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Pdestefano, I agree, does your aunt have children? If not, perhaps you can persuade her to move to an Assisted living place. I was about to tell you to go to the top right and do a SEARCH but... the website moved it. Sorry, I usually do some searches for newcomers but... I find it frustrating. I truly tried to do this for you but.. Ugh! I refuse to go there and deal with the frustrations.

How about hitting the Home page? There is some list of topics about assisting parents to go to Assisted living. Why don't you read up on it from there, and click on other links displayed as you read along.

Whatever you do - Do Not Take on taking care of Aunt!!!! At the age of mid-20, I Mistakenly thought mom's dementia would only last a few years and then she will pass away. Not! She finally passed away 23 years later. My dad started down the road of senility/dementia 3 years ago. He's bedridden and healthy as an ox... I sooo hope it's not going to be another 15 years of my life! I've worn out some of my body parts from changing bedridden vegetative-state mom. I cannot with dad. I get these very sharp very painful back pains when I bend over the bed too long. Decades of wear and tear.

IF you think Aunt may be a danger to herself, you can call APS (Adult Protective Service) and explain the situation. Please make sure to get names and times when you speak to them. If you think she needs meals, there are programs called meals-on-wheels, etc... Try calling the ... mind went blank. Too tired... Just know this - that if you take on the care of Aunt, that will be another 15 or more years. There are alternatives.

I hope all goes well with your knee.

I am sorry.

...because I haven't been on YOU thread in FOREVER!!

Hope everyone is doing well over here!

I've moved to DYS permanently because I belong there lol. Love to all.


I am sorry.

Does your Aunt have children? Bring them on board and do not take this on with your own health!

Being a care giver to a family member has to be one of the hardest jobs both physically and most of all mentally. I took care of my in-laws for 15 years along with my mom who was dealing with her cancer in stage four all at the same time.
Also along with my own health issues of having Lupis and rymothoid arthritis. There were times I thought I would just loose my mind. All the care of two house holds and the back and fourth to hospitals for treatment, all became to much for me physically. I crashed and was warned by doctors to take care of myself first. I am not that kind of person and it was family. What do you do? You plug on and do the best that you can at that moment. When my mom lost her battle, I so hated what it did to her. It took her away from her family, put her through hell and then some. And at the same time caring for my in-laws who only wanted their needs taken care of. It was a time in hell and never thought it would end. When they passed away they were in heir lat 80 and early nineties. I finally had some peace in my life. The strain of trying to care for them all has taken a tole on my body and mentally I was just exhausted. So for the first time in my life I was not taking care of someone. Just in the last few months my moms younger sister who is 78 and showing moderate signs of dementia and paranoia and lives alone needs help. This is an area I know nothing of and don't know where to start to help if I can. If anyone has any ideas, please let me know! I am in my early 60 and have some health concerns as I stated before and getting older now don't know if I can take this on by myself. I am heading in for a knee replacement soon and will be out of commission for a while.

Thanks, Veronica. I will never make it as a nurse, doctor or therapist. My mind tells me one thing but my conscience another. It was just awful when mom was dying. Every morning, around 7am, she would struggle to breathe. I could hear it. It was awful to hear that and purposely Not do anything like call 911 to take mom to the hospital. Those were such a long 30 minutes. Several times, I picked up the phone. Then hung up. There was nothing more to do. Her body was definitely shutting down, losing body mass fast, etc... It was a constant struggle not to call 911. I came on here and typed away while mom struggled briefly in that small time window.

What you're saying is what I'm saying, too. But I'm back on that merry-go -round. I'm back to self doubting, questioning....

How am I? Daily migraines. Muggy hot weather. Lately, by the time I reach the 2nd floor outside stairs, my body is tired, throbbing head /neck. Before reaching the 3rd floor, I'm hot and flushed. Definitely huffing and puffing. So difficult to breathe, heart pounding rapidly. This is new for me. My heart is fine because the other doctor listened to my chest every time I visited her {last visit was the wart follow-up.} She did recommend I see my regular doctor about my swallowing problem. Food and capsule small/normal pills seem to get stuck in this one area of my trache. She said I need to have that thingy (..scope) go down my throat to see why....

