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SendMe, you could grow a pumpkin in a container to get more warmth on the seeds as they start, but unless it's a bush variety,it would be spilling out over the container unless it's a massive one. There are bush pumpkin seeds available.

I'm also not sure if elevation would make the vines more susceptible to the very annoying squash vine borer.

You could also try trellising a bush variety to elevate the vines enough that they don't spill over; however I enjoy seeing foliage tumbling out over a container.

The exciting part after the seeds sprout are the first little pumpkins, then the harvest. The disappointing part is finding that the raccoons have sampled each pumpkin.

Pumpkins....this year I am going to carve a pumpkin. Even bought pumpkin carving tools and everything. Aside from that I love fall especially the weather and all the leaves turning color. :)

Wish we had the capability to post photos; I'd love to see your carved pumpkins!

We could have our own pumpkin carving contest! Take a photo, then change your avatar, we would need to start a new thread to see them all. Might be an interesting experiment. Maybe admin would finally provide an area to do such things.

ooooo glad...I love that idea!!! I say we do it!!!

Yes, Hope and Glad! By Halloween, we can call it a pumpkin festival for those who do not like halloween. We don't get any trick or treaters here at all, not in ten years! They're probably too too scared of the mean neighbors, lol.

Uncarved, that's me. Who's next, punkin-face?


Not ready to carve yet, but....

My favorite thing: TOMORROW IS ANOTHER DAY!

Dessert three times a day, carrot cake and pumpkin pie, interspersed with turkey leftovers, yeah!
Seriously though, this has blown my diet all to h...eck!

So, how dis the thanksgiving dinner go, Cwillie?

Did it?

Sendme, every time I check back in your picture has changed, is this your new favorite thing? lol

Dinner went well, although its hard to really get a chance to visit when you are the host and also a caregiver. Mom was a little overwhelmed and wouldn't let anyone else help her but me.

Yes, Cwillie, practicing downloading photos, new to me.


I checked a local web cam this morning that is just west of here and the ground is white, aaakk! So why do I find myself humming Winter Wonderland! I'm so conflicted LOL!

I have always loved snow! But, the older I get I don't appreciate the cold that comes with it. Even worse? When it is bitterly cold without snow.

Snow makes everything so quiet, absorbs traffic noise, and the twinkling, glistening of the flakes with lights of night. Just so peaceful. At least up to the point of hearing cars crash from sliding on the snow and ice. But then, back to the serenity of a beautiful winter snow.

I always loved snow too glad...only thing now is...for the past few years, since Mama has been mostly tuned out to the reality of this world, all it does is make me cry. with the quiet still sounds that it brings, it seems to bring back a flood of memories of when Daddy and Mama were young and thriving and getting my brother and I all excited about it's arrival...What wonderful times. I want to remember the good times and think happy thoughts when the snow's a little difficult right now..but hoping it will come with time...

Hope, it will come.

It's already snowed in Marquette, Michigan. But that's just tooooo early for me! I used to think living in the UP would be nice...lower population, more wilderness, fresher, cleaner air, but then there's the snow....which comes early and stays late, and piles up and up and up.

Hope, does your mom get up when she is feeling better, or can she?
Try to make the same fun for her now as she made for you as a child.
If you have to, bring a little snowman inside on a tray, just sit there and smile,
See what she does. You can make some of your own fun. It is already amazing how you keep coping in the face of these circumstances. But you are still YOU, I can tell because you have your donkey sense of humor. May these next few days find you peaceful, with a little less work, may it all ba easier for you and Mom.

Garden Artist, that makes for a very long winter. What does your garden do in winter, any green left?

Well, I am basically a neighbor to Garden Artist.....yesterday afternoon got the "frost/freeze alert" on my cell phone....made a mental note (whatever that's worth, these days)....lost track of time.....found myself outside in the dark, carrying into the garage, my few still living potted plants....and, they are still there bcuz....yep....another frost/freeze alert for tonight....not impossible here BUT still feels way too early!

Sendme....LOL....I posted here thinking it was GA's gardening I see it's favorite, hefting the potted plants into the garage in the dark and cold is definitely NOT one of my favorite things (more like "most miserable things" list)....sorry....BUT hey.....I did totally clean up at the Dollar Store the other day! Bunch of really cute Halloween stuff for very few dinero's.....definitely....a favorite thing!

My only alert was a yellow alert on my cell. I didn't know I could get them! It was for too far away for me to help, but I prayed.
Last night I could feel coolness in the air and that special feel of a crisp breeze along with leaves scraping a little on the streets that indicates fall weather. Very nice!
This is the time of year many orchids bloom. We have big purple cattleyas in bloom in the greenhouse and I don't know what else because I didn't go over there yet. Cattleyas are the typical corsage orchids. Big and beautiful.

I've got to make a trip to the greenhouse but I'm so booked for the weekend and past it, too. We have a Women of Faith conference recorded and it's taking several days to view and then a Bible study to read, answer questions and do in the middle of that! Plus all the usual appointments, church, etc. The WOF conference is awesome!!

There's so much about life worth celebrating....God's plan gently unfolding our lives before us so that we will understand His love for everyone;
the small victories, the day-to-day pleasures, the simple joys of quiet friendship and sharing these little things with friends on here, that is a favorite thing today.

I'm a far northern neighbor to Garden and Black Dog. Fur sure fall up in these parts. A little snow yesterday, fall colors are vivid, the downstate Fudgies are now "Leaf Peepers" and they are all back in town driving us crazy.

Put all the deck chairs in the shed, drug out the snow tires for the old jeep, and got the tractor cab ready to mount for tomorrow.

Wait....Is this the Whine Thread? No?....... OK ...New Thread: A FEW OF MY FAVORITE THINGS TO WHINE ABOUT WHILE IM GARDENING. That should cover it.

Hey Black Dog. Maybe we can get a group discount on memory drugs!

Not having to get up to go to work on cold mornings such as yesterday and today so I can sleep in and daydream of next year's garden.

It's still too early to think about snow and snow shoveling.

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