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Counting sheep here.

Frankly GA I don't give a damn !!!! roars with laughter xxxxxxxx that quote of your sure is true GA I like the quote from Nietzsche - That which doesn't kill us makes us stronger

1 sheep 2 sheep 3 sheep hell where did that 4th sheep go. I must go look for her hmm I'll have a cuppa while I look! Wide awake now - grins - go to bed send xxxxx

Goodnight everyone except those of us who are just getting up good morning Britain!

It's not my birthday.. I was just making a remark on "How are you" about the fact that my Mom knew the 8th was a holy day but "if" it was my birthday she wouldn't have any clue about the date..

I appreciate the wishes though... It's nice to recognized.. Hug and love to all...

Well, thanks for joining the favorite things, Assandache. Hope you get to have some very special moments during this holiday season. Love and hugs from Send.

What a wonderful surprise! My kids and sons-in-law and grandchildren showed up at my house today with a Christmas tree and some ornaments. I lost all of mine after the fire, well asbestos abatement guy threw them all out, said they were too hard to clean. I now have a tree! Guess my bahhumbug better get lost for awhile! So thoughtful of them! First time I have had a tree in about four or five years! So, thoughtful of them!

Yes, wonderful surprise! And I do know just how that can feel!
Not to take away from your joy, but to add happy support! My realtor gave me a tree and the decorations when closing escrow on Dec. 22, so many years ago, after a divorce and moving to a new county in Northern California.
Mine did not look as good as yours does, yours is perfect!
Your family came through for you! What a wonderful thing to do. You enjoy! Sit by that tree, with your dog tonight! I am just ecstatic and happy for you, Glad!!!

Goodnight everyone!

Good Night Send!

Yeah, it was going to be a good night, but forgot to do my bedtime ritual. Up again, those dishes won't wash themselves.

Looking forward to the beauty of Christmas eve 12/25, when there will be a full moon that night. It is a rare occurence to have it fall on 12/25, a Christian holy day in which the birth of our Savior is celebrated traditionally, even though historical facts do not support that day occurred in December. Whatever day it was, I celebrate it. For those persons who do not celebrate due to another faith, it will still be a beautiful full moon night for you too!

Goodnight Gershun!

All movies and series about ALASKA!

Love going to bed when everyone else is just getting up. This time only.
Talk later!

Sweet Dreams.

Never have dreams. 3-4 times a year I have a nightmare if I take any meds a doctor prescribes. No dreams can be ok!
But thanks, Cwillie, I will go to sleep now, because you said so!

Another favorite movie, with Diane Keaton, 'Because I Said So! Lol.

Thanks for looking after me.! I am okay.

Sendme2help: I loved reading your comments about Christmas and the full moon. It reminds me of a story I used to read to our 2 boys - Goodnight Moon. I used to think it was the cutest little book, and now I look forward to reading it to my grandchildren (someday)! Thanks again, and blessings to you and yours during this special season. P.S. I'll be looking up at the moon on Christmas Eve!

Basking in the comfort that others we don't even know are reaching out to help seniors, throughout the year and during the holidays:

For the 4th time that I can remember, someone paid for our meal the last time we were at our favorite restaurant. it's still a mystery every time it happens who the resident Santa is.

Meals on Wheels volunteers, who bring not only packaged meals but a short time of companionship, comfort, cheer, and other good things (not the Martha Stewart type of good things): cards from school children, gifts, and holiday greetings.

Today my father received such a basket, including a blanket from the local utility company as well as cards from members of a Girl Scout troup and some school children.

It's comforting to know that there are still people who care for others in their older years, as well as teachers who are teaching children how to develop that caring attitude.

Gladimhere, truly a wonderful surprise! Enjoy your tree.
GardenArtist, yes it is wonderful when people show kindness to the senior population. Really like the idea of baskets. Baskets would go over big in my area....hmm.

Jazzy, I loved baskets until I discovered that the ones from China can contain unwanted tiny guests.

One year I took home an empty basket after all the goodies donated by a client to the firm had been eaten. A few years later I found evidence of some kid of insect. They were about 1/16" long, brown, and looked like slimmed down fleas, narrow and elongated but without as many legs. After getting rid of the basket I still found more of them, in the basement, first floor and second half floor. They were worse in anything that was powdery chocolate.

I found them primarily in baskets. I think there were some larvae in the reeds that the Chinese used to make the baskets which were exported to the US, and during certain conditions they hatched and chomped on the reeds.

I still have some good basket that haven't been attacked; I don't know what the little munchers favorite choice of reed is, but light colored or bleached reeds seemed to be their favorites.

Your post reminded me that I'll need to tell my father to get rid of the basket quickly before the little buggers hatch and set up housekeeping.

Garden Artist ugh...........I just bought a basket for my bathroom stuff and found an ugly spider in my bedroom last night. you have me thinking.

Actually, the spider might help control any other little insects. But I too wouldn't be happy to find an ugly spider in my bedroom. Do you know what kind of spider it is?

And on the subject of insects, I've had an invasion of ants during this unseasonably warm weather. Much as I like it, I think a colder spell might be good for chasing the little buggers back into their burroughs. I do plan to give them a going away present though - some 20 mule team borax to take back to their friends to injest along with a little bit of sugar to make sure they don't just discard the borax.

I don't know what kind of spider it was Garden. But in the bedroom......Arghh is all I can say. I went through my place and tore it apart one day sealing any holes where something could get in so how this little bugger got in is beyond me.

I hate to kill anything but spiders in my bedroom i just won't have.

OOOh spiders I can't stand them. Now I don't know whether it works over there but over here our spiders don't seem to like horse chestnuts (we call them conkers real name and yes I did have to look this up Aesculus hippocastanum). I have one in each corner of every room and NO spiders. now they tell me it is coincidence but if I don't put them down the devils come in within days. They have to be fresh (i.e. you collect new ones each year)

As for ants when it comes to that time of year when the bloody things come into the house I paint a 2-4 inch band around the house using gasoline (no I don't smoke while I am doing it) Even when it seems to have dried the toxins kill the ants. We don't have pets though and you shouldn't use it if you do and I suspect it would be really unwise if you had a wooden framed house too. It may not be friendly for the environment but I am pretty green outside of this one labour so I figure its OK..ish Too late to tell me its not good for my health I have been doing it for 30 odd years


Jude, do the Health & Safety Executive know about you? Christ on a bike, girl. Mind you, I don't suppose you have much of a problem keeping the weeds down, either.

Lovely ideas Jude but I have two cats I adore and I live in a condo so I think I'd have an eviction notice on my door as quick as you could say "fire safety hazard"

When you say horse chestnuts are you talking manure? Please say no..........

If you did mean manure I think my avatar's face says it all.

Can't help but comment on the topic of spiders. Gross, yuck! I do know that there is a spider spray you can buy. I think it's by Raid. I bought some last year when our garage had some, and I sprayed around the whole perimeter of it. It seemed to help so I did the same this year before they got a head start! Good luck with keeping any critters out! Thanks also for sharing - I love the variety of things shared on this site!

Oh yes. I like your post. My favorite things: my poodles, my husband, the first cup of coffee in the morning, a beautiful colorful fall day, the sound of a brook babbling, a good book, silence, a nice hot shower. Wow!

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