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Book, what you have been thru over the years taking care of your mom and now your father makes the rest of us look like we are at a cakewalk! I would never have stayed for the abuse you have dealt with....i know it is different in other cultures but somewhere a line must be have performed extraordinary deeds for your parents-BECAUSE THEY ARE YOUR PARENTS-my hat is off to you for dealing with them and your older sis! Sorry, everyone...I just needed to say that..

Mica, my oldest brother was talking to a friend of his who is a caregiver. She said what you said. She doesn't understand why the govt caregiver's program is threatening to discontinue due to his verbal sexual harrassment. She said that he cannot even chase them since he's bedridden and can't move his left side. That it's well known that elderly people tend to 'talk dirty', etc... So, when brother was telling me this, I remembered your words. I think they are trying to find a reason to drop my dad.

But then again, I've noticed that I'm the only one in this whole d*rn family who takes the time to talk, converse with dad. I make jokes with him. Discuss the CNN/Fox News with him. Or just look at his face as he talks to me (most times I don't even understand what he's saying.) But I nod, ask question, laugh when he laughs, etc... I just thought that he became nicer because I made it a point to treat him like a person ... I don't know...

I came home today. The livingroom's poopy smell was much worse today than yesterday. I really don't know how sis can sit here in the livingroom and Not change his poopy smelly mess.

I was talking to fave niece. She was telling me that when grandpa made that poopy mess, she was very tempted to not change his pamper. Her first instinct was to walk out the door. The only reason she changed his poopy mess was because she didn't want me to come home hours later, to clean up the hardened mess. Grandpa is very mean to her. He has threatened to hit her several times. She told me that she was soooo angry with him and he was still being mean to her when he was the one who made the mess. She told him that the only reason she's changing his pamper is Not for him. But for aunty. She told him that if she was aunty, she would have walked out of here.

I had told niece about the govt caregivers and how they said that he was behaving while I was there. Niece looked solemnly at me and said that grandpa is verbally abusive and would clench his fists and want to hit her. She told me that she's positive that he's physically abusive to aunty (my oldest sis). That's why she jumps when he tells her to jump. I think that she jumps - just to shut his mouth up. He can go on and on and on ...nonstop. I told sis that she can walk out, go to her room, etc... when his mouth gets too much....Niece said that the minute I walk in, he automatically behaves. No verbal angry words, etc...

So, it seems that .. here I thought my dad has changed. Remember how I would come online and talk about his violent tendencies? I just recently said here that he has changed to a nicer person. Well... I guess dad is 'show timing' with me. But showing his true personality with niece and oldest sis.

I have this week off from work. I usually give oldest sis 2 days off and I cover for her during my 1 week leave. She was off yesterday. I was planning to tell her that I was off from work tomorrow and she can take off tomorrow. I came home at 6:30 pm, walked into the living room and smelled dad's poopy mess. I walked up to him, poop on his right glove..... A few months ago, I once came home early and sis changed dad's poopy mess all by herself. I was shocked.... So sis could have changed his pamper if she wanted to... I was angry, upset and disappointed with sis.... I changed my mind. I'm not going to cover for dad tomorrow. Sis is not off tomorrow.

Jessebelle- good one! I will now check umbrella before I sit down.

wow Book, she was prodding him to make a rude comment! ( just so they can quit)
Tell the supervisor that the aid was doing this.
Cripe, the old men are always perves at the NH's, and the old women have the mouths of sailors !

I'm here while the govt caregivers are spongebathing dad. From a previous post, I had mentioned that the supervisor had called one morning about dad. She said that if he continues to verbally sexually harrass the caregivers, they will discontinue services. With dad, when I change his pamper, he does make 'randy jokes' that I do find very irritating. I do my best to try to correct him in that it's not nice to say such things. But we all know - that when a person progresses in their dementia/old age, that the elderly tend to say anything without considering if it's socially acceptable, right or wrong to say. Nevertheless, I do my best to 'correct' him or else they will discontinue services. I try not to worry as he progresses because no matter what - nothing will stem the content of his verbal outputs.

So, today, they're cleaning him. Dad whispered something. The younger girl asked him to repeat it. He claimed confusion and forgetfulness on what he said. The older caregiver said, "You're behaving today. Every time we come here, you say that word. Why are you whispering? Is it because K's here?" sigh...

