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Yesterday, pregnant fave niece babysat her grandfather as usual. Just before I came home at 3pm, I called the house to ask if she wanted anything. She answered to me quite abruptly. I knew something was wrong. It seems grandpa touched his poop. I told her to hold off, that I'm on my way.... As I was cleaning him up, niece helped me with him. She told me that changing his pamper is a 2-person job. (Actually, he's still capable to hold himself to the railings. So, he's still a 1-person job. Obviously, my dad was 'uncooperative' enough to make it difficult for niece to change his pamper.)... While changing him, she was struggling with the smell. She asked me how I can handle it. Even pouring his pee into the toilet bowl was soooo awful a smell. I calmly told her that I've learned that holding my breathe makes it easier. She said that I must very good at holding my breath for so long. I said no, I'm awful at it. What I do is that when my face is away from him - I breathe in. When I turn back to him to clean him, I hold my breathe. Breathe in when I look away, hold breath when facing him. Same applies when I'm emptying his urine catheter. Turn my head away and breathe. Hold my breathe when I have to shut it off. Etc... Niece said that she never thought of doing that.

She says that grandpa touches his poop when she watches him. But not to her sister. My youngest sister in the mainland said that dad is doing it on purpose. When I told niece this, she said that she figured that, too. Grandpa doesn't like her , gets mad at her and tries to hit her.

My oldest brother said that his daughter-in-law doesn't want to watch dad anymore. She told them that he says nasty, sexual stuff to her. She doesn't want to watch. Yet, this same brother doesn't want me to hire just any stranger to watch dad on Saturdays. He 'found' a caregiver who will charge $15/hour. I am only willing to pay $10/hour. He refuses to pay the difference. And I refuse to hire her if he won't cover the difference. I really need to find someone soon. Niece will be leaving island in roughly 6 months from now.

I asked fave niece if grandpa ever tried to talk dirty to her. She said that he did, but she set him straight. And he stopped. I said that sooner or later, he won't be able to control it - because all his good behavior synapses/brain cells will die. And all that's left is the dirty, cussing, etc.. person. She said she knows.

Regarding accusing people: currently he's accusing the bank of stealing his money. I've shown him his bank statement and the balance. He looked at the paper with this blank look. He doesn't understand what he's looking at.

Back from 2 weeks away,, at a conference for one week then vacay with hubs and mom and aunt for a week. I can only say we are the Griswolds... After scotland and then this.. my mom can drive me crazy!

ok, her mother is in hospital... they are telling her they are going to send her home (soon?) I hope she gets help from social worker if they have them there and not just send home to same situation. i find it hard to believe the place is that backward in this day and age.

my bf's sister has been caring for their mom for years by herself and today I find out that it is worse than i can imagine... the woman is in pain and bodily falling apart!
I emailed her saying the hardest phone call I ever made was for the ambulance to take mom to the hospital. They live in another country and some dumba$ "dr" has been making housecalls and told her not to send her to hospital! the woman has seeping legs and cannot toilet herself or get out of bed! omg i am so angry, such a backward dr. This poor daughter.... ok and i am angry for the bf for not getting on a plane and helping - grr.

@CindyCBlair stay strong. I am also in the process of trying to get Mom in memory care and my pain attacks are increasing. The guilt of not provding care can be overwheleming but if your health sufers you can not care for anyone.

I took care of both parents dad passed. Mom 91 dementia,,i have Myasthenia Gravis and Leukemia, my doctor told me i had to stop, the stress is killing me. I wanted my mom to move into memory care for her safety and my health. She is refusing to move, she doesnt seem concered about my health,,and no one is either. Its all about her. I had to walk away for me my health. Now she wants to disown me. I feel like im on an island all by myself.

John's girl, set boundaries/limits. Maybe for a week or two, write down every call she made, time and request. Make a chart. Look at it and determine what could've been done by staff vs you. Errands needed for you- is it something you can set a scheduled time weekly, bi-weekly or monthly? Do you really have to go to her daily? If not, maybe You set Your visiting days with mom and let her know. Explain that on these days, you will handle her requests only. Set limits.

John's girl, I was once called by my mom because she was out of diapers at her assisted living - but she was 15 hours away form where I was working, on rounds, and I did manage to redirect her to the nursing aide/staff who would more properly help her. I admit my first impulse was I'll need to go buy her some nd mail them, I'm covering at the hospital this week! then I realized no, I could not and should not have mom used to calling me for everything - and just because you are close, you can ask that mom learn to get help from people who are supposed to give it to her. You absolutely should NOT drive at every call and become exhausted. It is not reasonable, and you risk falling asleep at the wheel! Mom is, not surprisingly, not being reasonable in her requests. YOU however CAN be reasonable about whether it is a legitimate request , whether anyone else should be doing that instead, and how quickly it REALLY had to be done. And it is easier to be reasonable if you are not too tired to think straight.

