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It’s better for your daughter to end the relationship now rather than get into a messy situation and suffer more hardship afterwards.

My daughter thought the last guy was “the one” that she would marry. Sadly, it wasn’t meant to be.

They were on two separate paths so to speak. She’s extremely ambitious and he was dragging his feet. It wasn’t going to work out for them.

My daughter was sad after she ended the relationship but she felt that it was for the best. She was working days. He worked nights.

He had no desire to finish college, which is incredibly sad. He’s a really smart guy. He was a med student that left the medical field and ended up being a sushi chef.

My daughter didn’t care about him leaving med school behind if he would have been happy as a chef.

He wasn’t happy and was always complaining about everything but didn’t want to explore other possibilities in his life. He wouldn’t go to therapy to discuss his feelings.

My daughter graduated years ago. They had different approaches on how to live life.

Re both Need and Pam's daughters - better it ends sooner than later, but it is still hard on them.

Need - 40 years for you. That's awesome too. You will miss your dd when she moves.


I will definitely miss her but she knows that I want her to be happy and choose her own path in life.

I have always taught her to be an independent woman and she has done exactly that.

Families don’t always live in the same area these days. When she lived in Colorado we spoke on the phone frequently.

The same thing when my oldest daughter lived in Alabama. We were in touch with each other on a regular basis.

Need: Congratulations to your daughter and her new residence.🏠 Hugs to her breakup of the bf.

Thanks, Llama.

Pamz: Congrats again. Hugs and prayers to your daughter.

Need: You're welcome.

It is tough when the kids are far . We miss them . My son lived in Wisconsin for years and came back just before Covid . We are happy that he’s only 35 minutes away now .
Would you consider moving from New Orleans? I know you are concerned about the crime . Where would you go ?


New Orleans will always be my home in my heart but I think I would move if my husband was willing to go somewhere.

Not sure where. Maybe, Denver to be near my daughter. Plus, Colorado is a beautiful state.

Not Florida, even though I love the beach. My dad grew up in Florida, so we went there every summer and loved the beach! I’m sick of evacuating for hurricanes so, Florida is out!

I adore the climate in California. The cost of living is so high there. Our family members who have moved to California will never return to Louisiana! We live in a swamp with humidity and mosquitoes!

New Orleans isn’t the same as when I was growing up. That’s for sure. It’s filled with crime now but it’s still a unique city that I do enjoy for the most part, precisely because it’s not “Anywhere USA.”

Prayers for dear Rosalynn Carter with her diagnosis.

We are staying in Pennsylvania , so far they don’t tax pension checks here . It is a good state to retire in . My son came back , bought a house last year . My daughter wants to stay , not sure about the fiancé . His parents retired to North Carolina . I don’t like Florida , it’s a swamp. Been there many times to visit in laws .

But in our dreams we would retire to Hawaii. Actually my kids said they would live there too if it was not so expensive . We fell in love with it so much on vacation that we went a second time . Hubby says he wants to go one more time when he retires , he’s calling it his retirement gift to himself. He saves a little money every month towards it . And he’s saving his airline miles from his work travels for free tickets .

Other than Hawaii , we would want to stay in the North East . We grew up on Long Island, NY , but it’s not the same as when we were kids .


Hawaii would be a beautiful place to live! Both of my nephews were married there. That’s another expensive place though.

My nephews married women who grew up in Hawaii.

Need, My son got married in Las Vegas during Covid . 28 of us were there total . Nice wedding at a beach themed venue , complete with man made beach and waves . It was fun . Wouldn’t want to live there though . My husband calls it Disney World for Adults.

Their original wedding plans fell apart when the venue closed in Pennsylvania . So my son decided that Vegas doesn’t close . And then it did , so they postponed the wedding a year to 2021.


Yep, that’s a good description. Both of my nephews have been married twice. One of my nephews, my godson, his first marriage was in a hotel in Vegas. Yep! Fun time!

I couldn’t live in Vegas either but it is fun to visit occasionally. We went on the way to the Grand Canyon. I think it was about a four hour drive from the Grand Canyon.

Flying to Vegas was cheaper and gas was cheap than so we decided to do both, Vegas first, rent a car and drive to the Canyon.

