, even if I have to chase one of them all over the internet to get it. The house and yard may need major work, but at least I have a roof over my head that no one can take away from me or sell out from under me.
And....COFFEE. ;-)

Yes, Susan! I hear you, and COFFEE add chocolate, all your worries will be bad memories. May the road rise up to meet you, the wind always be at your back, how does that poem go, anyway?

Many blessings to come your way, I pray.

Wait, how can the road rising up to meet you be a good thing? If you are falling, you will get smacked in the face.
If the wind is always at your back, t would just be too too windy-all the time!



I'm a klutz, Send - if the road rose up to meet me, I'd be kissing the pavement all the time, just like you said. And if the wind was at my back, I'd be straining against it to stay upright, and when the wind suddenly died down, I'd fall over backwards! LOL

Then there is the sun burn, with the sun always shining on your face.

Good point, Send!

Lol, you all have cheered up my day, even though I was trying to cheer you! Lol.

May the road rise up to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face And rains fall soft upon your fields And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand.
- Irish blessing

The road rose up to meet me once when I got hit by a card. True story:(

My eyes swelled shut when I got my first sunburn as a teen. True.

Then, just an hour ago, the wind was so strong-we heard a loud Pop and our electricity went out. My husband thinking it was a transformed exploding-but oud electricty went right back on. Very, very windy here!

I also nearly got knocked down by the wind in Ireland. No lie. We heard a story while we were there about someone getting blown off a cliff. I said "yeah, right" Then a few days later a big wind gust nearly knocked me down. I guess thats why thats an irish proverb. You probably do want the wind at your back.

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