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On my mind?

I find it sad that, for many of us, the only people who really understand, empathize and care about what we’re going through, are the people on this forum.

Venting, what you just said is so interesting.

Truth is that here we get just the dose we "want". We come here when we want to look in on one another. We read, we comment, we can then move on with our day and our lives.

Our families, however are STUCK with us. If I am having a bad day (like, I tore off my entire big toenail a few days ago) you can say "So sorry, Alva" but you don't REALLY have to feel you must pick up my luggage. Clean my house. Get me to urgent care. Do the shopping. Dress the foot.
So you don't have to CARRY my luggage. You aren't responsible. You will sleep just fine and tomorrow you will say "How's the toe Alva". If you are a believer maybe you utter a prayer for me. Suggest a soak. You might think of me once or twice or even three times. Whereas my partner is going to say "I don't know HOW you could DO such a thing to yourself!!!"

It isn't the same for our family. THEY ARE THERE and there every second. OUR mood has a profound effect on their own. They may feel helpless, uncertain, inadequate, confused, frustrated.

So for me, this is normal.
I don't really "do" close friends.
Do I miss out on a lot? Yeah. But my friendships remain a bit like Forum. They are a bit of contact here or there. Not too close. Enough for me. I am a caregiver type. Likely why I chose to be a nurse. And I can easily wear myself out with the problems of others.

It is all I can do with my reclusive nature to keep close in with my partner, my daughter.
I love casual relationships. I love FB and have 70 friends there I feel I somewhat KNOW. But there is a big difference between CLOSE and casual.

What a fascinating subject, but the way.

I learned it’s best not to talk to friends about caregiving who have not done it. They simply don’t understand. And the ones that were caregivers do understand , are kind, but you don’t want to talk about it too much to them either , if you want them to stick around . It can bring up bad memories of the caregiving they did. They are wanting to get back to normal life themselves. Fortunately a forum like this helps provide a place to vent .

Anyone watching Shark Fest? I am.

My Nephew & his wife have a new baby boy. Isaiah was born Saturday night and is doing great. His grandpa (my BIL) will get to spend time with him. He has terminal cancer & isn't doing so great.

Cat: Congratulations to your nephew and his wife.


Wonderful to hear that mom and baby are doing well. So glad that grandpa will get to see his new. grandchild.

Happy 4th of July!
Happy Independence Day!
Happy birthday America!

So glad you were born! Where would we be today without you?

Thank you for our freedom.
Thank you for our rights and opportunities.
Thank you for all the people that have made, are making and will make this country a great place to live.
Despite all of your imperfections, you are still the best. We love you.

God bless you America!

Polar Bear
Happy Birthday to America!

Happy 4th everyone. Isn't my avatar adorable?😊

Oh, Cat…absolutely precious! I have many nieces and nephews, plus great nieces and nephews that I adore!

Happy 4th! Everyone

Just collected clothes to bring to FIL in rehab . I noticed the name labels I ironed on last year and I thought ……

Hmmm, maybe I ought to order labels with MIL name on them so they are ready for her emergency admission that is coming . Since she doesn’t live nearby , I pictured myself in a hotel room ironing the labels on her clothes . 🙄🙄. We never stay at MIL house plus I doubt she owns an iron anymore .

I wish I had better things on my mind .

Happy Fourth of July, America's Independence Day celebration!

Way to go, what a wonderful sentiment to the U.S.A.!

Yes, a most blessed child on your avatar! Newborn, close to independence day!
You are the Auntie?

I too was just blessed with the title: Great Grandmother. Still in the shock of things. recently got out of bed, and out of the house I am so very happy.

What a wonderful time to celebrate it all!


Congrats on the new great grand baby!

Thank you!

Cat: Your baby pic is precious as your new avatar!

My maternal grandmother was born on Independence Day, 1894. Today is her 129th Heavenly Birthday. Happy Birthday, Grammy. I've already surpassed her in years since she only lived to age 74.

Send: Congratulations great grandmother!❤

Thank you Llama! 🦙️

Send: You're very welcome. Thanks for the llama.

Has anyone seen Gladimhere on here lately? I've been wondering about her. I sent her a private message but she hasn't responded.

Glad hasn't been here since the shakeup Gershun :(

Missing fregflyer also? Anyone know where she is?

Of interest for me as I recommended an ER is itsmehere who, several months ago now I think, was complaining of severe abdominal pain and who was convinced by us to check with her local ER.
Never heard another word afterward from someone who seemed an engaged responder? I had sent a PM asking she update us to let us know she was OK, but nothing.

I messaged Glad awhile back and she said that she was taking a break. She hated all of the stuff that happened right before AgingCare banned a few people. She felt that the forum was getting ridiculous instead of helping people.

I don’t think I have seen FF posting anything recently.

Also, there were all of the technical issues. I wonder if some people didn’t bother with getting their account fixed.

Alva and Barb helped me to get my account fixed with Ashley at AgingCare.

Thanks so much for the update, Need.

I think many of us can use a break, and find it useful. I will be off grid July 15-August 15 as I am yearly, and I always benefit from that time without social media in general. It's always my intention to keep it cut way back when I return from being off grid. But slowly it seems to creep back in, insinuating itself I always think, but I am afraid I am the one to blame.

Garden Artist. Also don't see Country Mouse. So very many. Some show up infrequently, like WindyRidge, and I always enjoy seeing them again.


Important update: My whole house still smells of perfume, one week after having broken the perfume glass bottle. Still loving the smell.


I miss seeing previous posters too. Yeah, breaks are good from time to time.

FF left a message on her profile that she was taking a break.

Random comment, but too good not to post.

This is about a possible response to any kind of crap comment.

I saw on the internet:
“Someone (anyone) says something out of line/too personal/rude/stupid and I've been replying with, "I am not interested in your opinion on this matter, but if you would like to discuss the weather, I would love to hear your thoughts.””

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