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We have to replace the service door in our garage. Wood on frame rotted and must be an enormous wasp next. Stung on Friday and again last night. Last night worse as stinger left in leg and I couldn't get it out hubby finally got it but youza it was painful. So a quick visit to dad who after dinner was not making any sense. This morning he was better.

Just venting. Only 1 hour max from the beach. Malibu, Santa Monica, Ventura.
Taking a nap now, instead. Sad.

Join Tattoo and I .. if we can plan an great escape!

After a 2 1/2 hour nap, one would think dH could get up, do something for his health. Please! Is it too much to ask that he take a break from taking a break? Just sit up to breathe correctly, I say. He is laughing at me.
Can I run away, but for good, never look back?
Where should I go?

Me too Tattoo... lets run away?

Just tired

Thanks for your comment. I am not going to reach out to him or any of his family. I did try for a couple of months by contacting a close friend of his but he didn't even know Rich was back in town. I just prayed about the whole situation night and day and waited for God's response. God knows and I know that I did my best so what his family thinks is irrelevant at this point. I'm not going to fight a losing battle. I also think God took him away from me so that I no longer have to watch him decline and eventually die. I am 62 and have spent more than a decade taking care of everyone else. I think God has released me to move forward and live my own life and find some real happiness. I am not looking for a man to replace Rich or any man at all. I miss my constant companion Rich once was but I am not lonely. I am enjoying my house, working non-stop in my garden and having time to spend with my friends and neighbors. I am considering some volunteer work in the future but for the time being I am focusing on my health, which I neglected for so long, and on living life with no anger, bitterness, regrets or negativity. It is a tall order but so worth the effort. Life is too short. You cannot control others. They have him now so my job is done where he is concerned. I did all I could do and that has to be enough.

Just like my life, a new page, a joke, sitting out there like a sore thumb, without an explanation or context to be understood.

A real brat, Cwillie. Wondering, Stacey, how big are the S.H.A.G.?
How can I snag one?

OK Cwillie,,, I totally get that post! You are a bad bad CG!!!

LOL LOL Pamz's post was on the top of my news feed, taken out of context it sounds totally different :-0

And that SHAG sounds pretty nice! Good luck and you deserve to get on with your life!

Thank you Stacy,, she also has a UTI and is combative for them at the hospital.. of course she doesn't have her hearing aides.. texted BIL to bring them,, no answer ( same BIL who never brought FILs TEETH to the hospital for 7 days... nuff said) We stayed for 2 hours,, going back tomorrow to see if things are better. got her hair combed, and she seems to be doing pretty well allthings considered.

PammyZ, Oh No! Sorry to hear that! Those damn walker, they can really stick out and get in the way! I know that they are nessesary but they are always a sight, and always in the way! And I hear more people complain about hearing aids than hear how great they work! My FIL watches TV in his "den" and sits only 4 feet in front of it, but even still, and with our own TV on in the family room, we can still hear his blaring over ours! He stopped watching TV with us, as all he's interested in is the news and Old Cowboy movies, Lol! He only comesvout to report BAD NEWS, WEATHER, AND TRAGEDIES, which is why I hate watching the news in the first place! At least he is still able to get up and down I suppose!

About 8 months ago, I got the Old Man's Dr to order home PT and OT, because he was wasting away and losing so much of his muscle mass from sitting around from morning till night, plus he had been falling alot which was a combo of lack of exercise and the muscle weakness, and he would soon either fall and really hurt himself ie. BREAK A BONE, or end up bedbound ultimately. The man has zero interest in ever leaving the house except to go to the Dr's, even though we offer, and prod him to go out, as there are so many beautiful things to see and do around the Seattle area, but No, he's been there done that, but has seen every one of those darn Cowboy movies a hundred times, grrr!

