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Ali, I think he was before my time,or maybe I didn't pay attention. I behave badly a lot of the time. Sometimes I keep it in my head, but every now and then I will let something fly. Every one on here is going thru stuff, some of it really bad. I could not do the hands on care that many people do for their loved ones. And I've not had to deal with dementia which is so difficult. My aversion to the pee and poop recitations is just me. But I do hate it that some people don't come back to post after reading that stuff. How's the sleep?

Yep, we are all dealing with something, for sure.

I'm not sure how the sleep is. Seems I can't get enough of it these days. I am in my bed and asleep for enough hours so that I shouldn't feel bone-tired, and yet... I have been feeling like that most days, just painfully tired. I'm hoping the worst of it will pass soon, and if I get help from the thyroid meds, that would be really great.

How's the hospital? You're still there or no? I would die. They would have to give me sedation meds, I can't stand being stuck in a hospital. I can barely stand to be "stuck" at home with myself if I'm not feeling well.

The new mattress is still a very interesting purchase and adjustment -- it's so FIRM. But I don't get backache overnight so I'm thinking I will get used to it in time.

I hope you're mostly recovered from the attack. Thanks for asking about me. :-)

Becky, I think after cleaning parents pee and poop, cleaning your animal's seems like a breeze. That's probably why people don't think twice about discussing it. Some things are better left unsaid for sure. Most caregivers have been there so don't really need to hear the graphic descriptions.

But, maybe ...............people need to talk about it? I don't know.

Hoca is trying out new dishes and served chili for dinner - I imagine the NOC CNA is not going to have a fun shift

Lol, Ms Madge. Chili.................LOL!!!!

Pureed chili?

We get chili as a lunch option regularly... yup, they do pureed chili, with pureed bread and a pureed salad. If you have to do puree it is actually one of the more flavourful options!

I"ll have ketchup on my puree please.

Gershun, I’m sure your right about the people who’ve had to clean up after parents. But for the initiated, every post with the inclusion of the dog pee and dog poop and garbage is too much for me and some others - we find it gross. Then again, maybe if you’re living in that filth you need to talk about it. I have no answer for that situation.

Here is a thread that only has 6 answers:

Caregiver humor.
Started by chrismsherman
7 months ago
Your know you're a caregiver for someone who is elderly or disabled when all the ads that pop up on your facebook or social media pages reflect your search for DEPENDS.

So Send, are you saying I should go to that thread and add something? My two cents...............or a dime, maybe a dollar? It's funny how some threads catch on and others just disappear. I seem to recall I started a thread once where I suggested people talk about their special fun, loving memories of their loved ones and Nope!, people would rather complain.
It seems talking about poop is easier than trying to dredge up a good memory. Sad, kind of..................:(

Elon Musk sent a fake astronaut into the great beyond in a roadster, so why can't I have a brain-zapper that turns mine off on demand...?

Whatever do you mean, I have dinner every night.

The point I was trying to make was there is humor even if it is depends.

Anyone who is offended by humor can go to the person directly and ask them to stop.
They don't have to leave or talk to others using back channels.

Ali, If you find a brain zapper for sleep, let us know about this miracle. I'm up again in the hospital. The headache I had from getting hit on the head is back again. I tried to get a pill, but the order on my chart had expired. My ankle hurts and burns. Hospitalist on duty did a Doppler ultrasound and started me on a blood thinner as prophylaxis for blood clots.

Maybe other posters are like me and have no idea how to find anything, anytime. I stumbled into the dys thread and have found three or four others by accident.

I am whiny tonight. Too much stuff has happened in the last 18 mos. Too many deaths, too much garbage from bad bro and family, etc. and now getting hit on the head by a nutty woman and being in the hospital for week. And this whole sleep thing. I think it's because I haven't been outside. I have to have fresh air to function correctly. Maybe I'll try breathing. If it was daytime, I'd go look at babies in the nursery.

Gershun, Sorry if I offended.

Becky, of course, you didn't offend me! Where did you get that me my dear, I'm usually the one who seems to offend, not get offended. It's all good! You just concentrate on getting better. I was wondering if being on your computer may slow down your recovery. They say looking at devices too much can be a problem. Not that I'm trying to make you leave. I'm just thinking of your well-being.

Guess it is too cold to be wheeled outside in a wheelchair where you are.
Some hospitals have a lobby or an atrium with sunlight. Maybe your hubs can take you on a tour.
Really hoping your headache gets better fast. Is the head of your bed elevated? Get as comfortable as possible, think good thoughts.

Goodnight Gershun!

Cut that out!  If you post something, someone responds, then you erase it, there is a weird comment just sitting there making no sense.  I think that I have been doing that too?  I usually edit only the spelling, but I am sure I must have messed up somewhere.  It's okay, kinda funny isn't it?

I imagine you must be climbing the walls - is there any view out your window ?

Did you get any blueberry pie tonight ? After Barb mentioned Helens, I looked it up online - award winning blueberry pie, my oh my

Helen's has the absolute best blueberry pie. But in the winter the one closest to us is 65 miles away (on a bad road). Governor's is closest by and they're second best, but very good.

I am climbing the walls. They have my head on this padded board thing. Not too uncomfortable. They drained the hematoma. Got another bald spot for that procedure. If the swelling doesn't build up overnight I get to escape tomorrow. The doctor said was okay to use my IPad. The cable here is terrible.

Sorry, Send!! I'm a chronic self-editor, and if I didn't see a response already to something I wrote, and I feel I'm being overly OCD and self indulgent with my own ramblings, then I sometimes edit. I don't even remember what I was whining about but I felt fussy last night, I remember that...

It is funny.  Heheh.  I think it is.  Someone's going to read these threads and think we are all on good meds, hahah.  

They drained the hematoma? You've got holes in your head and they let you out before they heal over? Scary stuff.

Golden you are better at home where those nasty hospital bugs can't hop into your open wounds!

Yes, I suppose. I thought that they kept people who had had that procedure in fora few days. Drilling holes in your skull is pretty invasive.

Golden, It was this tiny thing, looked like a needle. Technically a drill I guess; I heard an electronic noise. They used a syringe to remove the fluid. Took a half an hour start to finish. Didn't hurt at all. I'm packed up and ready to go. PJ has made two trips to the car with a cart taking plants I wanted to keep. I had him take the rest of the cut flowers to the volunteers desk for them to distribute.
I gave the nurses station a couple of boxes of candy I'm not supposed to have. I cheated and kept one box that I knew PJ and his grandson like.

I was going to type what Becky just described. It really is a simple proceedure even if it sounds horrible and no one volunteers for some thing like that. It does relieve the pressure and the headaches. of course you should not attempt anything streuous when you get home but there should not be any after effects.

Great escape Becky! Are you a Viking?
So very happy for you that you got out of there. A hospital is not for you!

Did the doctor who you signaled with your middle finger write the discharge order?  

I suppose they have advanced techniques since neolithic times and ancient trepanning. The old instruments and process always fascinated me.

When they said what they were going to do, I had visions of something Doc on Gunsmoke would do

Send I pinched him on the butt yesterday and he never returned. I explained to him that I was practicing for nursing home placement and future bad behavior. Almost home - PJ’s in the pharmacy getting my prescriptions.

In any case, take it easy the next while. I guess you got off light with only a blue boot and holes in your skull, says she with sarcasm.

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