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Send, Ha, if they are GOOD DRUGS, I might just take them!😉😉😉
I know Pammz will do whata best for them and Mom anx Auntie!

Stacey, Mailing the meds was my first thought! Maybe fine minds think alike-or the medical field experience.
Did not give that advice because Pammzi sounded like she didn't want Mom to be gone for 3 weeks, and would have her own reasons. I could be wrong.
Now, there is an extra week, unused, floating out there in the universe, lol-maybe it will come to your house!
Hope you will get blessed too!

Pamz, just mail that extra week of pills to your Aunties house, problem solved, and you get an extra week off! Enjoy your free time! I'm so jealous!

Oh Book did you escape the wrath of the Elder?

cwillie, we all know that book is an empath. I've always felt she has a strong sixth sense.

LOL Book, I think you should be on the "are you an empath" thread. Creepy!

Ha! Didn't I say the elder will visit soon? They came today....

Hi Onedoor! I don't think siblings will see the reality until it's too late. No one can accuse me of not letting know of mom's situation. I always gave updates. Up to them what to do with it. Sorry to hear that your mom has reached that stage. Just do what you need to do- for her.

Hi Book! Felt the need to connect here after so very afraid to say much in case someone else is "watching"! My mom is still alive.. she is not doing well and I am trying to convince my sisters that we need to consider hospice..... I truly dont think she will live till end of 2016 but who knows...she is a tough old bird as my son calls her! Just wanted to say hi..I think of you alot and wonder how you are were such a support to me when I first got into this "job" fact, I told someone just the other day about you telling me to use jelly instead of applesauce for crushed meds! Glad to hear you are going to that group, sorry to hear your family situation hasnt improved..neither has mine.. the trip you won, where will you go if you can leave your dad?

Book it sounds like it did you some good to go, a good cry is OK!
We are enjoying our first day of freedom! I got alot done ( we hate to do much when mom is here because she says "it's her job" and we feel like were in trouble. Or if I am having a good day and keeping busy she keeps telling me to sit down ( I think it bothers her that I can run rings around her...) She has about 1 -2 hours of "work" in her a day at this point.. I visited a friend at her job, she wants me to apply for a float pool position there and I am going to.. sort of get my feet wet and see if I like it. She introduced me to other staff and some of the patients... much slower pace than my current job but I may like it, and I am not getting any younger. Then some piddly around shopping at Home Goods, house work, baked. I am so relaxed!
Miss Mom, but really enjoying this!

Another caregiver, who shared my table, pissed me off. She used to work for the nursing home. She's been caregiving her mother full time for 5 years now. When I told her that if the gov't caregiver stops coming to bathing dad, I don't think I can sponge bath him. I already told my family that I refuse to do it. She very firmly told me that I can do. I said no I can't. She said yes you can. I finally got pissed off and told her that caregiving a father abused us is very difficult. She said that with therapy, I can overcome this, etc.... I finally told her why I cannot. When she found out that dad is not turning left/right, she firmly told me that he has to turn. I said I know but he doesn't want to. She told me that he needs to turn or else he will get bedsores. I know, but he doesn't want to. She was soooo dogged about it. I finally snapped that even his home care nurses lecture him about it and he doesn't listen to them, either. She finally shut her mouth. I know she has professional training on bedridden people. But, damn it, I have real life 24/7 experiences with dementia than she does. Right now, her mom is still in the calm stage. Whatever... If I ever go to these meetings again, I will definitely NOT sit next to her or at the same table with her. She reminds me of someone on this website....

I remember now why I don't go to those monthly meetings. Driving to the meeting this morning, I was still struggling against going. Even when I parked the car. I turned it off. Then turned it on, to leave. Then turned it off.

Yep, it was the usual, introduce yourself and give some caregiving background. Ah, hell. I must be very vulnerable since the last time I attended - last year. As I heard other people's stories, I started crying (sniffling with tears flowing.) I don't cry. I have to have a very good reason for crying. Yet, I sat there crying, and inconspicuously wiping the tears from my face. It's the anger and how each of these caregivers, like me, are struggling and not getting the family support needed.

