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Sucess!!! People showed up and my friend made about $400 to help her adoption,, and everyone had fun!! Mom had a blast, and even bought some things and hubs told her how cute she looked.... she is just so happy.. and that makes me happy too. She only knows my friends here, and they all love her..

Book, hope your feeling better. I am having a crap day, very tired and not sure if I;m depressed, sleepy or overwhelmed. I just know I feel "off". this week at work was very stressful as a patient went off and 4 of my coworkers ended up in the ER.. makes me wonder sometimes . I love my job... but this happens once in awhile.. And hubs is depressed and down on everything.. but hopefully I pull out of it tomorrow. I am having a cosmetic party for a friend who is selling it to raise money to fund her adoption of a girl with CP, and added in to that a retirement party for a coworker...I always worry no one will show up.. and it's looking kinda that way.... oh well. maybe sleep will help

I had a terrible migraine today. Woke up with it, worsened throughout the day. And I find that I have absolutely no patience at all with dad today. And my head is feeling pressurized. My hearing just went dull and my head feels like it's about to pop from the internal pressure. I took the RX nasal spray this morning and the Loratadine. So, also having sinus headaches too....

I was reading a freebie ebook by James Hampton titled I'll Move So Fast. It's a bit boring, did a lot of skipping. But I found a paragraph that caught my attention and rang true deep within. It's about running from your fears, falling, getting up and running again. Below is an except, Location 439 of 517 but paraphrased to fit our situation in life (and not the main character of the book.) Background, the man lost his money, his job, and soon his home. He was thinking, I think, of suicide (skipped that part I guess). While jogging, he tripped and fell into a ditch. A passerby saw him, offered assistance - which was refused. The passerby finally persuaded the man to 'whine' which he prefers to call as 'confession' to let it all out. After purging all his angst... Below is the advice of the passerby to the man who lost everything but his family.

"First you sat down and nursed your pain. That's good. Then you got on your feet again. That's good, too. But now, now you need to run. And you won't be running from these challenges you face. You'll be running towards them, as a matter of fact....

What you'll be running from is Despair. See, there's a lot to be gained from confession (or whine). There's liberation. There's self-awareness. There's freedom - when we admit to the dark things that haunt us. But in despair - there's nothing - only more despair. Run ahead of despair. Run ahead of it, always."
The above paragraphs reminded me so much of my attitude (but in a more positive light): When life knocks you down, just get up, so that it will knock you down again.....

To me, his words were saying that it's okay for us to whine about our life, our angst. But after whining, falling flat onto our face, crying - we need to get up. And start facing these challenges in life - as long as we keep one step ahead of despair. Because despair is what really knocks us down, down that deep tunnel of depression where you hit rock bottom.

This deep thinking is giving me a headache. I won't delete the ebook from my device. I will keep it to re-read those paragraphs once in a while....

My dad still refuses to give POA to my oldest brother of next door. I don't blame him. But I don't want the POA. When I finally decided that I will not do the POA, my stress level, my depression and even the suicidal thoughts have dramatically decreased. I'm not waking up every morning with stiff, painful neck and headaches.

I have come to accept that since I've been caregiving for about 23 years for mom, and started 3 years ago with dad - that I really must be suffering from PTSD - as several of you have mentioned to me. Now I understand why I so over-reacted just over the thought of my having POA. It's just the one straw that can break the camel's back (or push me over the edge.)

I don't know who's going to be POA. But I will try to drop by his clinic and find out if the insurance denied the referral for dad to see the specialist. While I'm at the clinic, I might as well make a dental appointment for myself. I've been putting off both of these for several weeks now. I've saved up $300 for the dental xrays and cleaning. I might as well make the appointment before I touch the money.