I had to move my mother in with us after my father passed away. She was already getting sick but my dad was a man with a huge heart, volunteered everywhere, taught Sunday school to the littlest ones that no one else had the patience for and in our small town- he was a loved man. He was a veteran and retired police officer. So while he was sick and then under hospice the last few weeks, I had so many who wanted to help him I had to make schedules- and I literally had at least two people 24/7 at their house- and out of their love for him, they also helped my mom. When he passed, so did the help, as she was not so endearing. I also had no idea what a buffer he was my whole life between my mother and I. She recently had to go to the nursing home- within last 30 days. I feel like the demands and guilt are actually worse. I've got my own children and I've already missed so much of their lives taking care of her, but she still depends or demands everything of me. I just have to drive now at every call. Exhausted.

Kukile, I have found it safer to discuss stuff within these kinds of threads/discussions. When you post your own question, you're opening yourself to everyone - both the good and the bad, the trolls, etc...

I have to change dad's pamper first, give him a late night Ensure drink mixed with soy milk (ahem... never again will I give him cow's milk - major diarrhea for 2 days!!!), etc... before i can come back and catch up.

I will say that oldest sis changed his poopy diarrhea mess on Monday. She was NOT a happy camper when I came home at 630pm. I walked into the livingroom and it stunk awful. He must have made some major mess.... He tried several times to reach inside and I stopped him with a 'Uh-Uh! No touching inside! Take your hand out of the pamper!'.... And that is why I face the laptop towards him. Dad will sneak a look at me to see if I'm watching. When he sees that I'm busy typing and not watching him, he sneaks into the pamper. When I stop him, he literally jumps with guilt and quickly withdraws his hand. That's how I know he's up to no good - he looks at me to see if I'm watching....

K: I'm sorry that you feel you got "beaten up". Have you seen YOUR doctor recently? Have you talked to your health care provider about your feelings of hopelessness? Are you taking, or would you consider taking antidepressants?

I know another poster, sensing your frustration, suggested that it might be time for your mom to be taken care of in a facility. Is that something that you would consider?

Book, good to hear from you. Get assertive with nurse, find out about dad's UA. Thia sounds like a major, sudden change. I know how difficult it is to get dad anywhere. Did anybody suggest the ER for testing?

Dad doesn't remember he just finished eating. Gets angry because we're not feeding him. Demanding. I've tried other snacks. He'll eat it. Then it starts all over again.

He's also telling us to feed those people. You know, the Invisibles, the ones he can only see but we don't. I try to go with the flow but...he forgets. And it's back to repeats.

Nurse didn't come back with urine results. Just texted me to give him more water. Water. My dad says he's been drinking water for Three Years and he almost drowned from it. He refuses to drink more.

We can certainly get trapped by behavior. I never know what to do, either. It seems like taking life one day at a time is the only way, and that gets old when each day is like that. My mother has also pushed everyone away except my two brothers and me. And my brothers aren't available. With my mother, I often think if she would only be more sociable or go into assisted living, then everything would be better for both of us. But she dreads people. She says she likes people, but her actions speak louder than her words. I think maybe she is afraid of people. It puts a huge responsibility is a caregiving child's lap.

I wonder if your mother has metabolic dementia that can go with diabetes. Your mother is a lot more difficult than mine. Mine at least will eat and interact with others. Still, I have to pull back in myself to keep my sanity, since she doesn't have any concern for my boundaries. I imagine that you have to do the same thing, but it is more difficult.

So things did not go well with me not visiting mom at the ALF, mulpti phone calls from them saying she will eat and then flipping out on Friday evening, where I just said send her to the hospital. She was admitted, sugar is back in control but not sure what to do. I am struggling a lot. I wish that it was just a matter of comforting Mom and instead of fighting. It just seems to me that she wants me to give up my life, let her go live at her house with me their 24 / 7 to only take care of her. Since I honestly know I can not physically or mentally do that she will not allow anyone to help in her care or care for herself. It is literally a fight to get her to eat, bath or move. I can not get an official diagnosis of dementia, or any to really consider that it is not just depression. It is difficult to comfort some one who is so difficult. (Then add in her Brittle Diabetes) I really need some days to care for myself, but feel stuck and on call for her because she does not want to speak or communicate with anyone except me or her one friend. I mean she really will not speak, very shift change I gets asked can she talk. So she will not even help herself that way. I have to work, not because of employer giving me a hard time but i am now months behind on some bills as a result of leaving early, calling out to deal with her outburts and not eating. Sigh, another day another panic and crying for me.

How am I doing today? Not very well. I spent 2 days in the hospital last week after abdominal abscess surgery. I now have an open wound in my belly and insurance that doesn't cover wound vac or home health care. I gave up my job, my life, my wonderful health insurance, to move in almost a year ago to care for my 88 year old father. I know he wants to help but doesn't know how and doesn't really understand what happened anyway. I'm frustrated and short-tempered but it doesn't do any good to be that with Dad, as he doesn't understand why I'm frustrated. So today, I'm not doing well. Maybe tomorrow will be better.

Book, how is your dad doing? Thinking of you.

@staceyb - Thanks. Hoping for the best, just not hopefull right now. Great idea about tracking the groceries i leave there. Will let you know.

