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Glad, Send and Book thanks for your comments. My mother is 102 years old. She is originally from Peru South America. For many years she has come to the USA to visit me and my sister but never wanted to stay here to live because she love her home. I had my older sister who was watching her and she hired people to help her with mom's care. And my sister and I who live here helped financially to care for her needs. Well 2 years ago my oldest sister died unexpectally and we decided to go get Mom and bring her to live with us, the agreement was to alternate caring for her every two months. Well she is not woman enough to tell me to my face that she no longer wants to care for Mom but I have gotten plenty of text and phone calls from others letting me know what her plans are, she is suppose to get mom at the end of this week. We'll see what happens. But yes I take care of mom by myself. She does not have any medical cover. But I did take her to do her blood test, ultra sounds and she does have dementia, the results of her tests were excellent, they did find blood in her urine, her physical doctor wants her to have a CAT scan but her dementia doctor does not agree that she should do it so I just don't know. It is very exhausting caring for her 24/7 but I can do it. I just don't think I can do it without a break. I am very angry at my sister for wanting to break this verbal contract we made. I am not allowing her to get me to angry because that will take away from the quality time that I want to give mom. Somedays it gets darker but Thanks for telling me that there is meds for her problem in the afternoons I will check that up. Thanks again for your support.

We're hoping so...LOL

Pam, I am going to take that to mean you and hubby don't have to sleep in the garage for at least another week, right?!

Shilo8.. my mom is back!! They are having a blast and we are back to normall.. hope it lasts!

Book, I just saw a commercial for rebagg which is a company that will buy decent looking purses and this month they are having free shipping. If you haven't given away all the purses yet you may want to check into it.

Pam, Hope the visit goes well!

There are a couple of you or your loved ones that suffer from allergies and need to take nasal sprays and anti-histamines to counteract the symptoms. For those not aware if you using the nasal spray 20-30 minutes before doing activities that trigger the allergy can cut down on how sever the allergy reaction develops. This may lesson the need for some of the additional anti-histamines taken after the attack happens.
For example if you are sweeping the porch, cleaning inside a car, or mowing the lawn, use the nasal spray before doing these activities whether you wear a mask or not.

Thank you, Send and Cwillie. I needed an impartial point of view. Not a family member and my conscience telling me of my familial obligations. Send, I spoke to fave sis this morning about how I really don't want POA. And that we need to find someone who is not relatives since none of us siblings want to be responsible for a father who was ... scary as we were growing up.

Cwillie, I kept thinking about your words and how I got it reversed. I admit to having problem grasping it. I now understand. It's really all about perspective. Thank you so much. I will need to copy and paste it on my To-Buy list on my devices. Easy to find and meditate on it (rearrange my thinking).

My mom is still pouting,, Hubs and I were joking about sleeping in the garage..LOL Aunt arrives tomorrow.. hope this kicks her out of this mood!

Jenny, sounds like my mom when she was 'progressing' (deteriorating sounds more accurate description) in her dementia. Mid afternoon, she would walk and walk, back and forth in our front yard. She would walk with a blank face. Then suddenly, she becomes violent but it's not obvious in her face. Sometimes, she would walk towards us with that blank look but our instincts shout danger. Yet she was walking normally, blank face towards us. For me, I then looked at her hands. She was clenching it so tightly, like she wants so badly to hurt us. We ran. And she would chase us with a-no-longer-blank-face but such Rage in her face. She was very scary. My dad refused to give her the meds to calm her down.

Because of that, we learned to read her blank face. Sometimes, her face changed. It gave me the willies, especially when I was trying not to be superstitious and think that our ancient ancestors decided to possess her body and enact the violence. But I swear that my mom's face changed. So hard to balance local beliefs and modern thinking. I can't tell if dad has UTI or if it's the spirits. Sometimes when I read here and how you all casually answer with UTI, I sooooo envy you all. I have to first figure out if it's physical (UTI), mental (senility, since never diagnosed as dementia), or if the spirit realm.

Yes, I agree with Glad, it could be sundowners syndrome.

Jenny, tell us more about you and your mom. Filling out your profike would help alot. Does mom have dementia? Are you caring for her? By yourself or do you have help? For how long? You mught search this site for sundowners then google it as well. I bet that is what you are seeing. There are meds that will help with sundowners. And welcome.

I am caring for my Mom and it seems like about 2 or 3 pm she turns into somebody else, she wants to fight and I cannot do anything right. It is usually about that time that the hardest time I have with her.

