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All I think about the last few days is spring. I have lots of projects to do...mostly replant my many Japanese trees...oh goodness, I hope we have a real sping and not go from cold weather to really hot weather like it has been the last 2 yrs. If I don't get to fixes my Jap garden this year I might lose my mind...LOL! Just can't wait for the warm sunny days:)

Yeah but, has anyone seen a daffodil, dancing with a fairy on a windy hill?

3 small sprigs of romaine at 5 in the morning.
Have not yet a clue about what to eat on my new program.
This should be a fun challenge!

Today I saw 2 small flocks of tundra swans, one robin and I'm sure I heard a killdeer - dare I hope?

Thx lu - no nap, just a hot bath and did my hair so I look and feel better. No chills today so I must be getting over it,

Hope you had a nice,long nap Golden & forget the housework for a while.It'll always be there~

No worries, lu. I put it away and feel a nap coming on. 💤

Don't overdo it Golden~Easy does it

On my mind - housework! I am getting over the flu and kinda left my mop where I was using it when I started to feel ill. Time to tidy up a bit.

I'm closing out of another group site. Hope this one gets more active. Hi everyone! Unite

A Grandmother was washed out to sea in Ireland.
Sitting on an iceberg throne, here son, take my picture!

Life preserver on it's way.....

I hear you, Cwillie!
Do you like orange, cherry, lemon, or lime lifesaver candy, or C H O C O L A T E ?

Still just treading water, no land in sight.

Husband fell asleep, good. Now I can relax and do/watch what I want. Lol

Feed your Faith and doubt will starve to death

Welcome, Unite! :) Yes, this site is a lifesaver. So many caregivers at all stages of the caregiving process, and grief support as well.

Thanks Barbbrooklyn, the site I was on for a couple years closed. I have been searching, found a couple sites, either hardly active or not easily usable. Right, just a place to vent, get advise, and just plain talk when you need and want to. My life changed on 9/15/18. I now have a bedridden husband. Who do you care for?

Unoted, this is the right place for EVERYONE! Ask a question or vent. It's all good.

Hi, don't know if I'm at the right place for me. New here. I am a caregiver to my husband.

Cm- Be it true, lonely lunches.
I am ok with that.
But, really I am never alone. HE is always with me. :)

Smeshque, "rather be right than popular," hmm?

While what you say is *true*...

It can also make you very lonely at lunchtimes.

The New Moon is no excuse to allow negative posts against another caregiver to flourish on this forum, especially involving attacks and hateful personal criticisms.

Other forum moderators will post and close a topic to further discussion.

Example would read:

"Administrator has closed this thread for further comment."

And a good night to you, Send


Tomorrow is the New Moon.


If you are a believer, I would pray and ask God to help you overcome your fear. I went through a time in my life where I questioned everything I believed about existence, God, death, etc. It was right after my grandpa died. I believe over time (not immediately) He gave me peace with things (even my doubts/questions) and helped me to have a stronger faith. Now, it's not so much death that scares me, it's dying in pain, or living for years a prisoner of my own mind and body as I saw with my mom's struggles. I just pray and hope it doesn't go like that, but that when my time comes, it's peaceful and while I'm still in my right mind.

smeshque - I'm glad you got there. I'm still finding my way.

If your heart is empty, it does not matter how full your head is.

PB- I use to have that issue as well. And now I don't, long haul but got there. 4 words, faith is the victory.

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