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I doubt it . It’s a horrible drive during beach season through NYC to go out to eastern Long Island. We probably won’t go until after Labor Day .

Oh 😮 my your right there!!

Golden said it. Reactor not a Planner.

Yeah.. my DH is like that. Why waste his time planning for A or B when it could be CDEFG? I think he prides himself on his quick thinking decision making.

Quick! Shoot that wild beast running our way! (I of course have thoroughly researched the area, the safest way to travel, what beasts are likely to be present).

Just this weekend, I avoided a situation with high potential risk of mission creep, of falling in a hole. DH said just go.. but say no & leave if you need to.

I'd rather AVOID any chance of falling in that sticky hole thankyou. I guess Way does also.

So. Way stays put. Way's DH lives his merry life. Until a crises befalls. Then he scrambles, packs a bag, boards a flight etc. Way has concrete plans that cannot be changed. Or a sudden bad toothache. Or deadpans "I am not responsible for MIL's lack of planning.
I warned MIL there were risks.
MIL choose to take those risks.
Therefore the consequences are hers".

#tough love

PS I googled the saying:
Lack of planning on your part does not constitute an emergency on my part.

Beatty ,

Yes , I will tell DH your last line .
However , I know what he will say .

“ If I tell my mother that , she will tell me that she’s not planning on an emergency happening “. That is what she always says.

His mother has an answer for everything that suits her wants and is based on denial .

DH told her it’s not a good idea . She said she will ask the doctor . We are assuming the doctor will tell her not to fly . She won’t listen though . DH also told her he may have a work trip at that time and would not be available .

DH is much nicer than me . I’m at the point of telling her she’s declining and needs to stay put unless she wants an expensive ride back home in an ambulance , hearse , or cargo belly of an airplane . Direct is the only thing that rarely works on this woman . 🙄🙄

Also the family helps family is mentioned on DH’s side . It’s amazing , the level of nearly ignoring us the last 35 years, until they got really old . Then they act like we’ve been so close .

Way, that just stinks. I hope I'm not like that when I get there.

I have an old varicose vain, bothered me after having kids, but has been years. When I flew in May it ached a little. Nothing serious but I was surprised, sence i even forgot it was there. Not sure if it was the way I sat or the pressure. Probably both, I sat different on the way back and it was better. I totally understand how dangerous this is.

I have no clue why these aging people are so difficult. It makes no sense to me.

And I understand your frustration with DH , but you can't change anyone. Just be glad they don't live closer to you

Has anyone heard if needhelpwithmom is okay or just taking a break?

She has been on my heart and I pray she is well.

No, I haven't 😢 either, wondering and thinking of her also.🙏

If I was a case manager , social worker at a hospital or rehab , I would end up being fired for helping out families and teaching them to say it’s an unsafe discharge .

My parents home is on the market and my DH was insistent that we still maintain a presence in NY and rent an apartment in NY. I’m so tired of arguing about it and gave in. We just signed a year lease. He is having trouble letting go of his old life here but it doesn’t exist anymore. What we had before will never be again. Our friend who is the person who made our lives here wonderful is dying. She has incurable brain cancer. I’m just depressed that I’m in this for yet another year.

I was going to fly back by myself to see my dad and stay with friends for a few days every six weeks but now I have this place and am going to still be here for big swaths of time. And all it will be is a stark reminder of how sick our friend is.


Hothouse ,

Maybe your DH will realize it’s not the same anymore , before the lease is up and not sign again . Or maybe he’ll even realize sooner and you can sublet .

So now you have to set up a whole apt ? Is it furnished ?

I moved from Long Island 19 years ago when I was 40. We had lived there our whole lives . In the beginning we used to go back every 2-3 months . Now we only go back to see my MIL and one couple occasionally . Our other friends have all left except I have one good friend/former coworker still there but she has Alzheimer’s pretty bad now . When we go back to LI , we can’t wait to come home to PA. This is where our life is . It’s also changed where we lived on LI.