And I am sure we'll get the "I should move out, I'm in the way" pity party again. She is not in the way, and most of the time we love having her here.. but there is no give and take some days.. she is stubborn!

OMg I am going to lose my dang mind. Had a good day today.. then BIL calls they are going to look at a AL for the ILs on monday.. can Hubs come? My Aunt is comming Sunday.. plans were made,, OK we can change them. But this is gonna lead to stress on several levels... Then hubs is standing in the kitchen, beside the tall cabinet we keep the smokes in. Tiny mom comes for a pack.. gets the ladel out of the drawer so she can reach some. Hubs says "i'm right here, I'll get them",,, fight ensues! She can do it, he will do it.. She asks why he is mad.. ( he;s not mad,, hes frustrated) He says she is stubborn.. and off we go!! She stomps off, says "don;t you come down here (tv room).. I said I wont.. He is "not wrong".. She anounces she is talking to hubs.. OMG save me now! It will probably all blow over by tomorrow.. but now I have to try to sleep tonight because I work tomorrow...And I will be worrying about her feelings being hurt. BUT HE"S RIGHT!!

The shoe cobbler's children went without shoes.
The travel agent goes without travel?
In my case, the care coordinator for others goes without healthcare.
Yesterday, taking my Dh to an event-it was me that went without lunch, and little to no time to pee. I was trying too hard, it was my fault.

Book, Guess I could have said this earlier today, but when I read your posts, it sounded like you were so strong! Are you doubting yourself?
In my opinion, you never wanted to be POA for Dad, so just relieve yourself of that duty and have a qualified non-family member do it. The indecisions can wear a person down.
I believe you about your ear draining, and would keep a good watch on that part of your health.
Where did you put those sportsacs? ha ha ha ha! I like them too.

Book, I hate that phrase "put on your big girl panties" too, because too often it flies from the mouth of those who have no idea what your struggles are and who have no intention of helping. And anyway, I think you have it backwards, it is the stronger side that needs to come forward and say NO, and the weaker side that would allow you to knuckle under and do things you don't want to do. ((hugs))

It's okay. I don't have the cash to travel anyway...

I'm being pulled in all directions. I can feel myself shutting down. I realize that I don't want to be POA. The thought of putting on that awful phrase- my big panty - and do the POA is stressing me out big time. I've been fantasizing more about suicide to just end everything. The other part of me, the weaker side, tells me that I don't have to be POA if I don't want. That I'm constantly in pain due to stressing over on trying to force myself to do something I don't want. I'm still struggling with this POA stuff. Only I can make this decision. Sucks to be so conscientious of things.

All well. Free lunch at the Hilton. I will be attending the top 10 travel agencies award. Last year, I won the free economy ticket anywhere in Asia or North America. If you recall, I couldn't find family to babysit dad for $900 on weekdays while I was off island. Pay additional for the weekend shifts. So I gave my free eticket to my boss. I never won anything in these events in the 21 years I worked here. I finally won big and didn't use it.

Lastnight, I semi ruthlessly getting rid of the recipe books I collected. I got a free ebook on making your life simple. Did I use it within a year? No? Time to discard it. I'm still regretting about the LeSportsac purses. But deep down, I know that I will never use it. I'm giving away 10 purses and came home the other day with 2 new purses for $36. My poor treadmill's handlebars look so empty. I emptied one small suitcase of purses.

Yesterday, in another book, I opened it up in the middle. It was about clothes. Why do women keep clothes that they don't look good in? It's because we're emotionally attached to it. It said to try on every single item of clothing before ridding it or not . Look in the mirror. Also why keep that too small jeans or blouse if you can no longer fit it? I...I did go through my Two dresser drawers as my 2nd project a few weeks ago. But tonight, or tomorrow - I will go through not just 2 drawers of my dresser....sigh... I have 3 long dressers - one at each side of the wall. I will go through it all and time to declutter all my dresses, skirts, slacks and jeans.

I'm trying to give myself courage to call the neurologist and make an appointment. This neck pain is one of the main causes of my headaches. The past 2 nights, I slept so well, I didn't toss and turn. I woke up with excruciating pain on the neck and head. Neck has been stiff lately. And what a coincidence! My TMJ is back! Every time I eat my left jaw hurts. While I was showering lastnight, I kept reminding myself to google those TMJ exercises. A few years ago, my jaws were hurting because of the constant gritting hard. I found some great exercises online. Mixed and matched it. Didn't take the Valium RX from doc cuz I'm easily to get hooked on drugs. And it worked with just the exercises. Trial and error.