Tired physically, mentally, etc... Tired of daily headaches. Tired of work's witchiness and biting my tongue. Today, I pissed her off so much that she controlled her voice quite admirably without yelling at me, in a very shaky voice. I recognize the signs of fury. I did Not defend myself despite her obvious falseness on her comment that she NEVER did what I did. Ahem.... Both boss do it all the time. sigh... The boss quietly told me that I must not do that again. (Ahem... he did this Exactly to another new client just last month... but I wasn't about to tell him that. I know where my bread is buttered. Just grit the d*mn teeth and bear it!!!!) And accept that it's d*mn if I do and d*mn if I don't.

Severe headache when I left work. The Only food that comforts me in this intense migraine/stress headaches is - KFC. The one food that is so salty and oily and high cholesterol - that is very very bad for my high cholesterol. However, I needed my comfort food. I ate it and drank Pepsi. And my headache toned down drastically. I'm not even squinting at all as I type on my laptop.

Boss asked me why I didn't call a client. It's a very simple matter of lifting the phone. I replied that I was on the phone for 2 hours with a client (HIS client because he didn't come to work until past 12noon) this morning because the traveler was stranded and needed to leave ASAP in 6 hours on the flight to Hawaii and trying to find the most economical cost (other than my boss recommendation of $3600) which I found for $2700.00. Sigh.... And book a hotel, explain to the secretary how he's to contact the hotel to pick him up, etc.... Boss remained silent.....

On top of that, my clients were emailing me this morning about their people needing to be booked for Wednes, Thurs, Friday... do I have the reservations for review? Etc... I was so stressed out. I had so many emails opened and trying to do one at a time, following up on waitlists, seat assignments, etc.... And the bosses were on my case for One client that the wife is pissed off about. By the way, I Honestly did not see where I went wrong because both bosses have been doing this practice for Years.

Today was a very bad day for me. Sometimes I love my job - finding the most economical airfare possible. Sorry. I needed to vent this all out. Because tomorrow is another day. And I needed to purge today's negativity to make more room for tomorrow's. This way I don't explode in anger and regret the words that would come out of my mouth.

My mom talks non-stop about her pain meds and how Obama is trying to take them from her. my mother did go into withdrawal (not a pretty sight) because she needed emergency surgery and never told her primarycare Dr she was taking vicodin.. The doctor that was giving her the scripts is no longer practicing

Book, residents cant keep their meds in their apt. The staff has to bring them their meds. Mom was not happy about that arrangement, and has been angry ever since...3 weeks now. She wants to keep her meds with her and take her pain meds whenever she wants...which was causing problems before she moved to assisted living apt. Now that she doesnt have access to pain meds, she is not happy. She has become completely obsessed about it now. Shes not having withdrawal, but is just very angry about it. Im not sure if she will ever get over it and accept thats the way its going to be.

Casey, Linda Blair? Is that one of those very scary shows? I avoid scary shows as much as possible. Vivid imagination and vivid dreams tend to make me the starring role of these nightmares. I chuckled when I read your slight humor. Good thing this is a site for caregivers. We get it! =)

College, that must be really reassuring and less stress over your mom being so near and yet likes her new home. It really makes a difference to Not have to split your attention in half. The Health & Rehab has the majority of her caregiving. You can concentrate on hubby. When my dad had a stroke in May, my last doctor's visit was in April, and dad became bedridden. I was suddenly by myself, full time and 2 bedridden parents. None of my 7 siblings offered help. I was able to get jobless sis to come and babysit - with pay. My next doctor's visit was in October - and my cholesterol level spiked up sharply. Doctor was shocked at the spike. And that was only in a 6 month time span. Imagine if you had hubby and your mom in your home and trying to care for both of them. You would be stressed to the max, and over.... So, I'm really glad that your mom is there and enjoying it. And you just hubby to worry over. {{Hugs}}

Sheryl, sorry about your mom's change. I'm not really into meds and am not familiar about it mostly. Was her previous meds no longer working? Can they lower the dosage a bit and slowly ween her off or ween her down to a lower dosage?

