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I find myself being harsh with with my husband sometimes, i feel guilty when I speak, but some to him in this fashion,but some days are better then others. I thank god always for not taking his memory completely away, because he only has mild dementia, but I'm tired most of the time, I do love him and don't want to think of a nursing home,because I want to care for him my self as long as I can, but it is very hard.

There is a smoking porch at the building with no protection from the elements except for a roof. That's a problem in Minnesota.

Other issues are at play. Mom is wheelchair bound and doesn't have enough strength to move herself around. A scooter is definitely out of the picture as she's lost her ability to learn how to drive something like that. A caregiver would gladly take her out there as it is just outside the front door. My big beef with this and it will be the umpteenth time I've brought it up in almost three years, is her pager will not work right outside the front door. We've had three different pagers and not one will work out there. They've never solved the problem for us. Because of this mom has extreme anxiety about being abandoned outside. She will refuse to go outside. I've tried getting her an easy to use flip phone with big numbers and the front desk number programmed in but she has never used it as she does not trust that to work either. I think she's really afraid she won't be able to figure it out and in reality she probably can't or won't as she's very stubborn.

At her previous AL, the pager would work anywhere on the grounds outside. Why these yahoos can't figure it out makes me want to bang my head against the wall. This issue MUST be solved if they are forcing her outside. Wish me luck!

We have a town near here (Mountain Brook) that was voting to ban smoking inside and outside in public. I don't know if it passed yet. I wondered how they would let people traveling through know they couldn't smoke. I wouldn't want to enforce that. I can see a police officer now pulling someone over for smoking. Pretty gestapo.

I do like that nicotine sales are illegal to someone under 18. I can't see making someone quit using when they're over 80. Pretty gestapo.

Windytown, I wish you well on Monday as it isn't going to be easy to tell Mom she can't smoke any more at Assisted Living.

Where my Dad lives, both the Independent Living section and the Assisted Living section have "smoking porches".

I am wondering if the vaping is not being allowed because of fire hazards associated with recharging the e-cigarette.

Thanks all for your very kind answers. Dreading Monday...

Susan, it sounds like the vet home is a very good solution. We have two of them around here that I'm familiar with. The residents enjoy them a lot. People come in from the outside and provide entertainment almost every week. They meet with friends there and have friends with common interests. If it is a good home, then it sounds like it would be good for both him and you. Big hugs.

Susan88, I can understand how you feel. One can crash and burn with all the caregiving being hands-on and/or logistical. I had seven years of logistical with my very elderly parents, who in their mid-to-late 90's refused to move from their home which had a lot of stairs.... and my Mom who refused any strangers in the house... [sigh].

Once my Mom passed, my Dad said he was ready to get out of that house and move to a senior center. Glad it was his own decision as it worked out quite well. My Dad is now in the Memory section of this center. He is around fellows of his own generation, where at home he wasn't.

Now you can once again be your hubby's "wife" instead of his "caregiver". But don't be surprised if it takes awhile before your emotions and energy returns.

Stacey, Thank you for posting more about the housing resources for seniors.
That is such valuable information.

susan, what can it hurt to look into it? you don;t have to commit, just check it out. It might be a good thing for both of you, and he may perk up with others to "hang"with.. I know I wish I could get my mom some buddies!

I've only posted once before. I've been taking care of my husband since 2012. 24/7 since April of last year when I had to quit working to take care of him full time. Today he mentioned wanting to go to the Vets Home. He is frustrated and depressed. He sad he feels useless. Normally I would encourage him and look for yet more resources in order to keep him home longer, but I'm actually ready for him to go. I'm finding my own health is starting to deteriorate and I'm tired constantly. I can honestly say I feel less inclined to help him over this bump in the road than in the past. I am totally exhausted. There is everything imaginable at the Vets Home. I can see myself visiting him there and having fun with him with the endless activities the home has available. I've been trying to check my emotions about all of this, but I think even my feelings have flatlined.

