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BOOKLUVR, unless your Dad has an infection that is affecting his mental status, he's beginning to decline more rapidly, and for that I am sorry! I do know that you are the main caregiver, but perhaps now it is time for a family meeting, to see if you can be better supportived, and get additional help. I know that they haven't always been overly helpful in the past, but what would happen if you got ill or were unable to fulfill his current demands on you? Heck, this is a question I ask myself nearly every day, and the answer is, I have no idea! My husband is the only one who takes care of his Dad, in our home. His two siblings live 100's of miles away, and hadn't participated in their parents lives at all, in our 31 years together, and I know that they will not start now! We are slowly working our way to Independent Living or maybe Nursing home, but still have many steps in between. We have initiated home health services, so hopefully things will begin to be made clear, that we cannot do this on our own indefinitely. Is home care an option for him, or shifts, covered by other family members? It sucks when everything is put upon only one person. I wish I knew all the answers, but I don't! With my own family, and the caring of our parents, when they were still alive, all 6 of us divied up the "chores" of caring for them, and made sure that no one was crumbling under the pressure, except one time, and that one episode made a devastating and long lasting to one of my sisters, that still haunts her to this day. Our Mom was recovering from surgery at one sisters houses, and she was caring for our Dad, at her house (our parents lived in an attached MIL apartment at her home). The sister caring for Dad, had severe untreated anemia, and she was cracking up from the pressure of caring for him, with a serious condition, and Dad, only wanted to be with Mom. The sister with Dad brought him to the other sisters home and stated that she just couldn't do it anymore, and left him there, which was perfectly fine, as it allowed her to get medical attention for herself, but our Dad did die about 3 weeks later (from aspiration pneumonia), through nobody's fault, but she somehow blames herself, which is so sad, as nothing could be further from the truth. I guess what I'm trying to say, is that you need to round up every able body, to help you to care for him, even if that comes from the outside world. I know that you are doing everything in your power to take care of him, but you need to care for yourself too!
About those lizards! When we were on vacation in a 4 star resort in Puerto Rico, we had a "something", in our room that we could hear at night, and in the morning, we would find evidence of crackers, and other snacks we'd left out, on the floor and in crumbs. Upon notifying the hotel staff, we found out that it was lizzards, and not mice, as we had thought, they had beetles too! They did send someone to spray our room, but I was scared to get out of bed at night! Yikes! The daytime lizzards didn't bother me though! ☺ I'm rooting for you Hun!

Dad is getting lost when it's pamper changing time. He used to automatically turn left, hold, turn back, turn to right, etc... Automatically. Now, he lays there and looks at me for clues. When I say 'turn', he lays there looking for WHICH way to turn. When he's on his side, and I say 'turn', he would ask, "On my back?" Before, he would just automatically turn. When I want him to lift up his bottom, I would say 'lift' and he would do it. Now, he either lifts his legs up (I say Lift when putting the long round pillow beneath his legs) or his bottom. When I would position myself behind him and say "Up", he would automatically sit up as I fix the pillows behind him. Now, when I'm behind him and say "Up", he would either lift his legs or his butt.... I now have to be very specific, no more shortcut words.

For the past 2 weeks, he wants his empty box of nutrient drink. He's forgotten the name of it. He can't remember it now. For the past 20 minutes, he has been holding that box, re-reading the name over and over and over. I think he's trying to memorize it but... he's still forgetting the name. He's now put the box on the side table. And he's repeating the name aloud. {smiling} He has picked up the empty box and is back to re-reading the name.

Stacey, I grew up thinking that it was normal to have giant roaches (found out a few years ago in that pest control reality show that roaches there are sooooo tiny!) and lizards in the house. When I was in my late teen, my older brother worked at a hotel as housekeeping. (He worked his way up from the kitchen to housekeeping and then eventually to accounting.) Brother came home and told us this story.

They got a call from one of the rooms about an alligator. My brother was puzzled because we don't have alligators here on island. He goes up to the room and the 2 Japanese girls were scared about the little alligator on the wall. He walks into their room - and it's a gecko. We all thought it was so funny. And it made me realize that not everywhere has lizards inside the building.

