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My older brother just called me. I have been keeping him updated as to what is going on with my younger brother.

I gave him the room number so he can call and they can talk. His cell phone is dead. My brother doesn’t have his phone charger with him. I offered to get it from his apartment. He said that he would use the hospital phone for now.

My brother and I are able to receive information from the staff.

Anyway, my older brother called the nurses station and spoke with the nurse and the doctor had added to his notes. A large tumor was removed in yesterday’s procedure. She also said when she went to his room this morning he told her that his pain wasn’t as sharp.

I thanked my brother for calling and telling me this news. I will check in on him this afternoon.

I know my brother wishes he could leave the hospital but he wants to know what he is dealing with and is being sensible.

((((((Need)))) I'm glad your bro has some relief from pain and that the tumor has been removed. No doubt the full diagnosis will come soon. Glad he knows he has to stay in hospital for now.

I am happy to hear that you had a herbal tea and something to eat. That's great, Need. It's important to look after yourself. Actually a peanut butter and jelly sandwich is not a bad idea!

Right now it is a waiting game till they know more and plot the course ahead. That's never easy.

Prayers for you and your bro and the family. May God give you healing and peace! ((((hugs))))

Someone went to my brother’s room to pray with him. Maybe it was the hospital chaplain or with some other ministry. My brother said he introduced himself as a deacon.

I was kind of surprised when he told me he prayed with the deacon because my brother hasn’t been to church in years. He doesn’t talk about God much. Maybe he does pray though.

I hope the prayers brought him some peace and comfort. He knows that I pray for him.

Thanks, Golden. Keep praying if you don’t mind. I’m praying too. Waiting for results is a bit unnerving.

Hahaha, I still love peanut butter and I like almond butter too. I put a spoonful in my oatmeal with a spoonful of maple syrup and a little almond milk. That’s a complete meal!

I was the only kid in my family who ate oatmeal. I wanted it because my daddy ate it. I wanted everything that my dad had. Yep, I was definitely a daddy’s girl.

My mom never ate breakfast when we were little. I guess she didn’t have time for it.

I also like peanut butter on an apple or a banana. There’s nothing wrong with a peanut and jelly sandwich either! Or peanut butter, banana and honey on whole wheat bread!

Need, re: your brother allowing the deacon to pray for him... my husband has done street evangalizing for decades and usually just asks the person if they'd like prayer for anything. 99% of people (no matter if they have a spiritual belief or not) always welcome being prayed for. Everyone has burdens. They need assurance that they are on God's radar and comforting words to ease their stress. I'm sorry about your brother's health crisis... may be receive peace in his heart and healing for his body.

Thank you, Geaton.

Yeah, my brother said that he was a nice man. I think he was glad to have him visit and pray with him.

Sorry about your brother. I know some of your journey with your Mom and knowing Parkinson’s disease that was not easy and now it is overwhelming to see your brother in his condition.
I was not on this forum for 2 months as lots of thing happened.
Like you I don’t eat much when under stress.
So now I need to gain weight and strength.
Please take care of yourself, your brother is well taken care of, we often forget about ourselves with those crises.

Take care of yourself . Take comfort in that your brother is getting the care he needs .

Need, I'm glad your brother is getting the care he needs.

I'm like you. I lose my appetite when I'm stressed. I've lost six pounds in the last couple of weeks just cause I've been feeling anxious about things.

My mom used to put peanut butter, honey and banana sandwiches in our lunches growing up. I still make them for myself occasionally. I also eat a lot of oat meal too.

Nhwm, I'm so glad that your brother found some comfort from the Deacon's visit. Hoping that he AND you are healing tonight.

And Gershun, hope your foot is feeling better!

Thx Barb, I have good days and bad days with the old foot.

Today I'm skipping my physio exercises and just resting it. I think maybe I have been too dogged about doing them. My physio guy has been irritating me lately to be honest. He loves to be right and when I tell him an exercise is getting easy he likes to constantly raise the bar. I don't know why he won't just let me bask in the small victories sometimes.

Gershun: Hope that your foot is feeling better. Prayers and hugs to you.

Thanks everyone, second surgery is scheduled for tomorrow, gall bladder removal. After that they will address the issue with his heart.

Good lord! What a lot he has going on!

Good health to him!


It must seem like you have been suffering forever with your foot.


Yeah, all at once is kind of hard.

It was good to hear him laugh today. He’s tired of laying in bed. He put on the television and we watched The Beverly Hillbillies. We used to watch that show when we were kids.

Yes Need, it does feel like forever since I could just get up and walk without thinking about it.

Need; Prayers continue.

Thanks much, Llama.

Need: You're very welcome.

Ahhh, Need. That's a lot happening with your bro. But I am glad he is getting the medical attention he obviously needs. I am going to guess that he is not fond of doctors. Glad you had some fun with him watching Beverly Hillbillies. We used to watch that too.

