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Send, I'm giving up chocolate because it's causing wheezing, like asthma, and shortness of breath b/c of the breathing difficulties. I've narrowed the causes down to chocolate, refined flour and sugar. I'm giving up them all, but chocolate is fighting its banishment so that's a harder battle.

GA, yogurt causes me to wheeze. Could it be that??

Jinglebts, I don't think so as I don't eat yogurt. My mother used to make what we called mahdzoon, which was real yogurt w/o all the fruit, but I never could eat it.

I'm wondering what's in the yogurt that causes you to wheeze? Maybe some preservatives? Does this happen with any brand of yogurt?

I suspected the refined flour and sugar because of the inflammatory nature of refined products. Chocolate - that's a mystery. Everyone knows chocolate is the best food of all, so how can it be bad for me and cause wheezing?

Seriously, I suspect one of the additives, flavorings or preservatives. But since I've been off refined flour and sugar, no more wheezing. Chocolate is still an issue. I may have to make the supreme sacrifice after all!

CentralMassach, thanks for your kind greetings, and the same back to you!

GA, I just can't eat dairy in any form, but only the yogurt makes me wheeze. Tried organic Liberty yogurt and moved on to Greek yogurt -- all the same. Too much cheese upsets my stomach, and I stopped drinking milk a long time ago, after reading "The China Study", about how Big Dairy suppressed all the studies in the '40s and '50s that said milk isn't good for you. Maybe the refined sugar is the the fly in the ointment -- but I sure can't give up ice cream ...

Maybe the refined sugar in chocolate is what's doing it?? Did you know that only cocoa is good for you -- not chocolate? Chocolate has very little cocoa in it; cocoa has antioxidants and is loaded with minerals -- magnesium, calcium, iron, zinc, copper, potassium, and manganese. So have a cup of cocoa and not a chocolate bar. You can search for chocolate hoax and that may give you some results.

Merry Christmas, Happy New Year to all my new friends and acquaintances. So nice to have a place to vent, or just express an opinion. AC is my new favourite!

My favourite movie line of all time is ""You know how to whistle, don't you? You just put your lips together and ... blow", from To Have And To Have Not. Love LB.

Garden, I have an inhaler for reactive airways, so I am still good with the chocolate.
When feeling bad, I just put one chocolate chip inside each compartment of my pill box instead of pills, then I get well!
Really! My physician is still laughing! He had the audacity to suggest raisins instead, what is wrong with doctors today? They are just not getting it!
Even if I try a gluten-free diet in 2016, dark chocolate will still be on my plate, or in my pill box. Don't worry, I only use the inhaler 3X per year.

Jingle, Merry Christmas to you too! Welcome here!

My favorite thing is this very Christmas. We are at eldest daughters new home and it is so peaceful and relaxing. Even hubby has mellowed out and relaxed. The grandkids have all matured and are getting along and much quieter. I have spent the day in my recliner in daughters glassed in office on the back of the house overlooking the horse pastures and the new barn under construction. People come in to talk and offer food as the mood takes them and hubby has come to sit and be companionable rather than hiding some where. Wishing such peace to everyone and a much better New Year. I want everyone of my friends to know how your good wishes and thoughts carried me through my illness. In the darkest hours i could feel loving hands lifting me up and everyone along with the nurses saying "Don't give up" in my ear. The Drs just wanted to know if i would like a DNR and would like to be done with all this treatment. How much resuscitation would I like. Well you can give me a couple of shocks then hubby will decide. I don't want my ribs broken or become a vegetable So many blessings
Love Veronica

Veronica, thanks for sharing a positive experience of Christmas. I could envision you sitting in the glassed in room, gazing contemplatively out onto a snow covered landscape (or maybe just grass).

Send, I've never heard of chocolate chips as vitamin supplements, but I like that idea! Raisins are really great too; they satisfy a need to nibble. And they're healthy.

No snow Garden and tomorrow we inspect the new barn.

Veronica, sounds idyllic, it is your reward for fighting so hard! The survival instinct is strong with this one!

Veronica, I'm so glad that you and hubby are enjoying yourselves with the family. And that he's relaxing, too. I've never seen a real barn. Well, I've never seen a real sheep, neither. Or a lamb. Sorry, I got distracted with that song, Old McDonald had a farm, e i e i o... I was going through the animals in my head. I've seen a horse, a cow, a pig. Enjoy yourselves!!! {{{Hugs}}}

Jinglebits, I cannot drink dairy. I used to be able to eat cheese without a reaction. Now I do. So no more cheese (unless it's in a burger!) I'm finding that my stomach now reacts to yogurt. But i still eat yogurt. And I just cannot give up ice cream. Funny thing is - as long as the ice cream is Dreyers - I have No reaction to it. Yum.... I miss eating it. Ever since Dreyer's box got smaller and the price went higher, I can no longer in good conscience spend $8.99 on that ice cream. It's an extravagence. Ice cream!! One of my favorite food (other than chicken.)

Guess what my 2 nieces got for me?! They both pitched in and got me a $100 Amazon gift card!! Oh my gosh! I'm going to make it last. I will make sure to buy ebooks that are $0.99 or $1.99 and books that I know that i will enjoy reading. Hate to waste money on books that I hate/dislike.