If you're looking to move somewhere (other than where your kids are).Johnson City TN and surrounding area is a good place; the "tri-cities" is 3 towns about 20 miles apart with 50,000-70,000 people each. Cost of average house is about $200,000 with $2500 a year in taxes. Car tags are about $22, except when we have a state tax holiday and they are only $5.25 (local road tax). This year we are going to have a food sales tax holiday for 3 months. No state income tax, the sales tax in my county & city is 11.25%. Johnson City has a multiple universities, a technical college, medical school and a pharmacy school. Four distinct seasons: some years have a little snow (usually of 1-2 days duration) and while summer is hot only August is really muggy. Spring and fall are gorgeous. The mountains usually protect from storms, although they can made driving a challenge if you're accustomed to flat lands.

Although we have relatively small towns around, we are between Asheville NC (60 miles) and Knoxville (100 miles) - just down an interstate highway. Myrtle Beach, Charleston, Washington DC and Atlanta are all about 5 hours drive time away. I prefer to drive to Charlottesville and take Amtrak into DC; much easier to get out of town on a Friday afternoon.

Crime isn't a big deal unless you are involved in some way with drugs; mostly thefts from empty houses during working hours. We do have an occasional dispute between a couple of drunks or a divorcing couple that ends up with someone getting shot. On the other hand the two stranger/active shooter incidents within a hundred miles and over 20 years were both ended by an armed civilian with 2-3 total casualties.

I'm very biased. I have traveled the entire country and do not know of anywhere as lovely or generally safe and peaceful as East Tennessee. Our idea of "traffic" is cars traveling down the interstate at 70 mph with only 50-75 ft between them or waiting on a red light. I live beside pastures with multiple grocery stores, pharmacies, parks, and even walmart within a 8-12 minute drive. Plus I have lots of family around!


Sounds lovely.

I have visited the Smokey mountains (Gatlinburg and Pigeon Forge) several times. The mountains are beautiful, especially in the fall.

We don’t have the beautiful autumn foliage here. The very first time I saw the red, gold and orange leaves, I told my husband that it looked like God took a paintbrush and painted the leaves magnificent colors!

We have been to Memphis a few times as well. That’s a totally different vibe. Great BBQ and music though.

You are in a great area to visit other places. I don’t know if I would acclimate easily to driving in the mountains. My husband does well driving in the mountains.

I was surprised how well my daughter acclimated to Colorado. She can’t wait to move back.

Did you grow up in the mountains? You learned how to drive in the mountains if you did. What about your children and nephews? Are they driving yet?

I have to admit that I am a horrible driving instructor! LOL 😆 I was a nervous wreck when they were learning to drive.

My girls preferred their dad showing them how to drive, plus we signed them up for driver’s education classes.

Maybe I should move to Tennessee. My Nephew& his SO live in Clevland .

Tmorrow the 2023 Hurricane season officially starts. There's already a disturbance in the Gulf. Oh goody..😟

TNtechie,Sounds lovely . My husband use to go to Memphis on business trips with a job early in our marriage . He loves the bbq. Was offered a position there . Hubby loved the Germantown suburb . But at the time we were younger than 30 and still lived near where we grew up on Long Island , NY. We couldn’t take the offer and be so far from the ocean . Ended up moving to Pennsylvania when we were 40 in order to keep his job and pension. But we can get to the shore in New Jersey quickly . We also like beaches in Delaware , Maryland and Virginia Beach . We also like that we can still get to New England from here . When we lived on Long Island we used to take the car ferry to Connecticut and from there drive to the rest of New England .
I wanted to visit Myrtle beach , hubby doesn’t like the alligator problem they have there. I’d also like to go to the outer banks in North Carolina , I have a friend that goes nearly every year .

Another former Long Islander here. We used to go to Wildwood, NJ every summer.

As a kid I used to think the drive took forever but come to find out when I map quested it that it was only a 4 hour drive. 4 hours in kid time was like a million hours.

