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GA- now I have to make a starbucks run for hot chocolate. I don't care if the cup is plain red, lol!!

SharynMarie, Saw that red cup in the news, guess I will have to keep checking the dollar store for clearanced starbucks cups to come. I make my own coffee and then add hot chocolate, its good anytime. (Hubby makes the best coffee).
That simple fact is a favorite, that with all the burdens, he makes the coffee. Then sometimes, we make the coffee. Then, if he is not ok, I make the coffee. This serves as a silent, early morning assessment that he is not himself and will need extra care. Gotta go, cause there is no coffee yet.

GA, I take it that where you live it is a very windy day? LOL LOL

So sorry if my post was off topic for the title of the thread. I see it all over the site. My attempt at humor by involving a favorite.

A very bright sunny day shining against all the patchwork colors of leaves, some still in the trees, others lying on the ground...watching my cats and puppy play in those leaves, and actually disappearing in them in some areas of the yard I haven't reached yet..

That fall smell that I can't identify but it smells soooooo good...a little sweet, a little spicy....kind of woodsy....I love it...

Getting Mama all settled in for the morning and taking a few minutes to get a good hot cup of coffee and just sit outside and "be still" for a little while and listen to all the sounds of perfectly described by thankful for another beautiful day...

SharynM...reminds me of another favorite...a cup of Blonde Veranda blend of Starbucks....and I can get it at the grocery so I can put it in any mug I want... :)

I don't drink coffee and only indulge in hot chocolate a couple times a year. Hubs makes his own blend of coffee...very strong!!!

Thanks for sharing that Hope!!!

Me, I want the red cups, filled with hot chocolate. Starbucks occasionally has sipping chocolate, very good.

SharynMarie, don't understand that you might have been off topic. Sorry if you felt that way. You are not off topic, you post anything you want, everyone will agree.

Hope, very poetic language...."a patchwork of colors". I immediately envisioned exactly that, a well as a quilt filled with a variety of fall colors.

A cup of coffee with Bailey's added. Yum. My Mom was so cute. She just loved Bailey's. I bought a bottle for her and the nursing home kept it at the desk and offered my Mom a little tiny glass occasionally to help her sleep.

Gershin- the NH my dad was at had a female resident (memory care) who would ask you for cigarette. The staff took her outside a couple time s a day to smoke her cigarette.

Kitty walking up my body to lie on my chest, stick his nose in my ear and purr.

GSA, your post brought back such vivid memories....of either or both of my 2(long deceased) loving cats crawling up onto my lap, up my arm, or snuggling around my neck, falling asleep on my legs and just being loving kitties.

I love the sound of a cat purring - I think it's one of the most therapeutic and relaxing sounds I've ever waves lapping rhythmically on a sandy beach.

Last week one of the neighbor's cats visited my father's house on its regular neighborhood strolls, and came up to say hello. It was sooo friendly, going through all the motions cats do when they want to be petted, crouching down and pointing their rear ends up in the air, snuggling along my ankles, laying down for a tummy rub.... those few moments were the perfect soothing respite after the usual hassle of dodging potential Indy 500 drivers practicing on the freeways.

GA...for sure. .I love the soothing sound of a kitty purring. One of my rescue babies kind of snorts when she breathes. .she was born that way. .her thing at night is to let me get settled for the night and curl up on my back. ..and snort all night long. gotten used to it. .now I can't sleep without her.

Also those little Stouffer's gingerbread iced cookies. ..I saw a bag today and decided to treat myself. ..they sure are good. ..I've already been in the bag but about to get me a cup of hot coffee to go with them

OMG Hope those are awesome! And I also love cats purring. Even my ferals will let me stroke them, and purr when I feed them. But I also love when we have the granddog and she snuggles up in bed. She loves to lay across my throat and snuggle into my neck. Its heaven after a bad day

It sure is little pup is laying across my legs now and she feels like a cozy heating pad on those shoe getting pretty relaxed right about now. . :)

A grand dog? That's so cute! I wish the feral cats would let me pet them; they either adopt a posture of caution and scurry away, or turn up their noses and strut away as if they were haute couture fashion models and I'm not good enough for them.

