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I understand Book.

Send, it was the change of the standing skin tag that got me worried. Cancer is very prevalent here. A person dies of cancer - every 3 days. Cancer treatment offices are popping up. My oldest sister's granddaughter died of bone cancer at age 10. My first cousin from mom's side is fighting cancer. My first cousin from dad's side is dying of cancer (went through the treatments and....) his wife refuses to accept him making final arrangements for her and the kids care when he dies. She was upset because it's like he's giving up. I gently told her that he NEEDS to do this. Please be understanding because this will give him peace of mind. She just stared at me.... So many people that I know - have died of cancer. When the doctor said wart, I was more than happy to accept that diagnosis... I don't have the finance to deal with cancer treatment- not even with the 20% copayment.
I will wait for Wednesday for the follow up.

Melaleuca Oil.

"Any change in a mole, skin tag, wart, or change in color, irregular borders must be checked out" is the standard of care. Your doctor is wrong about not being covered by health insurance. Just wrong, and shows inexperience.

It, (whatever "it" is) is NOT just a cosmetic procedure!
If it bothers you, bleeds, changes, interferes with your clothing-and a million other reasons why it is NOT COSMETIC.

Presenting yourself before the doc "because of changes" is reason enough to obtain a biopsy. Makes it "suspicious", requires a proper diagnosis.

The doc should know how to write this up for insurance to cover the procedure.

See a different doc, because now it is infected, torn off, growing, with pus. You may have been misdiagnose. See an urgent care doc, today, because today is Friday. Think 'excision' instead of burning it off, think 'biopsy', think 'infection'.

Not aware of any suitable home remedies that can treat a botched medical treatment. imo.

You can, and should return to report the issues you are having. This part must be covered, now that you definitely have a covered condition. You can always call your insurance company and ask where to go now.

I also agree with Cwillie's advice here.

Of course, this advice is the warning label-type. I did work temporary for a dermatologist, but Stacey will know more.
But not over-the-top from what you have written. imo.

Take good care of our Book!

I can't really see it well. I thought maybe a cyst. It started as a standing skin tag and then grew odd-shaped round. Not smooth round but bulgy. She said it's a wart. I guess I can hold off the home remedies until my follow-up on Wednesday. The thing is, she said it would take several treatments. I don't want to pay $120 per visit. Thanks, for your input.

I've never heard of warts that have pus and fluid, are you sure your doctor know what he is talking about??
Once you get the infection under control you can think about the wart remedies (if that's what it really is), my sis had a plantar wart that she finally got rid of with the duct tape method.

Sigh... What I thought was a skin tag on the back of my left top shoulder- changed into this big ugly shaped wart. The doc asked me some questions about it, then she said that she will freeze it off but the insurance may not cover it because it's cosmetic. If the insurance won't cover it, I will be billed for $120.00. Well, she froze it. A week later, in my sleep, it broke off. I woke up, and it was ... fluidy. So, that morning, I band-aid it before going to work. That night, when I took off the band-aid, it was very red where the sticky tape was. I figured since I'm slightly allergic latex gloves (my knuckles become red and itchy, then stings while wearing the gloves), maybe my body's reacting the same way to the band aid's adhesive. I wasn't paying attention, but I found myself scratching the band aid.

Two days later, today, I came home and took off the band-aid. OMGoodness! What I thought was allergy to the band-aid's tape - is actually new warts!!!! I see one that is round and looks like it would have pus in it. Oh no!!!! I've been googling home remedies. Tomorrow, I'm going to buy Vit E Oil, bananas and potato. Nope, I won't do the apple cider vinegar since I tried that before when I had a wart on my fat toe. It's not good on your good skin. Well, time for bed..after I figure out how to tape those warts...

Book, I have trouble when I have nothing to grab on to steady myself, invest in a 6' aluminum step ladder and don't look down. If you have fixtures where you can leave the bulb exposed a light bulb changer on a pole would be even better.

I've been brainstorming. I'm under 5 feet tall. Our Livingroom ceiling is about double my height. I was able to change the kitchen lightbulbs because it was attached to the ceiling fan and not the ceiling. So the height wasn't too bad. I set 2 sturdy diningroom chairs side by side. I was able to change the bulbs by closing my eyes as I got on top of the chairs, change the bulbs by feeling, etc... Vertigo was still bad but with my eyes closed, I didn't feel like I was falling or the room spinning.

If it stops raining tomorrow, I'm going to look for one of the standing ladder, close my eyes as I climb up and change the bulbs. But just in case I fall, I will make sure no sharp objects are exposed. And to have the cellphone on me - in case I need to call for help. I need to learn to do things on my own by thinking outside the box. Family next door...pshaw.!! ...