Baby bro forgot about the lizards. On his last visit with us, he was so grossed out about all the lizards in the house. At least the lizards are no longer big and healthy (according to niece, she never knew lizards could look so 'husky' until she saw ours.) I make it a point to empty the sink drain so that the lizards don't have any food source. Unfortunately, they patiently eat through the cardboard or ziplock bags to get to the food waste. So, now I use the plastic ice cream container to store the food waste. And our lizards are now back to looking small normal size. No more huskies.

All the youtubes mention either rinsing the facial mask with only water or just wiping it off with washcloth. I don't think so!!!

I just gave my nephew money to buy a sliding/skiing exercise machine. My stomach is getting bigger and bigger. I look pregnant. I'm hoping it's just me gaining weight and not some medical condition. I will have it set up on the front porch, and cover it with the washing machine cover. I'm so excited! I hope the neighbor's kids don't come over and play on it. It's $200.00 but on sale for $100.00.

BOOKLUVR, OMG, that would freak me out too! We don't have a lot of crawling beatles here in the PNW, nor lizards, that come into the house anyways, thank God! My husband freaks if he finds a mosquito in the house and threatens to get out the can of Raid! I hate the smell of bug killer, and would prefer the mosquitoes, and we don't have a ton of those either! But, I'll bet that your island homeland is Gorgeous, and that more than makes up for the tiny inconvenience of little pests!

I tried the honey lemon oatmeal facial mask lastnight. I'm not supposed to only rinse it off with water. I did with warm and then washed it again using soap. Our house has geckos, roaches and ants. I'm not about to wake up and find either a roach or lizard feasting on my honey tasting face. I woke up this morning with bad sinus. Hope it's not related to the facial mask.

Our shower drain is getting worse. Maybe time to call the plumber...

Absolutely pam they call it cold wax but it is warm. the difference is hot wax doesn't use material strips and cold wax (warm wax) does use the strips. I have always been able to hot wax myself and it saves me a fortune. As for epilady hmmm £$%^@&*!^@%£^$^!*&^£ springs to mind! Ive not used a no no because I have white hair and if it works on the principal of lazering then it won't touch white hair - I don't KNOW that I just assumed that but having looked it uses hot wire so it burns the hair yuk have a look at does no no hair remover work consumer reports it is an eye opener

I use hot wax also,, my beatician does it. Is there another kind Pheonix? The no no seems to be like the Epilady from the 80.s sort of rips it out by the roots. My MIL bought me one then, and I hated it!! Stung! But she loved hers. Hey.. maybe she was trying to tell me something?

When mom passed away on her hospital bed, we didn't know what to do with it. It's very old, completely manual. I seem to be the only one who refuses to lie on it. Family assumed I was going to quit sleeping on my sofa bed and sleep on mom's hospital bed. Absolutely not!

Book, does dad need it? Or does he have one of his own?

Last year, I wanted to buy No! No! I went online to check it out. It was over $200.00. I changed my mind. I hate to spend $200 and it doesn't work. It would be nice to know if someone is using it and that it does work.

I've read enough comments online about people saying how painful to do threading and waxing. I've discovered that I do not have a high tolerance for pain on my face. I'm such a wimp to even try threading or waxing. That coiling sure turned me off from any 'pulling hair' out of my skin.

Dad all day kept telling me to feed 'her' (meaning mom.) He no longer calls her by name. He just uses 'Her' and then points to mom's empty hospital bed. I guess it's time to remove the bed. Or maybe not. It's a great place to stack dad's extra pillows, my books and junk. Of course, if we take it out, I can open that box which has my little 'entertainment' shelves. (Computer table) I will discuss it with bro because it will require the guys to take it apart.

Has anyone tried the no!no!?

Wisteach, Hoping someone will check on you early Sunday. Are you okay?
We are here, sometimes all night, early mornings.

You might want to research sugaring or threading book

I prefer wax pam I use the hot wax method because I find it works better than strips of material and it is better suited to sensitive areas.