I'd love to pet that magnificent lion in Hope's avatar - what a mane! Some of the wildlife shows feature "chuffing" lions - it's not a purr but it is amusing.

I'm wondering if anyone has ever made a tape of purring cats and played it for people with dementia? It's not as varied as music, which is therapeutic, but purring cats have their own way of providing relaxation.

BTW, has anyone ever given dogs a soft neck rub, just gently stroking/massaging their necks? I've done that a few times, including to a relative's Rottweiler. He loved it! If I stopped he'd nudge up against me and kind of softly snort, as if muttering: More! More!

I'm always moved, sometimes to tears, when reading about people who extend their support to those in need. This time it's the French helping the people who escaped the ISIS massacre yesterday by opening their homes to them, as well as the Americans who are also extending hospitality to stranded French here in the US.

Some people can be so open and generous in times of great need.

The Islamic state seriously do not understand the French. Do they honestly think a country who withstood Nazi occupation and yet organised resistance against them will flounder under the oppression of this group? They may falter but they will never flounder. Vive la France

Jude, as I read your post I began to hum La Marseillaise and thought Delacroix's famous painting Liberty Leading the People with that famous upraised arm holding the French flag. Yes, Vive la France!

GA...I've always wanted to pet a lion...and even hug one...just seems like they would be so cozy and fluffy...also that giant bear...Bart...what a beauty! I know it's not recommended to do those kinds of things...but they sure LOOK cuddly anyway..

Hot water for shower, ice water for drinking. Grrr! Hot water has been luke warm, adjusted water heater to warm it up. Next time I will do it with my glasses on the first time, had turned the temp the wrong direction.

And ice water, supposedly, my ice maker was working, according to my contractor two months ago. Don't know how that is possible, does not appear plumbing was even extended to it. Grrrr!

Maybe I should be on pet peeves.


Home made Chili on a cold rainy day when the wind is blowing leaves all over the neighborhood.

Snuggled in a warm blanket reading a good book with my cat sleeping on the back of the couch by my head and my dog snuggled at my feet.

Dial soap lavender and jasmine?

Molton Browns black pepper soap, but I love LUSH soaps which Im not sure you get in the USA as you walk past their shop the smell emanates mmmmm.

Just Googled LUSH soap and found there are stores selling it not that far away from me. The names of the soaps are really unusual (Parsley Porridge, Reindeer soaps?) but one really caught my eye:

Karma soap, a spicy patchouli with lemongrass, orange oil and pine oil.

Everytime I read about one of these exotic soaps I make a resolution to study herbal creations and start making my own soap. The only thing that really holds me back is that to the best of my knowledge soaps are made with lye, which I really don't want to deal with.

Maybe trying lotions would be better; the fragrance is still there. And on that subject, has anyone ever used coconut or ginger lotions?

I wonder how one extracts oil from pine? From the pine cones or from the trees? Any herbalists here?

Yes, Glad, it is Lavender and Twilight Dial of all things. !! I will have to Google LUSH soaps too...I love soap...soap soap it.....when people ask me what I want for Christmas I usually tell them coffee or soap...they think I'm joking...NOT....Jude..Black Pepper soap? hmmm..sounds interesting.... Yes, I am afraid of using seems like it would be harsh to handle...and given my luck with things sometimes, I don't know about making my own...but I sure do love soap.

I ended up going out into the yard and raked a bunch more leaves. We almost don't have any left in the trees now..but the leaf sucker man usually comes to our neighborhood on Mondays and it's about time for him, so I wanted to get as many to the curb as possible so then all that will be left is the final winter tweaking...

GA, not an herbalists but I would think pine oil would or could be extracted from pine needles. Got me thinking...will have to research it.

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