Pam, I always thought you were the epitome of patience to go as escort with the older generation to casinos and cruises.... I realized I don't have patience with other older generations when I attended the caregiver meeting. The 'grandma' caregiver reminded me soooo much of my dad. I clenched my teeth to avoid telling her off.

You need some me-time that doesn't involve the elderlies. 😉

Oh Book I can;t believe your brother and his kids can;t even help you change a light! ( But I do believe it...) As for the eggs.. boil for 5 minutes, then turn them off and let them sit a bit...They will be cooked! Use those 5 minutes to take some deep breaths! Or kick your families butts! As for the cruise and trips,, the more I take with my elders, the more I just want to stay home!

I need to find a handyman. Last year, I've tried changing my fire alert alarm's batteries in my bedroom. I had such bad vertigo, my whole body was swaying badly. Our livingroom ceiling light bulbs are both burnt out. I'm currently using the standing lamp to light the room. I will tell you from a recent experience, that when dad touches his poop and makes a mess, that d*rn light stand does NOT illuminate dad's body/bedding! On Sunday morning, I have asked my jobless grown-up nephew -of-next-door if he can change the bulbs. He walked away from our porch without responding. It's now Thursday. Nothing. I just can't do it myself because my vertigo and fear of heights are really bad. It's just so frustrating.

I just came home today. Cleared out the fridge with old food, cleaned the clogged kitchen sink, emptied out the food-slop bin, and took out the kitchen trash..... oh shoots! .... {{rushing out to the kitchen...}} I forgot I was boiling eggs at full heat! It's been boiling for over an hour. Again... I hope it's not yucky smelling and rubbery like the last time... =(

Thanks, Mica, for updating us. That's something good to know. I've never heard about that.

I turned down an all-expense trip to Manila and some cruises. If I cannot even find anyone to cover for me when I wanted to go off-island in the summer (when teacher niece is off and my other 2 full-time college nieces are off), how can I find someone for a week while I'm gone?

I would be joining the media/travel agent group flown to Manila, Philippines on Friday, afternoon on my own, dinner at Marriott, Annie show afterwards. Saturday a Gondola ride and end with a Sunset cruise. Sunday we fly to Singapore and then board a Superstar Gemini cruise roundtrip Singapore-Malaysia-back to Singapore on Wednesday, board the flight back to Manila. Overnight in Manila and have the whole day free time/shopping.

Do I regret not going? NO!!!! I have never ever had the desire to fly to Manila. Fave sis has always wanted to go because of the cheap shopping. I have so many Filipino friends who, they themselves, hire bodyguards when they go. And they speak the language! Two, it's typhoon season! In the past few months, Japan, Hong Kong, Taiwan have been hit by typhoons. Crazy to join a cruise during typhoon season.... Three - I've never ever wanted to go on a cruise - not even if it's free. Yep, I'm Not an adventurous person.

Hugs, Mica. You were right to be worried, and right to press for answers, and I'm glad the NH respected your concern and gave you detailed information. Sounds like a good, well-run place. But no, sadly, I know that can't stop you worrying - hugs again.

Ok after the email I sent with photo i got a good more clear phone call and explanation. They found her sitting up in the bathroom against the door. She does not go into other's rooms at night (does during day)
Because she was sitting up right away and thereafter, the bruise blood migrated down the side of her face and down her neck as time went on.
I actually looked it up and this IS what bruises do!
The nurses and staff held a meeting right after the fall about how to prevent future falls and are checking in on her more and keeping non-slip slippers on at night. Her bed cam is working.
Did blood work to see about anything, which i saw, and her numbers are perfect.
So I am calmer now.... you just want to protect them you know? so hard for me who has never even put a pet in a kennel...

Right now, there should be someone sitting up overnight in your Mom's room, imo.

one inch wide lines that is

she is in memory care. I am a bit frightened to upset the applecart with my email but I did speak to Everyone prior to sending it. They had wishy-washy non-answers.
The marks look exactly like two fingers and very dark.
Mom does wander and it was apparently Very early in the morning they found her- (an answer that keeps changing) yesterday an aid said 4am-
she had also questioned the head nurse about the marks and was told "the bruise spread from her cheek" - Uh.. and turned into two dark one inch lines?
I honestly cannot imagine how a person can fall on their neck.
What bothers me the most is how the story kept changing as to what happened that morning. "She hit her dresser. She was in the bathroom."

Another possibility - could another resident have come into your mother's room? I had an uncle with dementia that wandered room to room in his nursing home. It would scare the female residents badly, so the facility made the family move him. If another resident was violent, it might explain what happened. You may never know. I hope it doesn't happen again.

