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venting; Praying.


venting: You're welcome.

We are preparing for a nasty heat wave here

Yes the heatwave coming to the Northeast . I’m hoping my central A/c unit holds out , it’s old.

If I was you way, I would think about going to home Depot buy one window unit so if it gave out then you will have a back up, to cool at least one room. They are going to be hard to find shortly.

If it's as bad as they say, I'm not sure if we have ever had it this bad here. Maybe a day here or there but this is not going to be fun.

It will be interesting if we break records

Nacy: A large heat dome is expected to be in place.

Alva, I think you are going on vacation very soon, wanted to tell you to enjoy yourself, have a peaceful time, and I'm going to miss you! 💞

Note to self - tomorrow go walking before breakfast not after. Whew, it's too hot already.

And... when the heck did milk get to be over $6?

And drink water 💦

Anxiety, Thanks. I go in about a week from today in fact!

Alva, oh good to know, didn't want to miss the opportunity to say you will be missed!

Cwillie, SMH, it's crazy the cost of things. We stopped eating out for the most part, saving that for vacation and travel. I don't know how so many people spend money to eat out.

Friend/neighbor of mine lost her husband and dad in November, now her 95 yr old , spry sweet mom fell during the night. Broke her hip. We here all know that that is not good.

This weekend is her and husband's anniversary, so her plan is to dump his ashes. She actually just started maybe getting her feet on the ground. I feel so bad for her

Needshelp, we are warmer than you this morning


Yeah, you all are experiencing a horrific heat wave.

I saw on the news this morning, are humidity lever never goes above 70. So if I'm remember right yours goes up to like 100?


Our humidity is awful.

I swear, every time I visit California or Colorado, I say that I don’t want to come back to living in Louisiana.

Louisiana is a swamp. Very hot and very humid!

My daughter wants to eventually move back to Denver.

She was living in Colorado for a few years after graduating college. She loved it! She is struggling with being back in our humidity.

Who knows where she will end up? Her boyfriend is living in Austin now. They fly back and forth to see each other.

Relative humidity can be confusing because it is a ratio based on air temperature, I mean logically 100% humidity should be water but of course it's not.

Cwillie, that made me giggle, your right about logically with 100 percent humidity

I'm really trying to update my profile, can anyone explain that to me, sorry my technology knowledge is not great.

I hate the bitter cold. I can’t even imagine living with long winters and snow.

Yet, I hate dry heat like Arizona and Nevada has.

Louisiana is a freaking swamp with horrible humidity! Our area has it’s fair share of rainfall too.

Every area has its pros and cons, I suppose. There is no utopia.

I would love to live in an area that has beautiful fall colors. I enjoy going to New England in the fall. It’s gorgeous, but I wouldn’t deal well with their long winter season.

I want spring and fall weather all year round! 😝

Nacy, settings from your profile page is where you change your info.


Go to ‘profile.’ Click on ‘settings.’ Click on ‘about me’ and ‘caring for.’

I new that much. Lol


Were you able to see how to update your profile?

Lol, no the reason I want to change it is because I want to explain a bit to people about my learning disability, which is ironic 😏 because I can't figure out how to do that.

Anyways, I go to my profile, I hit settings and all I get is a list of things , like dementia and anxiety etc

Omg never mind I finally got it. 😆


You are Goldilocks . You want it just right !

The closest to perfect weather I’ve experienced is Hawaii . But they get some hot days and storms too . Go in April or May after the winter rains .

Aruba was nice too , they don’t get rain much . It’s a desert island not a tropical island actually . But don’t go in summer, too hot . It gets windy too .


Yeah, you can call me Goldilocks! 😆

Oooooooh, Hawaii would work too!


Yay! Success! You edited your profile to the way that you wanted.

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