Casey, I"m so sorry that you are going through this with your mom; my mother also becomes agitated when in the hospital. I always make it REALLY clear to the staff that I have no problem with them giving medication for this. I get the psych department involved if what the Hospitalist orders is not working.

When my mom was still mobile (not vegetative state), she kept trying to pull out her stomach tube. We first laid a flat pillow on top. But that didn't work well at all. We then did what the hospital did. We gently tied mom's hands with a soft white cloth around her wrists. She can move her hands but not be able to touch the feeding tube. Yes, yes, I've been told by some here on this forum that it's illegal to restrain someone. Well! As soon as one can figure out how to secure the stomach tube without being yanked off, and taking the person to the ER to re-insert it - then one just does what one has to do. And yes, I would do it all over again.

In the past, my dad is very verbally mean and cruel to me when he's in the hospital. He's nice to all my siblings but not when it's me. Even the doctor and the nurses gently reprimanded him - and it just pissed him off more. So, he's all by himself at the hospital and I just do very very short visits. Once he gets verbally abusive, I just walk out the door.

I sure feel for you all. It's awful when they're like that.

In January, I was telling the dental front desk about how I can bring bedridden dad there. He absolutely refuses to get on the wheelchair - even when he was at the hospital. They had to drag the whole bed down to the xray department because dad absolutely refuse to let that big hulking male nurse transfer him to the wheelchair. The dentist receptionist jokingly asked, "Why is he so afraid of falling? Did you drop him?" I did Not find that funny at all - when she said, "Just joking!"... I hope karma visits her and see if she finds those kind of remarks as funny.

Get guardianship and conservatorship ( unless you have POA) as soon as possible.

I empathize with your struggles. You must remember the hospital staff see this regularly and know that you can do nothing.

My mom has also turned quite angry within the last month...sibce she has moved into assisted living. She and i had never had a cross word between us so its very difficult having her so angry at me and about everything. She is a retired RN so when she found out she couldnt keep her meds with her, it started this change in her behavior and its steadily gotten worse. I knew the change would cause her to become worse but there was no way around it. Im praying she will settle down at some point, but it breaks my heart to feel responsible for making her unhappy. This disease is just the worst on so many levels....praying for all of you who are in this as well.

Casey, hospitals are very difficult times. My mom too, is an IV yanker. She does not understand what they are for.:-( Though my mom was always a screamer so the behaviors not at all surprising, just a bit louder and crazy over things she, in her younger days, would not have bugged her one bit.

Oh yes Casey, every time I leave my husband for a minute at the hospital he yanks out his IV and tries to get out of his bed. He is very strong. We try to stay away from hospitals. My sweet Momma is doing so wonderful in the Health & Rehab center. I am so happy that I picked a small one with caring people. She loves them and is learning their names. Yay, thank GOD. I miss her so much, she lived with us for 37 yrs. But my husband is traveling down the dementia road diagnosed 2013 (June) & it is very hard. Getting old is not for sissies and Dementia is a nightmare! So sad! It helps to come on here and vent! I am feeling a bit of relief since Momma isn't ringing her bell every 20 minutes. I sleep a little better. It just didn't turn out the way we planned! She is 10 minutes from me and I stop by to check on her almost everyday. When my daughters go visit her a lot I take a day off! She tells me to come back when I can. Hugs to all!