When it was my turn, I explained how I was mid-20s when I chose to stay home and help dad - mistakenly thinking that mom's dementia would last for about 8 years. That was 26 years ago. And how dad had a stroke 4 years ago, and none of my 7 siblings stepped up to help me - myself with 2 bedridden parents and how I needed to work full time to pay the bills and food. How I was suicidal until the caregiver's group program got me to therapy and I learned to accept my siblings will never be there for me. How I was beginning to black out, lose time - 10 minutes in the middle of changing dad's pamper - just standing there lost, 20 minutes with mom - trying to pull of her trache, etc... How last year bro used his miles to buy my ticket. How I experienced what "Normal" life was like - to not have to worry at all about changing pampers, etc.... How I won a free ticket and knew that God was finally rewarding me for all these years. How it was a falseness because I couldn't even find a family member willing to babysit dad for $900 while I'm away. And since then, I've been soooo angry. Angry with dad. Angry with work, with everyone, everything. How dad has calmed down now but it's me who is angry all the time. And God again came to the rescue when I opened my email last week and saw this guest speaker about Anger Management.

When a caregiver started crying as they told their story, I was crying with them. Feeling their pain, anger and frustration. Even now, as I'm typing this, I'm crying as I remember other's anguishes towards their siblings, juggling parent/husband and yet needing to work to pay the bills, the mortgage, etc...

One of the stresses involved forgetfullness. One new attendee raised her hand and said that she's so forgetful. Something happened just yesterday, and she has no memory at all. The person would tell her repeatedly that they told her this but she has no recall at all of it. (I nodded emphatically, and whispered to her, "me, too!!) The speaker (glanced at me when I said that) asked her if she tried to recall by retracing her day to jog her memory of that 'lost' event. The newbie said that no matter how much she tried, she has absolutely no memory at all. (Newbie and I were looking at each other because I was nodding emphatically - saying that I cannot recall at all what was said to me too.) The speaker was looking at newbie and me back and forth. I can see in her eyes that she was worried about us.

She told us that we are both chronically stressed - nonstop stress - and that we must find time for ourselves. And she kept repeating to us that we need to see our doctors and tell them what is happening. Maybe we need therapy, medication, etc.. But we must see our doctor on this.

At the conclusion, I raised my hand and asked if I can ask a question. I said that every time I come to these meetings, it feels good to express myself about caregiving. But I always, at the end of the meetings, come out so emotionally drained. For hours afterwards. Is this good or bad? The poor guest speaker had a hard time answering that. My social worker immediately stood up and said that she's glad that I asked this question. And that she can answer it.

As caregivers, we keep our emotions deep inside. We are too busy dealing with caregiving, work, bills, etc.... And so we just stuff our emotions inside. And then, when we come to these meetings, we pull it out and it affects us because now we're FEELING it, the emotions. (The whole time she's explaining this to me, I was trying so hard not to cry.) I, uhm, forgot the rest of her words. I'm going to have to email her and ask her to send me the conclusion of her talk. My emotional upheaval interfered with my concentration of her words. All I got from it was that we must make time for ourselves and that I really need to see my doctor about my situation.

The guest speaker, before she left, she came up to me and said that she needed to hug me. And she did. Another caregiver, before she left, came up to me and said that she wanted to hug me, to help me feel better. D*rn, tears falling.

Wow, Pam, to get an extra week of respite. Yes, stand firm and make that extra week worth it. Even if you have to work, you can both spend some quality time together without interruptions. I hope nothing happens, too.

Well, we dropped Mom off with Aunt today. She normally stays only one week.. Aunt whispered to me she was hoping to keep her 3 weeks!!! But she only packed pills for 2 weeks.. but this is still one week more that we have ever gotten!! Hubs and I are in happy shock.... planning to go away for 3 days I am off but his parents put the skids to that as MIL has an apt Tues.... but we will overcome and go after that ( no guilt tripping from ILs hubs told them we are going away after that) right now we are enjoying a beverage and giggling like 3 year olds!! Lets hope nothing happens,, we need this break!!

Geeze Book, I hope you don;t sympathicly swell up for 9 months!!!

On top of this, for the past few weeks, I've been having tummy problem. I am sooo hungry all the time. Yet no appetite. When I eat, I get so full fast. To add to that, whatever I eat, I end up feeling nauseous hours afterward. I thought it was maybe my acid reflux acting up. But that wouldn't cause me to feel full fast - when I'm still sooo hungry. I couldn't even finish a 2pc KFC meal! It got so bad, last week, one day for lunch at the Mall, I looked at KFC. Yuck. A Filipino fast food, Yuck. Walked by Burger King, looked at it, and my tummy started heaving. I went to Taco Bell, stood there. No reaction. No Yuck. No tummy heaving. So, I started looking at each item and finally settled to just 3 crunchy tacos only. OMGosh, I ate it like I was starving.... back in the office, I started getting nauseous. 2 weeks of this!