I tried shaving and all I kept worrying about was that the razor would widen my facial hair. So i tried tweezing using that coil stuff. I warmed my face with hot water and warm washcloth before tweezing. It was still very very painful. My upper lips area broke out with bumps and... I have some scarring now in that area. So I stopped using the coil. Now I'm trying home remedies. I'm hesitating to use the vinegar. Okay. More brainstorming. Thanks for the feedbacks.

Book, I would also be careful with the lemon juice. Have you tried waxing? Works for me. A few seconds of pain,, an hour or so of redness, and a few weeks of NO HAIR!!

cwillie and assandache,
I think sometimes people see a month on an old question and don't notice the year especially if they are new to the forum. However i also agree that it is likely that trolls pick up on old threads to get us all going again. Pity they have not got something better to do

I have noticed that old threads seem to get revived almost cyclically... old posts from december pop up again in december, old posts from april in april etc. I am suspicious that some of this is an attempt by forum moderators in to make the forum appear more active than it really is. Oh yeah, and then there are the new ones that come in suspicious clusters.... destitute teens caring for parents, abusive families that need restraining orders etc. Those threads always get a lot of chatter.

I have a gut feeling someone is messing with us...There have been a lot of old questions coming up and the commentor has no info in profile...

Maybe it's just my paranoia but I don't think so..

Cwillie remember Sun In? It turned your hair orange!

I'd be careful with the lemon juice considering all of your sensitivities Book. And I think it is only supposed to bleach the hair, not remove it, I remember back in the 70s everyone was using it to add highlights.

cwillie, I'm not sure that the author meant it that way about 'isolation.' But when I read that sentence, I immediately thought of all the times the family went to parties (weddings, funerals, bridals, etc...), lunches, dinners, etc.. Yeah, they would invite me but can't find a sitter for me - especially when they say, "We're at the restaurant right now, would you like to join us?" Uhm.. I was taking care of Both bedridden parents. Pause... I was waiting for her to say that one of the kids (adult) will come over to cover for me.... long pause... before I said that I cannot come since no sitter. Gee whiz!!!

Then, my next thoughts were all the holidays when they would come over - or even to talk. I can be in a roomful of people, but if I'm the only one getting up/down to cater to all of dad's demands/requests, it sure feels like I'm not part of the group. And I definitely feel alone among the crowded room.

I spent hours online googling how to naturally remove facial hair. I bought lemon juice in the bottle. After going back online, I discovered it's suppose to be real lemons. So, I'm trying to google substitutes for lemon. So far, I think it's vinegar. Regular vinegar or apple cider vinegar? I'm currently doing a test on my skin with the ACV for about 5 minutes. If I don't have a reaction, I will try to substitute this into the oatmeal/honey mask tomorrow.

Ha! I just caught dad with his hand digging into his front pamper. I will need to tie a string over his button area. Make it just a little more difficult to reach inside fully. He told me to 'mind my own business' about his hand inside the pamper. I told him that it IS my business since if he spreads his poop, I'm the one who is cleaning the mess. Not him. 1:00am. time to hit the sack - after I tie his front pants.

" because every time dad makes a demand, no one jumps up and tells me sit down and they will do it."

That is so true Book, even for those of us who don't have a dysfunctional family dynamic. I have tried to bring the family together on holidays etc, but I sometimes wonder what is the point. Mom is in la la land most of the time and barely seems to care, and I am always on duty so can't really visit at all.

Reading from Loving Someone who has Dementia by Pauline Boss.

This is what stuck to me: "What often endangers the emotional & physical health of the caregivers is their isolation." ... I think we all have experienced this in one way or another. Sometimes you can have a room full of people and still feel isolated - because every time dad makes a demand, no one jumps up and tells me sit down and they will do it. Instead, everyone either continues talking while I leave the room to get this or that, or they all stop and watch/wait until I'm done. Then continue conversation.

