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Mosquito loves me. I can be sitting with 15 people on our porch, with food on the table, and I'm the only one you hear "slap!" ..'Slap!'.... "Aunty, smack your forehead here." "slap!"..."Eewww.. blood!"... Our front porch is so filthy. No one cleans it except me. I finally couldn't stand it. Yesterday, I decided to sweep the porch. I put on the gloves because our wooden broom has splinters. I swept the porch in 3 increments because I hate sweating. Can you believe in all the 3 times I was out there sweeping, not one mosquito bit me! The only change I have had - was taking the probiotics almost faithfully the past 2 weeks to help calm my stomach and the acid reflux. (I read someone here on AC saying that it helps with her mom. I decided to give it a try.) And tonight, I was out in the back of the house while my brother and his son tried to repair our generator. I can see from the flashlight the mosquito flying but none was biting me. Wow.. Maybe for anyone being harassed by mosquito, why don't you try out probiotics - kill 2 birds with one stone (digestive + no more mosquito bites.) Hmmmm...lastnight, one mosquito did bite me while I was in the livingroom...Midnight! time to sleep.

dad muttering and calling someone 'bastid'. now he's calling out...sigh... I hope he's not planning to do this all night!

By the Pamzim, I haven't gone to the flea market in months - since my trip to VA last year. By the time bro left the house to go, it was 12:00noon. I was so disappointed. I think I secretly cried because the one time I could go to the flea market - he left when almost every vendor was gone. I think his gf kept him back until last minute. Because when he comes here on island, he goes to the flea market early - NOT at close to noon time.... I can't go here because it's my shift to babysit on the weekend, plus I work on every other Saturdays. I miss it! I know how you felt about missing it there...Later...

Sorry for not getting back sooner. We both slept well. He had no problem with his appetite when I gave him 'breakfast'. Changing pamper, he was still weaker. I think this is a new phase for him - the weakness. Lastnight, because he had no power, he fell back hard against me and I 'felt' a snap on my right should socket area with very sharp pain. This morning, when he leaned against the same area, pain shot down. I think I damaged /bruised something there.

Our island lost 60% of it power generator. So, we're doing a power load shedding/rollover. Our office was so hot, I couldn't stay past 6pm because all the other offices closed up and left. I would have been the only one on the 3rd floor with the door wide open. Nope! So, Ieft 'early'. I was trying to beat our power outage at 7p at the house. I cussed when I turned into our driveway and saw our house dark. Dad was angry because he was hot and he wanted the doors closed because someone might break in and hurt us. (We have an increase of break-ins and violence.) He was lying in the dark with 2 measly low-battery lantern and a tiny candle. I opened the kitchen door to let more air in, opened the bedroom door so that more air can come in. Then, ate a quick dinner. Took my large cloth hand fan, sat next to dad, turned on my Kindle - fanned both of us while I read my ebook. He said that it felt good.

Once the power came on, I immediately changed ALL his clothes - it was soaking wet with sweat. I then took my 2 battery operated (AC adaptor rechargeable) lights, knocked on sis bedroom door, showed her both lights, where the connection to recharge it - and told her to use it the next time the power goes out. I then went into my bedroom, dug up another Paper hand fan, knocked on sis door and told her that I'm leaving it near her chair - to use on the next outage.

Dad is fine except he's still coughing a lot. When I was wiping his whole body down after the power came on, his upper chest is back to normal. No bedsores. No rashes. I even took the time to trim his toenails. Only thing I refuse to do - is shave him. Hehe, I cut his hair and it always looks like a girl's haircut.

Any news, Book? How is your dad doing?

Stacey, at times?! You are very fortunate!

BOOKLUVR, I hope your Dad gets to feeling better! It sound like you've been put through the ringer lately, yes, why can't your sister get off of her buttand help a little more, especially on those long days, can you talk to her about that, or does she take offense? Having 3 sisters, I know that some are easier to be direct with than the others. One time (about a 4 years ago), we were, all 4 of us, plus 3 cousins at one of our frequent girls luncheons and there had been alittle too much imbibing on the Margaritas (if you know what I mean), and an argument ensued (which I was not part of or frankly was not paying any attention to) ending in a short shouting match with one sister telling the other to "F off", and the other one saying "screw you, leave" and it wasn't even her house! This happened in like September, and by December, these two were still not talking. Then the one pulled up outside my house one early December day and drops off a Christmas gift, for me to give to the Other one, putting Me, the Sensitive one the middle, so there I was absolutely devestated and upset, that they hadn't made up yet, and I burst into tears right then and there, and through my sobbing, let her have it, saying "Fix this, You better fricking Fix this, as it's tearing up the family". And then I completely checked out, I withdrew from every family event, until they hashed it out, including over the Christmas holiday. I was really upset, but PISSED! Finally they talked, like in February (right around my birthday) and apologized and agreed to disagree, and that was the end of it, and it hasn't happened again, but damn! Sisters can be real b$%^ches some times!