But anyways, They PT was here 3 x a week for 8 weeks, then 2 x per week for 4 more. In that time, they had him learning how to use properly use his Rolator, and was walking 5 times around my open floor plan home, 3-4 times a day. As soon as they stopped coming, he stopped the exercises. Before all of this started, I gave him the big speech about if he didn't regain some strength, then we would have to consider an alternative living situation for him, as my husband and I do not have the strength to pick him up without injuring ourselves, and if he were to become bedbound, same thing, we're not capable of doing that level of care.

Fast forward to a couple of weeks ago. At first I didn't want to be the one who nagged him to do the exercises, but I caved in and had a long discussion on how he had completely stopped, and now has lost all of that progress he had made. He has stepped it up a bit, though not to the level he should be, but now I'm definitely going to stay on top of him, as come spring/summer, we intend to sell our home, and he will need to go into some form of Senior living situation. I'm hope full, if I can keep him active, to get him into a Senior apartment, it would save him thousands each month, but if nessasary he will have to step up to Assisted living, so we'll see.

Here in the PNW, we have this program for Senior's called S.H.A.G. It is smaller efficiency apartments for seniors and disabled, and the monthly rents are between 500-1200, depending on your ability to pay based off of your income level. They are NICE, and would be perfect for him, if it is deemed that he can manage, with the help of us coming in several times a week to do his shopping and errands. Ideally, I would like to try to get him out of the house once a week for lunch or something, starting now, and begin making a habit of it. The state has just finished building a brand new on 3 miles away from us, and anoth6one is being built 2 miles from us. The are gorgeous facilities with libraries, exercise rooms, hot tubs, roof top decks, both of these have pea patches for gardening, allow pets, craft rooms, they have an activity director and arrange for shopping excursions and even to the Casino, really nice! They have studio, 1, and 2 bedroom units all with washer dryers in each! I wouldn't mind living there, but we make too much money, damnit! And again, this is independent living, No Nurses, No meals, no medical management.

I hope, I hope we can get him into something like this! It is exactly what we should have done when he lost his wife, and before he came to live with us. But he wanted to live with us because he was scared to be alone and lonely, and we enabled him, big mistake! 13 years later, and now we have all aged, and become disabled ourselves, and hubby and I need to start living, before it's too late! We will always look after him, and manage his physical needs, and of course take him out and include him in our family events and holidays. We just need to take control of our own lives once more.

Texerina, I remember when you first wrote about this on your own thread, it is so Sad! And believe me, I'm not making any excuses for them, but trying to put it into perspective, do you think that his family, having been absent from his life so long throughout his decline (and not knowing much about dementia at all), doesn't know or understand that this IS a phase that some Dementia patients go through, this blaming, angry outbursts, lying and such, and that they possibly believed some of those calls and messages about you, that he painted you out to be the BAD GUY, and they felt it best to get him back home, for the long haul? And especially being that you 2 were never actually married, they may have felt it best for you too? I know that you Loved and took such great care of him, and this drastic change in your life has left you saddened and lonely without your partner. Have you tried to call around to find on which Nursing home he is in back in his home state? Do you know what kind of relationship he had with his daughters before his stroke? I do hope for his sake, that he hasn't just been dumped into a Nursing home and forgotten, after you worked so hard to make his living environment so comfortable. If you did find where he is now living, would you call him, visit, write cards and letters? Could you find out if there is a way that you could still communicate with him, via computer or Skype, would you do it? It might be a way to lessen your loneliness and hopefully ease your mind that he is in fact, getting good care. Have you tried to speak with his daughters, his Mom, or other family members? Having him closer, and you not there to help manage his life, and now 7 months have passed, perhaps they would be more understanding of his Dementia traits, and what and how much it was, that you actually did, to make his life easier when you had him back in Texas. IDK, just some things to think about. I know that you did your very best by him! Take care!

