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Of course magnesium is absorbed through the skin. I believe in these old basic remedies.
Someone gave me this, I had tried it but my ankle and calf turned black, because I did not read the instructions to rinse it off.:
swanson ultra (the most advanced nutrition technology) liquid spray, dr. barbara hendel's Magnesuim oil (magnesium chloride brine) from the ancient Zechstein Seabed in the Netherlands.

Fancy, huh?

I am sticking with the epsom salts, in the bath water, thanks.

Thanks everyone!
Reading.....taking notes.

It is encouraging that you have advice or me to alleviate my suffering.

Leg and foot cramps - Ouch!  My mother used quinine, and gave it to me also.  It was removed from use because it is needed for malaria.  Tonic water has some quinine in it, so it works sometimes.  Minerals in balance also help.  My doc figured out I needed 'chelated' calcium and magnesium, and it made all the difference.  For some reason I don't absorb them properly from foods, but I can if it is chelated.

Send, you are funny:)

Stainless steel is great for cooking. I use dishwasher detergent in a pan that is difficult to clean. Bring it to the boil and let it sit for a while. Then it cleans up nicely.
ETA - put some some water in the pan with the dishwasher detergent, in case that isn't obvious 😉

Fumes from Teflon pans have been known to kill parakeets - stick (no pun intended) to stainless steel

Helpful hint for cleaning stuck on food in stainless steel is to remove from stove and fill with water and tamp down a paper towel in the bottom of the pan
by the time you're done eating, wipe the paper towel around the pan and much of the mess is lifted away making washing much easier

Purchased a second Hepa filter to clear the air in my home. The parakeet cannot breathe in toxic odors, such as cooking in teflon pans.

This one monitors poor air quality. The blue light changes to amber, then red.

Everytime I walked by the new unit, it turned red! What? I showered, do not use perfumes.

Turns out, the muscle and joint spray (Zim's Max Freeze) I use was causing the machine to go off. A greaseless, vanishing scent formula it says. Even though it was sprayed on in another room, the scent did not dissipate right away.

Later, hubs was just falling asleep, there was a little sound, and the light turned red!

Madge you and I must be on the same wavelength when it comes to our t.v. viewing. I was just looking at the channel listings five minutes ago and saw that was on. Was tempted to watch but too tired right now.

I started watching the HBO miniseries on Chernobyl - so terrifying but interesting -
in conversation about the show, I learned that the US had a scary incident in SoCal in 1959 which is not well known but drew attention in last year's wildfire

Tonic water helps cramps - gin doesn't hurt either.

The moon looked very beautiful and full on my drive home tonight, Book. I definitely noticed it. It seemed extra bright in the dark sky, shining out from behind a few wispy clouds.

Hope your foot cramp is better, Send. I have gotten those foot cramps at times, or get a charlie horse in my leg. Magnesium supplements always help me to prevent those. If you have some Epsom salt, you could get a big dose of Mg salt that way, by absorbing it.

Edit: I just now read online that the effects of Epsom salt have NOT been proven. What?? I've long assumed that, but of course, it works that way, that you can absorb Mg through the skin. Hm. Maybe, maybe not, it would seem.

Drinking water and banana smoothie, with cranberry and black cherry juice.
It is what I have on hand.
Dijon mustard may not work.

My sister swears by eating a spoonful of prepared mustard for leg cramps. I've bananas (potassium) help.

Foot cramps are awful, are you sure you're drinking enough? (I mean water, not other beverages, although.....😉)

If I could just kick myself, and it wouldn't hurt more!
I knew better than to try to clean up my garden Wednedsday.
My foot is not only cramping, it seizes up and has a tendon showing from toe to ankle, making it look deformed. It gets stuck that way!

I grabbed the Vit. D and 400 mg. of magnesium, that should help.

The moon. After work, I automatically looked up in the sky and saw the moon - bright daylight hours, not evening time. Good thing no car hit me as I walked staring at the moon. I can't wait to see the moon in Texas. And in Hawaii, too!

Happy Mother’s Day to everyone especially to those who are missing their mama this weekend

The time has come to see a new PCP, I agree.