Quiet morning. Everybody still sleeping. Thought kids would be up early, but excitement kept them up very late last night. Grandma is the only one up. Quiet cup of coffee with my trusted golden. Then off to middle daughter's house. Am at oldest daughter's now, need to spread myself around.

I just had the loveliest Christmas ever! My kids came up to my cottage for four days and we had Xmas eve here-- roast beef, mashed potatoes, yorkshire pudding, asparagus (my personal fave), then after opening prezzies, fresh strawberries with whipped cream. The two grandkids, both boys, loved what we got them, and then what to my wondering eyes should appear but -- a new TV set! Plus son-in-law vacuumed out my car and washed it and put in my new carpet. So far, it's been about 45 degrees F here (about 9 degrees C), when it should be -9C and a boatload of snow. Glad for the warmth, not so glad for global warming :(. Later, we had a fire in the fire pit behind the cabin.

New neighbours came around last nite with a plate of goodies and the news that her husband had just bought a snowblower and would snowblow my drive too.

I am full of gratitude -- for my kids, for my cabin (cottage to us Canucks), for new neighbours, for just about everything. Good cheer to all, and a very Happy New Year!!

Just heard, thru' my daughter of course, that my ex's (of 30 years) mom is dying. I am very fond of her, I've visited her the last couple of times when her own son wouldn't, but now am completely cut off from her. So no little memento, no furniture that she said I could have, and I don't even know where to send flowers. Very strange family they are.

Just needed to express my sorrow to *someone* and I know everyone at AC will sympathize.

jinglbts, so sorry about ex-MIL. Too bad you cannot properly mourn her. Would it be an imposition to ask your daughter to bring flowers (paid by you) on your behalf to ex-MIL? If you want to keep it low keyed, don't leave your name on the card. Just say to someone who is fond of her. If daughter feels uncomfortable, then just drop the subject/ back off.

Jinglebts, Your ex-husband's mom is your mother-in-law, and you did not get divorced from her. We must, by necessity, make new lives for ourselves. That doesn't mean you have loved her any less, you are right to be fond of her.
Imop, you express appreciation of her anyway you want.
She is also your daughter's grandmother. That is family. I sympathize.

Book and Send, you are quite right. She's my daughter's grandmother and must send flowers. As shall I. Thanks.

The New Year 2016. Just cannot let 2015 go by without thanking everyone on AC because my life is better now, and there is some hope for more positive changes in the New Year. Did not expect to find friends here, people I think about fondly even when not logged in. Thought that I could help others, and don't know if that ever happened. Now I know that I cannot 'rescue' anyone, and have learned more about how everyone will get through their issues with a little support. I am so happy to have found you all on this site, and some of you have accepted me, included me, and been a friend to me, and made me laugh! So, thank you!
And, Happy New Year!

Send, you've perfectly phrased exactly what I feel, too. Thank you!

Echoing CM from across the pond - our similarities make us a fantastic support group and our differences make us unique, our responses both challenge and offer food for thought, our lighthearted humour gets us through the darkness, and our language differences can create hilarity, our thoughtfulness for others shows sensitivity, our love for our elders and SO shines through despite the often difficult backgrounds, Our sadness for those who have loved and lost demonstrates how much we care - so people in 2015 sets all pat ourselves on the back for not just dealing with our own problems but for trying to help others along the way.

There cannot be a better support group anywhere - when it is our turn to shuffle off our mortal coils can you imagine what a great party we can have wherever it is we go?

lets all^^^^^

ohJude and Sendme2Help: You both said everything I was thinking about writing. This is the best site -- glad I'm able to be a part of it. Very best wishes to all of you for a happy, healthy new year.

ohJude and Sendme2help: Thank you for sharing -- you both said all the things I was planning to write. I too am grateful that this site is here -- it's the best! Best wishes to all of you for a very happy, healthy new year!

oops! I didn't realize the first one got put in! Just goes to show how much I like it. It's double the fun!

O tanks, Central! Lettuce make New Years fun by checking in from all over the world. It could be New Years soon, or even right now, I just don't know! And I was/is so stressed today (having to dress in a business-like manner and talk business matters with strangers) that I feel like losing it. Kinda like use it or lose it! (Ability to do business). O where was I going with this?
Excuse me, gotta get outta bed to see the clock-business papers everywhere!
Be right back.

Celebrating the countdown to New Years Eve!
Southern California, 2:55 a.m. on , what day is it? I just don't know! Ha ha.
Really. Figuring this out...must have been a T.i.a.,....
Well, when I get up it will be Wednesday, the 30th. Technically, it is still Tuesday night (11:00 p.m. to 7:00 a.m.) but in reality (my reality), it was the 30th after midnight. Oh, and to confuse me more, it is PST, Pacific Standard Time.

So maybe it will be New Years Eve soon, somewhere in the world?


Somewhere, Someone? Anybody still up? Going to bed now, because New Years is tomorrow night, the 31st. But then, you knew that. Where do I find a world clock?

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