Wildwood is not the same as it was in the eighties from the pics I see online now. I loved all the kitchy hotels they had back then. Great times.

sp19690, we never went to the Jersey shore or any other beaches besides Long Island beaches growing up . I miss just going on a whim . When the kids were young DH and I would pack a picnic dinner and take the kids after work on a whim if the weather was nice . When we were dating we drove out to the Hamptons to catch a glimpse of movie stars … just had to act like you belonged there and keep moving at a decent pace when you walked along the shoreline at the water ( not walk up close near the houses) on the private beaches 😂😂 and nobody would kick you off . We took the kids to see the snow on the beach too, went all seasons . And of course to see the waves after a hurricane

Way SmithPoint was my favorite beach but we also went to long and short beach. I remember short beach had tons of horseshoe crabs. Never went to the Hamptons.

sp19690, Smith Point is where we went most of the time as well . Do you remember the salt water taffy and the snack bar as kids ? When we took my kids, there was always a Mr. Softee ice cream truck in the parking lot .

Random thought , I miss Dairy Barn too . A drive through for milk , bread , eggs etc . Was great if I had a sick kid and DH was away for work . Just drive through with a sleeping kid in the car seat . But now can always have food delivered . They had the best ice cream sandwiches .

I grew up in Bergen County (NJ) 1 mile from the NY state line (and could see the GW bridge from a high point in my town). In highschool, we had a tradition where after the prom we'd stay up all night then drive to the Jersey shore to spend the day baking on the beach (pre-sunscreen years) and working off hangovers (since the drinking age was 18 and DUI laws didn't exist yet). How did we ever make it to adulthood in one piece??

My "home base" has always been within 10 miles of my parents' home (where my dad lived for over 80 years) although I have kept "working" homes and apartments in a variety of cities where I worked between 8 months and 6 years at a time. I particularly enjoyed my 4th floor studio apartment in Washington DC, two blocks from a metro stop on M street. We got a per diem and I found this B&B listing and negotiated a monthly rate that allowed me to leave my clothes and a sorta office (folding table, power strips, printer) in place when I took the plane home most weekends. Had mom and the nephews come up on my vacation; enjoyed pointing out to my coworkers the crime stats on my metro stops were better than their parking garage and I didn't get caught in traffic (most of them stayed in a hotel outside of DC and rented a car).

So I learned to drive and the kids (some of the kids are in their 40s now) did too in the TN hills. We have a few laughs about the snow weather transplants that run their mouth about us turning out or delaying the start of school because of a "little inch of snow" when they learn our "wet" snow on a surface that changes elevation and direction frequently is a different challenge than driving on 8 inches of powder on a flat surface. My favorite is the guy that planned to stop at the end of his driveway and slid across the street, ended up in a culvert in about 1/4 inch of our typical snow/ice mix.

BTW: Memphis is a different place than Johnson City; no mountains (just Mississippi delta flat land) and a Democratic party run big city with most of the problems that come with that. JC has more diversity in cuisine but not as much great barbecue and fresh seafood. We've had a lot of immigrant families settle here over the years and have some good Asian restuarants in addition to most of the chain places. The family favorites are a Mexican, a Japanese, and a Chinese restuarant; mostly home food is mostly cooked at home...

TN, Geaton, Way and sp,

Sounds like you have great memories!

It’s funny that you mentioned a studio apartment.

One of the happiest times in my youth was when I was living in a studio apartment.

I wanted a change, a fresh start in a new place. I decided that I didn’t want to have to rely on a roommate in a larger apartment.

So, I rented a one room/kitchen/bathroom attic apartment, completely furnished in beautiful antiques.

I adored the deep claw foot tub! My apartment was on top of a fairly large home so it was a decent sized attic.


I know right! I truly hope this is a relatively calm hurricane season for us.

Anyone else finding this site to be very slow in loading content? It’s taking a long while before I can read or post anything.

Yes, it's slow for me too. Hopefully that means they are implementing some updates.

The oldest settlement in Alberta, Fort Chipewyan, north of us is being evacuated as I write due to the forest fires. It's bringing back memories/flashbacks of our evacuation in 2016. People are being flown out or boated out. I taught a class up there by videoconferencing for years as part of my job here and made trips up as part of the course and also for personal reasons. My ex had family in that community. I have many good memories of Fort Chip and the people there.

Fortunately we are good at evacs. Accommodation has been arranged here and in the town up the river where the boats will dock. Even pets will be cared for as much as possible. However I know it is hard leaving your home. I pray that they contain the fire so that the town isn't burnt down. It is of historical and cultural importance and started as a trading post in 1788 and it is for some the only homes they have ever known.

My heart goes out to them.

golden: Here in Maryland we are seeing some haze from the fires, unbelievably.

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