Today was an exceptionally long stressful day. Mom was admitted to the hospital yesterday after a fall an fractured femur. This morning at 5:30 am I get a call from the hospital saying she is agitated and needed to speak with me. I spoke with her and show up at the hospital a little later only to find she is screaming at the nurses and had ripped out her IV line. There was blood everywhere and she was trying to get up out of bed. After about 2 hours, I was able to calm her down. They gave her pain meds but it seemed to me that only started her up again. Eventually she was given a sedative by my request and settled down. After a nice respite of 2 hours, once again Linda Blair showed up in my mom's body!! LOL Sorry, I need to see some humor in this or go crazy! Anyway they decided to schedule her for surgery and we waited over an hour with her screaming curses and threats to call the police on everyone. After an hour of this, they came back and said they had to reschedule. Fun! We get to do this again. All the way back to her room she carried on accusing me and my brother of being on 'the other side' and uncaring of her. My brother finally told me to take off and I did. I know how difficult it is for the person with the disease, and I empathize with them. But, boy, this is such an emotionally draining disease for those of us who love them! We gave the nursing staff permission to restrain her for her own safety if they needed to, because she has threatened to not eat and pull out her IV again. I'm feeling tired, emotionally drained, and very sad to see the person I love turn into someone I don't know or like. Good night all and thank you for letting me get this out before I go to sleep. It's good to know there are others going through what I am. Thank you

2am. Not sleepy. My alarms will be going off at 6:00, 6:20, 6:30 and lastly 6:45am... Hmmmm. Let me shut off the 6:00 alarm.... Later...

Hey Book! What you just wrote-an amazing seamless transition from high tech downloading ebooks to changing Dad's pamper and back to technology! The only thing I really understood was changing the pamper, lol.

It's been so long since I've downloaded ebooks from Smashword. Took me several tries 'download' the book trying to find Where it went on my laptop. I finally had to look for help on the website on how to download. Ha! I didn't know that I had to hook up the kindle (or ipad) on the laptop to download it into. I did it the very old fashion way. I downloaded into my file, then transferred the epub to the laptop's desktop, then transferred it into my Calibre Library, convert the Epub to Mobi Output. After I change dad's pamper, I will connect the Kindle and transfer the books from Calibre. Then, when I have time, I will see if I can do the same with the iPad. I wonder.... if I sign in on the Smashword in the iPad, can I just download it directly to it? I'll figure it out. I've already downloaded the BN app on the iPad. There are some ebooks that's not in BN or Amazon but I can still find it in Smashwords.

You know, I still cannot purchase ebooks (even free ones) on the BN website because they don't send electronics overseas. I've tried all the customer help's email advice on how to do undo this restriction. And it's still not working.

Mica, I'm so glad that you will have some very good memories of those rare times that your mom has ..finally .. made a compliment. Something positive to think of her.

What a coincidence. Most of mom's photos had her with a blank face. The years leading up to her first diagnosis, during her dementia, and to the end. It was very rare to see mom smile or laughing in photos. Yesterday, we found some photos that dad hid in his metal cabinet. Among those photos was a picture I took of mom. She was already diagnosed with dementia but not yet the really bad sundowning stage. I stared at the photo and smiled widely. I have that exact photo - enlarged and framed on my bedroom wall. It's my favorite photo of mom. This is the new mom with a new personality. She was smiling, laughing and held so dearly to that baby doll. (Once she started sundowning, she didn't care at all for the doll anymore.)

Teacher niece said something that made me angry. She said that if my other brother had grandma (my mom) babysit his kids (4 !!!) along with her mom's kids (oldest bro had 3!), that grandma wouldn't have had Alzheimer so early. I got so angry. I told her straight out that i remember what it was really like. I remember coming home from college and hearing grandma screaming at her and her young cousin. Grandma never ever yelled like that to the grands. I told niece that I kept telling her parents that something was wrong with grandma. That they shouldn't let her babysit (for free, of course!) anymore. I then asked her, "Remember when they found you and cousin J walking around the hotel parking lot with no clothes on and soggy pampers?" That was grandma beginning with the dementia. Niece kept quiet. I'm sure she doesn't believe me. But I have lived with my parents all my life. I saw, at age 21, that mom was changing. I kept telling everyone that something was wrong. No One was listening to me. I remembered being so frustrated. "Oh, no, mom NEEDS to take care of the grandkids. Mom NEEDS them, etc..." Yeah, right! sigh.. I should be posting this in the Dysfunction thread. Not here. Whatever. Her father was the one that people were praising at mom's funeral for taking such good care of mom. My foot!!! Him and his wife and my teacher niece rarely visited mom.