These are difficult times. Make sure you get enough sleep/ rest, hydration, nourishing food of some sort and time out just for you. I know you are there for your brother and I am sure he knows that too. Glad the prayer time was good for him. ((((((Hugs)))))

eva - so sorry you have been going through a tough time, I have been wondering where you were. Good to hear that you are starting to build yourself up again. Please keep in touch. We care. Looking after an ill loved one is a very rough journey. (((((Hugs))))) to you too.

gershun - I do hope in time that your foot will sort itself out. Meanwhile it's good they are taking another look at it, and I think a break from physio would be a relief. I understand that you are getting weary of the whole thing. (((((Hugs)))))) to you as well.

Prayers for all!!! 🙏🙏🙏

Today our area (20 miles due south of Baltimore) has issued a red/dangerous air quality alert. I went out at 4:15 PM and the haze was noticeable.

llama - smoke from Canadian wildfires is apparently going as far south in the US as North Carolina. Stay safe!!!!

golden: Thank you. It's wide reaching!

So, yesterday they were supposed to do gallbladder surgery on my brother. They couldn’t do it, just like the other doctor couldn’t do it.

So, now they are going to consult with others. I have never heard of this before, can’t remove due to his anatomy. The nurse says that it does occasionally happen.

I hope that they find a solution soon. He’s still in pain. I have never had gallstones. My dad had his gallbladder taken out without a problem. My oldest daughter did too.

This reminds me of my older brother. He has had numerous heart surgeries. He was clinically dead in one of the surgeries but they were able to bring him back. There was another situation with one of his surgeries and it took them eight hours to do his surgery.

The longest surgery that I have had was four hours. I had severe endometriosis and had surgery with my fertility doctor, two specialist and med students. They asked me to sign a release for them to film the surgery for the medical students.

It’s frustrating for my brother to have these delays but he is in fairly good spirits considering his discomfort.

I am trying to think things through with planning ahead for my brother.

My brother mentioned that the nurse was speaking with him about needing help after he is released.

I don’t want to upset him because of his pain right now. He said that he was told that all of the bed rails can’t be up at one time. Not sure why he was talking about that. I think he may be afraid of falling.

I don’t know what shape he will be in when he gets out. The nurse must be trying to prepare him for how he will be doing afterwards. He casually mentioned something about coming to our house.

Nope! I love my brother but I don’t want to put myself or my husband in that situation. I’m not on HIPPA. He gave a verbal consent to the hospital staff to speak with us.

I have not spoken with any of his doctors. I am talking to his nurses. The nurse says that he will need a bit of help. They are helping him with everything now. He has a catheter in right now.

Should I say something to him while he’s in pain or should I speak with his nurse about him not being able to stay with me?

I am thinking rehab will be better for him but not sure if his doctor will order it for him.

Why on earth do you think he wouldn't he be eligible for a stay in rehab, getting support while recovering is the whole point.
If for some reason he can't go to rehab then perhaps he will need to pay for a short stay at an AL.

I didn’t go to the hospital yesterday. I was with my daughter all evening. I tried to call him and they had moved his phone out of his reach. So, I called the nurse’s station and had them give him a message that I wouldn’t be visiting him.

My daughter’s last day for her lease in her old apartment is today. Yesterday around 4:00 she asked me to help her pack the last bit of her apartment. I was at my daughter’s old apartment until after 10:00.

I don’t want to see bubble wrap, boxes or packing tape for awhile! LOL 😆 I do love seeing her dog. I have fallen in love with his sweet disposition.


I do think that he is eligible for rehab. I just know that sometimes they assume that the patient is going home with family members. It’s too hard to get someone out of our house if they are invited. I don’t want to have this problem.

My dad’s doctor did that with my mom. She had to tell him that she was unable to care for my dad after his long hospital stay. Then he ordered rehab.

I had to push them to order rehab for my mom after long hospital visits. The doctors don’t always automatically place an order for it.

I want him to fully recover. I have done more than my share of caregiving with my mom. I’m never opening that door up again.

I keep hearing my therapist’s voice in my head when he told me, “You have more years behind you than ahead. You cannot spend the remainder of your life caring for others more than you care for yourself.”

Hahaha, my brother just said to me a couple of days ago. When did we get old? I want to be young again! 🤣

Does anyone else find popping those bubbles on bubble wrap satisfying and fun? It’s a good stress reliever! LOL 😆 I found myself doing this when I was helping my daughter pack up the last of her belongings.

When I was helping my daughter pack up the rest of her stuff. She showed me a huge pile of mail that she had. All of this mail was for the previous tenant.

Geeeeez! Did he not have a forwarding address? Anyway, her lease stipulates that nothing can be left in her apartment or else she will be fined.

I said that she could just drop it off at the office at her complex or bring it to the post office. My husband said that if he hasn’t been concerned about his past mail in a year that he would just trash it.

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