Book I don't what to tell you. Some people don't just seem to get it especially when they don't want to tackle the job. if people are feeding him in that position He is probably aspirating some food and that is what is causing the cough. If he won't go and get seen by the Dr there is nothing they can do. They would want to do a brocoscopy after a CT scan. Is it really worth it rather than let nature just take it's course. Huge hugs

Dad still touches poop. It gets so tiring to keep cleaning the mess. So far, he hasn't wiped the mess on his hair, back, etc... More into someone stealing his money. And his dry coughing is now becoming full blown heavy hacking coughing that shakes his whole body. And still he refuses to go to the clinic.

Last Saturday, when I came home from work, I usually look at dad first. He was a bit flat lying down. Fave sis, hubby and pregnant niece were here. When niece saw me glance at her grandpa, she was quick to say that Grandpa needs another pillow behind his back. I didn't say anything. I'm tired and with 3 adults, no one thought to make him sit up straighter. I walked in, got to his side and said, "Sit up, Dad." He grabbed the railing and pulled himself to sitting position. I then adjusted the current THREE pillows behind him to help prop him up, adjusted the U-shape microfiber travel neck pillow behind his neck. He's now sitting upright. Niece said, "Oh.." Sigh.... You know, I've found dad in worse position when oldest sis is watching him. He's completely flat on the bed, with only his head held awkwardly upward on the L-shape position Head bent at neck to the body position...Not L-shape as in upper body bent at waist/butt area to legs. So, his coughing is due to family feeding him in a not elevated position. They all know better but ... no one wants to get near him.

I was chuckling today listening to our local radio hosts on our local idiosyncrasies that drives the Mainland people new to our area. They had fun talking about a new sports announcer who moved here from the mainland. Here's some of his pet peeves...
1. "Where you at?" .... {Where are you?}
2. "Where you stay?" ... {Where do you live?}
3. "Are you getting down?" ...{Are you getting out of the car?}

Others.... "Open the light, close the light" ... {Turn on the light, turn off the light.}

I won't even go into how frustrating it is when mainlanders come here and directions are given by landmarks {which can include former landmarks no longer in existence}. And how I recently was frustrated trying to give directions without landmarks because I don't know the street name. In the end, I told her to ask her coworkers for the directions.

Correction: like a recap...

That's what I mean about the hunters!... But Shepherdstown. That is sooooo fascinating! They played that show one after another, from start to end. I missed the first show (TV was on classic country music) when I found it. But I watched the rest of the series. The last one wasn't like a recap show - showing that the surrounding counties near the Potomac River has increase paranormal activities. Ugh! ... You and your family just be careful, okay? Who knew that water can be a great source of conductor for these?

Book we have been watching Sheperdstown too, out river house is right by there, and we recongnized many of the places! And I love the monster hunting shows,, one is on right now,They are so loud and noisy they could never catch anything, but they are fun to watch!

Pam, ONLY yesterday, I finally figured out why all the 'monster' and 'scary' shows have been playing lately. It's Halloween, so it's Monster Month. Most of the time, I would be watching CNN or Fox News. But it's like they're 24/7 on Hilary and Trump. Ugh, overkill!! Because of this, I've watched shows I would never ever watch...Alaska Monsters, there's that other similar one where these hunters (do hunters yell out loud when hunting??) who travel around the US for Bigfoot and Whistlers. Yesterday they played Ghosts of Shepherdstown. I can watch this because it's not as scary as the others. For example, I would never ever watch Paranormal Activity because that is definitely too realistic, too close to reality. Shepherdstown is quite tame compared to Paranormal and Walking Dead shows.

The only good thing about me being laid up is it;s October and there are lots of those scarey shows on TV,, I LOVE them! And cheezy scarey movies too!

I'm watching a paranormal reality show. I had a 'Aha!' moment. I'm a 'sensitive' ... Thank goodness I'm not as 'sensitive' as that lady in the TV! I'd scare myself to death. I'm such a scaredy-cat of things I cannot see, that I can't even watch the cartoon Scooby-Doo. Yep, I scream when watching that show... Back to that reality show, most of the show, I have my hand covering my mouth so that if I scream, I don't scare dad. They are sooooo brave!

