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Me too Send~I'm scared and brokenhearted

On my do we cope...another shooting in El Paso, Tx today, at a Walmart, 20 dead.
My heart is breaking, and I am scared.

Tonight is a Black New Moon.
It is called that because it is the second New Moon in one month.
For those of us who do not follow....
It is different than a Full Moon.
The second Full Moon in one month is called a blue moon, and happens
only once in a blue moon. ha.

The whole thing made me sick to my stomach.  Maybe the way to slow it down is to not mention the shooter's name, or  show his picture.  Also, a return to common sense, decency, and politeness along with leaders who demonstrate this.  I do not know if it can happen, or if we'll have to push for it as spirits later on.

I'm so sorry, Worried. That is horrible. I don't understand what goes through someone's mind to make them do something like this. Praying for Gilroy and everyone affected by this tragedy.

I'm really sorry to read about this, Worried.

I walked through the very middle of Central London yesterday. It was absolutely packed with sightseers, and of course it crosses your mind these days to think how easy it would be for someone with terrorist intentions to make headlines.

Because of where I was - walking from Victoria Station to Piccadilly which takes you right past Buckingham Palace, and you can tell the Queen was home because the flag was flying - I know that every step I took was monitored in real time by dozens of cameras. If I'd put my bag down for too long or been wearing the wrong clothes for a July day or stood and stared in a way that didn't look right, I would have been attended by friendly armed policeman within seconds. I expect, although I don't know, that I would also have been sighted by snipers.

But you can't watch everywhere that intensely, and people who are determined to get famous in this insane way will pick the nearest soft target. It is *horrible* but I don't know how it can be stopped.

Damn. First victim has been identified and he was only 6 years old. He was at the festival with his mother and grandmother. I can’t even begin to comprehend this :(

Watched the Gilroy press release and the suspect was shot & killed within about a minute after the shooting began. They believe he got in by cutting through a fence near the creek. 4 are dead including the suspect. I’m glad the shooting isn’t as bad as initially reported. You never think something like this will happen in your backyard! Especially at a family event. I said earlier we stopped going because it started attracting gang just makes me so angry that this happened because when the gang members started causing trouble at the festival, the organizers and law enforcement worked together to make the event safer, there were multiple police, probation and parole officers working the festival. The festival has ZERO tolerance, it’s a gun free zone and this still happened. I always say if someone really wants to shoot up the place, they will and this just proves it. It is really true that we aren’t safe anywhere these days. What a sad day.

Smeshque, I’ve never heard of pigeon races! Sounds interesting!

Thanks for asking.
There are small aftershocks daily. There was a few 4.7 recently.
It is getting harder to tell if it is an aftershock, or the new neighbor with his loud motorcycle, now with 5 friends with motorcycles hanging out.
Do not know how to tell if they are a dangerous motorcycle gang, or the reported
"friendly" types.

So sorry to hear about the shootings in Gilroy.

What is really sad, is people just can't go to a festival, do a marathon, go to a concert, go to church or go to school without wondering if a shooting is going to happen. It is becoming to commen!

Worried that is very heavy!

Worried- that is heavy. So sad that things things happen.
We use to go to Gilroy to let our pigeons out when in training for races. So I am very familiar with the Garlic Festival and Gilroy. That is such a sad thing for the town, for the people involved and all the responders. :( Will be praying.

My heart is so heavy. There was a mass shooting at the Gilroy Garlic festival about 2 hours ago. They are calling it an active shooter situation. I don’t know anyone who still goes to it, it attracts a lot of gang members and that’s a deal break for our circle of friends. The gang members are why we went once and never again. No confirmed numbers but various newssources are reporting 13 injured and 7 dead. LEO friend NOT there said 60 injured and 4 dead but nothing has been officially confirmed yet. They called for 3 cal star helicopters to fly out 4 patients. My husbands department was called in to assist since we are so close to Gilroy, they sent 9 officers to the shooting A very dear friend who works for Gilroy PD is right there in the midst of it & my heart hurts thinking about him & all the first responders on scene saving lives and trying to catch the bad guy.