Texniner, so sorry. Obviously, his family is the key to contacting him. Can you reach out and ask about how he's doing in a neutral unobtrusive way? Maybe ask of his welfare but not too often that it angers them? Someone in the family willing to give you the info as long as you promise not to reveal who's giving you the information or even that you Know what's going on (& get that person in trouble)

Yes, they were aware that I took excellent care of him. When he had the stroke they were nowhere to be found. His three brothers and two daughters came to the hospital on the day of the stroke and then never came again in the six weeks he was in rehab. Two or 3 times a week I would pick up his mother who no longer drove and take her with me.
I paid for him to go back home (alone) and spend a week with his family about two years after we moved south. A couple of years later we both went back to visit. It was like walking on eggshells but we got along well. But in almost 8 years of living here not a single relative visited once. I offered to pay for the airfare for each of his daughters to come and visit. Neither did. His youngest daughter (31) sent him a Christmas card and said she didn't even know he had been living in his own apartment for 7 months.
I was aware that, while living in his own apartment, he would make up all kinds of things (all untrue) and relay them to his family. I was stealing from him, abusing him, letting him go hungry etc which is not uncommon for people with dementia. When he still lived with me one day he bit my calf so badly I required stitches. I had no idea why. I discussed that with his mom during our weekly Sunday conversation. A couple of days later his aunt called him and asked what I had done to provoke him. I couldn't win no matter what I did. I am sure they had no idea what they were getting in to when they moved him back east. I'm sure he is treating them the same way but in a nursing home they can just get in their cars and drive home to their environment and let the paid caregivers at the NH deal with his anger, manipulation, lies and aggressive outbursts.
Thank you for your comment.

Well,, MIL tripped over FILs walker last night and broke her femur. In surgury now, and we will be going to hospital after dinner to see how she is. putting some rods in, Last time this happened her bones were too fragile and it ended up being lots of rods.. but she did fine. They said she is in good shape for the surgury so we shall see. And Mom is haveing problems with her new hearing aides again.. so Monday I call the place AGAIN.. may just ask for a replavement pair and see if that does it. It's been a weekly problem since we got them so hopefully we can get them replaced. I'm tired...

((Hugs)) Tex. There is nothing helpful I can think of to say, it's just sad. Are sure they were aware that you were there and had things under control? Judging by the way things were handled I doubt the relatives would be open to keeping you updated, but have you tried contacting them, simply the inquiry of an "old friend"?

I took care of my partner for almost 10 years. He had a TBI at 20 which resulted in mobility issues, paralyzed right hand, trache in his throat, and a serious seizure disorder. On our first anniversary he had a massive stroke at 51. We got through that and all seemed back on track. We moved from the east coast to Dallas which is my hometown. He could no longer handle the long cold winters and I needed to come back to care for my 97 year old aunt who was in a nursing home with ALZ and my 86 year old mother who had terminal lung cancer. We built a great life together. At 54 he was diagnosed with early onset dementia. The next 4 years were hell. He became someone I didn't recognize. Mean, manipulative, verbally, mentally and physically abusive, just hateful. I found him a beautiful apartment (independent living) at a community that also offered assisted living and nursing home care. His behavior just got worse and worse. I hired a caregiver that came 6 days a week but I was always available to help him, advocate for him, cook and clean, took him on outings, planned a social calendar with activities offered by the senior community and brought him back to my home frequently for over night visits and holidays.
He called me at 6:45 one morning and asked me to come over right away to help him with some things he couldn't manage. I was there by 7:15 and took care of all concerns he had. Two days later I called to find his phone disconnected. Was worried so I drove to his place. No answer. No one had seen him. I called for a welfare check and was told he was home and fine. I tried to find him or get some kind of response for days. I was losing my mind. A week later a change of address form came to my house. His family, who rarely kept in contact with him, had convinced him to move back east and promised they would take care of him. Taking care of him ended up meaning he was headed for a nursing home at 58 for the rest of his life. They have made sure he cannot contact me. He can't remember my phone number or address.
It has been nine months now since he left. I know that God was sending me a blessing for things to happen the way they did. But he is on my mind almost constantly. How is he? Does his family come to visit? Does he remember how much I loved him and how much I sacrificed to care for him 24/7. Is he getting adequate care? Does he know what is happening to him? Could I have done any more? When will I be able to put this behind me? Will my life ever be what it once was? How can his family not be grateful for the life I provided for him which he loved? Does anyone feel the way I do?

sigh...'purping'???....'burping' !!!