Tatoochick, I'm sorry this is going on, and this is my fear also, for when my FIL goes into AL next spring. Will he be able to manage on his own, will he socialize, even if it's only to go to the dining hall? I'll be very interested in hearing how she adjusts, and you too, how you cope with worrying about her, and getting her to participate! My FIL is a type 2 diabetic, mild, but he still needs to eat! I would recommend that you keep a good tally, on the food and snacks that you do leave for her, then you will really know if she eating anything or not. Good luck with her, I hope she settles in! And fast!

Goingloony,, my dad also saw people in our house, women going upstairs and men having a meeting at our dining room table. They didn;t seem to bother him, he just wondered who they were.. so we just rolled with it. Cleaning ladies, tax men.. you get it! He also repeated questions all the time, or fixated on things like the car.. Sorry to say it's part of the disease. Luckily he never seemed to think Mom was haveing an affair.. but he did normally think he and I went to school together, and mom was too old to be his wife...

Thanks everyone. I actually don't talk to her on the phone as she will not answer it. The ALF are worried about her not eating, she is a type 1 diabetic. They are going to bring meals to her room for the next two weeks at no charge, as her doctor put her on a new antidepressant to see if that helps. I don't think any of us would care that she does not want to be social, but the refusing to eat is the problem. I even stocked her kitchen (as she as a wonderful one bedroom apartment at the ALF) with things she normally will snack on and eat. She is not even doing that. So, in two weeks we have to see if she improves, if not even they say she might have to go to a nursing home. I have to work full days the next two days and can't visit, and the staff at the ALF know this so hope this helps me, as well as her. Thanks, just very difficult to except she will not help herself and is shortening her life in the process.

My husband was diagnosed with alzheimer/dementia almost two years ago. There were signs prior to diagnosis. His short term memory is basically gone. He can remember from 25 years ago vividly. He refuses to own his condition and maybe ge can't but it irritates him when he can't remember s name or place. He asks me repeatedly and I tell him but I am getting frustrated. If i tell him he already asked me something, he gets upset and says he didn't. I don't argue with him.
Now he has begun making accusations, not about spending his money but accusing me of entertaining a male neighbor in our home while he, my husband, is asleep. He sees people in the house who aren't there and have not been there and insists that he is right.
His family does nothing to help. Always creating problems by keeping him confused.
Any tips on any concerns mentioned will be greatly appreciated.


A little over a year ago, I moved mom into an ALF, and dutifully spent down her modest little nest egg for her residence. Now the Medicaid app is in and looks like it will take effect next month. For all my work I've gotten a nasty tongue lashing from my brother, and a steady stream of passive-aggressive complaints from mom. The utter thanklessness of this task never stops bothering me, but it's gotten better. I've had to step back a little to get my marriage rejuvenated and to get our of personal and financial house in order. You might need to still be involved a little longer until your mom gets settled into a routine, but by all means step back. Cut back the phone calls. Try going a couple of weeks without a visit. One trick I do to keep her complaintfest to a minimum is call her 15 or 20 minutes before scheduled meals. You can get caught up on what's happening with her, but have a good reason to hang up before it gets too oppressive.

Tatoo, you have provided a boat and a life jacket, you shouldn't have to jump in the water and swim for her too. Maybe you need to go no contact for a while, tell the facility to sort it out and stop accepting their calls.

It is only 11 am and I feel beaten, tired, hopeless and done. It has been actually one week since Mom moved info ALF. She refuses to care for herself in the basic ways. Will nor bath, change clothes, get up and move or even eat meals. I know she is depressed and does not want to be there. I feel i have provided the place, care and tools for her to live a happy life. She does not want it. I am tired of everyone telling what she will not do and that it is not good. What i need is help on getting to care about herself and life. I truely feel done.

Yep,Stacey.. FIL caught fish, thank goodness! They took him out 5 times!
Book, bugs love me too,, may have to try that!

But the Blood Bank Loves me, they call every 3 weeks! Go figure!

Mosquitoes have never liked me, it weird! Especially camping, everyone else was being bitten alive, and I would get like one bite, I must taste terrible! Lol!

BOOKLUVR, maybe you need to walk away for a while, like I did, I'll bet your sister and brothers would take notice if you disappeared for a few days, leave a note, tell them to shape up and step up, or you will be gone even longer next time! And to Clean the house while you are gone, while they are at it! What choice would they have? I'm feeling feisty today! Lol!

Glad, I know how fortunate I am! I do have the best sisters in the whole wide world, and somehow, I'm the one who gets along with all of them, All of the time, but you know how there are those sisterly undercurrents that go on in families, that still happens in my little quadrant, and I have to be the one who is the fixer, and I'm the youngest! I don't like it when any of them are squabbling, it really affects me! Now I've learned that I need to step up and say YOU FIX THIS, because at this stage of our lives, I can't deal with additional tension from those who I go to to get away from the Tension, Lol! Thankfully, once that stupid squabble was squared away, it hasn't happened since! They know not to mess with me any more! LOL! From now on its TALK TO THE HAND, YOU DEAL WITH IT! Name calking while intoxicated is just dumb! That's why I don't like drinking, personally, it makes people stupid! Sisters are a blessing and a curse sometimes! For the most part, a blessing! ☺

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