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I was just watching some videos of people digging out in Cape Breton, not just deep snow but heavy snow too.... a nightmare scenario, especially for the older folks.

Glios are notoriously difficult to treat. They grow these little tendrils like arms out, if you ever look at pictures/images of them. Very difficult to "get them all". I tend to think of cancers (including my own little happy tumor currently nesting left breast hoping Kaiser goes on strike) as "the Alien" if you ever watched that series of movies. Just something as determined as we are to live, and adapting the best way it can to do that. But not something you want to see other than in a horror movie. Great strides are being made, but the current numbers on how many of us are getting it and how early ARE NOT GOOD. Breast cancers numbers for the young are going up by 3% a year, and we are now seeing colorectal cancer in 18 to 25 year olds. Unheard of in the past.
Siddhartha Murkerjee called his mammoth and excellent treatise on cancer The Emperor of All Maladies. Well named.

I'm not sure if this is the right place to post this, but what has been on my mind often, and was brought up on another post, was the word narcissist, I also feel it's used to often, and I really dislike the term selfish. Is the other terms to use on people that are controlling and seem like they only think about themselves


There is a thread on the forum called, My “whine moment today.” What’s yours? You can whine about anything on it. Many of us post on there.


How about the term self absorbed , or self centered ? However , I don’t believe those terms include being controlling , manipulative , hurtful , rude , spoiled , entitled etc. This is why people use the terms that you don’t like if they are speaking about someone who has those traits . Often it is used to describe someone who has had those traits all along and sometimes it gets worse as they get older or have dementia .

You don’t like the words ‘narcissist’ or ‘selfish’. I can see that ‘narcissist’ may be an inappropriate amateur disgnosis of a mental illness, but ‘selfish’ is just a description of behavior. Most people are more concerned with the actual “people that are controlling and seem like they only think about themselves”, not the label.

My mother was and still is a self absorbed nasty woman who made everything that ever happened in the house I grew up in all about her. She was abandoned by her mother and suffered from depression and had a lot emotional baggage. She experienced a lot of trauma during WWII in Germany. She never should have had kids. My father chose not to see what was going on and never intervened.

I don’t know if that means she is a narcissist or just plain mean and nasty. It doesn’t matter to me what words are attached to describe her behavior. This is who she is.

Fun discussion!
You knew I would like it, didn't you?
I agree on Narcissist. If, as I told another poster moments ago, there is only 2-6% of the population who is Narcissistic, then we are definitely overusing that label on AC, or they are in fact ALL HERE.

I disagree somewhat about selfish. That isn't a clinical diagnosis under the DSM-5 (tho grieving too long and too much currently IS). I think it's OK to say "I think that's somewhat selfish, because......" But we aren't labeling someone as having a personality disorder.

Moreover my opinion of what makes you selfish and someone else's may vary. So it is a subjective, and not objective labeling of people. The person I say is selfish may spout right back "I am just trying to take care of myself!" and could well be right. We could agree at that point to disagree and get on with other niceities.

As RNs we were taught NEVER TO LABEL. If Jane just slapped Jennifer in the face we are not allow to say "Jennifer is becoming violent. We could only say "Jane slapped Jennifer" and what we did about it.

IF Irma said "I want my tray BEFORE you deliver to any other room because I want my food HOT and I don't care about anyone's else's food, but I better get MY WAY" we cannot say "Irma is a selfish, Narcissistic B----" in the chart. We have to say "Irma has expressed her wish to be fed first and says she isn't concerned about others who also want to eat; we have told her why we cannot deliver her tray first and explained tray delivery protocol."

On your line, Alva, how to do you go with ‘narcissistic type behavior’ as opposed to a ‘narcissist’ diagnosis?

Yeah it's true that every difficult person these days is labelled as a narcissist and the term is definitely over used, but it does describe a certain personality type in a way that everyone instantly understands - self centred, manipulative and lacking empathy or consideration for others.

The word narcissist has seemed to replace the word selfish. Which I was told I was selfish though out most of my first marriage, I learned through therapy that I had no self care and it was a way to control me
So I really try to never use any of those terms.

I do like alvas suggestion and just saying " she is a very self absorbed person"
Thanks for the feedback!

Anxietynacy, if you were unfairly labelled ‘selfish’ for several years, to control YOU, I can see why you don’t like the term. However for a lot of people looking at others who want to control THEM, ‘selfish’ is the most appropriate word in the language. Many people have words that 'trigger' them ('Mommy Dearest' springs to mind), but we don't stop using the words.

Well I too dislike the word 'selfish'.
Why? Because.. sigh.. the little kid inside me remembers the shameful feelings attached to it.

The word was an effective tool used to shape our behaviour.
Probably to stop us being whiny greedy brats wanting the largest slice of cake 😆 or serving ourself first. Oh the judgement that could land on Mother for having such selfish children!

As an adult, when this word gets used I have tried to stop & reflect why. Was it selfish?

It IS subjective. As already said, one person's view is selfish - the other view may be *self-care*.

What I have found is people can weaponise the word selfish - hurl it at someone in anger to control them.

Eg When a relative volunteered for care duties then attempted to roster others ("It's only fair - I'VE done all this so YOU all need to...") I saw the word as a weapon.

The words were: You are selfish for not helping me.
The meaning was: You are selfish for not doing what I want.

Who actually was being selfish?