I didn't feel like spending lots of money for a kitchen cabinet curtain. So, I went through the cheap route. I dug up all the shower curtains given to me from sisters. I chose the one closest to the color of the kitchen. I then cut it about 26" high. And then the bottom half another 26" for the 2nd counter cover. Tomorrow, after work, I will punch holes on the bottom half of the shower curtain to hang on the skinny spring rod. I went to an oriental store and bought the cheap quality rods for $5.99 each that can extend up to 48". The first counter curtain cover is already set up. It looks so tacky! =) .. that's me. As long as it covers the empty bottom cabinet, I'm fine. If fave sis comes next week and thinks it's soooo tacky, it might be incentive enough for her to go and buy us a real sink curtain cover. =)

My mother actually said "This is a nice place" !!!
Nothing else she said made sense, but that came out clearly- she said it a couple times :D
Whew.... finally.

Today was my only free day of no secular work. My one free weekend was spent spring cleaning the kitchen. Fave sis is great at cleaning. She's one of those who believes in literally going through EVERYTHING and throwing it out. Oldest bro and his wife came over to help. My dad, oldest sis and I are hoarders. Obviously after today, my mom was also. Although she has passed away 3 years ago, we never really cleaned the house, thoroughly in decades. Ahem... that was mom's forte. My idea of cleaning - is transferring one junk from one area to another - preferably somewhere hidden. My idea of cleaning/sweeping only the areas that i can see. Sis, bro, SIL, and BIL obviously follow mom's way of cleaning. We spent hours cleaning out the kitchen. Literally cleaning it out. We found 2 areas that obviously 2 stray rats had 'nested' before we finally caught it - years ago. They hid below my dad's huge metal cabinet and mom's huge box of pots/pans under the counter. I don't cook/bake so I've never bothered to look under the counter for anything. It was very very gross. Smelled like rat! Ugh..... We have taken out a lot of dad's huge pile of catalogs, books, etc... We also found his navy flag!!! Oh my gosh! BIL folded it correctly and SIL told me to put it in a tupperware for safekeeping. When dad dies, we will be draping his flag over his coffin. I've never touched a real American flag! We also found Dad's very old photo album of his ... military day. I couldn't find him in any of it - but it had a lot of the bigwigs in it. I was going to keep the flag out in the kitchen. Bro said to take it inside and keep it safe.

Mom had lots and lots of big baking pans, all kinds of pots/pans, and lots of knife sets and silver utensils. I told bro to take all of it. The silverware utensils had some very nice handle designs. Because I tend to hoard stuff, I don't want it. I'm still struggling to continue to downsize my ... LeSportsac and Kipling purses.

They wanted to take our dining table. Uhm... if you take it, where are we going to eat? Where will we put the rice cooker and our single burner? The dining table was bought by mom. It's one of those really thick heavy dark brown table that can expand. We've had that table for .. . over 27 years. Although I want to get rid of it since it's a large table for just sis and I, for sentimental values, I want to keep it. SIL found this very pretty breakable bowl among mom's hidden treasures. It was sooo decorative. She gave it to me. I held it and asked if she's sure it's a bowl to be used or for decoration because it's soooo pretty. I was so fascinated by the subtlety, I kept tilting the bowl staring at it. I kept it.

There was a huge closed box under the counter. Bro peeked into it and said it was full of pots/pan. I immediately said that I don't want it. Don't open it in front of me because i might change my mind. Just take the whole box away. That's what they did. I kept most of mom's Emeril pots/pans/covers and the ones I bought, and told them to get all the other pots/pans. Mom had soooo many! Our kitchen - now echoes when we talk. And it now smells of rat!!!! Oldest sis has mopped and mopped but it still smells of rat. I sprayed it with Lysol. And it still smells of rat. (Oldest sis and dad, before his stroke, believes in leaving the sliding door wide open. They both mistakenly think that rats don't climb up stairs to the porch to enter the kitchen sliding door. It drives me crazy that sis still keeps the door open when she takes her smoking break!)

