Dad is 88 years old with Alzheimers. Need to purchase a home for him and mom to move in with me so I can care for them. Looking for grants or information on how to purchase a home to help care for my parents and my children. Lower interest rates or funding would be extremely helpful.
Keep in mind that if your parents live with YOU - and you provide more than 50% of their annual support, you can deduct them from your taxes just like a dependent child. If you add up a percentage of all your costs - rent, utilities, sewer/water/garbage, phone - then add in mileage (at .45 cents) to doctors, pharmacies, entertainment for them - all kinds of things, it will easily add up to 50%. i suggest that you speak with a tax specialist to understand exactly what constitutes "support" so that you get it right in case you're ever audited. Regarding taxes, you should also see if you qualify for any tax breaks given your wages and number of dependents. Sometimes you can end up getting ALL your taxes back and then some.
Best of luck.