Yesterday's dental appointment was for oral exam, xrays and cleaning. I think they did too much xrays - atleast 14 were taken. All I kept thinking was that I have no insurance and every xray was adding up. Plus cancer. Every time i thought we were done with the xray, he had more to take! I can understand all that xrays being done IF I had a tooth complaint. I didn't. No pain, no cavity ache, etc... Really?!? When the doctor saw all those xrays, he found nothing wrong in any of my teeth. When the bill came out, it cost $155.00 just for the xrays. That was not including the oral exam and cleaning. Total went over $300.00. And I paid by cash, not credit card. I saved up for months by putting a little extra money into my 'dental fund'. Back to building that dental nest egg for next year's appointment.

I'm off this week. Today, I gave oldest sis off. Tomorrow, I've made plans with my 2 nieces and their young kids (all under 6 years old). We're going to the park, bring some balls, do some running, chasing, game of tag, green-light-red-light, etc... small picnic food. And then for dessert, we're going to eat wherever (McD for ice cream, Wendy's for Frosty with fries, or YogurtLand, etc...)

Thursday I'm taking the car to the shop for oil maintenance and a wellness-check. I couldn't believe that at the dealership, if I came in without an appointment, I would wait for hours. If I made an appointment, there's no gty it will be seen at that time, so I have to come back in the afternoon. Really?! So, I've asked niece if she can swing by and pick me up. Maybe we can go for bfast at iHop. I haven't eaten there yet since they came on island. Might as well, just in case they end up closing down - like Popeye's Chicken, El Pojo, Carl Jr's (never ate there also), etc... I haven't even eaten at Chili's since they came on island. Niece said that they have blended the food to meet the local's taste - and some of it is really delicious. So, that's one of the places I would like to take niece before she leaves on a one-way ticket in April. I'm soooo going to miss fave niece. She is my babysitter for dad on Saturdays, and she can change his messy poopy pamper. I'm going to be losing a very reliable babysitter for dad.

Ahhh, that's it! We need more bats to take care of our mosquito problem. But probably need more umbrellas for them to hide in first.

My bat story? One winter when opening up the fireplace damper out came a tiny bat. Was finally able to catch it and take it outside! Yuck! I have been known to catch mice too:-P

Now that is scary. Bats. Brrr. I know they're useful and wonderful, but they are scary. I had one chase me in the cemetery once. I ran, screaming like a little girl with this little brown bat fluttering after me.

Most of them aren't rabid. It was just hanging out under the umbrella. Bats do that. They probably sing bat-like Jimmy Buffett songs while hanging out, "Wasting away again in Mosquito-ville."

A tiny bit surprised by Dad today as he usually asks where "she" (she is mom)is. I fib and say oh she is visiting ladies down the hall, taking a nap etc....I hate having to tell dad that mom is dead. Anyhow this afternoon he asked where she is by her name. Wow wasn't sure he remembered it. Sadly he never says where is your mother as most days I do not think he knows I am his daughter:(.
In other news I was sitting out on patio yesterday afternoon and a bat came (from under umbrella?) and flew into my head. Yes it was a bat as it made a short circuit around a tree and flew back where I was sitting. I checked my temple area for any marks did not see any but decided to stay in house for the rest of the day.

Mica, so sorry for your loss and proud of you that you didnt cave to the whims of others who might have wanted you to go where you didnt want to go. I think I will be the same when my mom passes...just go home and avoid any confrontations..

Book, hang in there..I am also one who HATES change and fought long and hard to keep my old computer so I didnt have to learn new stuff...but it seems that once you learn what to do, it gets easier..its just the frustration of trying to figure it all out!

thanks for the ideas! I am going to try them out today! will let yall know what works best -
Book, so sorry to hear of your dad's regression but I am glad he doesnt hurt you any more. So sad to watch them slide away tho. My mom doesnt recognize me anymore - I am just another person who comes to push and prod.... I had so many extra years with her that I am thankful for..she was a wonderful mom and a fun person to be around... that person is locked away somewhere but will always be in my memory! and I hate to know that she would HATE her life right now if she realized where it has regressed to...

I gave sis money to buy a laptop. My trustee old one is alas old and...very slow.. Or freezes. And Google Chrome keeps telling me that it no longer supports XP. Soon my 8 year old laptop will retire. Sis bought me another HP laptop. It's one of those fancy kinds. Ugh! Touch screen. Took me a while to find the computer components to adjust the lighting. It's now under SETTINGS and Not Under 'Computer', etc...