So, last Saturday, I was talking to fave niece. I said that my symptoms remind me of 2 things. One - my endometriosis is back (getting full fast). Two - someone is pregnant (the nausea thing). The one time I spent weeks being nauseous all the time for No Reason - was when her mom was pregnant. I looked at my niece and asked her firmly if she's pregnant. She said no. I said that I've been through this before. I think you're pregnant. No, Aunty.... This was last Saturday..... Niece texted me yesterday. She's pregnant.

I've been angry a lot. Ever since I couldn't find a family member to babysit dad while I take a 2 week vacation using my free ticket. Not even when I offered $900. It hit me hard that I couldn't use my very first free ticket I won from a raffle. I've worked in my job for over 20 years, and I FINALLY won a free ticket to the US! That's like $2000.00 savings. So, I've been having anger issues. I get angry at dad, at other drivers, at the US news, etc...

And God, whom I've turned my back years ago, has not forsaken me. In all the years, when I have hit rock bottom, when I turn towards death as the most logical solution to my problem, He comes through. Most times, it's almost always by sending an elder to do an unannounced visit. Grrrr.

Last week, I saw the Caregiver's monthly support group's email sent out 2 weeks ago. It's a reminder of our next support group meeting. This month's meeting will have a guest speaker. Guess what's the subject?.... Anger Management. .... I spent the past week fighting myself. Going. Not going. Going. Not going. I've especially been see-sawing with this today. Because tomorrow is the meeting. The ball is in my court. God sent it to me. I now have the option to accept it and go. Or reject it. I don't care for these meetings because usually we have to introduce ourselves to everyone and give a little info of ourselves. Or we form a circle and we go down the line and say something. No pressure. Yeah, right! Anyway, I'm still struggling with the decision....

Mica, as I was reading your post, I was worried that you were going to say that the pain of your father's death made it difficult for you to see your mom. I'm glad that I was wrong. Just take it one day at a time - with your grieving and your time with your mom.

Jazzy, dad and I used to have our 'famous' yelling matches. I finally realized that I was purposely being obstinate with dad in order to push his buttons .. or vice versa (him with my buttons) so that we can yell at each other. Letting off steam. Once I realized Why I was doing this, I started doing my best to avoid 'confrontations.' I'm trying to stop this behavior. It's not his fault... kind of...Nah, I don't believe that at all!

Jazzy I feel for you.. my mon snipped at me today,, then said she was going to visit my Aunt for a few days so we 'can get a break from each other" Ok,, I;ll take that right now,,,,LOL

Today started out okay but soon developed into a shouting match complete with smart-ass remarks. Not the most encouraging actions when I am trying to clean up their house. Honestly, the more I try to help out the nastier the comments. Thankfully, I have developed quick responses but still...

Assandache7, I'm so sorry. Take care of yourself.

assandache,I'm so sorry for your loss.Take good care in the days ahead.

A&A I am so sorry for your loss. There have been so many this year. You are not alone.

assandache. sorry for your loss.

Aparna, I've read on here that a lot of the elderlies tend to be fascinated with their stool (and not talking about a footstool.) I was dreading that, too. Except I no longer worry about That. At the moment, it's dealing with dad touching his poop and makes a mess. He's bedridden.

Susie, it's good that at least - from his POV (point of view - just learned what this meant!) - that he had fun even if it's just ordering his meal.

Assandache, I'm so sorry for your loss Sweetie, I will be thinking about you during this difficult time, and thinking and praying for you and your family. You take care now!

Assandy, my condolences. I'm so sorry. {{{{Hugs}}}

Barely could make it in to see my mom, the pain of my fathers death still raw... Seeing her so well, sitting with her, hugging her... it made the pain all go away. Dont know how i will survive when she is gone also, but for now she brings relief

Dear assandache7, so sorry about your mom. Glad about the pedicure. Now your mom is free from all pain, she is free. ....

I must have missed reading that your mom was gone assandache, ((hugs))

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