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This discussion has been closed for comment. Start a New Discussion. anwer your questions...Concerning gaining access to medical records and health care for others...this isn't something that can be handled over the phone. Doctor's offices need a printed and signed document to place in medical records of their patients, so that they can check to see who is allowed access. Therefore, you need to go to your parent's doc's office to get the blank form, complete it with your name and your siblings' names if you also want them to be allowed knowledge of your parent's health care, and then each parent has to sign it (a separate document for each parent), approving that the doc & office share info about their health and health care to you and whoever is listed on the document. Then the document has to be returned to the doc's office for them to include in your parent's med records. I wouldn't be surprised if your dad refuses for himself and he may also speak for your mother. That's why I suggested approaching her first (before he's had a chance to talk her out of it) and when he is not around to influence her. Secondly, if both parents or just your mother allows their health care info to be shared with you, you will be better able to help her/them get the care she/they need and be better organized in an approach. The more you get involved the more you will realize that there will be many decisions to make, paperwork to complete and hurdles to jump. To do it well and clearly (and hopefully better than they can/are doing for themselves) you will need to have doctor's/nurses share info with you and you be able to make decisions for them. Without your mother's approval or both of their approvals, your efforts to help them will be hindered.

It's a possibility, from what you've told us about your father's attitude, that you may need to be more forceful in the future to help them. If it does come to that, it will be to your advantage if she/they have approved your access to their records. This tells authorities that you do have the right or position to be involved.

Finally, both of my parent's signed the "access" document but my mother was reluctant. While she never stated why, I think it was a concern that control would be taken away from her. At first though, my siblings and I thought there was something in her records she didn't want us to know. Come to find out...there wasn't any secrets. So, It must have been the control thing that concerned her. But, we assured her our intentions were to help by asking questions, getting answers, interpreting medical lingo (which they didn't always understand) and to be an advocate & liaison for them. "We will go with you and be another set of ears to receive the information. We can discuss it, if you wish. But, YOU will make the decisions." There was never any concern or regret shown by my mother again concerning allowing us access to her medical records. I think she, both of my parents, realized it was the right thing to do and actually brought them some peace.

Hi all
Took a day off to let things sink in a bit and focus on my daughter. You all have been so kind with your advice and concern.
Chimonger- I just do not know if my Dad has any dementia. My first instinct is to say no but , honestly, until a few days ago I just assumed he didn't because all the focus has been on my Mom's health. I did not think that his anger could be a defense mechanism against his own failing mental abilities. I will watch for this. I do know that stress itself can have a very adverse effect on mental health. I kinda thought that was why he was acting the way he has been. But it could be something more serious.
Agingconsultant - I really do not think that their debt load is more than their savings -and I think that their insurance is ok but the key word is "think". I know so little about these details in their life and have no clue how to get to that information. My dad is of the mind that he would not have to pay for anything-that Medicaid should take care of it but the fact of the matter is if you have money you will have to pay. I think that is his problem. He is mad that he will have to pay for services for my Mom. In the mean time my Mom sits there with no care outside of what he can give her ( which is not great ) and whet my I sister and I can give her ( which is limited by distance).
Ruralwannabe- my head is spinning too! So much to think about and I feel like I don't have time on my side. Thank you for giving me your opinion! The more views I get, the more info, the better prepared I hope to be when we go to talk with my Dad.
It is so strange ,-my Dad. He can talk like he is just fine with the whole situation. I sat with him one night and asked him how he was. I said "BS aside, Dad how are you? Really? ". I reminded him that I know just how hard it is to have to take care of someone full time( my daughter's special needs) . To always be watching out for them.( more than a typical Mom) - Helping them with their personal self care.--- Having life pull the rug out from under you. And he just acted like he was just fine. He said God gave him and my Mom many many good years together and he was thankful for that. BUT -see- in his head he believes that but I think in his heart he is hurting. And tired. And frustrated. His words do not match his actions.

OK-thanks again all for the great info. I am definitely considering it all. I will be making some calls to some agencies and then making decisions. I will let you all know how it goes. Please pray for my Mom and my Dad. Please pray that we make good decisions. Blessings to you all!!

God bless you , Mishka. You and your sister need to travel to your parents home, and stay in an apt. or hotel until this situation is resolved. First, contact an Assisted Living Facility and get on their list. Second, call Social Services for an outside evaluation of your mother, your father and the living conditions under which they now live. Contact your parents doctor, PCP, or internist. Let them know of the situation and ask for their opinions. Eventually, you know that something must change. You didn't say how old your father is, but I believe that your mother must leave their home first. An outside "aide" is only a temporary solution. You may ask for this immediately, but you have to work on a permanent solution , a move for your mother to an ALF or an Independent Living Facility. It's tough, but life is full of changes, some nice, some not so nice.