OMG what terrible typos! FIL said DIL took clothes... (not she)

Went to visit MIL today. she was in rahab room in multiple gowns, and when the PT was going to get her up to show us how she stands ( we being the cheerleaders), I noticed a puddle of blood on the floor under her chair. Yep, actual large drips and splotches. Well she got wisked to the nursing station.. t PT explained the situation.. RN on phone. So back to her room. No signs of pain, she was cheerful. After 20 minutes the floor nurse comes in to give her pills.., we ask about blood and wound care RN... floor nurse redresses wound ( very small, only one spot bleeding but it was bleeding..) We had to leave, but hopefully all fixed shortly, I do know the floor nurse was out getting "help" Mom said, when we first went in " I could move here".. uh different story when we left. I know they are understaffed.. but come on!! Plus they pointed out to us that she has NO CLOTHES!! Only the outfit that followed her from the hospital that was in the wash. How enbaressing for us all. BIL called....duh! clothes should arrive tomorrow when FIL goes to visit. She said SIL took clothes.. yep we found a sweater and a pair of socks... that sounds like all anyone would need....

Tatttoochick, Mom probably does not want to go so maybe just pack the minimum to go with her and take the rest later. Put stuff you are packing out of sight then she won't be tempted to unpack it again. When you get there let her unpack and put things where she wants them that way she will feel in control and maybe not upset with her new surroundings. Institutional living is a big change from being in a home situation however crowded. There is a lot to get used to and remember even if you have full capacity. Think how confusing it is when you go somewhere like a hospital or big office building and try to find your way around, or an airport, fight your way past TSA and after that disruption try and find your gate, maybe you are even in the wrong terminal and have to take the shuttle bus dragging a heavy suitcase.

Trying to pack for mom's move to an ALF next week, she perceeds to unpack things. Seriously, I need one of her friends to take her out and distract her. What a tiring day.

I am still trying to deal with the fact that my Dad has dementia and so many times his mind is off in the weeds.

Today Dad was in a panic thinking I had put down a deposit on a new house for him. Say what??? What new house??? Have no idea where that idea had popped into the loop. Last week Dad just moved from Independent Living over to Memory Care in the same complex, so maybe that was the connection some how. Anywho, he was relieved when I said "no" to buying that house.

Timbuktu, good one, Lol!

Windytown, I agree, there should be (at the very least) a covered outside area, where she can go and have a couple of puffs! Will you now have to switch her to a patch, or nicotine gum? That's just stupid!

Here's hoping that the lady with the kids, because it probably was her, has to endure the little monsters she is already creating well into adulthood. If she doesn't smoke now she will when they hit adolescence.

windy, people can be such tyrants now when it comes to nicotine. In your shoes I would pick up some nicotine lozenges or gum and tell her how to use them. She'll still have withdrawal from the act itself, but at least she'll have some nicotine to take the bite off. Since she doesn't vape much, the 2 mg will probably be good.

My next week starting Monday is going to be H-E double toothpicks! If you're 50 something like me, you know what that means. :P
The director at mom's AL took me aside yesterday and told me that as of Monday mom can no longer use her vaping device anywhere in the complex. I was proud of mom for quitting smoking. It's been three years. She is very discreet about it in the only public place she uses it. Very discreet. Maybe 4 puffs in two hours. Mom only leaves her room for around 2 hours a day for lunch.

I have a sneaking suspicion a busybody complained after I asked her unattended children to stop driving their remote controlled cars into my ankles. This woman visits grandma every Wednesday when I visit my mom and lets these kids (three under five) They broke a window, scream loudly and constantly, yet I'm going to bear the burden of these idiots.

The director asked me if I wanted to give her the news that no more vaping after Monday. I told him I'm sure he makes a very good salary and it's not in my pay grade. It's his job. I will NOT be the bad guy. Mom has lived there almost three years and was assured vaping wasn't a problem. It seems state laws have changed (MN). Give me a break! She's almost 80. She hides in her room almost 90% of the time. This is assinine.

Send, those SHAG apartments are 662sq ft for a 1 bedroom, and 925sq ft for a 2 bedroom! Perfectly adequate for my FIL, and that these newest 2 near us (actually there arw about 7 now, within 6 miles of us) are really gorgeous! Check them out, S.H.A.G. apartments for Seniors, Lynnwood, Washington! I would live there if I could, and I may someday, if my husband should die before me. I'm glad that our area is being proactive about building decent Senior apartments (these are truly lovely), as the upcoming Babyboomer population of Seniors is about to explode!

