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The last place to celebrate the New Year's is the Aleutian Island chain off of Alaska. Ate the Aleutians part of Alaska?

Desiderata, excerpts/anonymous or by Max Ehrmann
Go placidly amid thd noise and haste,
and remember what peace there may be in silence.
As far as possible without surrender
Be on good terms with all persons.
Speak your truth quietly and clearly;
And listen to others,
Even the dull and ignorant;
They too have their story.
Avoid loud and aggressive persons,
They are vexations to the spirit.
Exercise caution in your business affairs;
For the world is full of trickery.
With all its sham, drudgery, and broken dreams,
It is still a beautiful world.

Ok then, I won't tell him.

Aleutian Is. off of Alaska are part of Alaska and part of Russia, 'shared ownership'.
So says Wiki. Not sure I believe it.

It would be really hard to accurately tell what time it is inHawaii, Alaska, and the Aleutian Is. because of their time zones. Zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz!.

.Must be January 1, 2016

Good gracious Send, have you been up all night??? I have finished my first coffee of 2016 and really should get mother up for breakfast... well, maybe one more cup first!
My wish for you all, Strength and Support for those in the trenches and Hope and new Opportunities for those whose battles have ended. Happy New Year!

Nope, I slept, woke up early, went back to bed, husband was hungry around 11:00 a.m. so got up to prepare breakfast at that time.
Was asleep sometimes before midnight, kept waking up. This was the first year my husband was awake at midnight, then I fell asleep. Turning into catnapping, it was okay!

Cwillie, Happy New Year's day.! We tried some milder coffee because my gerd was killing me! Cutting back.
Looks like you were up early. But the time differences, plus the AC clock confuses it all, at least for me.

Send, I had GERD that was caused by coffee and I only drank two cups a day. The doc prescribed Nexium, I think, it was about six years ago. I did not want to take the med, gave up my coffee instead. GERD gone, I now drink green tea which is supposed to be very good for us. I still have the occasional cappacino, but only once a week or so, and still no GERD.

Both coffee and chocolate can cause heartburn, especially chocolate if eaten too close to bedtime, or nap time, when one is laying down.

O no!

Happy New Year to me, then, no more coffee. Zip, that's it.

No tea, no coffee, no chocolate, no booze. who's left. ? Drugs

Veronica, try heated cider; it's never caused me anything but relaxation and comfort. Herbal teas are nice too.

Clarification: the reason I gave up coffee wasn't b/c of the acid reflux issue. When D'xed with osteopenia, I did some research and found that coffee and wine caused the body to release calcium, complicating the loss of calcium as we age, and contributing to the likelihood of osteopenia seguing into osteoporosis.

I still have a few cups of coffee a year - I really do love it, especially with the addition of the little flavoring in cups - hazelnut is really delicious.

I guess the solution if you want to continue to drink coffee is to do more weight bearing exercise, recommended for combatting osteoporosis naturally.

LOVE the movie Mumford - one of my favorites. Another great film - although hard to find - is "Magicians" directed by James Merendino, made in 2000 (not to be confused with others by the same/similar name). It's about realizing the positive use of one's talents, and creating a family of one's own (not necessarily relatives!).

I use "Danger Will Robinson" - more lately it seems. But seem to find best life philosopgy in rock music lyrics, e.g.,

You can't always get what you want, but you get what you need.

For relaxation - I've found arranging silk flowers and drawing to help me "change the channel" so to speak.

Lastly - sometimes a good book really does the trick. I started reading author Anne Perry's Wiliam Monk series about 6 months ago. There are 20 books and I'm now on #17. Offered as an historical detective series, she includes a specific political or social theme in each one - from the lack of waste treatment in mid 1880's London, to the building of a rail system in another, to the lack of women's financial (among other) rights and limited opportunities which appear in all. I learn alot about history while enjoying a good story. At the same time, she writes beautifully about people's interior lives and how their emotions guide them.

I don't read much fiction, so when I find an author I like, I go for it! Once I'm done this series, I'll start over and read them all once more before I donate them. BTW - I've bought most used on Amazon or eBay, since I haven't worked since early July, and couldn't wait for my local lilbrary to secure the latest book I wanted.

Ooops - meant to add - the Anne Perry boks really make me glad I live in 21st century USA, despite any problems. Yikes!

Veronica, the choice of the 70's was sex, drugs and rock 'n' roll ;)

Just say No to drugs.

cwillie I was talking about now not the 70s. I had three small children in the 70s and never did do drugs and hated rock and roll. Never smoked but did enjoy some booze we mostly made our own wine and very good it was. How about some Elderflower champagne?

No drugs, no rock 'n' roll, hmm what's left??? lol

cwillie, I said I had THREE small children, I'll leave you to guess

Veronica, you kill me!!! That only takes Up to 30 seconds for most men!hahahaha! Wgat did you do with the other 23 hours and 59 & 1/2 minutes of your day? Oh yeah, you had those 3 kids! Lol!

Veronica, I'm just pulling your leg!

Stacey........30 secs. Wow, you've been lucky then.

Gershun, yes! Im that good!


Ready to start watching Downton Abbey

Oh i must share a story with you. My grandaughter ( one of my favorite things) was over today. She is 19 mo.old. I was in the kitchen and she was in the living room where i left my phone on the table. The phone pinged like it does when you get a text. The next thing i know she comes running in the kitchen on her cute little short legs and hands me the phone. She knew that sound meant i needed to look at my phone....scarey how smart these little ones are. : )

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