I think I'll use *self-absorbed* too.
Makes me think of a bloated fish 😁

My mother also used the word selfish to guilt trip , manipulate her children .
Consequently, I do use that word for anyone who crosses a boundary intentionally to coerce me to do what THEY want .

Happy Mardi Gras! Look for me on St. Charles and Napoleon. 😁

Will catch tons on throws and eat a piece of King Cake for y’all.

Need, Party on! Wishing I was there.

Thanks, HH.

Wish you were here too!

Hail Rex! Our Rex King is an LSU Alumni. Our Queen is a Bama girl! Oh my gosh! Bama is our arch enemy! Oh well…We will love her for today as our ‘queen’ of carnival.

My favorite part of the parades are the marching bands. New Orleans is filled with fabulous musicians! I do love the artistry of the floats too.

Come for our Jazz and Heritage Festival. That’s my all time favorite! Fantastic lineup this year. Just got an email stating what musicians are playing. Going to be a wonderful time!

Need, have fun. Eat hearty!


Have fun !! Beats shoveling snow like I did today .

The dysfunctional caregiving thread has disappeared so I had nowhere to vent. Sorry for the butt-in.

I'm textbook C-PTSD neurologically dysregulated after a 40-minute conversation with my mom, where she told me she's moving my dad in with her after the hospital doc said he needed 24/7 care a week ago... and she partially blamed me, somehow, for issues in general because I'm not more present in her life. She wasn't giving me a guilt trip; she was saying things she always says about wishing we were closer, even while her behavior says she does exactly what she wants, and she knows she can call or visit me anytime.

I've removed many paragraphs of expounding on the vent that I just typed here because I got what I needed, which was to work through my feelings for a few minutes. 💜

I sure hope the dys thread comes back!

Send hugs!! 😆😱💜💜💜

*I'm in the middle of a weeks-long final school project... like, I'm frazzled anyway, but then this convo sent me. I'll be fine, but I'll take hugs and prayers, too!

Hugs and prayers headed your way Ali!🤗🙏

Oh ali - I'm sorry What a load of guff that you didn't need right now - or ever. You have done your share in spades. It's not your fault. Lots of ((((((hugs))))) and many prayers, always!!! I'm sorry about your dad declining.

It does seem that the dysfun thread has disappeared. We can always start a new one if doesn't come back.

gershun - glad to see you posting. Your childhood experiences are still very hard on you. I pray for healing for you. Getting through the childhood pain isn't easy! (((((hugs))))) for you too.

Oh, Ali! How I hate when our buttons get pushed by the installers.

I like to think of that as being "put in our place"--the place our family is comfortable with us being.

Remember the scene in Dirty Dancing where "Baby's" parents and sister have yet again sandwiched her into the corner, hemmed in and unfree? And her dance partner arrives and says "Nobody puts Baby in the corner"?

It takes a great deal of imagination and gumption to break out of our assigned role. And check out our feelings when someone tries to shove us back into that role.

The fact that dad needs 24/7 care means he needs a facility. Does your mom not "get" that?


Vent wherever you like. Remember how Captain would crash threads? 😁

Hope things improve for you soon.

Thank you Golden.

Barb, I so relate to your comments about being put into roles our family feel comfortable with. This is why I don't like family get togethers.

Caring for my mom helped me grow a backbone. This Christmas I sensed hostility from everyone. Maybe they miss the old me. I used to be the clown always trying to make everyone laugh. I think that was me just trying to fit in and be accepted. I still joke around but not like I used to.

I remember once my B I L said "we like you better the other way" Ah well. If he really liked me he'd like all sides of me wouldn't he? I don't know.


I don’t think that you are alone in your thoughts on holiday gatherings. Lots of people feel pressure during the holidays.

Honestly, one of my favorite Thanksgiving celebrations was when just our immediate family, DH. my daughters and I went out of town to the beach. It was great!

Consider starting new traditions for the holidays instead of feeling obligated to participate in family functions.

Sending hugs and valentine 💌 love your way today!

While I was propping up my parents for 10 years , I got so tired of my family “ gracing us with their presence “ once or twice a year and they expecting me to host , that I left town a few times and told them to take Mom and Dad out . Then I just started telling them I was away and just stayed home .
My one sister in law finally texted me once asking if I was mad at them . I told her the truth ….that it was my husband who told me , “ we are off duty while your siblings come , it’s a day off for us from your parents “ My sister in law said
“ Ahh, smart man “.

Gershun, I used to feel that my mother and my sister didn't really know who I was or what I was really like. They had the version of me that suited them and their sick games. It was very off-putting to me and definitely one of the reasons I cut contact with my sister. I think if someone cares for you they accept who you are - all of you - not just what suits them. I think that's very rude of your bil, (((((hugs))))

need - I totally agree with building new traditions. Life changes and so must we.

way - good for you and your hub. I refused to host out of town family too.


That is so true . Family often see you only as the version in their brain , no matter if you try to correct their thoughts .


Oh so true, ‘change’ is the one constant that we have in life. Nothing stays the same and we have to adapt.

Hopefully, we learn to adapt in a way that is healthy, rather than remaining stuck in a loop.

Life can be hard sometimes. It’s confusing at times too and it can take some people a while to sort through their emotions.

Some will wait until they hit their threshold of pain before they decide to live their lives as they wish to live.

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