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I'm very pragmatic. I already told niece that I will not visit her because I don't want to be the one who brings in the infection. Something is going on and she's not as open to me. Like I said, it's a small island. I've learned from an other source that They've given the baby something to increase her internal growth. They've moved her back to the L&D ward. (She was in the OB ward.)

Sigh... it's 1:30am. I work tomorrow (technically it's Today) and need to get up at 6:30am to change dad's pamper, get him breakfast, throw in a microwaveable burrito for my breakfast and eating it while dressing for work at the same time. Won't tell you how many times I've burned my mouth. It's time to hit the sack.

P.s.. I've set limits with my dad even before he had a stroke. When he came at me to try to choke me, I wasn't a child anymore to just stand there and take that abuse. As an adult, I was going to defend myself. I positioned my body to face his attack in a self defense position. He stopped, stared at my positioned arms and he backed off... I told him and all my siblings that I will not put up with physical abuses like I did as a child. I told them that if dad punches me, on the 4th time, I was out of here. Dad didn't believe me. I looked him straight in the eyes and gave him details of my moving out plan. That was all bluff. Like Veronica said, my real detail plan was the perfect suicide- where, how, etc... I spent a year researching it online... I'm where I am from hard work (having a job was my sanity, dad broke me down, my clients praised me) and friends here in AC. FYI, have no friend here in island. One day, I would love to have one or two friends that are not my family.... it is what it is. Night all! ^_^

Book still thinking of you and niece. It sounds as though she is now getting preeclampsia. Is her blood pressure rising. the may have to deliver the baby very soon as niece is entering a very different stage. No visitors is a very important rule will the baby is delivered she must be kept completely quiet and they will probably sedate her to achieve that end. the hospital may prohibit any visitors soon even you so don't fight it, it is her best chance. Hugs.

Anyone who knows Book understands what a sweet selfless person she is and the awful family she was raised in. As you were, she was constantly abused by her parents and siblings because her skin was lighter than theirs. She recently shared that she inherited it from a great granddmother who was from a different culture. Her culture is very different from ours here in the US and the abuse of women is not considered a problem and they go back for more because that is what is expected. Abandoning a helpless parent is unthinkable in Book's society so she continues to endure, finding joy where she can. the only way she could leave is by commiting suicide which she has courted with many times. The fact that she is able to work and go out to lunch is because she has to pay a relative to stay with her father. She reads and post here during the night and gets little sleep. It is her choice and obligation as she is also caring for her father overnight. Yes ahe could leave and it is her dream but no one else would take on her father and he would end up in the only facility in the area which has conditions common to a different century and her spiritual beliefs would not allow that.
I would not encourage you to apologize to Book, it would not mean anything and Book is a stronger woman than needing insincere words from someone she does not know and probably would not want to..

BTW, Tex, I reported your last post because the last paragraph was hurtful and abusive. You struck out at someone you don't even know because you were annoyed with her. It is better if someone annoys you, just don't read what they write.

Ali, thank you for your response to Tex. It was exactly what I was thinking when I read what Tex wrote.

Tex, I don't know how you stood to become a family caregiver after what you went through. I have to admit that I would have left early and never come home again. I probably would have told everyone around me that I was being beat, because I am not one to hold things like this inside. Sorry that you had to endure that as a child. No child should have had to.

Thanks, Barb. Niece told me she's scared and worried but she needs to think positive thoughts. We share the same sense of humor.

When she sent me the photo of her bloating face, I Positively described it as chubby. Niece has a light brown skin. I'm the white skin of the family (from my great great Spanish grandmother). I get mistaken for Japanese, Chinese, even Korean. My niece- never. So I teased her about being Korean because when I looked at her picture, she really looks like one (not Japanese or Chinese) with the wider facial structure and very white face. Niece's normal face is slim and heart shaped.

I laughed hard because her reply (after waking up) was .. I'm Bloating!! ... I should tease her about thinking Positively...

Good thoughts to your niece, Book!

Niece says that I can now let the family know. Gee whiz!! This is how you know how small this island is. I went next door to tell SIL, and she already knew briefly that niece has complications and is hospitalized. This looks bad that non-family knew before them, family. Niece said she wants me to tell them and to say no visitors because I'm good at being blunt. Emphasis on No Visitor.

Teacher niece msg back about it being okay to visa. I blinked. Huh? Reread my msg. I wrote "no visitors". {{{shaking my head}}} No Visitors. You can msg or What's App her....

I still have more siblings to inform of the news. I figured to come here, copy and paste my angst and send it as one email with all their names. I don't want to replay my fears.

You guys are great! I appreciate it... Dad's reminding me it's dinner time. Later.

Tex... we're here to support each other, not compare our situations. Pain is pain, hurt is hurt, loss is loss... many of us have had more than our share. Don't discount book's pain because you think you've had it worse, don't attempt to invalidate her experience, her struggle. I don't understand why anyone would do that to someone else, but especially on this site. That's not what we do around here. We don't tear each other down, or have "caregiver envy." Book already said, in so many words, that you don't need to apologize. Doubling down and telling her that "no apology is forthcoming" is uncalled for.