One suspect is said to be down, one is still on the run. But again not officially confirmed A few minutes ago there was a single gun shot heard at a nearby creek. Perhaps the other shooter taking the easy way out?

Theres video footage all over social media, taken by people at the scene. Local news just interrupted regular programming and said one suspect may be in custody. But their report is all over the place because nothing has been confirmed. They say there are a lot of patients at the local trauma centers. One hospital for 5 patients.

this is just awful. The garlic festival IS GILROY. It’s their pride and joy, it’s a huge fundraiser. It’s a family friendly event with lots of law enforcement present during the 3 day festival.

just saw a social media post from someone who was just feet away from the shooter and she said the police shot and killed the shooter, a young white male dressed in green Camo. Someone else said a boy is dead. I heard a 3 year old is one of the victims.

Sendhelp, any more after shocks from the earthquake?

Pam- I think you are alright. ☺️

Oh boy,, Glad and Smesque.. I hope I am not one of "those".. But I do sometimes ask questions when someone make a comment, and I can't find where the information came from. But I try to ask nicely, and say sorry. I am not one of those who goes into everyones profiles to get the whole story.. Bad me.. Not trying to be a "know it all", just really looking for what I missed

The neighbors....we have several who are just living large, have a huge footprint, and are bullies.

Often, I would want to give them a piece of my mind. I am silent about it because I just do not have enough pieces left to spare.

This forum rocks, and the people on it are special!

I think what we have on AgingCare is very special, I've spent a lot of time searching for caregiving forums and have never come across anything else like it. I think the uniqueness comes from the longevity of so many regular posters and their willingness to jump in wherever they feel they can contribute, every other group I've found is peopled by drive by members who take what they need and leave.

Smesque, Glad, Amen.

Some have to be right all the time. If they don't agree they will correct another poster. What is the freakin point? Different people, different states, different laws, different situations.....

Yes, increasing tension here, didn't used to be that way.

I sure miss all those I use to see regularly on here.
The tension is so thick here now.
Oh (sigh) I miss the good ol' days.

On my mind...hum, In this life I have learned that people come as your friend or maybe it is a family member, they give you courage when you feel you can't go on. They make you strong when you are weak. They pull you off the cliff when you wanted to jump. They are there for you when you feel alone.

Then something changes and you never know what it was or when it happened. All you know that something is different--something change! You look back and there were no signs--no symptoms. All you know is that they are not the same. But maybe you yourself has changed then you realize you were the same from beginning to the end. What has happen you don't know. So you reexamine yourself. Asking questions with no answers and none to be found. All you know you are hurt--betrayed!

I have had a lot of this in my life. Maybe I am broken and I pick broken people for reasons I do not know. So here I am writing words for all the world to read and sending them into a void of people who I will never meet. I know I am not alone for this happens to all. It doesn't matter if your white or black, or rich or poor, or highly educated or have any education at all. One minute they are by your side and the next they are on the otherside. Never take people at face value. Keep moving, keep going forward! This is what I have learned in this life.

I don't get too worked up either about whatever the neighbors do as long as it's not harming us or our property. One of our neighbors though is so anal it's not even funny. He actually put a little mini fence along his "boundary" of the yard to let us know not to mow past that point because he has a "specially treated" lawn.

He also made sure to let our contactors who did some structural work for us know not to get any dirt on his patio. I mean, not one speck of anything. I think he goes out there and vacuums it daily. It's kind of amusing when he's not complaining about anything related to us.

My Great Grandmother tatted and made lace for dresses and doilies for chair/sofas. I have some of her doilies: one is 5 inches round and another one is about 8 inches round.  My Great Aunt tried to teach me tatting and crocheting when I was in high school but I could never keep the thread even.