Had a walk-in customer. He was a ... spry older man with sun-kissed wrinkles on his face. He was feisty. And had such a wonderful accent, I could've sat there all day and listen to him talk! Poor man, when he first started talking to me, he was stuttering. By the time he left the office after our little chat, he was talking without a stutter. Since both my bosses weren't around, my normal personality came out. (When they're in, I'm a very very no-nonsense person.) We just talked and talked.

He's been traveling around the world {supposedly} and thought of retiring here on our island. {really? After from the Philippines? Hmm mmm...}... But the weather here is too humid for all his achy bones. {and proceeded to point at all the achy areas.} ... He's ready to go back home to New Orleans. {I swear, when he walked in and spoke with that accent, I thought he was a cowboy!guess I was wrong...}

When he left the office, I laughed because it was great talking with him. In my mind, I swear he must have been a ladies' man in his younger days. Because he still had it, despite his current age! {{chuckling}}

This month's caregiving meeting was last week Saturday. I was off last week. I didn't see their email reminding me about it. Too bad. They had a guest speaker come in. Our local police officer on Personal & Home Safety topic. Too bad. That would have been very interesting.

Yikes! I haven't gone into my email account since last month. Last week, I received an email from our caregiver's program coordinator. They sent an email on: Annual Election Period for Medicare Part D, October 15,2016 - December 7,2016. Our local Medicare office will be having presentations on Tuesdays and Thursdays, starting Oct 18th to Dec. 6th. I've forwarded this email to my iPad email so that I can do a snapshot of the letter, call and see if I need to reserve a place when I'm on leave next month.

The last time I attended the Medicare presentation, it was general info on it. Like the importance of enrolling at age 65 (?), even if you're still working. Because if you enroll years later, or past your enrolment date, you will be penalized by paying more. Stuff like that. They gave an example. If you're turning age 65 in January, they recommend you enrol in December (when you're still age 64).

Oops. It's past midnight. My hair is still wet. Since i don't own a hair dryer, I'm going to shut down here. Take my paperback book, go into my bedroom and sit in front of the fan to dry out my hair. It'll take about 30 minutes to dry it top and inside. Later!

November is National Caregivers Month. We have the annual caregiver's conference. I checked the date and I will be working that Saturday. Too bad. My vacation is the week after that Saturday conference. This year's theme: Take Care to Give Care.... It would be nice to attend because it will be held at a hotel - with yummy free food and delicious desserts. If our monthly caregiving kept on the usual date of the 3rd Saturday of the month (which would have been Nov 19th), I would have been able to attend since that's my day off. All well. Maybe those of you attending sporadically with your caregiver's support group can check if they're doing anything special next month - since it is National Caregivers Month.

I went to work yesterday. I didn't realize I put on my blouse inside out. Until 10:15am. I thought it strange when one man gave me an odd look at 8:29am. I realized something was wrong when a 2nd man gave me an odd look while looking at my tummy, around 10:15am. I looked down. There was the clothe tag dangling on the side of my tummy area. How embarrassing!

Well I got my hair cut today,, felt like it was "falling out" since I broke my ankle. My gal thinks it OK,, but after she did a great job cutting it and such.. she loaded it up with so much product it looks greasy ( but mighty wavey!) so i will have to wash it all over again tomorrow, hanging over the sink... not easy! She wanted it to look good when we went to rehab to see MIL... Last time she straightened it and I looked like my SIL... nope, don;t do that again...

I'm doing terrible. I have started job searching again, but my mind and mental and emotional state is in ruins. My mom has dementia and is becoming one of those combative, uncooperative elders and I hate when doctors and nurses tell me this and i can't do anything about it. I can't stand the idea of her being labeled as one of those types of old people. Just so tired and lonely.