Oh PamZ, that sounds like the weekend from H#LL! Missing your Favorite Flea Market Weekend, CRIMINAL!!! And guests? Oh No! Just packing for a weekend, for it to turn out lousy, Eeuuww, I've have had that happen before too, and it sucks! I would have had more fun sitting at home, at least you can watch your Taped TV programs! Lol! Sorry Pam! Did His Highness catch any fish? 😉

Back from a 3 day trip to the river... and so depressed. It used to be so fun filled with daughter and her friends.. no one this year due to work and ( I am 99% sure she and BF have broken up) I know life moves on,, but still. We did have FIL again,,was supposed to be one day..ended up 3.. and MIL still in rehab but seemingly doing well. FIL only interested in going fishing 3 times a day... Did not care that we go to relax,, not hit the poles at 5 am! BIL and SIL needed a "break".. so once again I did not get to go to the flea market I have been dying to go to all summer. And FIL pouts if he does not get his way.. the he!! with the rest of us! Hubs cousin brought him and stayed,, he's a nice guy.. but he pitched his tent on the deck for both nights!!! really, he slept on the deck! Oh boy,, families....

Book, good luck with your father!

Their regular visit is on Fridays. He's definitely weaker today than yesterday. And coughing more. Unfortunately, his nurse is female. She won't make as much an impact on him unless she's a male. I've been updating her as his conditions deteriorates. From the beginning of the upper chest wheezing (that she can't hear), to his choking on solid food, to dry coughing.

I texted to her requesting for UTI test cuz his urine really stinks and he's very lethargic.... I will see how dad is doing tomorrow. If he wakes up again early in the morning and keeps talking non-stop, I will know that he's move to the next stage of sundowning.

Book, yes sounds like you better get dad looked at as aoon as possible. When is the home nurse due next?

Book, had you better ask the nurse to visit urgently? When are you expecting her?

4pm. No appetite or desire to drink fluid. His upper chest was red. I touched it and it was feverish. Touched his belly, his face, his legs - all felt clammy but not hot. Then his face became flushed. Oh. I think he's getting sick. We struggled to get him to sit up so that I can give him the Tylenol. I hesitated but decided to give him oranges. I told him to just suck on it and throw the left over in the empty dish. He was sucking it like he was starving. And then he started coughing, coughing, coughing. So, I had to try to get him to sit up higher. He's not so lethargic now. His eyes are not drooping close. And he's back to calling out sis name every few seconds... I've texted his home care nurse requesting if she can test his urine for UTI on her next visit. His urine stinks awful... For me, who couldn't smell a decomposing lizard in my enclosed car, to smell his urine -it must be really really bad smell....

Dad woke up this morning at 5am and started calling out sis and my name nonstop. I couldn't sleep because he kept calling every minute. When I asked what he wanted, he was confused and didn't know. I told dad that I cannot sleep if he keeps calling non-stop. He kept on. I finally got up, carried my pillows and blanket from my sofabed and went to my bedroom to get uninterrupted sleep. I did wake up a few times wondering how dad was doing by himself in the livingroom.

Well, I was so exhausted. Every time I woke up, my body pulled me back to sleep. I finally forced myself to get up when I saw it was 8:30am. I got up and checked on dad. He was knocked out. Anyway, I tried to wake him up to change his pamper. He was so very sluggish. Eyes were half closed. He tried to turn, lift, etc... but he was just soooo very weak. It was a struggle to get him to sit up -somewhat - so that he can take his nutrient drink. He kept falling asleep. I kept waking him up so that he can atleast get that First nutrient drink, then he can go back to sleep..... Lunch time came. He was stick knocked out. He wasn't interested in having lunch. It's now close to 2pm. I started massaging his legs - to help get his blood circulation moving. Maybe this will help 'wake' him up. I checked to see if he has fever. Nothing. Well, the massage must have worked a bit. He's now calling out again, every couple of seconds "Hey", "Ha", etc... I'm going to see if he's willing to sip more of his 'lunch' nutrient.

Tattoochick, that is so nice that your Mom can have her dog live with her in Assisted Living :)

My Dad is in Memory Care and one of the ladies on his floor has a cute little dog. The family hired a dog walker and it is so interesting watching that dog walk into the elevator with the walker, and as soon as they get to our floor and the elevator door opens, that dog will run to his Owner's door, pushes the door open and runs right in.

The Owner of the dog has serious dementia, she is unable to put together sentences where we can understand her. She sits out in the common area with he dog right next to her. I don't know what she would do if she didn't have that dog to pamper and keep her company.

Panic ... My first day home with my husband and furkids and not going to visit my mom at the ALF. She has only been there since Wednesday. I remind myself she is not social to begin with, but she barely gets off the couch. I hired a dog walker for her dog as I can see she has not takes her outside once (I have). Not an expense I can afford but I don't want the dog to suffer or the apartment to get ruined. Now to figure out how to get back to my own work, messy house, and pets. I need to schedule, LOL

depression? definitely lots of anger. lots and lots of anger. working 9 hours from mon-friday and that's not including my 1 hour lunch. come home and sis ... dad... poop mess and no dinner made. okay, she's not my husband. But she sits and smokes all day. how hard is it to at least make some food? or take out the trash? or clean out the kitchen sink drain so that i don't have to deal with the flooded sink when trying to figure out dinner....