I do lots and lots of copy and paste. Where's the 'right click '? I looked in the box - no manual. It's so fancy, the keyboard letters/numbers are very faint prints...because it lights up when the computer is on. Except, I'm night blind. I can't go to movie theaters because the surrounding darkness strains my eyes as I try to watch the big screen movie. I 100% always come out of the movie with a bad headache due to eye strain. I looked at my new laptop while on with the lights... And I can feel my eyes straining. Sigh... I will make do with it. niece just called me. I will need a wireless mouse? I told her I haven't used a mouse in my laptop for years. Another thing to get used to. When she visits, I'm going to ask her how to copy/paste on the new laptop. Mouse!

All well, this Is the new technology of laptops. That's why my old one is a dinosaur. And VHS and cassette tapes are bygones. Floppy disks are bygones. So, I just have to go with the flow..... Lighted keyboards!!!

Hi Mica, I'm glad that you made it through the ceremony and it touched your heart. That's a good memory to keep. Especially when you avoided any negatives on this solemn day by just going home. You take care. Well wishes to you. {{Hugs}}

Thank you all for thinking of me. I am home. ( i think they went out after, but i didnt)
I didnt forget anything and the ceremony was touching. I put pine needles in the hole and we put pine bows on top instead of flowers.

I'll keep thinking of you Mica. This is very hard. Yes, just focus on your Dad. And then afterwards "No. I want to go home." is a completely unarguable response to any suggestions you don't like the sound of. No one can contradict you about that. Hold tight. Hugs x

Burying my dad today... never have done or attended a cremation burial or military ceremony. I think i have everything in the car to go including the urn. I am not looking forward to seeing THAT sibling, people wanting me to go out to eat.. (noooo, please noo)
I just want to focus on him and then go home.
sigh, looks like rain :(
( i wonder inside if my feelings will change once there... just trying to remain calm )

Onedooropen - my mom had problems with clenched fists - but the fingers were Not digging into her palm. Her hand can smell really awful if we didn't keep it dry. We learned to do this when mom was in the hospital. The nurse made a roll of gauze (like the shape of a long sushi roll) and inserted it into mom's clenched fists. When we got home, we substituted the gauze to rolled soft washcloth. I believe my dad taped one end so that it remained rolled up (sushi roll shape). And the other end without the tape - was the part mom clenched.

Jinx, thanks for the feedback. What a coincidence. I've been getting so frustrated with dad. I really do try hard to remind myself that what I say to him no longer registers. Now, the coincidence... The day you posted the above comment, I did NOT read it yet. That night, as I was about to change his pamper, he was lying more towards the left side of the bed. He needed to be in the middle so that the railings don't hamper him when he turns on his sides. That's why I have the lifter blanket below him - to help me pull him towards me. Because he weighs more than me, and is heavy, I need him to help me in pulling him to the middle of the bed.... So, I said slowly, distinctly, "Turn. to. me". Dad looking at me for instructions, immediately lifted his butt. I blinked. I said solemnly, "Turn .. to .. me." He stares at me as my words process in his head. Then he laughed - because he lifted his butt when he should have turned. .... He's getting worse... And this is the one time that I didn't lose my temper. Because I realized he's getting worse. And I need to get my act together asap (as in rearrange my thinking.)

And then I came on here later that night, read your words and felt good. Throughout that night, I thought of your words. I think you're doing a great job - to try to be patient with your husband. Thank you.

I used rolled up old table napkins, face flannels and muslin face cloths - anything made of soft lint-free cotton that you could roll into a sausage and that could cope with a boil wash. The other thing that horrified me - I felt so guilty for not having expected it - was how quickly the sweat and gunk built up in the creases of my mother's palm and between her fingers, even though I was changing the roll frequently. This was going on post-stroke, when she was getting dystonia on the affected side. I found a way to bathe her hand, using a basin, tepid water and plain unscented soap, but because she found unflexing her hand painful it was a bit of a nightmare.

The only other thing I can think of but didn't try is cotton manicure gloves, the kind you put on to sleep in - but I'm not sure it'd be possible to get them on your mother, would it?

Good afternoon, morning or night to all. I havent posted here in a one's fault but my own..have some issues with family so I felt I needed to NOT speak my mind here in case I was recognized...but I have a question and this thread has always been so good at coming up with answers. I have posted this elsewhere but there is not a really good spot for is the problem/question.. My mother has a condition now that involves 3 fingers on her right hand. It hasnt been given a name by her dr. but it sounds like trigger finger to me. these 3 fingers are "stuck" contracted to her palm of her dominant hand and it is very painful. For the last year I have cut sponges to slide into her hand to keep her from damaging the skin on her palm with her fingernails (I keep them as short as possible) Her new doctor today said she doesnt want me to use the sponges anymore because they must be a little moist to stay in and be comfortable.. so now I have to come up with something else that can stay dry but doesnt cost a lot (there is a therapeutic "carrot" you can buy for $50!) I need it to be cheap because the CNAs at her asst living lose them all the time. any suggestions?

