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Finally got internet back today! It went out last Friday after the storms, seems to have taken a cable off of our satellite. So we got a new satellite and all seems fine now, rural living! Tomorrow my 91 YO Aunt and 3 of my cousins are finally getting here to meet the new Grandson, they got rained out last Friday. DD and I can't wait to see them! My Aunt has declared herself the great grand Mimi, and we are thrilled! I can't believe he is 2 months old, I am totally smitten. I joked I was not retiring to babysit, then DD got pregnant,, and I am thrilled to pitch in . She only lives 3 miles from me so it's easy.

Hey Margaret, I can't learn if I'm not told , that somethings isn't right. it's all Good 😊

Anx, I'm very sorry if I made you feel bad, please don't take it that way. I think I'm OCD about linguistics (and people misrepresenting the Bible). Let's do a deal for mutual forgiveness. Yours, Margaret

Just to add, I'm sure you remember Tim Conway , from The carol Burnet Show. He was dyslexic, and was laughed at so much for doing silly things, he went into comedy.

Anyways that was my life!

A old GF a few years ago, was laughing with other GFs about how they use to try to teach me to dance. They where giggling about it. I said to them, sure , nice guys pick on the learning disabled and walked away. There jaws hit the floor.

I suspect I have dysgraphia too, which much about coordinations.
Will just say grace is not my middle name! 😂

I have no problem with people laughing with me, because heck yeah it can be funny, but I don't like people laughing at me.

I'm sorry Margaret, I'm dyslexic, part of why I'm on this forum, is for support, for tech education and for my own education on correcting myself. I welcome the corrections, because honestly, I had no clue.

I am intelligent I just see things different than others. It's a Nero divergent issue. I actually read very well, which is one of the reasons dyslexia never got caught in school. The other one was because my mom hid it and didn't want me " labeled" . (Nice! 😖) Just please be patient with me. This has actually helped me a lot.

I'm on dyslexia subreddit also. Now that I'm finally learning to help myself things are a bit easier.

Like at boccie, I asked them all if I could always be the red balls, always being red is helping me not mix up the game and get frustrated teammates.

I guess 60 isn't to old to finally admit I'm learning disabled, instead of hiding it and having such low self-esteem I can't do a forum

Anyways thanks, I honestly had no clue!

Anx, I don’t usually bother about spelling, but I keep getting a shock about ‘weather’ (it’s raining) and ‘whether’ (no it’s just mist).

Nacy, this story is mirror image of the doctor and Michael Jackson, tho it was propofol I think that was his drug of choice? And I think that the doctor was with him at the time but just couldn't reverse it.
The doctor is in an email in this case of saying to another person, as regards Matthew "Wonder how much the moron will take". Well, the moron took enough to kill him and the doctor knew this could be the outcome. To be honest, if he doesn't have, in writing, in Perry's own hand, that this drug must NOT be taken without his supervision and his being there, he could be charged with involuntary manslaughter along with the drug charges.

I can't recall what Jackson's doctor was charged with but do think he was convicted and jailed.
Not like this current "Doctor" will have a whole line of his patients in his waiting room. He catered to addicts. The press conference made it sound like they were at fault to Perry's addiction. Not so. Started when a young lad and bragged about the millions and millions he spent in rehab.

Matthew wanted out of this life badly enough to do this. Now he is out of it. And I hope they throw the book at those who make their money off the miserable lives of miserable people.

Alva I have no doubt you are correct, weather it was who he was or really messed up his brain with drug use, I'm sure he was a pretty rotten sick human. As are many addicts and people in power. I just didn't expect such a strange story, that's evolving

I read Matthew Perry's memoir and wow, I think he was a perfect A$$.
His treatment of women (BAD) was something he almost bragged about.
What an unpleasant man.
And the substance abuse just went on and on and on and on.
I have to say, no surprise to me the end.
I would be real surprised if anyone other than himself was responsible for the death he died.
I do recommend that bio. Don't expect to come out of it with an ounce of sympathy.

Just heard on the news they arrested someone in connections with Matthew Perrys, death, this is just so darn sad. 😞

Thank you .

