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I was glad to have the extra hour this morning.I made it to church on time.


I agree. Very sad about the horses.

Sad about the horse racing. Just saw the news.

8 more minutes of snooze time.

hoca, errands, chores, bills

Setting my clocks back one hour.

Yes, Glad.
Spring forward, Fall backwards.

RE: B/P education...
A diagnosis of hypertension or just incorrectly taken and recorded readings in one's medical record can cause one to be denied life insurance (or be assigned to an expensive high risk policy).
Same problem with health insurance...having a "pre-existing" condition can raise your rates, or cause you to be denied.

The Uniform Time Act of 1966 (15 U.S. Code Section 260a) [see law], signed into Public Law 89-387 on April 12, 1966, by President Lyndon Johnson, created Daylight Saving Time to begin on the last Sunday of April and to end on the last Sunday of October.

Over the years I have heard that it is the fault of Ben Franklin, but I thought I remembered when the clock adjustment started. Finally looked it up and always relieved to find out I am not imagining remembering things that have happened during my lifetime.


I wish the time would stay the same year round. I don’t like It going back and forth.

I have the same problem, CW. This time change is very hard on me. It takes weeks to adjust my internal clock.

So we're turning the clock back and gaining an hour of sleep tonight. When you routinely wake up at 4:30 that is not a positive thing.

I have seen news pieces on Tango competitions. Being in a rural area is tough for things like that.

Have you tried googling it? I know I see flyers posted around where I live for ballroom and salsa groups (I think "oo how interesting" and then never do a thing about it), I wouldn't be surprised if there were secret societies around you that indulge :)

Scr3w the young people, I'm the one who wants to go dancing! If we're supposed to go out and get some exercise why can't it be fun? (and no, dancercise at the gym does NOT count)
I suppose people still dance at weddings, but nobody invites the general public to the party any more the way they did when I was young - in those days it was almost a competition to see how many people you could attract to your reception (with a cash bar it was a good money maker too).

I was talking to a young person on this very subject only yesterday evening, CW. She was chatting about her contemporaries who all complain about the lack of things for young people to do round here; and all there is is a few bars, so they get drunk, then people criticise them for it. I pointed out that in bigger cities where there are clubs and dance venues, they dance and get drunk, and it's very expensive, and there are more drugs around, and so it's not really better is it?

As far as I can see, the difficulty is more about what young people would like to do with their leisure time other than getting drunk. Actually, there is LOADS for young people to do; it's just that when you think of examples you know you're going to sound like someone's Great Aunt Hilda if you suggest them.

Line dancing got big again ten years or so ago, didn't it? - do you think these things just go in cycles?

Do people dance any more? I was thinking about all the dances I went to in my salad days, how there was always an open wedding reception or a service group having a fundraiser or even the dance floor at the local bar and what fun it all was to get tipsy (all right, pissed to the gills) and dance all night. Back in mom's day there were the big dance halls with big band music that people travelled for miles to attend. What happened, where did it all go?


thinking of you


madge - sorry to hear about the Viking's troubles. I think it is a good idea to try her without the aspirin. It can be very hard on the stomach. Life for the aged is often tough.

So sorry, Tacy. He is a mental case! You don’t need him torturing you.

Has your mom handled the package? Is it safe?

Tacy, what DIL said. Don't waste time. Call the cops, suspicious package. I am surprised you haven't already.

Call the cops and tell them you fear your stalker sent you a package containing drugs or explosives.

"Return to sender...address unknown"

Hugs Becky

I have way too much on my mind and none of it is pleasant. I had to start hemodialysis last Tuesday. I went thru all the classes and orientation. Even though they tell you that you will be tired that doesn’t begin to describe.

Thinking of discontinuing the daily baby aspirin that the Viking has been taking for over 2 years now

she keeps saying she's vomiting which she's not and doesn't want to eat

I pay $524.00 per month for my health insurance. High quality, pays everything, but still expensive.

Oh, and I've had my mammogram this year already too! All good!

Send, my blood pressure is the other end of the spectrum. Too low. I checked it two days ago and it was 97 over 76. Maybe that's not too low but lower. Could explain why I feel faint and dizzy quite often.

October is National Breast Cancer Awareness Month

Rant over.
There is currently no affordable healthcare insurance for me personally, imo.
Not HMO, Not PPO.

If someone wants the basics and doesn't mind trusting kp to even take your B/P correctly, in other words a patient will be put through the plan standard protocols, standard tests, standard of care for the majority of the population, then it might be an ok plan. But a hospital visit would bankrupt me @ $300/day copayment. However, it is not just kp, but any major HMO, imo.

The PRESSURE from staff protocols to actually have the patient to have high blood pressure is tremendous after nurse takes your b/p, it is high, so she will take it again, she says. (153/73). She does not. How many reading this are on b/p meds?

When it is decided that I will be required to report to their specialty blood pressure nurse in a week (who was so very busy) an appointment was made for weeks away....) I then ask the nurse to retake my b/p, she argues that she already did......
But agrees to retake it (143/73). Wow, that is HIGH??? Not. Not high.

I cancelled the b/p appt. I understand that I can fight this (which makes me so angry, my b/p rises!) and have inaccurate information deleted from my record.
Pain and rushing to appt. can also raise one's s b/p. White coat syndrome can raise one's b/p.
Facts are that a consistently high b/p that is documented over 3 visits may be an accurate diagnosis of hypertension. I deny having hypertension. I have proved it over time by monitoring it.

Often, the B/P device is not calibrated accurately. The cuff is not placed on the upper arm firmly, and is too loose. The device pumps up and "holds" tight for too long, causing pain, and the doctors, do they even know HOW TO TAKE your B/P anymore, at all? Because.....they don't. They don't take a reading, and I doubt they know how. Thus the need/requirement for a specialty bp nurse?

Oops, power is out, due to Santa Ana wind conditions. Temps can get high today. Tweety and I will need cooling. See? Why would I even have to address kp' s errors? At all.......

For those w o n d e r I n g why it is so very important to have accuracy in b/p readings, accuracy in diagnosing hypertension, there is no help for you except
e d u c a t I o n. Imo.

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