Ambiguous Loss - Gone and not gone. I had to reread this chapter several times. I have the kernel of the idea but it's still out of my grasp/understanding. I have an idea of what it's trying to say. ... Daughter and yet it feels like I'm my dad's parent. It's not an either-or but it's both. His personality before and how he is now today. Sometimes the old scary personality shows up. We just have to learn to live with this ambiguity - especially with dementia. Accept that it will change from day to day. It's not our fault (lacking in caregiving) or my dad (?? I'm still struggling with this) but the senility. Know when to say Good-Bye to the old personality and accept the new personality (stranger). I remember this with mom. I didn't like mom of the old personality - too much dysfunctional memories. But I remember feeling so bad that I liked the new mom, even her facial expressions changed from the old one.

For the past few days, I've been re-reading and struggling with: Balancing Individuality and Togetherness. It's the "Thinking Both-And (Not Either-Or)". I was at the Post office re-reading it silently, then slightly in a whisper, trying to understand the concept.

That's all for now.

Book, place a sign by the trees: Mango $ huge amount, not free!
Place a jar for the neighbors to buy the mangos.

Mango Allergy

Mangoes are probably the sweetest fruit in the world. The fruit is full of juice when it grows up and dons an excellent alluring color. Despite of the fact that mango allergy is quite rare but if you are suffering from it then you should consider yourself very unlucky. The fruit is prohibited for them who have allergy to mango. Mango has some useful nutrients, vitamins, fibers and other essential elements which are inevitable for body growth. It contains Vitamin A, B, C, magnesium, potassium, zinc etc. The peel of mangoes is responsible for the allergy in most occasions. The allergic reaction is not deadly, but the anaphylactic shock may occur in very few cases. This shock is deadly and a patient should come under the superintendence of a doctor as soon as possible if it happens. The patient will have sores on lips and mouth, itching, skin inflammation, delayed contact dermatitis around the mouth, flaky skin as initial symptoms. The Urushiol chemical is responsible for triggering the allergic reaction. The mango allergy is discovered in lips as when you consume it this is the first organ which comes in contact with mango. It contacts with the skin almost immediately. So, wear gloves or thick clothes before peeling a mango. The skin dermatitis, inflammation, hives are some of the most common skin problems as a result of it.

What Causes Mango Allergy Among People?

The mango allergy reaction can start within 10 minutes after ingestion. The reasons behind this allergy are due to a poisonous chemical named urushiol. This chemical is found in the rind of mangoes. So if by any reason, you come in contact with the mango peel then you are going to suffer from this allergy. The chemical is responsible for ivy rash too. So, a person allergic to ivy or oak poison should be allergic to mangoes as well. This chemical is found in larger amount among green mangoes and less in ripe one. The botanical family of mango is similar to some other fruits such as pistachio, cashew etc. The potential allergens in mangoes are found in fruits like pear, apple, carrot, paprika, peanut. Thus due to cross sensitivity issue, one can have similar symptoms either by handling or eating those fruits.

Mango Allergy Symptoms:

These are the general symptoms found usually in a patient who have allergy to mangoes. But you must be sure enough before taking any medicines. In that case, the best way is to visit a doctor and ask for a medical test.

Anaphylaxis (very rare)
Contact Dermatitis
Itchy and flaky skin
Red skin
Skin inflammation
Swelling around lips and
Mango Allergy Tests:

The treatment for mango allergy should be taken right after detecting it properly. The reaction progressively becomes severe as time goes on. Remember that, this allergy is quite rare and there is a chance that the doctor is unaware about it. So, every possible test should be conducted before declaring it as mango allergy. The prick test, oral food challenge test and blood test are some of the most common tests to detect it. But all the tests should be conducted at lab and a specialist doctor should supervise it cordially. While doing a prick test, the patient is asked to consume a slice of mango and the doctor will check whether there is any symptoms coming out after ingesting it. If the patient is hypersensitive and the condition goes worse, enough arrangement should present there in the lab to take some immediate action.

Treatment – Prevention and Medication:

But prevention is the best option to go with. As mango peel has the chemical which is responsible for mango allergies, thus attentions need to arise while peeling it to get rid of the mango skin rash. To prevent the chemical from coming in contact with hands, you can wear a thick gloves. The gloves do not let the chemical come in contact and helps to prevent mango skin allergy. The fruit itself usually does not contain this chemical, but this is not decisive. Even after using these gloves by yourself or someone who has peeled the mangoes for you, if you are still feeling ill, then there is no alternative to avoid mango containing food from diet forever.