Feeling like my brain will not quite down. My mom seems to be done with the tasks of things like, bills, appointments, home maintanice, or anything responsiblities. I guess that would be OK, if my own life was not crazy with the same things and trying to run my own buisness. How to find a balance so both my mom and I can surive. Hoping the ALF move will help us both.

BL, I agree with the Hospice Nurse and Gibson! In 13 years, neither my BIL or SIL have ever stepped into my home to even visit their Dad in 13 years, let alone take him to their homes to give us a break the last time they were here, it was their own Mother's wake, after her funeral, and they didn't help us make any of the arrangements for that either, they just showed up, like any other Guest! My SIL was too busy ransacking through my dead MIL's things, back at my FIL'S apartment! She even had the nerve to (the day after her own Mom passed away, and while hubby, FIL and I were making funeral arrangements, floweres, pamphlets, picture boards) take Every Single piece of my MIL's clothing, jewelry, shoes, purses, personal effects, and literally dumped the entire contents into a big pile on their living room rug! Not until she stole everything she wanted first, who knows what she took, not that I care, but still, so Rude! She somehow justified that this would help my FIL to go through her things, and get rid of it all. She and my BIL took and stole So much from their parents over the years, and didn't help in any way with funeral planning, and didn't even say or write anything for the Eulogy! Me?, I had to do ALL of that, as my husband and his Dad are both Dislexic, and aren't great writers, I didn't mind, but, Hey kinda busy here! Thank God for my own family who helped me immensely, preparing food and helping me to ready my home for the after funeral wake! Plus, my own Mom was dying and on Hospice and having a rough time of it in my sisters home at the time (my Mom passed away 8 weeks later), and I barely got to see her for those 4 days, the nerve of some people! Even my husband's ex wife and her family helped us out, more than she did!

My BIL's new wife (#11, I think) even had the nerve to think that immediately after the Wake at my house, and after all the other guests had left, that we were going to have A READING OF HER WILL! Like a scene right out of Dynasty! I hadn't slept in 3 nights, had worked myself sick, and here this little hootchie thought that she would be entitled to money, from a dead woman, whom she had only met like 2 times in her short lived marriage! Of course, any and all monies were community property, went to my FIL only! She and my BIL have since divorced, and he's married for the 12th time, I've not met this one, yet! SIL and BIL shouldn't be surprised when they find out that they will receive very little from my FIL, if there is anything left, should he not use it all for his living expenses the rest of his life, which is what will probably happen. I do know that they are expecting something, but that is up to their Dad, how he chooses to disburse his estate. I do also know, they won't be getting much though! My BIL, even went so far to ask his Dad (several years ago, but while he was living here with us) if he would gift him the legal max per year ( $12,000 I think), so that FIL would enjoy seeing him enjoy his Inheritance! Well, that went over like a fart in church! Lol! How delightful! This/his family is F'd up!

BL, I totally get where you are coming from regarding our Dads giving up, and No, you shouldn't give right in and jump to his every demand! It sucks what our parents put us through, sometimes needlessly!

I'm not sure if you read my post on the Dysfunctional thread, but my husband sat down with his Dad this morning, and the conversation flowed right into the "We're planning on selling our home and buying a Condo" and "you will be moving into a Senior apartment nearby, we will continue to care for you and see to your needs, we won't abandon you". Unbelievably, the conversation went really smoothly, and I was listening in discreetly. My FIL took it in stride, and now I have mixed feelings about why in the Hell we didn't do this sooner! In the years leading up to hubby's Mom passing away, my FIL often said, "if anything should ever happen to Mother, can I come and live with you two?" And I always thought and understood that it was because he would be lonely and afraid, that he didn't want to be alone, didn't know how to cook, but Now, Today, NO BIG DEAL? IDK, I'm kinda pissed that he didn't Pick Up on the Tension he has created in my home for the past 13 years, and if he thought he could live on his own, then why in the hell didn't he say something!?! A lessor strong couple would definitely broken up over the strain he has put on our marriage! Not really sure how to feel right now!

PammyZ, thats great news about your MIL! And about the potential new job! Ya see, we can have good news days, sometimes! Yippee!

