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My heart and thoughts are with you, assandache7. Saying goodbye is always rough

As for me...doing fine. We're back from our cruise with FIL. He handled it pretty well, all things considered. He knew we were going on this cruise, and he wanted to go on it, but I'm not sure how much he really enjoyed it. At one point he said he thought we were supposed to be doing something special, so when was that going to happen? Um...we're on a ship, Dad. That's the special thing. He insisted there was something more we were supposed to do. Anyway, as the cruise went on it was more like he knew being with family was what he was supposed to be doing, rather than that he wanted to do it. He did like ordering his own meals from the menu each night, though!

His mobility was an issue, as we knew it would be. He hates using his walker, but it was a good thing we had it with us. His dementia has also gotten worse over the last few months, but he still recognized his people (we traveled as an extended family), and so we could just say, "Follow Sam," and he would. We didn't take him off the ship or explore the port with him; that would have been too much.

This was FIL's last cruise and the end of an era. It's sad because this was one more thing he really enjoyed that he can no longer appreciate or do with us. So I'm having some mixed feelings today, but not bad ones. Getting back into the day to day swing of caregiving at home.
Report sorry to hear of your loss.

I'm getting a pedicure right now! It's sad that it takes a death for this to happen..Mom's wake/funeral mass/burial is tomorrow.. All in one day..It's going to be a loong day.. I'm looking forward to seeing her again at funeral home..

Hi, everyone. Just wanted to say hi to my friends. If you could see the sun coming up through the trees, you would see just how beautiful this morning is. I'm hoping my daughter has a good drive back to work, and my son wakes up so he can go to his job soon. I told my parents they could "sleep in." I said that was the benefit of their retirement. I'm glad they still think sleeping in is something special. They are dears. Today I have a respite nurse coming for me to sign some papers so that I can get away for a few hours during the week. I plan to start with three times per week, just so I can get some chores done during the day and not have to go in the middle of the night when everyone is sleeping. I also want to get a haircut. I'm still thinking about the work thing. I have another year of leave if I want it, and right now taking care of my parents really makes me happy. I still do need a little time so that I can do the errands, etc., but I don't know.... still have some thinking to do. Anyway, I hope all of you Apama, bookluvr, assandache7, windy town, have good days today, peaceful and full of nice things happening.

Hi jam ! How am I doing today ? I wish I could get into my car and just keep driving and never return ! I am tired of caring for my mom in law who is completely healthy except for mild memory issues . She doesnt do anything for herself saying she is weak . But all medical reports show she is fine . Every morning starts with an indepth detail of her potty . Colour , consistency etc etc she even describes her farts ! I have tried all methods to explain to her that this is not done but no. She does it all the same !
Am going mad !

Genevieve, my mom was off and on with hospice service. So many times she was at death's door and pulled back. One of those was helped by the ER doctor who refused to honor the DNR. Most likely he must have read my dad's hesitation to 'release' her.

So, about finding a job, that's up to you and your conscience. If your dad died while you were at work, how would you react? The answer to that question will determine your decision to get a job. I've helped dad caregive mom for about 23 years, half of my life. I refused to give up my job. It was and still is my sanity from caregiving. When dad needed me to work part time to help him, I did so accordingly. When mom got stabilized, I went back to full time. When mom was dying and all my siblings came home, I went to work. I didn't want to take time off. Seeing mom's muscles shrinking and the skin tightening around her bones was just too much for me. Again,work was my sanity. Anyway, I had my 4 grown siblings at the house keeping watch over mom. That is how I handled mom dying.

So, do what you feel is right and can live with regarding the job - full time vs part time.

Assandy, how are you keeping up? I'm glad that you're mom is on morphine for the pain. I hope it's helping. I just wanted to let you know that I'm thinking of you. And your mom. One day at a time. That's the best we can do.

Prayers for you mom's comfort a&a. My dad got morphine, though he couldn't talk due to the brain tumor. Gosh, it is rough. I'm so sorry for you and your mom. It's one of the most difficult things in life to watch your parent die. Major hugs to you!

Mom started the morphine she was complaining of pain all over..

