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If you don't want opinions you shouldn't post online where people can comment.

Applefrom, how about you’re sitting somewhere and a random stranger makes a rude comment? How about you’re talking to a family member and they say something totally disrespectful to you? How about you’re minding your own business, and someone unexpectedly makes a comment that puts you down?

The example response I gave below is one way to reply to such comments.

Okay. I thought you were talking about posts on this forum.

Too bad about Glad. I hope she comes back. Frequent Flyer and others as well. I get attached to regular posters. :(

But I understand wanting to take a break too.

More excellent examples of replies to rude comments:

1. Why would you say that?
2. Why do you feel the need to belittle me/others?
3. Do you know how rude/awful/petty you sound right now?
4. Did I ask for your opinion?
5. Does belittling me make you feel superior at this moment?
6. Where did you learn your manners?
7. What qualifications do you have to judge me?
8. Why do you think I should consider your opinions?
9. Is judging other people a hobby, or are you a professional?

I just took a 2 week vacay,and even before that i was getting sparce on here, so I understand the need to take a break. It is not the same as it used to be, and that breaks my heart as this was a place I got tons of good advice. And made many friends. Lately it seems to be aimed towards more self centered people and thier needs than on caregiving. And with the new rules I have to bite my tongue alot! Or get banned ! So I am am mostly just reading and likeing,, not posting as much. I also miss my old friends. So if I dissapear,, hopefully I am not dead,, just gone,,,

venting: That perfume would be a huge migraine trigger for me.

Pam, you are right. It's not the same on here. It's a shame really cause I used to see this forum as a sort of haven. The old crew seems to have splintered a bit. That's not to say that there aren't some really great new posters cause there are but I miss the old gang and how it used to be. But I guess that's social media. People come and go.

Pam, that’s exactly how I feel:
“And with the new rules I have to bite my tongue a lot! Or get banned !”

You can’t honestly say how you feel. Before you could: and that was good, because not every poster should be encouraged; some posters are up to no good in their “caregiving” and should be honestly told so.

Some people maybe disappeared from the forum because of that: you can’t be honest anymore. You can hardly criticize anymore. It can also be embarrassing to be banned; a sort of public stigma attached to it. One might not have deserved to be banned at all. Yet, then there’s a kind of public stigma, “that’s the person that got banned”. Of course that changes the friendly atmosphere and feeling, of the forum.

Then there was the whole technical issue too. Hacking. Buttons that took forever to fix, for example “delete”. It took them half a year to fix “delete”. That’s just weird. There was something weird going on. People might not feel safe on the forum, with such strange things happening.

I just had a thought. Are we even allowed to be having this discussion? About the site and how it's changed? Or can we be banned for this too?

Inquiring minds want to know. :)

“Or can we be banned for this too?”

Yes one can be banned for whatever they like. I took the courage to say here what I think, in my response below. You see how uncomfortable it’s gotten? You have to keep wondering, will I get banned now? (Anyway, stay well, all of you. I’ll take a break too.)

Hmmm.....hopefully we'll be fine.

You see how suddenly you need to worry? One more worry, when our lives are already full of worry.

I’ll take a break now from social media. My vacation’s coming up!

Regarding contributors who are on break or have left... I've gotten really good at reminding myself that "Nothing stays the same forever." This is true across the board in life. Change is relentless and it gets more difficult to accept and adapt to as we age. I have a "tradition" with my youngest son to dramatically declare, "It's the end of an era!" whenever something or someone or somewhere we've grown accustomed to changes permanently or goes away.

No social platform will ever be perfect or safe. Another very apropos saying: "The nail that sticks up gets hammered." This is an absolute truth for every social outlet, platform or forum from now until eternity. Technology is not the problem, people are.

Not all changes or endings of an era are inevitable. For example, this change in the forum’s atmosphere was preventable. Banning people, over-prohibiting certain criticism…

Making people nervous about whether they’ll be banned. Of course that changes the atmosphere.

We must learn to be sufficiently diplomatic that the way we suggest people venture forth to that religiously-referenced postmortem location of fiery lakes has them looking forward to the trip.

Hi Ana, people weren’t necessarily banned for bad language, or undiplomatic comments. Some people were banned just for being critical or pointing out a truth.

Ventingisback, and yet I’m still here. Some posters have clearly invited poking with the pointy verbal stick.

Hope you enjoy your upcoming vacation!


I think the mods remove posts that are extremely offensive.

Everyone has different opinions and perspectives. We have our own distinct personalities.

I suppose all a person can do is to report a comment if it is rude. Everyone is entitled to their opinions even if we find them to be different from how we feel.

I like reading a variety of opinions because someone else might point out something that I never thought of before. Or it’s right for them but not for me.

I know that I am not going to like everything that I read or even people that I meet. I try to be respectful of others even if I don’t agree with everything that they say. I know people that I don’t agree with them on certain things but we are still friendly with each other.

People who like to argue just for the sake of an argument. I avoid like the plague. If it’s a friendly debate then it can be quite interesting! My husband and I are different in some ways but we are alike in all the things that are important to me. It can be boring to be with people who are exactly the same as we are.

Thanks Ana, I will!
NeedHelp, yeah too different, too similar, can be good/bad.

Have a good day!

LOL.. I got banned from FB this week for posting too often in a certain time frame. My offence? I was saying thank you to the people who wished me Happy Birthday! You can;t make this up! Thank you is apparently offensive...


How stupid is that? These rules are ridiculous at times. I bet you laughed at being banned by FB.

Banning of books get to me! It’s insane. We can’t change history and it’s important for younger people to know our history and how we have evolved.

Plus when we read classic literature we are intelligent enough to differentiate between the past and the present.

Just because we choose to read a book doesn’t mean that we condone those actions of the past.

Banning books is all about censorship and controlling others. Why can’t people simply ignore what they don’t like and allow individuals to have their own preferences and opinions?

I tell my neighbor that complains about not liking certain television shows to change the channel because there are many options! There’s something for everyone these days.

Yes I did Need, and I posted about it on FB when I was allowed back on!

Oh my Pamzi! I knew that people are looking for reasons to be offended but that takes it to a whole new level.

These new peoples are going to be very hard to associate with when everything can be taken offensively, such BS.

I'm sure that it is a bot that flagged the Facebook posts as a potential scammer/troll due to some algorithm, no person is reading the thousands of posts per minute.

Happy BD Pam. No need to thank me 🤗

97 I am thanking you anyway.. and there I go,,,, Cwillie, I know it was but its still pretty funny.

Happy belated birthday, Pam!

Good morning early birds. 4:05am EST.😊
2 weeks ago a frog jumped behind some boxes in my garage. A week later I noticed an odor, thought froggie had croaked. Found the culprit yesterday morning..somehow an Iguana got smushed by the garage door. Yuk!!!!!

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