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Yeah, antibiotics can definitely tear up our digestive systems.

Unfortunately, sometimes it works out that way. Meds help with one thing and upsets other things.


How is your sister holding up with all of her husband’s issues? I am glad that she has you to vent to. I’m sure that helps some.


This teacher is a bit extreme! Hey, I am all for protecting our environment but she’s going a bit too far.

She needs to be concerned about more important issues and leave you to tend to your own yard.

cw -what a charmer - NOT!!!

techie - wow, that's pretty bad. Hope she fails her student teaching.

NHWM, she actually told my grand nephew this liberal opinion, which she repeated for the principal. Apparently the little boy didn't tell her we only do this to a small patch of the yard. GN told the teachers they should spray the kindergarten play area after a girl got stung and had a reaction; i.e. keep them safe like we do at home... Principal assures me she had been counseled about keeping her opinions to herself (or maybe how little ears have big mouths attached to them).


Not all people are cut out to be good teachers. That’s for sure.

I remember one of my daughter’s teachers saying that she shouldn’t drink milk with her lunch.

This teacher was vegan. She approved of my daughter’s peanut butter and jelly sandwich but told her not to drink milk with it. My kid thought she was nuts! LOL 😆

I don’t care who is or isn’t vegan but she shouldn’t have tried to tell her fourth grade students to be vegan along with her!

BIL got word he was being discharged today and sis was told when she comes to come pick him up she will be trained to give him his blood thinner by injection. Wait, what?! And no, sis was scheduled to work and she wouldn't be picking him up today.
Geez, it's not as though she hasn't been there every day trying to get info.

How did that go for your Bil yesterday?
Just how is it that on short notice, so many other 'entities' can disrupt our lives?
I hope sis was strong.

He came home yesterday! As I suspected he is the one who was pushing to be released as soon as possible 🙄

Yes, I get it now. Glad for him that he made it home.
Your sister must be stretched to her limits.

CW, why can't he give himself the injections?

(((Hugs))) to your sis.

That was my question too Barb. He told them he doesn't want to do it himself and that his wife would do it. I told sis to insist that he be trained too, but who knows?
Anyway since we suspect his INR was so high because he hadn't been taking the warfarin properly sis thinks it's just as well she is in charge. The man definitely has brain fog and has for a while, but unlike your DH he's belligerent about it.


i was curious what people consider to be the prime of their life. (so i checked the internet for opinions). many of us on the forum have gone through extremely tough caregiving. some of us worry about our prime slipping away.

it's a serious topic.
but i just want to share some responses, and responses to responses, i saw:

What age do you consider to be "the prime of your life"?

"Diaper years. No bills, no responsibilities, nap and poop whenever, wherever. Everything is an amazing learning experience. Everyone thinks you're cute. People wait on you all day."

"Did you mean age 0-5 or age 85-100?"


"At whatever age you decide not to give a f***k about how others perceive you. (So long as you're not a murderous criminal). This can happen in your twenties, thirties, forties, or never. It's really about being comfortable in your own skin and being confident in who you are. For me this was my mid-thirties after having my first kid. Being comfortable financially also helps but isn't necessarily a must. Then again I may change my answer when I'm 50."


"Every day until I'm dead, and then even one more because I'll kick death in the groin and cheat out one more day."


Flooding bad in some areas of the state because of melting. One area I looked into moving to about six years ago. Happy I don't have to deal with that!


just looking at some more internet opinions of:
What age do you consider to be "the prime of your life"?


“I am in the PRIME of my life this year. I’m 97.”

“Ages 75-95.”

“Doesn't matter your age, if today's not the prime of your life then you have the wrong mindset.”

“The best is yet to come. I'll make it so.”

“I'm always in my prime.”

Boj, are you an early bird like me or a night owl? My circadian rhythm(and cortisol level) is off kilter and I wake up @3am. Kinda nice and peaceful :)

hi catskie :),

i haven’t figured out yet whether i’m a night owl or early bird.

Watching Peter Pan with Cathy Rigby on AARP theatre. They have so many activities that you can participate in via internet.

You might need to register first.

Great plug for HGTV's Hometown Takeover, second season, on Hoda and Jenna today! It is premiering on Sunday!

So exciting!

I got 4 inches cut off my hair and my highlights redone,, more blond for summer. I LOVE IT,, it needed done and now I will feel better on vacation at the end of the month!!


Enjoy your vacation!

Thank you Need,, we are going to Jamaica for my bonus daughter's wedding! I hate airports, but I am going to have a blast once we are in the plane and during the trip! My BFF is also coming, and staying in the room with hubs and I so he is going to look pretty popular,, LOL. My DD is the bridesmaid, and about 40 people are going to cheer BD on ! She is a doll and we love her hubs to be,, he is a wonderful man and wonderful with her son. I hope my own DD meets a man as great as he is!

Your trip sounds fantastic, Pam!

Neither of my daughters are married either.

A vacation would be so wonderful!
A road trip up the coast of California, maybe.

Soon, the weather will be too hot for me to go outside.

Pamz - congrats on the new hairstyle. 4" off. Wow, that's brave! Have a great time on your vacation. It sounds awesome!

Pamz: Have a wonderful time. Your hair sounds beautiful.


My youngest daughter gets highlights in her hair. She is picky about who does her hair. When she told me the price of what it cost I was shocked.

It’s not cheap! It takes the stylist a long time to do so I guess that they have to charge a significant fee.

Even just a cut and styling cost a lot these days. Same thing with nails. I know women who get the manicures and pedicures every week. That adds up quickly!

Need: My DD is my hair colorist. She covers grey and highlights in one process.


Does your daughter do your hair? That’s a nice way to do hair color for people with grey hair.

My. daughter doesn’t have any grey hair yet. She’s in her 20’s. So, I don’t know the exact process of how they do hers.

The stylist has to charge a high amount to make it worth their while. I don’t blame them for charging so much.

I let my hair grow out. It’s silver and I like it. My mom and grandmother had beautiful snow white hair when they got older. My dad had pretty silver hair and mine is like his.

My daughter can afford it. So, if she wants to pay that much, it’s her choice.

My hairstylist just went up in price, but I am sticking with her because I am very satisfied with her work. I tip her plenty each time because she deserves it! I don’t understand why some people don’t ever tip.

I went out for lunch with a friend who is super frugal and I ended up paying for the tip because I think it is awful to be so cheap. Servers rely on their tips.

Need: Yes, as my colorist. DD will never go grey becausce she is a ginger. How nice that your daughter is in her twenties!

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