Book I am being good, (I promise! Most of this can be done over the phone, and we use the wheelchair when we go out, which is not often. But we do have to go to see MIL in rehab today.. 2 of us in wheelchairs,, she;ll giggle! We find out today when she may get out

D*rn! I forgot to check if his grandson turned off the hose! I arrived late but it was not too dark for me to go check it at the back of the house. Now it's close to 8pm, and it's dark. From past experience growing up, the night spirits don't like me when I go into their territory at night (which means basically anywhere outside the house that is dark.) You know, the feeling you get when your hair stands up, and you can FEEL unfriendly eyes watching you? But when you look around, you don't see anything but darkness? The feeling that you're trespassing? THAT's the feeling I get. I rarely leave the house or come home when it's dark. If I do, I park the car as close to the porch as possible. I'll check tomorrow morning to see if it's been running all night.

Churchmouse, the water utility printed out 2 charts for me. It showed a steady increase of water usage. Then suddenly it spiked really high on this one day. I Think it's bro's grandson forgot to turn off our water hose when he was watering their chickens. I've already told bro that if they cannot turn off the outside hose, then they need to pay the difference of the bill. If they refuse (which they HAVE for several billings), then they should get a bucket full of water and walk to their chickens and water it from the bucket. No Action from them... because.... I'm a nobody (per my brother when he told me repeatedly that I'm a nobody and will always be a nobody...)

My brother wanted the charts to try to find where the other leak is coming from. I rarely see him because he rarely visits his home next door. He prefers to live with his daughter's home in another village. He prefers her home than his house next door.

Veronica, I will admit to you all this. My memory is very, very terrible. I can read a whole book. A few days later, I cannot remember at all what it's about. When my laptop locked me out and wouldn't let me sign in when you first turn it on, I googled the problem using my iPad. I had to take several snapshots to show the step-by-step , then I re-watched the video like 5 times, AND handwrote the instructions ... because I forgot what I just read/watched.

You know the Luminosity website? I was so upset how terrible I was on it, that I quit doing it. Instead of improving, I was getting worse. When I bring this up with the doctor, they tell me that it's Stress from work and caregiving. And that I'm too young to have dementia.

So, I have tried the You-tube but .. I ended up buying the wrong item, wrong size, etc... You know the door handle? I went and bought one at Home Depot. I took off our broken doorknob that can no longer lock. I TRIED to install the new one. I just have a difficult time putting it on. So, I put back the old one.

You know we had this very old printer at work. I would waste one whole ribbon trying to install it into the machine. I ended up with blacken fingers and a non-usable ribbon. So, I had to open a new package. In the years of this job, I only changed it twice - and both times I messed up. I am not very good at repairs, machine, etc.... Give me a paper, pen, crayon, bamboo pen - and I will draw you, or anything you put in front of me.

P.S... the last time our toilet had that leak, I bought the wrong stuff. Brother took one look and said that's not the one. So, I no longer buy the parts. I'm now at his mercy to come over and change it.

Book, how are you getting on with tracing your water leak?

If your bill has literally tripled, you can work out how much water is being "lost" per day and that will give you an idea of what kind of plumbing fixture or pipework might be the problem. Hope you track it down successfully!

Hi Veronica, that IS good news about your husband. What a relief for everyone! =)

Paaaammm, now how is your ankle suppose to heal if you're not resting it? I know it' s difficult but.... maybe you can find a different way of moving around without disrupting it's healing? I'm not going to lecture you because I disobeyed my doctor's orders of 6 weeks of complete bedrest for my heart infection by going back to work weeks earlier.

Good News!
How are you holding up? One of the most important roles is to be at home, there when hubs gets home. To know our limitations, do what we can for ourselves to take the burden off, and try to take care of ourself should not be minimized.
So good on ya, Veronica! Hope you are getting on okay.??
{{{Hugs}}}} and cyber flowers for you!

So glad your hubs did well Veronica!! enjoy!

Veronica, that's great news! Aren't these heart stents the nuts? Remember it was only a few years ago, that the only way to deal with narrow or clogged arteries in the heart was actual Open Heart Surgery, and now, Wow, in and out in one day, no fuss no muss? Modern medicine has sure come along way! Obviously not all heart issues can be dealt with this way, but when it can, Magic! Thank God it was fairly simple, and your hubby will be home later, ready to go on for a few more years! Will he need to be on blood thinners? Super good news!

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