MIL did fine,, UTI is clearing up and she was moved to a rehab on thur. Up and out of bed, dressed and all cute! She was in this rehab before, when her dementia was not so bad, and she loved it. They found a device that will help her hear ( her hearing aides don;t work for her) so that is great. Her speech is bad now, they found evidence of stroke on her CAT scan, but it appears to be old and may explain the "wierd noises" she has been making for the past year.
I have been oddly tired and sort of down for the last few days. daughter came over last night for dinner and stayed awhile, we all had a great time. Then today I got a call from the AL/rehab I applied to a month ago about a float pool job.. They don;t care that September is sort of booked , and that I can;t work nights.. said they would interview me whenever I could come in!! So next Fri I go. Maybe I could squeeze orientation in if they like me? A good friend put a word in for me.. the job was never posted. So wish me luck!! I may be looking into this for full time once I retire from my present job... its alot less stressful and laid back. I'd like to only work 5 more years at my present job, then work closer to home for a few more. So some good news today at least!

Tonight, I was wearing a Tshirt that I bought for dad but he gave it back to me. He had gained weight and no longer fits a size S. He kept staring at the shirt. I told him that it was his but he gave it to me because it's too small for him.

30 minutes later. Staring off into space, my dad said, "That shirt is mine. I can still fit it." Ooookaaay... I will put it in the laundry basket. He can keep it. I have tshirts (female ones) that's in the dresser.

I was driving back to work after my lunch hour. There was an interesting topic on the Mainland's radio. I think the guy's name was Gibson (don't know the first name) talk show. Christy was upset that Gibson believed that when an elderly dies, that the children have no rights to protest the Will if the father left them nothing and everything to the new wife or the caregiver, etc... Christy said that the children Should Get something. Gibson said that if the children wanted IN on the Will, then where were they when their father was dying?

Then a hospice nurse called in. She said she sees this all the time. Family even fighting over the Will while the patient lay there dying. The hospice nurses must not interfere or pose as witnesses. They're neutral. But she said that she's seen how the real family are gone and never there for their dying parent - until they're at the end. She sided with Gibson.

A man called in. In their divorce, his wife fought him for everything. She didn't want to split half/half. He warned her that if she won and took everything, he will Not Leave Anything for their children in his Will. She won. He said that he has tried through the years to get close to his children while growing up. But they have been rude and ignored him. Even now, his grown children still treat him rudely. He very firmly said that when he dies, his children will not be in the Will.

It really got to me on Christy's insistence that the children Should get something in the Will. Even after the hospice nurse's comments. There's no ifs, ands or buts. Even when Gibson said that the children were not there while the parent was dying?

Pam, did your MIL come out okay from the surgery? No side effects?

Stacey, I still tell my dad that he could have been walking but he refused to do PT after his stroke. I think he just gave up. He was just so tired of caregiving mom for over 20 years. He wanted to be babied like mom. So, he gave up. Now, when he expects me to jump with his orders, I tell him straight that I will do it in my own time table. He Chose to not walk. And I’m not his wife or slave. I’ll get to it when I get to it. He ends up calling me disrespectful… Yeah… that no longer bothers me anymore… I think your FIL is similar to my dad in that he wants to do less and have others do more for him. I hope you’re able to succeed in getting him into S.H.A.G.

Tattoo, Pam – I’m tired too. It’s only 9:11pm and I keep yawning as I type here. Run away? That’s sounds great, Pam.

Where shall we runaway to? Nowhere with rainy weather and dangerous mosquitos. Mosquitos love my blood and aim for me among a group of people. That’s good news for them, but bad news for me. I’m not crazy about the beach. But if you all prefer that, you all can relax in the sun or go swimming. I will have my book (or ebook), under the shade, munching on snacks. Maybe do some window shopping, and stop by a yogurt place.

I think we have 2 wasp nests inside the spare bedroom. One of it is getting bigger. The 2nd one is on the louver. I’m trying to figure out how to spray it on such height. Plus I couldn’t see the holes. I’m worried that it might start moving more inside of the house. I bought the regular wasp spray – not the foam. Hmmm..

Sorry about the wasp nest twin they really are painful. I am the designated nest destroyer in our house as hubby is deadly afraid. I do it at dusk or dawn with one of the foaming wasp killers. You can stand 20 feet away and unload the can and run. They may pour out and the whole nest will buzz. Make sure you locate the opening and squirt right in the hole then cover the whole nest. if it is a big nest you may need to use the whole can.

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