Next weekend, they will be spring cleaning the inside kitchen and livingroom. Sis said that we didn't need to clean it because she did it a few months ago. Her hubby snorted. Sis turned to me with 'this look' and said it shouldn't be messy with junk. I sheepishly looked at her and said, "I will do my best to move my junk to another place in the house by next week." I have a very very difficult time throwing away boxes of the rice cooker, my wok, the grill, the microwave plate... get it? I hoard boxes of everything we buy and opened. I cannot throw it away - just in case we need to repack the rice cooker (although we're using it daily) or the wok, etc...

Rereading...the meals-on-wheels, this past year, now includes Saturdays and Sundays. The contractor for these meals was Korean. Well, the first couple months of winning the bid, all their meals looked... funny. Tofu, seaweed, etc.... some kind of cake patty that .. tasted funny. Their beef with veggies looked normal - until you tasted it. Oriental flavor beef stew. Ugh! Those meals ended up wasted. Dad refused to eat it. I refused to eat it - because whatever seasoning they were putting in it - I was having allergic reactions. They also won the bids for the senior citizen centers, the public schools and the prison. They also were not eating the food. Kids were complaining about it. The prisoners were complaining about it. Soon, the govt realized that most of these food were being wasted because ... nobody liked it. I remember hearing it on the news and reading about it - all these complaints. They were putting pressure on the govt to discontinue with the contractor and find a replacement. I think they learned pretty fast! Because they cut back those seaweed salads, cake patties, tofu, etc... and went back to the local tastes. Sorry.. I got distracted. Trying to delay in changing my dad's pamper....

I'm not making a dent on the stomach department. It still keeps expanding. I did buy one of those ski-type exercise machine. It was great for a while outside on the porch. Except the last 2 times I used it, the mosquito were biting me. Mosquito love me. I can be seated around the porch table with 8 people. And I'm the one who is *slap*, ...*slap*... scratch, scratch.. *slap* ... While giving dirty looks at my family who just sits there talking and laughing without being bothered by those pesky bugs.

Casey, try calling your senior citizen government department/program. They can let you know if there's a program that your mom qualifies. Or refer you to other places that deals with senior citizens. With my parents, we had the govt caregivers who come 4 hours a week so that the caregiver can get respite. They also mentioned the meals-on-wheels program which for years (over 20 years) was only Mondays thru Friday lunches. This past year, they have now implemented Daily Lunch meals delivered to my dad. He has problem with solid food, so his food is delivered as grinded meals. They also referred me to another program - the national family caregivers support group - for me, the caregiver. They meet once a month, and provide free breakfast and lunch. We have talks, games, arts & crafts, movies, etc.... This month's meeting is at the cinema. I can bring a guest with me. But, I'm not going. I think movie theaters are too loud. I always come out with a terrible headache. I don't know why they're trying to make us deaf with those booming loudspeakers.

I put aside lunch money. That means I eat out a lot for lunch. I do my best to keep within my daily lunch budget. If I go to Wendys, and order a $3.50 meal for lunch - for several days, the Extras $$ that I didn't spend accumulates. Then I have enough to buy maybe a dinner at KFC, etc.. Because money is getting tight, I decided tonight to gather all my receipts and do the surveys.

Jack-in-the-Box = I got some free coupons from them from the newspaper. I haven't used it yet but it will expire this month. I ate there for a very quick lunch and just did the survey. I have 7 days from receipt date to get my 2 free tacos with the next menu order.
Wendys - I really like their large salads (which shrank a lot! but the price remained the same). After taking the survey, I have 14 days to get $2.00 off the salad. Yippee! I didn't think it was worth spending $7.00 on that shrunken salad. I feel comfortable spending $5 + $2 coupon for it, though. =)
KFC - after taking the survey, I get a free popcorn chicken go cup with any purchase. Yay! I've never tried their popcorn chicken and didn't feel like buying it - just to find out that I don't like it. As a freebie, I can now try it.