Way, not furnished. I had some furniture that I kept in my parents’ garage and taking some of my parents’ furniture.

It is going to be a hodge podge of stuff. I wish I could get excited about it — it is a very nice place — but I just can’t. All I see is another year of my life going up in smoke.

It is difficult making and maintaining friendships when you are living out of a suitcase which is how my life has been for the past three years. I can’t commit to much in CA where we also live if you have a foot on each coast. I just want it to stop.


That’s understandable.
My DH and I already have said once his mother dies we don’t see any reason to go back . The drive through the city is horrendous . Plus DH has traveled his whole career for work . He has 4-5 more years left . He keeps saying he just wants to stay home and sit out back on the deck .
We have a few trips on a bucket list , but nothing over the top or very far .

It is true , it is difficult to make friends or maintain friendships . That’s been our whole life due to my husband’s work travel and then me wrapped up for 10 years when my parents followed us so I could take care of them .

We have a few neighbors who are our friends and some from DH’s local office . But they are all older than us and retired . They are busy seeing grandchildren on weekends . And two of them are fighting cancer right now . Hard to get together unless it’s during the week , but that doesn’t work for us. It’s weird .

@Hothouseflower I totally get that about your DH wanting to hold onto his old life and I get you wanting to move on and put it all behind you. You have been through the wringer going back every 3 months or so for a few years now.

My DH is the same and I have been slowly making changes little by little to make our lives easier and more streamlined. It is too bad you couldn't have just stayed at your parents house when you went to NY until it sold at least. Then no 1 year lease commitment.

I am sorry about your friend who is dying from cancer. It is so hard to lose someone you care about so much. Cancer is a real b***h.

@Way I hope you guys can take a few trips now rather than waiting until your DH retires in 4 -5 years. We never know what curve balls like is going to throw at us and I have learned it is better to do things now while you are still healthy instead of waiting because you just never know what's coming around the corner.

Many of us change our lives after retirement. I’ve moved 1500 kms to a place where I knew no-one. I met a couple of ‘wives’ from DH’s motor club, but every other contact has been a challenge for me. I have to sign on for classes and seniors events, be the first to talk etc, and it isn’t easy. Most of the retiree-age women have been here most of their lives - there’s a big turnover in younger people who come to work until their children reach high-school age, but the older people are stayers.

So it’s worth developing a plan with DH. Sitting on the back porch doesn’t develop a new life, and the longer you leave it, the harder it gets.


We will try to do 2 of them before he retires . It should be possible .

I agree . We had been looking at 55 and overs to move in and meet people . We have given up . New are too expensive . The older ones need work and the bidding wars are ridiculous . They sell for crazy prices and then you have to gut it . I’m alittle over an hour from Philadelphia . A lot of people come to retire here. We have 2 large hospital systems . People move here from New York and New Jersey too . A lot of competition for housing . Will stay put for now at least and need to find a new way to meet people our own age .
We have decided to revisit moving later . When DH retires we could expand our search radius without having to have a work commute to be a concern .

My issue with having friends is mostly alcohol, I don't drink, I don't get why why everyone I know drinks so much. Not suree if it's where I live.

And I never mind someone have a few but these people are down right annoying


I understand that !!
When we first moved in , the neighbor behind us would invite us to come over if he saw us on our deck . There were other neighbors that hung out all summer long at this house on weekends at night. This group drank so much, we stopped going . I like a glass of wine occasionally , but I don’t find hanging out with incoherent people enjoyable.

Now they are in their late 60’s . I only see the two neighbors behind me hanging out drinking . The rest stopped over the years even though they still live across the street from the original party house .

DH never drank , he didn’t like beer and he said the rest of it tastes like cough medicine . It was always awkward for him at business dinners , especially when he was younger . People would ask why he doesn’t drink .
Now he’s diabetic , so he can’t anyway .

Way, It's so weird to me that people in there 60s have to get annoying drunk. Occasional sure but all the time!!