Mishka; I am hopeful that your situation has improved...keep us up to date on what has transpired if you can.

ba8alou, hi, thanks! Visited them over the weekend and things seemed much better. Dad was much calmer and we talked a lot about my Mom's doctor's appointments and diagnosis. Still need to convince my Dad to get help that is for sure-but I do not , sincerely, think there is abuse going on. I really took a good look at the situation and though it is not perfect it is not as dire as I first imagined. I think Thanksgiving was very hard on my Mom-me making the dinner without her being able to help other than be a taste tester and add some advice- and so she was very very obsessive and demanding with my Dad for days previous to the holiday and I think, by the time I got there, he was at his wit's end. This by no means(!) excuses his behavior and name calling but it does shed a little light on the situation.
Mom was very obsessive ( she has OCD-has had it all her life) about her sewing machine and trying to get it to work this time and my Dad was frustrated after going out to buy parts for it and trying to fix it and reading the on line manual and all and it still not working( she really got it messed up-she can sort of sew still-little bags for Christmas goodies- (funny thing is ( not haha) I remember my Mom getting frustrated with her Mom -my Grandma-for trying to sew and breaking HER sewing machine when she had Alzheimer's) -anyway- Dad was frustrated but he did not yell and he seemed to totally understand that Mom needed to be able to do something still that made her feel , well, normal. It was good to see him being empathetic.
We are still going to talk with Dad to make him see he needs help. My sister is spending Christmas with them and she is going tell me what she sees and then after the New Year we will have our intervention/discussion. I feel confident that we can wait that long. I would not wait for after the holidays if I was not confident that we could. In fact I told my sister that if I saw ANYTHING that needed addressing while there last week I was going to go ahead and force the issue (my sister could not make it up this last weekend ) without her. But after talking with my Dad , getting more info about Mom's health and diagnosis and watching my Dad transfer my Mom without too much difficulty I feel that the intervention can wait. Still I pray every night for them both and for guidance.
Thanks again to everyone who posted -it really helps!!! And I will keep you all updated.

Great update! Will keep your family in my thoughts and prayers. Have a lovely Christmas and hope the New Year brings health, peace and contentment

Mishka, I hope your father eventually gives in. When I first presented to father about hiring a caregiver for Saturdays (I work), he was soooo against it. In frustration and in desperation, I asked bro and sis if they could chip in and share the cost of the cg. They both agreed. I hired someone. And I told father that I hired someone and that I am paying for her - not him. (So he can't fire her.) I told her straight out that I'm the one hiring her not father. He does not need to know how much I'm paying her (he would have a cow if he found out!) Let him continue to think I'm only paying her $50.00 for the whole day. It's been like 6 months since we have her and he still - weekly- wants to get rid of her because we don't need her. I have a feeling that he will Always be against it. So, I hope you're able to succeed.

Thanks ba8alou! And a very merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours as well!
bookworm-wow-how nice of you and your sibs to do this for your Dad! I wish that we could do something like that -however -I lack the funds as do my siblings for very long. However if we did pay for a bit maybe he would see the value and, unlike your Dad, realize it is a good thing and pay to have it continue-or use his insurance that covers after the first 100 hours.

Well, blessings to everyone this holiday season. May we all have a peaceful and joyous holiday!!!

Well, just thought I would give an update. Mom is still the same. I really think she has vascular dementia but Dad won't look into it. He did, however, set up PT for my Mom twice a week!!!! YAY! That makes me soooo happy. He is still refusing to get in home care to help him but I do not want to push him right now as he just got the PT. The fact that he is allowing someone in the house twice a week really makes me feel better. My sister and I were afraid he didn't want anyone in the house for fear that they would say he was not doing a good enough job with my Mom or that she needed to go to a NH. I, personally, do not think she needs to go to a NH yet but I am still going to try and get her a in home caregiver.

My Dad just asked me if I could watch my Mom for a week in March while he goes to Vegas. I am a little put out by this as this means I will have to leave my daughter at home -for school- and my husband will have to work half days. my daughter is 16 with special needs and I am a stay at home Mom. She has been having a very rough time lately. In fact, we just got back, yesterday, from a psychiatrist for her to start her on anti-anxiety meds. Switching up her routine-by me leaving-right now is going to be really hard. She has a very set routine with me at home. Crap. Sorry-this is just bad timing. I wish my Mom could come down here but she gets very anxious out of her house and we have steps that she could not navigate to the bathroom. I would ask my Dad to change the week but it coincides with my sister having a conference in Vegas so he goes with her. I want to help him , give him a break, but a whole week away from my girl? And my husband's work has been crazy. Maybe I can ask my brother to watch my Mom for a few days and I can watch her for a few days. He lives 30 minutes away from them. Oh, I am rambling. Sorry. Really I just wanted to say that my Mom is getting PT now (YAY!) and we are still working on getting her in home health care. If I do go up for the week( which I probably will) I am going to just use my Mom's money -with her permission-and get a caregiver signed up for the month!!

it's a step. one of them at a time, and you have a plan!

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