If you have already consumed mango intentionally or unknowingly then medication is the only way to go with. You should have the collection of antihistamine tablets in order to prevent such adverse reaction immediately. Check out this non-drowsy tablet and give it a try with the suggestion of a doctor.

The antihistamine usually starts working within 10 minutes. The cortisone cream will work as well. But it is always suggested to contact allergists before taking any medication. If anaphylaxis occurs, then one dose of epinephrine injection should be enough. But never try to do anything without the suggestion of an allergist.

Mango Allergy

....: cockaracha, cockaracha, sigi magi na pacha.
Kindle keeps changing the words I type! Anyway, he's calling the cockroach to come here so that he can touch it. Now that song is stuck in my head.

12:39am. Dad is asking me what time is school tomorrow.

He's singing: cockaracha, cockaracha, sigi magi na pasta. CockA

I think I'm going through menopause. I've lately been getting hot flashes. Today, I was so overheated at work, I kept turning on my little personal desk fan straight at me. Until I was freezing. Off and on. I wonder if this is why I seem to cry a lot, too. I'm not a crier. I hate crying.

I need to make an appointment to be evaluated for my forgetfulness. Lately, I've been doing a lot of searching for things. I can't remember - at all - where I put things. Then I spend 30 minutes looking for it, ending up frustrated and pissed off at myself. I've been misplacing things. I make it a habit of always putting things in their own places. Lately, they're not in their usual places - hence my frantically looking for it. Several times, I would be driving and forget where I was going. I'd be chanting to myself - work, work, work. I've sometimes drove right by the road to the house for lunch. Oldest sis thinks it's funny. I don't.

My mom started showing signs of dementia when she was around age 52. I'm now 50. With my background of spending half of my life helping dad caregiving mom - and the constant stress of dad (hitting me) and mom (violence and then vegetative state for over 10 years) and my job - I cannot rule out early dementia. My mom's mother had Alzheimer. Mom had Alzheimer.

Send, my squishy face is still squishy. But it sure helps a lot to sip throughout the day one bottle of water with 2 TBS ACV and 1 TBS honey. I had to stop taking it today because my lips were beginning to tingle. I think it's the ACV that I'm sensitive to.

Shilo, I knew better to sweep the porch without a scarf. But I didn't think it would be so bad if I just didn't wear one. Lastnight, I saw that the porch was filling up with fallen mango leaves. I dreaded sweeping those again in the weekend. I will try to remember to use a bandana to cover my nose/mouth while sweeping it again.

It's mango season! We have 3 mango trees - all are different kinds of mango. One is a local variety that's small - and very little fruits. It's still a young tree. The one in front of the house/porch is Carabao mango and the one behind the house where the door and kitchen window sink - is Haden Mango. Haden is the sweetest, largest and messiest (dripping down your face kind) of the mangos. Then the Carabao. Soon, strangers will be coming way into our land from the road and surrounding apartments (despite the fences and cement boundary walls between house/apartments) to 'take' the mango without asking. Our trees don't grow much because we cannot 'smoke' it (to rid the insects.) To smoke the trees - would send the smoke to the surrounding apartments. We are very conscientious about people who might have allergies. So we don't smoke the trees like other locals do. It's our custom to put aside mango for all the relatives from both mom and dad's side, aunties, uncles, cousins, etc.. Mom's brother puts aside avocado and papaya for me and dad.

Book, you are suffering so much! Let's figure this out with all the caregivers here.
Angioedema, also known as angiooedema, Quincke's edema, and angioneurotic edema, is the rapid swelling (edema) of the dermis, subcutaneous tissue, mucosa and submucosal tissues. It is very similar to urticaria, but urticaria, commonly known as hives, occurs in the upper dermis.
Read up on allergies to Mangoes. Face swelling, or angioedema, is only one symptom.
Please find out. Without allergies, you would be so much more comfortable!

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