Mom came across a tatting shuttle in her treasures. And told me a story about it. She wanted me to have it. So I had no idea what tatting was. Looked it up and now I do. Learn something new everyday. :) Might try it one day.

Does not involve india ink, needles and skin.:)

Gershun, you have the right motto.

I personally don't get too wound up about what my neighbors do unless it truly is affecting my comfort and well being. It's not worth it to me to get into it with people plus my hubs is a complainer and being around that makes me want to not be like that even more. In fact his whole family are neurotic as hell. Live and let live is my motto.

Not criticizing you guys for your opinions about your neighbors, so nobody get mad. Just stating my opinion.

On our walks around the block,Mother and I saw alot of pretty flowers and trees and things and we loved the" neighborhood bouquets" we made and it was our secret~

TN, heck ya you showed him! The nerve of some people. I’m amazed he thought he had the right to block your driveway and not get towed!

CW that is just petty of your neighbor LOL!

Shell, I don’t know how people can live like that-brawling one minute and friends the next! Just nuts!

the last time I visited my parents, I noticed that the neighbors cherry blossom tree was hanging over the fence by about 2 feet. I thought it was really pretty so I got my brother to cut off a few branches for me. He was so afraid the guy would call the cops on us haha! I must say, the cherry blossoms looked just lovely in a vase on the cherrywood table & mirror thing my mom has next to the front door!

Worried, that sounds like my old neighborhood and a bar I use to work at. The girls would hate eachother one minute and the best of friends the next...I could never keep up with who liked who or who dislike who!

TNtechie, I guess you showed him. LOL

Yes CW! My dad use to say that saying so much!

Had the world gone mad??

Well Bruce strikes again! Last night hubbys best friend was over and they were hanging out in the garage during their “Guy stuff” if you will. I went out around dusk and saw a white Honda in front of the park at dusk with 2 people inside. Came back outside over an hour later and it was now dark and the Honda was still there. Stayed out chatting with the guys and all of a sudden there was Bruce & his dog in the street about 4 feet from the car, the driver’s window was down and he was clearly telling them to leave. One of these days he’s going to upset the wrong person......

Funny thing about Bruce is, he makes sure everyone is following the law and the park rules yet he takes his dog in to the park despite the fact they aren’t allowed there. And he never has the dog (a friendly collie) in its leash. I wasn’t present to witness this but one afternoon when he was making his rounds the park, his dog bit a motorcycle cop on the leg as he drove by the park! The cop must not have been driving that fast. The cop gave him a ticket!

Shell you just reminded me about the brawl I saw in front of the park a few years ago! It was during the day so Bruce wasn’t around to break up the fight LOL! I was the one who called the cops. I was sitting out front reading a book while the kids played with the kids who lived next door at the time. I heard loud yelling all of a sudden & looked toward the park...I don’t know how to express this without being offensive but....I saw a junky old van and a man & 2 women I can best describe as looking like trailer trash, in a very heated argument. They were not from the neighborhood. I had never seen them or the van here before. One of the women was in the driver’s seat of the van with the door open. All 3 were screaming at each other and screaming obscenities and a racial slur (N word even though they were all white). The blonde woman outside the van started grabbing the brunette woman in the van by the hair & trying to drag her out. They were in the middle of street swinging at each other and screaming. Then an older woman who appeared to be the mom of the woman in the van got out and hobbled over to them with a cane! She wasn’t even old, maybe early 50s? Cue all 4 out there hitting each other. Best I could tell, the 2 women were fighting over the man. They left just before the cops arrived. We found some broken jewelry and a phone in the street where they had been parked. Interestingly, I only saw the blonde woman from behind, never saw the front of her during the brawl. A few hours later, I saw her and the man walking towards the park and she was visibly pregnant! Then the van came back and they were all talking civilly. The blonde woman got in the van and the man and the brunette went and sat on the park bench & were talking. It was the craziest thing!

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