Way: Hugs. 💚

Way, I'm so sorry about your friend. (((Hugs))).

(((((((way)))))) so sorry.

Lol, I was out this morning, used my old key fob, because my husband used mine yesterday, couldn't find my usual ones , got to target , car wouldn't start.

I went back in, got batteries for my key fob, still wouldn't start, I googled it , I had to do all this strange stuff, open the door 2x , then hit the brakes so many times, to rest my fob. I felt like I was on candied camera , like it was a joke, any ways it worked and I'm home.

Technology is insane

Alva , I took miss her so much. 😔 , think of her often and hope she is ok

I am so sorry about your friend and neighbor. She's lucky to have you there. I hope you can support her. It is too young in this day and age. I am thankful she has hospice in.

If anyone hears from NeedHelpFromMom I still do think of her and wonder that she's not around or checking in to let us know she needs vaca for a while. She's so faithful here. I would love to know she's thriving and just taking a break.

Waytomisery, I'm so sorry.

I get upset when my long term neighbors get very ill, even the ones I don't like. Life just doesn't seem fair. 😞

Way, (((hugs)))).

We were having lemonade, french fries and an ice cream cone at The Habit,
was the car shaking?

Yes, but found out hours later when at home again. 🍦🍦🍟🍟

Thank you for thinking of me in California.

My neighbor and good friend is going on hospice , her cancer is now a losing battle . She is 66 years old and one of the nicest people I’ve ever known .

Happy to be on my way back home. Miss my granddaughters.

It was a tough visit, I think my dad is letting go. He is missing my mother and his roommate just died. He’s dealing with a lot of loss. They had a nice friendship, I never figured for him to go first. Just feel sad for my dad. The new guy is very opinionated and really not that friendly.

We accepted an offer on my parents house and my husband and I got rid of 98% of the stuff. Hopefully we close soon. We moved into our new place.I’m not thrilled about spending the money but it is such a nice apartment and Westchester has so many nice little villages to explore. It is a nice change of scenery and I like it.

But I’m exhausted.

Send, same here. Hope the rumbling stops soon.

News report say there's more rumbling in S California - thinking of you Send.

More aftershocks
21 km NW of Grapevine, CA
2024-08-08 02:29:43 (UTC)
2.6 km
23 km NW of Grapevine, CA
2024-08-08 02:28:20 (UTC)
13.7 km
22 km SW of Lamont, CA
2024-08-08 02:23:52 (UTC)
1.8 km
21 km NW of Grapevine, CA
2024-08-08 02:22:56 (UTC)
11.3 km
2 km SW of Alamo, CA
2024-08-08 02:21:24 (UTC)
9.6 km
22 km NW of Grapevine, CA
2024-08-08 02:10:40 (UTC)
9.1 km
22 km NW of Grapevine, CA
2024-08-08 02:09:15 (UTC)

Dh says it is a good thing, he says it releases pressure bit by bit
instead of having the big one.

Send, Hopefully the aftershocks settle down . It’s scary. I love living in California but there is this.

Take care. Hope Tweety is okay.


Is this when California slides into the Pacific Ocean?
An earthquake about 9 p.m. last night has caused frequent aftershocks all night and all day.

Maybe that is what scared my Tweety, but we have not felt it.

Reported 16 hrs. ago:
Earthquake…5.7 magnitude earthquake centered in Mettler, 20 miles southwest of Bakersfield
UPDATE: shaking widely felt across the Antelope Valley and Santa Clarita Valley…numerous aftershock in the 4.0 - 4.5 magnitude range
UPDATE 2: 12 aftershocks have occurred in first 30 minutes after the initial quake
UPDATE 3: as of 10:20pm a total of 62 aftershocks have been recorded.

and that was just last night....aftershock continuing.

Send ,
Seems silly to check if you are a robot . Only a human would order food .

Guess there will be no groceries today. And no kiddie pool either.
Instacart has never been instant, and the website freezes up just when I am ready to click on order.

Today, they could not verify that I was human, a new feature.

Of course I am human. The kind that will not wait more than 30 seconds watching that circle spin......

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