Hi, bookluvr, I agree about budgeting some yogurt or setting up some ritual that is just for you. I'm glad you are doing that for yourself.

I'm just now struggling with whether to go back to work in September or not. My husband doesn't want me to. He feels it is too stressful with my dad being on hospice. I would like to go back because I have about six years left before I get full retirement and I can see the years going by and I'm becoming older and older and not even feeling like working a normal job. And, I will need the retirement income. So, I've now interviewed a bunch of agencies who all can help and I would still be home in the evenings and weekend. But I would have a life. That's all for now.

Book, I'm so glad your niece got to know your dad's situation and that she was kind and wanted to help you. It's people like that give us hope. Sounds like a lovely girl.

My own niece will be seeing her grandma in AL for the first time in five years before she moves to London. I know she'll never see her grandma again. She'll be with us five days but using my car to visit other people in another state for 10 days.

I am a little ticked off. We had a two night vacation in six years. Why does no one see what I see? Windytown is always there. She is my brother's surrogate as he can't be there. Shouldn't she give us a break?

Oh my gosh, as I read some of these comments I ask myself if I will be able to do what so many of you do as my husband's dementia progresses. I've been taking care of him for 4 years now, and is seems as though I will burn out long before he reaches the stage that many of you talk about. I love my husband dearly, but I find myself oftentimes wishing his dementia would progress more quickly so I can move on with my life. Does this sound cold and callous? Probably, but it's truly how I feel. I am so very tired.

Thank you.xoxo

a&a, this is so painful to watch, I know. It sounds like she is not unhappy or in too much discomfort. ((((a&a and mom))))

So sorry Assanache,, may it be peaceful.
Windy, our $ store has jamacan patties, and so does our Costco! I love them! ( if you mean the hand sandwiches? in a pastry)

The watch has begun.. Mom's transitioning... She's been sleeping off and on since yesterday morning.. When she is awake she prays and asks God to help her.. She asks for her Mommy and Daddy and said her Daddy was crying because his baby girl was hurt..She told me today that I was beautiful then asked if all her kids were good kids..I said yes but really wanted to say 'no" they never come to visit! Lol

I just hope it's short and sweet... She resting now..

That's nice book that she came for a visit. I have to take dad to the doctor today for his physical which was scheduled before his falling. He unfortunately cannot eat as he has fasting labs so bringing a muffin and juice for him as wechavecto wait an hour for his actual appt. no with him unable to walk I have to plan to leave early and allow enough time to get him in car so we are not last. I did talk with his pt lady on Wednesday as she was walking with him. She is unsure if he will be able to walk with walker by himself as his legs still buckle. The fear of falling is still great as when she got him in the wing chair in the living room all he had to do was sit down about 6" but since he could not see the chair even though he had his hands on the armrests he though he was going to fall. *sigh*.

Hi Windy, sad that your brother is now living with pain. 60 years old used to sound so old to me. Except now that I've turned 50, it doesn't sound old. Just scary that someone would have to live with constant pain from that age.

My 26 year old niece from Colorado just visited us recently. She hasn't been on island since she was a child. Visiting her homeland was in her bucket list. She spent $2200.00 just for a 10 day visit. She couldn't stand the heat and our hospitality of giving her food all the time. She stayed with us. It was so nice that she offered to help me change grandpa's pamper. I can tell that she's not familiar with dealing with the elderly. So, after work, I would be talking and joking with dad. She was very watchful. (Oldest sis doesn't make conversation with anyone,) I can honestly say that by the time she left, she was relaxed with grandpa.

Just checking in after a long absence. Geez Book! No one took you up on your offer? That stinks! Spend it on you! I love purses and fun stuff like you do and I'm stuck as well. My only sib is in Europe and I doubt I'll ever see him again. I harbor no ill will towards him now. He has an awful disease himself called syringomyelia. I love him dearly. It's hard on my mom to think about it, me too. He's in difficult pain and will likely die of paralysis in a few years. He's only 60.