I wrote to an old friend from my late teen years. She helped cover for me when dad & i needed help with mom (years later.) It's 26 years later and she can't believe that I'm still living the 'status quo' when she left the island with a one-way ticket decades ago. I was crying as I wrote to her about the time I became suicidal, therapist tried to get me to my family to help when I told him they won't respond (he didn't believe it - until our next session.) How he forced me to accept that my family for what they are...... She knew my family and .. they didn't like her. Yet, a non-family member stepped up and tried to help me and dad deal with mom and her violent stage. She was crying as she messaged back to me. She gave me her phone number in case I ever need to talk. She's retired now and has her own health issues (that I read on FB that may be life-threatening.)

Stacey, moving forward with FIL and finally your own lives. It's a step forward with FIL. I'm glad for you all. =)

Stacey.. All I can say is ENJOY!!!

Margeaux, thank you, we have certainly tried to make these past 13 years work, for all of us, its just that time is slipping away for both my husband and I, and my FIL will be fine, in Assisted living, with us nearby, catering to his every need! It will be nice to finally have my husband to myself, 1st time in 31 years together!

Windy, can't they devise some way go have a call button in the smoking area atbyour Mom's place? Much easier than trying to page or call into the nurses station, when they want to come vack inside!

Susan, I too have checked into the Veterand Home, should my FIL someday need it, and the one bear us seems nightvabd day above many of the other nursing home options in oyr area! I hope that you continue to check into it, it might be a viable option for you both!

Windytown, Thank you for that sentiment. Cancer is bad. But id did not take away my Dad's will to live.

glad and send,

We live in the state (MN) where nothing is allowed. Not even an almost 80 year old vaping, 90% in her room. Candy cigs are not PC either. Hate this state. Wasn't born here and neither was mom. Life is a lot more sane in South Dakota.

Sorry about your dad, send. Cancer sucks all the way around.

My Dad died of lung cancer, never quit smoking in the last year he had left.
No judgment here.

Windy, The dentist may confirm to your Mom that her teeth are being ruined by smoking anything at all, including vaping. Write him a note beforehand, inform him of what's coming down the pike for Mom, and maybe he can help by being the bad guy-telking her to stop, and maybe how?

Windy, not even ecigs now? Good grief! I suppose candy digs would be out of tge question. No wait! I don't think they make those any more, politically incorrect. Nanniisms.

Whew! Got an extension on mom's e-cig moratorium today. AL director happened to be in today which is rare on a Sunday. I explained this is h@ll week for us. Moving kid to his first college house and FIL is undergoing radiation therapy for spinal cancer (bone mets from prostate) which my husband will deal with along with his sisters. FIL also had a heart attack three weeks ago, so off to the cardiac doctor after radiation is done. Bad timing for mom to go ballistic. Really bad!

He agreed and will not approach her about it until 9/6, which coincidentally is when we take her to the dentist. She will be furious but my husband took the day off work so she can get her teeth cleaned as he lifts her into/from car and into/from dentist's chair. She tempers her anger around him and we can go to Walgreen's and get some nicotine patches or lozenges.

It won't be pretty but at least it's not during this very stressful week. Meanwhile, I will be demanding a working pager. Thanks for listening. You are all so kind.


Gee.....this is terrible the fact you think you and your husband could have maybe told your FIL about going to a senior home some time ago. Isn't it weird? I've had something like this happen, where you feel scared/nervous about telling someone something for fear it will upset them, only to find out that when you built up the courage to do so, they take the news o.k.

Maybe it is in part our own fear, and just plain fear about the situation in and of itself. I believe there are many reasons some either children/inlaws end up taking in a parent into their homes. As you've said, the old man didn't want to be lonely.
We still come from that generation also where elders were in many cases taken care of by children, instead of placing them in senior homes and the like.

But never minimize the very noble thing that you and your husband have done for this man. Not everyone has done this, and I think you blessed this man with the beautiful and kind attentions. Sure I know where you're coming from also in the sense he sounds like a very selfish, self-centered person, too and that it's definitely infringed upon your marriage.

I don't live with my mother, my sister does. But I can say that anyone who does this daunting task, guys are all such special people, never forget that.

Much Love & Light! Margeaux

Still working on canning tomatoes. Long day....10 pints of sloppy joe sauce and about 10 half pints of pizza sauce. That's is still cooking down. Plus laundry, grocery shopping and painting the trim on the new service door in garage. Dad was in the kitchen this am at his AL. They started the Seroquell last night and I think many aides are hoping it helps dad. He just doesn't make any sense when he talks. He wanted to come to my house today though. :(

Moving forward, hoping we are dping the right thing for our mom. Worked on packing things today for the ALF move on Wednesday. It is co fusing for her aa she keeps thinking we are moving today. I feel guilty and i want a break. Just not sure how things are gping to go.

Windy, i would be Very upset with a pager that didn't work outside the facility, especially in Minnesota. Don't people fall outside at this facility ( that certainly happened to my mom). I'd make an issue of it, not just because of the vaping. It's a basic safety net.

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