Mica, I wish that every facility had security cams that they could review. I can imagine an abusive staff member, though it might only be my imagination. Neck bruises are difficult to explain unless someone was grabbed inappropriately or got something caught around their neck. I've seen videos of angry and frustrated caregivers that made me want to cringe. I don't know how someone mistreats an elderly person or a child, but the world has a lot of mean people.

Oh Mica, thats awful! I hope you get to the bottom of this! Hope your Mom is feeling better!

Mica is your mom in a care facility or at home? I am so sorry

Wah! I wish my mom could talk....
Last week they found her on the floor early morning.
I saw her today and the bruise on her cheek is about gone, but there are two dark bruises on her neck- ya... right where someones fingers would go, same size and shape.
I am aware I could be completely out of line, but god i wish she could talk :(
Yes, I took photos and emailed them to the appropriate people who said they will "look into it fully"... .. so upsetting...

Veronica you brought me to tears. Thanks so much. I have The best medicare plan through humana, but copays are $45 each visit. Thats not high for most, but my husband was unemployed for a while. I have on my list my PCP to call tomorrow and see if these specialist I need will see me now, but accept payment by November. God willing we will be on our feet by then. Finally my husband said we may have to do a nursing home if I cant continue. I told him I have a little more left. This site has actually given me some renewed drive. Your comments gave me untold measure of drive. I told my daughter today, "I have no choice, but to put myself first or I will put her in my shoes caring for me." I stop caring if he liked the food. Its healthy. I look down when I serve him now because I am going to make myself not care if he enjoys the flavor. Its 1000 times better than hospital food. I went off my anti depression medicine for about a week so I will tell my doctor that. The ER thing is perfect. I always wondered how I would reach the end. An ambulance for myself? No, I will take him in and say he is acting strange which he is every single day. He eats every 2 hours and says I didnt feed him, but the dialysis center sent a note home Friday that he gained over 10 pounds. Veronica you gave me a way out when I had none. My currents goals are to see my doctor this week and send my husband anf my father in law home for my fathrr in laws last visit with his grandchildren. I feel he wont be in amy condition to glt again. I know I can use the flight money for doctors, but I want to give him one last visit with him before the dementia takes ovet completely which I believe will happen before years end. I know him better thsn me and every thought I ever had about his health has been right. So in my heart I would want that for myself, so I wsnt it for him. Then when they return it is my health and my appointments where the extra cash will go. Veronica you gave me a plan. Thanks So So Much and may God Bless You.

Book!! I just asked Send if you were still around! I was away for 2 weeks, and couldn't find you when I got back! Good luck with your dad!

Candi you have it as bad as anyone else and deserve any support we are able to give you. Caregiving is not for sissies and you are a very strong woman and deserve more. All of your feelings are understandable and to be expected in a responsible caregiver which you clearly are. It is especially hard when everyone else ignores your efforts and refuses to help. They probably feel with your profession you have nothing better to do.
Now the difficult part of being a responsible caregiver is to take care of yourself because bad things happen when you don't help yourself as you have already found out.
Think of it in terms of what would happen if you become incapacitated. Hubby can't step up to the plate BIL certainly won't, he will whine and find a way out.
So what are you going to do?
Yeah, pull yourself up by your bootstraps and carry on because you have no choice.
Too late for that the cat ate your bootstraps. There has to be a way to walk away from FIL because in your current state you are too sick to continue so the cycle has to be broken
Now I am not suggesting pack a bag and run away. You don't have the energy for that. So do something before they have to call an ambulance and you don't have the money for the co-pays. As you have no money I assume FIL has none either except SSI, is that correct?
Start by contacting yours and FILs Drs and ask for help. Call Social services and see if they can help, same with your local Area on Aging and Health department.
Can you apply for Medicaid? Are you old enough for Medicare and could find enough money for supplementary insurance. If you can find a reason to take FIL to the ER maybe for that hole above his anus. Insist they admit him and take care of that and when that is done insist on rehab whether he likes it or not. He will probably refuse in which case you refuse to take him home until your personal health is addressed.
Who has POA medical for FIL?
Would FIL qualify for Hospice? Contact them anyway if not Hospice palliative care may be the option.
If you are in such severe pain you certainly need that hysterectomy and possibly rehab for yourself if there is no one home to care for you. Contact any local charities and ask for help. This is no time for pride. Try Catholic Charities. They at least have social workers who can support you and point you towards any help available.
Does hubby have health insurance through his job for you?
Now relax and take some deep breaths, I am not suggesting you pick up the phone first thing in the morning and make all those calls at once. Pick one like the area on aging where they can help you find help.
It is important to start somewhere even if you can't face it. If you really can't face anything go to the ER yourself and tell them you are facing a complete breakdown and feel suicidal. Go to a decent hospital ER that has inpatient psychiatric dept. tell them you have left FIL alone and he can't care for himself and is in danger. You are an actress, this must be one of the greatest roles you will ever play. Insist, insist on help bring on the drama and desperation if you have to but do it in despair not anger.
I am sure many others will have suggestions and support love and prayer for you so don't give up and keep in touch, we do care.