I used to be mad at him that he only came home once in the 5 and a half years since I've had my mom on my plate. Now I know he was dealing with his own bad stuff. Hard to see when an ocean separates you. The love is there, just not the ability. *sigh*

It's so good to hear you found a peaceful place you really like! We ALL need that Book. Food is something that gives me comfort and satisfies my cravings too. I have weird ones though. I love Hot and Sour soup. When I make it I can't stop eating it! My favorite is Jamaican Patties, but since I left Minneapolis, no Jamaican Patties for me!

Tattoochick, disappointing when family members don't help out as we would have liked - for a little bit of free time away from the home. I'm going through what you're going through. Unmotivated to do anything for me or dad or anyone. It's called depression. If my family had just accepted the $900 money to babysit dad so that i can go on a 2 week vacation, I would be off-island now. No takers. No trip.

Is there anything that you can do to 'reward' yourself? I've budgeted $$ for my lunch. I've been buying cheap lunches (Wendy's 4 for $4, etc...) so that I have left over money to treat myself to Yogurtland. I go and buy a strawberry+chocolate yogurt with peanuts and almond toppings - coming to only $4.25... I sit there for an hour eating the yogurt and then reading my book in peace. I find that I'm a bit satisfied with life after I've done this. So, I'm going to make this my ritual every 2 weeks. Previously, I would spend my me-time at the public library. But the wooden chairs make in conducive to NOT spend too long there reading.

Faeren, I will admit to feeling like that with my bedridden mother. She was completely 100% could not move any of her body parts, not even a finger or her head. She just laid there for years, hooked up to the 24/7 oxygen machine, stomach tube and tracheal. I don't know how she was able to last so long.. in which at least 13 years bedridden, then the rest started deteriorating. The guilt to just wish she was just die and to stop lingering on, etc... then the guilt because that's not a very nice thought for a Christian.

The way you worry about coming home and finding him dead on the floor. That was my worry before dad had his stroke. He was mom's main caregiver. I took over when I wasn't working (also full time job like you.) Dad was suddenly falling. We both shrugged it off as 'old age' unaware that it was a sign of a stroke. We were very fortunate that the gov't caregiver coming to sponge bath mom, found dad in the middle of a stroke. She immediately called 911 and me at work. Well, my worst fear almost came true - except we had a visitor that found him in time.

I'm not familiar with your and brother's background situation. Are you able to hire a part-time sitter to just drop by once in a while to check up on your brother? I tried calling dad daily but when the office is busy (which is most of the time), I forget to call home.

OR, you can do what my younger sister suggested for me. I bought a 2 camera set, had brother-in-law install it (outside porch and inside the livingroom) so that I can take a peek on my iPad to see what's happening at home. I think the same camera system can be found in Amazon for about $200-some (??) I tell you, it's great! I can see at work if someone is visiting or hanging around on the porch. It also records - found this out when the message keeps popping up that the memory card is full...

Genevieve, at least your sib gave it a try on helping your dad. I understand what you mean about your dad no longer knowing the next step. My dad is getting there, too. He used to know automatically when to turn, lift his butt, turn, etc...Now, he looks at me. When I say 'turn' he doesn't know which way to turn - towards me or away? When I say "up" (for his butt to insert the pamper under), he tries to sit up, etc... I find myself losing my temper. But he's so patient with me, and doesn't get mad back at me. Sometimes, I have to stop, take a deep breathe, really look at dad, and see him as a Person and not an inanimate impersonal object. It's so sad, that when I look him in the eyes, it's no longer alert (he used to be soooo smart). He's a different man, a different personality. And I'm definitely Not complaining. The old father was verbally and physically abusive. This one is so lost. I'm waiting for the other shoe to drop. Mom became violent. I dread that dad will reach that stage, too. One day at a time....

Pam -glad you all were able to go on the trip and survived. =) despite the old people farts...

57twin, that's scary that your dad is now a fall risk. And a wanderer. I was going to say he was suffering from mini-strokes but .. maybe, like my mom, it's caused by the dementia. Mom had one day woke up - and couldn't walk anymore. She had some serious sundowning months before this happened. And she was an 'escape artist' too. Dad finally put several sliding locks on all the doors when we found mom late at night hiding under the car, whimpering in fear. I can just imagine what you're going through with the constant falling and the roaming, and the fear of never finding her - or that she got hit by a car. It was very terrible time. {{{{HUGS}}}}

Feeling depressed and unmotivated to take care of myself. After a long weekend of consistently caring for my mom. Thought the weekend visit from my brother would give me a break. Instead he leaves me a list of things to do and then off he flies back home.