I can tell that I'm majorly stressing. Popping Excedrin Migraine pills daily at work. It's reached the point that it's no longer effective against the headaches. AND on top of that, now my acid reflux is really acting up very badly. I'm now constantly having a bitter taste in my mouth 24/7. My throat is now hurting constantly. Sneezing is very very painful. I really need to make an appointment with the doctor.

In the meantime, I've googled acid reflux. I stopped eating hot spicy food effective today... I bought food like banana, oatmeal, applesauce, Gas-X, and Flora probiotics to help calm the acid reflux. I'm hoping the oatmeal will be a better substitute for my midnight craving and stop the constant empty-stomach purping I get around 10pm. I also need to work on NOT trying to clean off the plate if I get full fast. I can no longer finish a meal that usually leaves me still hungry.

It must be working a little bit. Usually after dinner, I'm in so much pain in the throat, tummy, mouth from the acidity. Tonight, I ate 1/2 dinner when I got full. Took the probiotic. I'm not as miserable tonight as the past few days....

Pam, 57Twin, Onedoor, it does sadden us when we see them deteriorate. And we know they're entering a new stage of digression. Yeah, yeah, I know - the correct term is 'progression'. But I think that word 'progression' as making progress. With dementia and old age, I much prefer to use 'digress' (but a more accurate term- which I Hate to use - is 'deteriorate')

Niece-one-day-will-be-a-nurse babysat grandpa last weekend. It's been months since she's done it. Fave-niece (her older sis) told me today that her sis kept texting her last week about how bad grandpa has gotten. How he was constantly calling aunty J (my oldest sis) every 5 minutes non-stop. He was also accusing fave niece of not feeding him - yet he had his nutrient drink in his hand while accusing her.

When I come home after work, oldest sis is usually on the porch smoking. So, I stop by and make small talk with her about my day at work. I tend to use humor when I talk with people, exagerate a story - so that they can laugh or smile. I've found that 'my laughter' tends to help them smile. I, uhm... tend to do bursts of loud laughter, freely (unrestrained.) (Years ago, here on this website, I 'found' my humor. Hehehe, I was venting all over the AC website - I wasn't stingy and vented only here or Dysfunction thread or the Gross thread... It sure helped a lot! Plus lots of friends here helped, too.

I got distracted. So, after talking with sis, I would walk into the livingroom. My dad would ask, "K, is that you? I heard you laughing outside. Are you here?"

Remember how you all were saying how each member is forgetting something that they used to know? Dad is forgetting what he eats. Previously, I mentioned he forgot the Name of the nutrient drink. Now, he doesn't remember WHAT he eats (food? drink?) He only remembers it's time to eat because I would tell him it's time to eat. He's forgotten his birthdate.

Niece told me this afternoon after i came home - that today grandpa did something new. She said he's starting to throw things when he's mad/frustrated. He wants her to leave. He can take care of himself. He can get off the bed and walk... The company I pick up his nutrient drinks - both ladies (not in the room same time) told me that my dad hasn't called them. They wondered what's wrong. Remember reading here of some people whose 'loved one' would call and call the person non-stop? That was my dad with this company. They were just amazed that he hasn't called in the past 2 weeks. One of them asked me if he has gotten worse. I nodded. Mentally my dad is deteriorating fast. Physically - he's still as strong as a horse.

Massive headache last night. It's calmed down a bit. Allergy season. Had to go in early to work for an ill coworker but left early too! Stopped at dads he was eating can't bother dad when he eats!! Still humid and warm. Waiting for cooler temps.