Doc RX antibiotic, stuff for my stuffy head. Semi worked. I finally had some discharge on the dull hearing right ear. For only a few seconds, my ear cleared and I heard real sound. Then it clogged back down to dull sounds. Yet both doctors looked into that ear and see nothing wrong.

Book, It is spring, and traditional spring cleaning has arrived! Count yourself in good form that you were able to tackle that project.
I would need help to organize my closet and cannot ask Dh because his sinuses swelled right before my eyes after he vacumned the car. It is one side of his nose and I cannot get him to wear a mask. He used the oregano oil to sniff, and a warm, then cold cloth. He is better today, but because of spring pollens, we may have to use the big Rx guns=Flonase, Benadryl, etc. Then, it is me who suffers, worrying when his behaviors abruptly change, - - -and not for the better.

Book, My Mom's eval by the neurologist was paid for by Medicare and secondary insurance picked up the remainder. She was evaluated at doctor offices twice and at a hospital. I can not see why your Dad's would not be covered by Medicare.

I'm scared of getting a root canal. Anything dealing with nerves, I rather not mess with. I don't have any yet. I hope I never will need one.

My niece from Colorado is coming in mid-June. Today, I finally started to do something with my mini-hoarding. I ruthlessly went through all my purses hanging in the closet, on the arms of the treadmill, and in my 2 suitcases (use as storage.) I cringed about ridding my LeSportsac purses. Those things are expensive. But I asked myself if I really will ever use it. Nope - too small. No separate zipper for the Kindle, etc... All other purses that I want to keep but haven't used the past year - I put it in the suitcase. Yep, I also mini-hoard suitcases. Every time I go on a trip, I buy a new carry-on size suitcase that I use as my checked-baggage. I'm under 5 feet. That carry-on (24") is heavy enough that I can still struggle hard to get off the carousel. Anything bigger... I won't be able to grab and pull off. Oh, because the island is very far to get to Colorado or Virginia, my suitcases get a beating and damaged. Last year, I finally spent the money to buy a Samsonite. It survived the 25-hour flights each way.

I realized today that I will need to stock up on food for my niece's stay of 12 days. I don't know how to cook. We don't have a stove or oven or a toaster oven. Just a burner, regular bread toaster and a 700 watt microwave. The cost of food is .. I don't know if I can afford to buy real food. I will need to discuss with oldest sis what we should do. I refuse to buy real meat and then no one cooks it. I hate cooking. I keep trying but I just don't have the interest or the patience to just stand there and cook. I'm very good at doing Spam or Vienna sausage goulashes. Easy and no standing in front of the burner. Just throw it all in the pot, get it hot, then turn off the burner. Tada! We're done. Sis didn't like my Spam goulash today. She barely touched it. Sis is a plain food eater, while I throw in tomatoes, corn and mushrooms in it. Yum.... Except that Spam was awfully salty. I usually buy the less sodium can - sis buys the regular can.

Dad retired in 1990. He asked me when he retired. When I told him, he said no. He retired 5 years ago. Okaaaay. I called the doctor for his evaluation. They never received the referral. That's why they never called me. I'm still torn but am following my conscience. I will try to force myself to call his doctor's office to see if his evaluation was denied by the insurance. Shouldn't be. He has 2 insurance - Medicare and the private one.

Opps,,, now Aunt is coming the first week of may because she needs a root canal! Changing my plans again.. but it's all good!

Well it was a good day here.. got mom out of the house, to several stores and for bloodwork, and she did great! Then she made pickled eggs. Her sister is coming for a visit for a week, on Wed, and she is quite excited. I will be taking them to the casino ( of course) on one of my days off. They are good for each other.

Maybe we could all just hit report this post, report our own, and everybody else that we really like. If your post is not deleted, then no one likes you enough to report your post.

Sorry Cwillie. I hit Post Comments twice and the pop up said that it will be reviewed. Oops. I accidentally reported you. I blame it on the iPad for jumping when I tapped the screen.

Cwillie, I think you're right. My arms and legs are skinny. I know another place those little extra weight goes to. I don't see it, but my niece and jeans tell me it's true. It also goes to the butt. If I continue expanding on both places, I'm going to look really odd.

Book, the curse of being menopausal/post menopausal is that all extra weight jumps straight to your belly, even if you don't gain weight any extra you had seems to migrate there too ;(

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