However, today Mom does not want to see, but hang with her friends. Taking that offer as a gift and spending the day with myself.

I'm feeling really tired and depressed. Last week was really stressful as my brother had a heart attack and ended up in the hospital They were able to put 3 stents in his artery and open it back up so he didn't have a massive coronary, but I'm still feeling stressed and worried. I worry about going home and finding him dead on the floor. I have to work full-time to support him and I can't afford to quit working to stay with him all the time.

Sometimes, I wish he wasn't around anymore so I wouldn't have to constantly feel worried and stressed and then I feel guilty for feeling that way.

I keep hoping things will get better.

He never lived in this area until I moved him closer to me. Evidently if the door bar is held for 15 seconds it will open- a fire safety mechanism. They have a warning alarm on all doors which did not go off. They did have the entire system looked at again after this. The fence should be going up in a week or two which doesn't really matter any more. Dad did have a habit of standing and looking out certain doors so not to miss his ride "home".

57 good to see you and I am very sorry to read about the difficulty dad is having. And he escaped?! How frightening for all involved! Did he actually live in the house that is so close at one time? Or was that a delusion? Alarms that don't work don't do any good. Do they test them regularly? My mom's day care had problems with that it turned out some of the sensors that were worn were not working. That resulted in an overhaul to the alarm system.

Hello all!
Haven't posted in several months. I think the last time I posted my boss was still ill. I had foot and hip pain for a couple of months this winter. Diagnosed with arthritis in several area in my left foot. Hip pain went away-stiff muscles most likely. Worked quite a bit at my part time job until college kids returned in May.
Dad was doing okay. Mainly stays in his room at his assisted living-I did move him to the new wing. Looked out window as I called reading his movie script as I call it. Said he was watching the movie/tv but looking outside and giving a commentary. Always same theme. A wedding with a parade he would mention some of his siblings names. He would laugh at times.
But all good things must change. He "escaped" from his place May 22. Crossed the rural road walked down three houses and walked into one and asked what they were doing in his house. Since landscaping was not completed the fence was not up. The door alarm did not go off. He was okay but shook everyone up at his place.
Three weeks ago On a Monday I stopped in and we shared a alcoholic root beer (awful tasting) and chips as he was cruising the hallways. That day is probably the last day he will walk by himself. The following morning he fell. Doctor appt walker and pt/ot prescribed. Hip X-rays nothing broken. He fell the next day hit his head. I was grocery shopping did not hear my phone ring and met him at the ER. Two hours later I brought him back. No tests the nurses had him try walking with a walker. Thursday morning he had fallen again after getting him up for the day. No injuries but posted an aide by his room at night for a quicker response to the bed pad alarm.Friday was a whole day of doc appts. Blood/Urine/ECGand a trip to hospital for a head cat scan. Results all normal except for a little anemia. So he know spends his days in the living room so the aides can watch him. I have a doc visit Friday to get a wheelchair prescribed as he is using the spare which is meant for tiny ladies. He walks with an aide and the gait belt. No falls since.
Also at docs office he though I was mom. I know he does not know who I am despite saying Hi dad when I visit. Alzheimer's sucks.

Doing okay, already got some chores done, trash out, went shopping at the nick of the store opening at six am, walked the dog, hugged my daughter goodbye and fare thee well on her drive, put dad's legs up on the bed when they were dangling off, covered mom, there's a nip in the air today, woke up son for work, kissed hubbie, now sitting in front of the computer which is under a window looking at the trees and it looks to be a hot but glorious day.

Assandache! 94 and a piece of cake! It's the little things, little pleasures, little victories. Sorry that the downhill time has arrived for your Mother.
You keep on trying.
Love, from Send

Welcome back Pammzi! Scotland was nice?
You know, if you don't get straightened out by a chiropractor, walking crooked may cause you more F & B's, at a younger age. lol?

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