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Does 'Troll' come from 3 Billy Goats Gruff or from trolling for fish to take the bait? Maybe they are 'baiters'.

I don't want to burn anyone at the stake unless they are a hotdog or a marshmallow. Just saying..............................:)

I have an idea: instead of 'Troll' why not call them 'witches' that way we can burn them at the stake, I don't know maybe in a place called Salem up in New England. That might be a good idea, original too!!

I think we should think of another name besides troll for these people. Trolls are kind of cute in an ugly kind of way.

How about sspwnb's Which stands for Scum Sucking Pigs with no Brains. I'm not sure how'd you go about pronouncing that but it works for me.

Actually pigs are kind of cute too.

How about SSLFOH's. Scum sucking Lowest Forms of Humanity. Too graphic maybe.

Okay trolls it is. :)

Thank you Polar Bear! So nice.

Ignoring the troll was no longer possible when IT attacked a poster, true to troll form, IT said to a caregiver: Learn to spell, plus some stuff.

Others had reminded the troll of forum rules, which Troll broke, kept breaking.

I could not let that stand, so I spoke up.

Send - glad Admin took care of the troll (not sure whom you were referring to though.) In any case, you still shouldn't leave. If you leave, then there's one less nice poster in this forum and that's just what the troll wants.

I just ignore trolls, angry posters, foul mouths, etc. They are not worth one second of my time. But you, I'd be disappointed if you left.

Thank you for pointing that out, however, I was not going to name names.
The always faithful admins already took care of it. It was no one we would know.
It seemed to me more of a political agenda, but I am not sure.

Your comments are always helpful to keep us all on track.

I'm not sure who you mean Send. All kinds of people become caregivers, and although some people are just unpleasant that doesn't necessarily make them trolls. And some of the people who say unpleasant things have been around for a while and get a lot of likes for their nasty comments, occasionally they even say things that I think are helpful.

Logging Out until the admins take care of our latest troll.
Someone comes on here with an attitude, an agenda, and starts attacking other caregivers and this website. Perfect example of an instigator and troll.

Oh, Oh, Lighting just struck the light pole at the end of my street.  Guess that it is time to get off of the computer and into the basement.  
🌁 🌂 🌁

Group HUG!!!

Make new memories, but keep the old.
These are silver, but those are gold.

It is cold & grey here today, I'd love to be at the beach (warm & carefree) too!

OK, on my mind. If I could I would rent the summer home we used to own when i was a kid and spend the entire summer at the beach, just as we did every summer.

Devastating tornados in Missouri and Oklahoma.
Praying everyone is okay.

Longears - I found the articles. Very interesting. Thanks for sharing.

I would choose a clear functional brain every time. My noodling started with the March 2017 issue of psychology today. Two articles: "The case for choline" & "Palate & possibility" got me looking for more info. The same day there was a choline study report on my news feed page. I followed whatever links sounded interesting, both pro & con.

FWIW, to me, there is a connection between the decades long focus on cardiac health for extending life & the (seemingly) exponential increase in numbers of dementia patients. Maybe cardiac health allows us to outlive brain health or maybe focusing on cardiac health inadvertently damages brain health or a combo of both.

"Life should not be a journey to the grave with the intention of arriving safely in an attractive and well preserved body, but rather a skid in sideways, chocolate in one hand, wine in the other, screaming "WOO HOO what a ride!"

Longears, Well I am so ahead of it than because I love my steaks, dairy, and my BF loves his pasta so we eat a lot of pasta.

I do know that the brain needs protein and some sugar to stay healthy and active. Unless, the researchers has change!

I would have to agree with you Polarbear "I would rather die of a heart attack with my brain intact than a good heart and a shriveled up brain."

Longears - Wow! Best news I heard all day. Would you mind posting the links to said articles? A friend of mine is adamant about eggs being bad and always frowns on my eating eggs. I also loves pate (liverwurst), steaks, peanuts, menudo, yum yum.

I'd rather die of a heart attack with my brain intact than a good heart and a shriveled up brain.

Read two interesting articles while noodling around the web. The first made a connection between lack of dietary choline & cognitive decline. Good sources of dietary choline are eggs, liver, peanuts, meat, poultry, fish, dairy products, pasta & rice. Look at the list. For the past 40-50 years we've been told that to have cardiac health don't eat or restrict consumption of eggs, organ meats, cheese, red meat, pasta. Inadvertently, we cut out sources of a nutrient essential to brain health.
The second article explored the connection between eating cold water fatty fish & cardiac health. Unless you have the enzyme needed to get the good stuff out of the fish there is no upside to eating said fish for cardiac health. Inuits or Eskimos carry the gene for that enzyme.
Soooo: bring on the steak, lasagna, ice cream, fried chicken, liver cooked in butter, egg & cheese omelets. My brain is worth it! Just sayin'

☺️😊😉🌲🌅 ⛴️ 🐕 Thank you cwillie!  Playing and having fun. 😃

There are emoji extensions you can add to your browser, but if you don't want to do that you can use Emojipedia

Yes Send, I like middle finger emoji.  And after supper I'm taking a bath with Epsom salts.  I forgot about the vitamin D.  I take that too.
How do people put faces and things on their comments?  :-)


Send, there is diet, sugar free, tonic water. For short term help with cramps, that might not be too bad.

There must be a raised middle finger emoji, surely, is there not?

What's on my mind?

If I get one more 'thumbs up' emoji when I've updated sister-3 on life here supporting aging parents + sister-2 (disabled)..... double incontinence & combative behavior is NOT a 'thumbs up'!

Is there an emoji with "stick your thumb where the sun don't shine"?

Send? Send? Come back Send! Who is this crazy person pretending to be Send?

Still awake, what's on Amazon Prime?

No one has mentioned the g i n to go with the tonic water as a cure for leg and foot cramping. Do you realize there is high fructose corn syrup in the tonic water?

Is the cure worse than the cramping? Not yet.

You do know how to party, Send

Have kept my 30 y.o. set of stainless steel pans.

My new job is to keep the hepa filter light blue, not red.
Do you think one little blip of methane gas will kill my parakeet?

It will be okay, it is blue now.

That tonic water tastes horrible, like medicine. But after Toad's Wild Ride... I am driving on a full moon.......Ralph's entrance was blocked by the swat team, 5 cars, one at the front door; ....then 7/11 did not have tonic water.....but did have lotto tickets, and mustard,.... and a lady in the front window with the clerk looking inside her blouse-hubs could no longer hear me when I said get out of the car....we went to a liquor store and got tonic water, came home had a mustard sandwich with bacon, cheese, lettuce, mayo, and lots of mustard. Already took Vit D and magnesium daily for 3 days. Hubs is drinking my small bottle of tonic water......and I am in bed. Sheesh!

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