Bookluvr, I've been "away" for a while. My husband's AD has progressed to a point that always reminds me of you and your troubles with your father. When I ask him to bend his arm, he has no idea what I am talking about, and he lets it lie there all inert and immovable. When I try to wrap a bandage around his arm, to hold on an ice pack, he doesn't resist, but he doesn't help at all. If he has been yelling at me recently, which happens, but not too often, I want to break his arm off and hit him with it.

Then I remember you going through this with your father, and I remember that he can't help it. I am angry and frustrated and sad, but I remember to be kind even when I don't want to be. You are part of the reason I haven't broken his arm off yet. Thanks!

Oh book,,, but at least it;s in plastic and the lizards wont get in!

thank you yes, I know the poem...
yes, I am no longer giving updates and sharing photos of my mom that they have never visited- why, they cannot access her money. I quit being the "glue that binds" this broken family. Always being the 'go-between'- nope. This was truly the greatest betrayal. Being put in the horrible position by my lawyer posing the realism of the situation that all i had to do was bring the statements to the police, the evidence was that obvious- 80 thousand worth of betrayal.
I am too broken.

Letting it go. Withdraw from trying to fix the family. No longer the cog wheel holding everyone together. No longer giving updates on dad like I used to do with mom because my will to share with them- is broken. For now, it's just struggling one day at a time. Waiting for my most desired wish to come true.

Oldest sis is a packrat. When she moved in, the bedroom was spare. Lately, I've been hearing stuff falling in her bedroom. A few nights ago, I knocked on her door and said I'd like to come in. I stepped in even before she answered, and stared around her room. She has wall to wall, packed high with large plastic containers. She can barely move within the room. My first thought was - fire hazard. I asked her if she still knows what's inside the containers. She said no. Before I left, I told her she needs to go through it and get rid of stuff. She won't listen since it's none of my business what she does with her stuff, it's her room, it's not my house, she's helping me with dad and most of all, she's the oldest. Who am I, the lower middle child to tell her what to do.

Mica, yes. I spent about 23 years helping dad with mom. Over 13 years of which mom was bedridden. before the funeral, most of my 7 siblings said that the funeral gifted $$ should go to me since I was here all these years. We're a big family with lots of kids and grandkids and in laws. I was the neutral person of the family. I don't do drama. I was more of trying to keep the family together.

1st crack into my deep belief of 'family' - No one was helping me to find someone to babysit bedridden dad so that I can attend mom's funeral. Not even by asking if one of their adult kids or their kid's spouse to do this so I can go. I was sooooo hurt.

2nd and final crack - they saw the $$ and decided we should split it evenly but not include oldest sis because she moved in to help with dad and is being Paid for it. I thought that her helping us- is a good reason she should get a share. But in truth, I thought that since it's mom's funeral $$, the $$ should go to dad as the surviving spouse who retired early to take care of his wife 24/7. Literally, too.

The $$ was split, excluding oldest sis. Older brother was shorted, etc... And I was disillusioned. Mica, I never thought my siblings would do this. Like another poster said to me, after the funeral, something dramatically changed in me.

Like my therapist said, my family kept failing me over and over. That's what it is. I was the only one trying to keep the family together- physically and emotionally. That broke with mom's funeral. I like Sendme 's description better than the therapist. My family's betrayal....


One night I dreamed a dream.
As I was walking along the beach with my Lord.
Across the dark sky flashed scenes from my life.
For each scene, I noticed two sets of footprints in the sand,
One belonging to me and one to my Lord.

After the last scene of my life flashed before me,
I looked back at the footprints in the sand.
I noticed that at many times along the path of my life,
especially at the very lowest and saddest times,
there was only one set of footprints.

This really troubled me, so I asked the Lord about it.
"Lord, you said once I decided to follow you,
You'd walk with me all the way.
But I noticed that during the saddest and most troublesome times of my life,
there was only one set of footprints.
I don't understand why, when I needed You the most, You would leave me."

He whispered, "My precious child, I love you and will never leave you
Never, ever, during your trials and testings.
When you saw only one set of footprints,
It was then that I carried you."

- by Mary Stevenson

Mica, My brother similarly betrayed me when my father died, taking and cashing a check in my father's name, keeping it for himself. It wasn't the money, or the amount (although that was a real part), it was the betrayal, and the realization that over the years, because of my siblings behaviors, that I could never trust them even if I forgave them.

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