Thanks Polar and CM.

Send I see no occasion for humour in what happened with that test.

It isn't that I expect any competent medical practitioner to be au fait with the Gettysburg address, not even that very famous bit.

It is that I expect both medical practitioner and assistant to do the test properly if they're going to do it at all.

He got the date wrong. Did they actually mark this correctly?

He failed to read a question, step one in following instructions. Where was the verb? Where, come to that, was the subject? "Jesus wept" is famously the shortest sentence in the Bible, and would also have been more apt in this situation.

In all seriousness, I would make a formal complaint. There is no point in tests if those carrying them out don't do it competently.

Happy stuff here. My Mom lives in AL near my sister, about 1 1/2 hours from me. My very dear sister is feeling overwhelmed with medical stuff going on with her DH and was wondering what could be done for Mother's day. I am dealing with my own health issues and didn't feel up to making the trip over myself. I put out a call for help and my dear son is going to bring his grandmother here (where she used to live) for the day. He is looking forward to that, and so are my mother and I. I'm so grateful for a loving family.

OMG - sounds like your hub needs a new PCP. This one is clueless. So sorry about the hour cut.

The PCP said that.
She was "impressed" that he wrote something she never heard of (because she is from a different country, not growing up here). Who cares that it was not a complete sentence even?

The Medical assistant, who administered the test most likely did not even notice when he said April, instead of MAY. I bet she thought it was still April when he said it with confidence.

It was the PCP who said it was a high score.

I feel so very sad for my hubs struggling. His hours are cut from 20/ 12-15 hrs., now I think it is because he does actually act strange at work like he does at home.

Will be making another hopeless appointment with a neurologist. But thank the Lord he has traditional Medicare (stand alone Medicare), and can choose his own doctors without a referral.
This is the "Standard of care" protocol when an HMO is in charge of care.

For once, I am not kidding. Thanks for asking (I say that sincerely-shows you know me a bit). But does anyone have something funny to say about this sad and frustrating experience?

Send - who said "You scored very high on the test. You scored higher than I could. We all have memory issues, there is no treatment for that."

The PCP? You?

Are you kidding about the high score? I hope so.

Dh was seen by his PCP today, and administered the 15 question "test" for mental status.
What is today's date? A: April 8, 2019
What month is it? A: MAY
Please write a sentence with a subject and a verb: He writes: "Four score and twenty years ago".
She asks, "What were you trying to write? I don't know that.
He could not answer.A: = (Lincoln's Gettysburg address).
Four score and SEVEN years ago, our fathers brought forth upon this continent, a new nation, conceived in liberty and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal.

Result: You scored very high on the test. You scored higher than I could. We all have memory issues, there is no treatment for that.

Mwahhhhh ha ha.

Best to hope that the criminal cops a plea by the trial date and you will be released that morning, as having served your time (in jury duty). And, you will get paid.

Serving jury duty
#3 in the box
hope I get kicked off panel

I’ll have to go into office at night and weekend to meet deadline if picked

naturally caregivers are calling off for mother’s day so it’s gonna be a long weekend at hoca

Dh says: "I was interpolating the information".
He was giving me next week's schedule, when something seemed off, so I asked him if he was guessing or making it up.

Just the facts please.

Once upon a time when receiving mail from the Post Office, they would have stamped the date on the envelope - either on the stamp or the bottom of the envelope. Now, it travels anonymously. I miss seeing how an envelope practically took a month to get from the US mainland to the island.

Do not like the world's new way. That is to omit the time and date off the internet, so one never knows how old the information is that you are reading. Even letters from the government do not have dates.

5/6 11:50 a.m. PST

Thanks Bookluvr!
I have an old kindle too. Never replaced it, the troubles pop up, and I learn to deal.
I will ask my dH to check my storage. Thanks!

I hear you! Never want those disasters to happen again.
That is when I tell myself, "Nothing bad is happening now" .
In my mind, I answer: "Yeah, but"......

A thunderstorm is on it's way. I believe this contributes to insomnia.
For me, anyway.

Typing this from my Chromebook, my back-up tech, since my techie dH is not reliable.

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