57twin, you are right...the non recognition of a close family member does suck! up until 4 weeks ago, my mom lit up when I walked into the room and told anyone who would is my daughter Lkdkfk! Now she just looks at me without interest until I do something dramatic - big smiles, dancing or something crazy that makes her smile...I miss my mom...

Jessie it's the uninspired that I agree with you. Waste a lot of time on Facebook or playing games on iPad. I do basic housecleaning but big projects not so much. The nurse called again. Dads doc wants him off lorazepam the next 5 days then just give it to him as needed. I spoke with director of his place tonite and she agreed that may not be a good idea and perhaps it's time to try a different medication. He was wheelchair walking tonight and thought we were leaving as he was going to get out of his wheelchair and walk out. I distracted and got him to his room which he didn't want to enter so I gave him a handful of jelly beans and got him back to living room were we got him settled in a recliner. He did seem a bit different tonight I couldn't seem to make a connection with him I do not think he knew who I was again. Which sucks.

Today I had breakfast with a friend who is going through this dementia mess with her older husband.. he is starting to show signs, and she going the rounds with Drs ( he has other issues) and preparing her family. Talking about the ongoing food issues we both have with our elders,, etc. So after I get home mom takes a long nap.. you know . The kind where you look at their chest.. Yep, she's still breathing.. then she wakes up and I take her a cup of coffee, and ask how she is... Very confused.. asked me why there were leaves all over the carpet! She perked up after a while, and seemed ok. But god help me if this the next stage. I have noticed things,, not sure if it's her age, her poor nutrition or if shes messing up her pills ( doesn't let me do them, retired RN). The other day she told me she could not figure out my schedule.. clearly marked on the calendar. I'm not ready for this again...

It could be mild depression for Jessie and a stronger depression for Twin. I've experienced both. But Twin's was what I ended up with years ago. I didn't have the staying asleep problem since I worked full time and then caregave after work with quick shopping for the house during my lunch break. My dad always envied how I conked out once my head hit the pillow.

But I was emotionally, physically and mentally exhausted. I lost my sense of humor. Grouchy all the time. Twin, just keep a close eye on yourself and well-being. I didn't seek therapy or meds for my depression. I ended up seriously suicidal. The sad part is that when I'm depress, apathetic towards life, there is No Incentive to seek help.

Just vent and vent here because We know what you're going through even if family/friends don't.

Twin, I know what you mean. I don't feel depressed, but I am so uninspired. The muse has left me when it comes to my own work. I have to make myself do house work and yard work. I force myself to do all the things I need to, but I don't have enjoyment anymore unless I'm goofing off. It's like the chronic lazies have set in. I don't know if it is because I'm getting older or if I don't feel my life is my own anymore. Maybe a little of both.

1 mg lorazepam is a pretty hefty dose, but not so much that it will zonk him out if he's not sensitive to it. It probably will make him more sleepy. Maybe that is a good thing if he has been acting out a lot. I know you're worried about him.

Sometimes a I wonder if I am depressed. Some days I just do not feel like doing anything. Sleep not the best. Oh what I would give for a solid 7-8 hours of sleep. I'm excited when I have 4 hours solid. This time of year I shudder at how much yard work I have to do. But making some changes in my gardens. Ripping out some perennials so there is less. I am sure dad's progression with Alz is not helping. Stressed at work as no one has been hired to replace the college kids that are leaving in a couple of weeks. I am not planning on working more than the three days/week I am currently working. Got a call from dads place Sat morning asked if I could run over and visit as Dad was antsy. We were already an hour away going to a birthday party. I spoke with dad on the phone which never works well. Stopped in with a root beer float Sunday and of course he was fine as he never remembers. This morning stopped in fine again but got a call from the nurse as he was combative wanting no one entering his room. This was new. They got him calmed down but are increasing his lorazepam dose to 1 mg 3x a day. I do not know if that is a lot. Stress eating and stress online shopping. Ack.....

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