Excellent advice Candi

I have been reading so many more comments than ever before. Mostly because I fall under the care giver burn out of having no interest in talking with anyone or doing anything fun, blah blah blah.......but I am dieing a slow death since becoming a full time 24/7 care giver for my father in law 9 years ago. I am hospitalized every year for something different. I have had pneumonia 4 times in 2 years. A pulmonary embolism, hepatitis, chronic headaches and migraines, gallbladder was removed, had back surgery in March and facing another October 3rd all while my husband works 7 days/14 hours to make up for 6 months unemployment. We care for his dad alone in our home and have for 9 years since his first stroke when he lost the use of one hand. He is an insulin dependant diabetic, he goes to dialysis 3 times a week, he has COPD, vascular dementia, periodic inconvenience, gout, heart disease, high blood pressure, etc... I am 46 going on 70. I have been up all night in server pain knowing I need a hysterectomy, but keep putting it off because I dont have enough money to cover all my co pays for all my medical conditions and I just dont care anymore. I stop caring about myself years ago because I think deep inside I know I would only be keeping myself alive to care for my father in law. I often feel I have nothing else to live for. I have grandchildren, but have to schedule everything I do around my father in law's care. I feel guilty all the time like I dont do enough for him, but at the same time wonder why I care so much. He has never said good morning to me, talked to me or anything except to tell me he doesnt like something I cooked, or make him something sweet or peel him an apple or take him to see his grandchildren or or or or or and and addition to all his doctors appointments, insurance calls, pharmacy calls, laundry, meals, shopping, etc..... I am so so so tired. By the time he passes my father may need me. I am so lost, so lonely, but dont want to talk to my friends or my family. I make sure I give him his medicine, but I never ever remember mine. I cook him healthy meals and dont care what I eat. I dont understand what is wrong with my thinking. I dont like my brothers in law and sisters in law, but my husband still loves his brother so much. I can't, because his baby brother is my age. Always refused to help and my husband forgave him just because he said sorry. I feel, maybe I have forgiven, but I cant forget until I have a life. Until his brothet helps, but so long as they do nothing and thank me only through my husband I have nothing for any of them. So long as I have nothing left for me then I have nothing, or wish I had nothing for them. My brother in law cries on my husbands shoulder all the time so I have to act like I care, but inside my heart I am sick of his complaints. I have no life because he has refused to take any responsibility for his dad and because I am either a nice person or have no self esteem or self worth I go on and on listening and helping. I am depressed, often resentful, I am an actress in my personal life. I dont enjoy anything that I use to and I spend most of my days wondering if I can get up the courage to become healthy and pull myself out of this care giver burn out. I dont even know why I am posting here. I feel selfish sayiny all this garage when many others have it so much worse than me all over the world, but I am lost so I am here.

Seemeride, dealing with end stade renal desease snitch and a father in law with a perment open hole above his anus since a surgery over 10 years ago and that now is often incontinent from end stage dementia I feel I am an expert on smells and how to deal with them. First i always have at least 5 gallons of vinegar in the house. Dads wash always goes in for 2 wash and soak cycles and 1 to 2 cups of vinegar for every wash. Works beautifully. Next, my carpet shampooer I use in the water tank half water and half vinegar and I dont suck up the extra. The longer vinegar stays the more germs and oder it kills. In the bathrooms and kitchen I have a plastic condiment bottles full of straight vinegar that I spray on anything dirty or that may stink. I used to use spray bottles, but my hands would get sore from so much pumping. These are $1 at Walmart. If you hate the smell of vinegar you can add a sent. I use peppermint oil. Next when cleaning I wipe one drop of peppermint oil to a medical face mask that I buy at my local pharmacy. I cant smell or taste anything with that peppermint in there. Years ago when I worked in Labor and Delivery we always kept that on the floor for women who were nauseated and I found it has many functions. I hope this helps.

I'm on the computer reading.
My dad, "K?"
I replied, "Yes."
He asked, "Are you awake?"
I replied, "No." Silence....
Dad, "Okay."

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