I look at them and then I look at me and hubby, we look so much healthier than them. And honestly much more mentally healthy than they are, when there sober

I live about 3 hours from the city, I've been there maybe 5 times hate it. Really really want to get a bus and see another Broadway play. Saw 2 , wicked and Jersey Boys. That is the only way I'll ever go back.

I can't believe you have to drive through there to get to your inlaws that's a nightmare


We don’t drive through Manhattan , I hate the tunnel under the river .
We take the bridges , which cost a fortune , the Goethals bridge from Jersey to drive through Staten Island , then the Verrazano bridge into Brooklyn , and drive through Brooklyn and Queens on the always bumper to bumper anywhere from 0- 60 mph Belt pkwy, with its suspension killing potholes . I won’t even drive on the Belt anymore , DH has to do it when we go . They literally drive bumper to bumper no matter what speed they are going , no leaving car lengths in between even at 60mph . My shoulders are up by my ears on that stretch now .

Way, We just did a round trip from the Bronx to Staten Island on Saturday. It was horrendous. We went via every freaking toll bridge or tunnel. I don’t even want to think how much we spent on tolls for the privilege of sitting in bumper to
bunper traffic for 4 hours. Just horrible.

I hear ya all about friends and drinking. In my case it was and still is to a certain extent my own family. Family get togethers always turned into a big drunk.

In fact sometimes they even made it a goal of the evening to "Get someone drunk" I mean who does this? And why? One night I caught on that I was the target. So I gripped my wine glass tightly and nursed it all night. No letting someone refill it when I wasn't looking.

I don't see my fam much anymore but in April my brother turned 60 and so we went. Still drinking! We left early.

Hothouse ,
I know. The bridge tolls are crazy . Although the new Goethals bridge is sooo much nicer than the rusty skinny rickety old one .
I haven’t been on the new Tappan Zee ( Cuomo ) bridge , but I’m sure it’s expensive. Probably haven’t been on the George Washington bridge in at least 20 years since we moved off the island either . Back in the 90’s my DH worked for the Port Authority . One of his responsibilities was auditing cost/payments of companies that did ( construction) maintenance of the George Washington bridge . Our phone would ring on Friday and/or Saturday in the middle of the night for DH to approve overtime to fix a movable cement barrier knocked out of place and blocking a lane that got hit by a drunk driver on the GW bridge .

It’s not worth the drive . After my MIL dies , we aren’t going back to the island . Hotel prices are ridiculous too .
We have Zoom now , we can have virtual dinners with the one couple we still know there.
I have younger cousins I never see or hear from , that’s about it. DH only has his mother still there . My in laws were divorced. I’m sure once my deceased FIL’s estate is settled , my DH will never hear from is steppies .

Christinavorec, you can't solicit here so you're post has been reported.

Anyone live in or near Cleveland? Do you like the area?

A very bad middle of the week for me. Tuesday I had an MVA and my vehicle is no more. Pulled out and a vehicle traveling fast struck me and air bags deployed. Chest very sore from seat belt. As a result of being administered micrograms of Fentanyl (yes, I questioned it) and taking my own sleep medicatiom, l took 2 falls at 6 A.M. injuring my back, knee and lip..Thursday ER visit showed no spine fractures buf I have a thin skeletal frame so back very sore. Prayers appreciated.

Oh oh oh Llama!! Sending my BEST healing thoughts to you for a speedy recovery. You poor thing! RIP your car.

Dear Llamalover, I am so sorry to hear about this chapter of accidents. I’m feeling very lucky myself, because we’ve just done a 15000 km trip with no accidents and no dramas that required roadside repairs. Because I just sat still in the truck, I didn't even get a back ache, just a stiff bum. I don’t do ‘pray for you’, but I’ll make an exception tonight, to hope that life treats you better and you feel better too, ASAP. Lots of love, Margaret

So sorry , I wish you a quick recovery with no lasting effects . 🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

(((((hugs)))) llama. That's terrible. Prayers for sure for quick healing and recovery. Take very good care of you!!!

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