Right this minute, I am grateful! Grateful that she finally went to bed (not sure if she is sleeping), grateful that I only lost my temper once today. Grateful that the phone calls I made to Respite agencies were returned and one scheduled for tomorrow for an interview. Grateful that my son came for a surprise visit for Mothers Day and gave me a kick in the pants to get moving on making decisions. I've been here staying with mom for 16 months and totally building resentments. My mom and I never really got along that great, nothing big or important, just totally different personalities, so my brother said I wouldn't last 2 weeks, but guess what? Here I am yet. I lived with an alcoholic for 30 years and went to a support group for that. It truly helped me to get a better perspective of living with a baffling disease. I thought, huh, if I could do that then living with dementia would not be so different! Boy, was I wrong!! At least with the alcoholic there were times of rational thinking and adult understanding of life. With dementia, it's like being with a child that cannot learn. I'm finally coming out of my own depression from being here for so long without much help from my one sibling and just a little help from the other. Now I'm on the warpath to get help here. I'm also finally admitting that I cannot do this anymore, that the person I see in front of me isn't my mother anymore and I need professional help for her. First step, find a respite agency so I can get some me time and look into step 2, which is finding a nursing home to take care of her. Trying to get my gratitude list back up and going again, but it is so hard.....

Judda, Lost the battle of the middle long ago, but mild walking is about it for me. My goal is still to balance good enough to ride my bike again. My husband is fit, rides a bike 25+ miles!!!! How, one does wonder, can he have a physical, with a b/p reading yesterday of 154/104? Not accurate I am guessing-the doctor did not re-take the B/P. We are going to watch it. I don't think the diastolic of 104 can be from nervousness.

Aw, thanks Sendme! I was just learning online that people taking statins for "high cholesterol" like Mom, have dangerously depleted their natural supply of Co10. I spoke to a Functional Medicine doctor who thought my mother's doctor has been irresponsible in not suggesting Mom supplement with CO10 and in fact even to prescribe the statin. (Don't ask me which one it is.)

Even though I eat as healthy as I can, I am still about 15 pounds overweight. Boo. Maybe it's my thyroid. Wish I had enough money to see a Naturopath or so I can do a trade again like I did a few years back. It's really criminal how the FDA, Big Agri, the whole medical system is stacked up to attack and destroy NDS, Functional MDs. Supplement companies, Raw milk farms and so on. I met the filmmaker of Farmagedon last week.

Ah well. Meanwhile I am taking Q10 and my other handful of vitamins, juice veggies as often as I can, avoid wheat as often as I can, and eat plenty of healthy fats: avocados, peanuts, walnuts, and some wild (not "farm raised") fish. I love learning online: ha reason I am fat. I should be getting more exercise!!
I walked outside and saw a gorgeous owl sitting up just ahead of me in a wooded area. I think it was a barn owl. What a thrill!
And I adore Zumba for exercise too. What kinds of exercise do you guys like? How do you tackle the middle battle of the bulge?

I am feeling more peaceful about my mother. I don't know why. Something inside me shifted. Perhaps because I realize that
1. if death comes, and it must at some point, it's not a bad thing.
2. I accept my range of feelings about Mom: the love, the anger, the grief, the relief I might feel with her gone, how I'll miss her, the struggle I'll have as she declines further, the whole enchilada.
3. I have given it all to God. Whatever happens. "Thy will be my will."
I think I will be of more use to Mom this way too and less likely to drive myself to illness!

Judda, have read backwards, and found that you are addressing a serious decision right now. Sorry-was just so glad to see you-and you are known for healthy eating. Hope any decision made blesses your Mom!

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