Please contribute to the group effort to be supportive of each other. There are many people here ready to be supportive of you, too. You know that. Why would you lash out at someone here?

I hate that I feel myself pulled into some of the drama around AC lately. I've always been a compassionate person... my compassion level bordering on fanatical at times lol... that's my personality, though. It's why I'm a caregiver to my absentee, dead beat, abusive father who never had anything to do with me, has been the biggest source of pain in my life, and yet I have helped him to the best of my ability, sacrificing my own life for over 5 years now.

We all make choices. I caregive to my dad despite the toll on me. It's my choice. You made your choices, too, tex. The best thing would be to get understanding and support for where you're at from the wonderful people on AC. You make it difficult for others to be supportive by cutting into someone else for no reason, though.

You obviously know nothing about my back story either.
I was raised by two parents who decided I was damaged goods at birth because I was born prematurely in 1954. My mother was bipolar and had narcissistic personality disorder therefore thought she was the only one who deserved any attention. I was abused horrifically everyday of my life. Beaten unmercifully everyday for no reason and as I departed each day for school I was told to not be home 5 minutes from school because she was going to kill me upon my return. My father was not a bad man but pretended not to know about the abuse which was impossible. I suffer from numerous disabilities to this day as a result of her abuse and her neglect to seek medical help for my wounds. During my junior year in high school she couldn't find her hairbrush and insisted I had taken it which I had not. I searched for her brush and found it laying behind her toilet. It must have just fallen off the back of the toilet where she kept it. She was so mad and accused me of planting it there. She went to the back porch where my father hid a baseball bat to kill the squirrels that invaded his precious pecan tree which was more important to him than his own daughter. She beat me so badly she broke numerous bones in my right foot and broke and fractured my left ankle then proceeded to make me walk laps around the back yard to "work the soreness out." My broken bones never healed properly and I am unable at 62 to walk without a walker or transport myself in a wheelchair. I am blind in my left eye from the time she inserted an ice pick in it when I was 13. In spite of it all I was a straight A student all through school. The only positive reinforcement I ever got was from my teachers so I never went to school unprepared because I needed that praise from my teachers. I left home the day I turned 18. Put myself through college while working full time. When I graduated my parents did not as much as give me a pat on the top of my head for a job well done. Neither of my parents could tell you what my major was in college. I worked 60-80 hours a week for the next 30 years an was the VP of Marketing in an international company by the end of my career. My parents had no idea what I did for a living. It was way over their heads especially because their damaged goods daughter had achieved it.
When my mom was 80 I had been living in Philly for 23 years but I came back south to care for her through multiple illnesses. At the time of her death she had never said ONE single kind word to me in 61 years. My mother's sister was 90 and was in a nursing home suffering from Alzheimer's. my mom was banned from the NH for severely abusing my aunt. So it became my responsibility to care for her as well. The home my mother chose provided the bare minimum of care but was selected because it was "convenient" for my mom. Every other day for 6 years I went to take care of my sweet aunt. My duties included bathing her and removing the dried built up feces from her behind. Washed and set her hair, took her to Bingo and helped her navigate through it, I read to her, wrote letters to her children and friends, brought her laundry home, washed and ironed her clothing and did it all of again three days a week.
In my "off time" I took care of my boyfriend of 10 years who was disabled from a TBI 30 years before, had a massive stroke at 50 and diagnosed with early onset dementia at 54. I did EVERYTHING for this man. EVERYTHING!!!! Cooked, cleaned, shopped, chauffeured, advocated for him, suctioned out his lungs three times a day, gave him his meds, took him on outings, took him on trips to places I feared he would never see again. To beaches, mountains, new places he had never been. But as his dementia advanced he too became verbally, mentally, emotionally and sometimes physically abusive to me. Full circle for me. Abuse from the two people I had given up much of my life for.
Sorry if your childhood wasn't the greatest either. But before your friends on this site start demanding an apology from me on your behalf perhaps they should have some empathy for me as well. I simply made an observation when I saw you writing about going on vacation, out to dinner with friends, still being unencumbered enough to still be able to work and draw a paycheck, have the time to enjoy a good book and post an enormous number of comments on this site. In ten years I barely had a chance to brush my teeth or take a bath let alone have a lunch date with a friend or go on a vacation. A 72 hour voluntary stay at a nut house would have seemed like a reprieve and a good way to get a much needed Xanax and some shut eye. No apology is forthcoming.

Thanks Glad, Jingle , jessie, Barb. I just went overboard emotionally when niece said that they can't find where she's bleeding. I can't watch tv or read. So after posting here, I took my 2 small scythes, went outside and started whacking the vines climbing up the house wall, then started enthusiastically pulling the tall weeds (bro of next door always bushcuts his land and our front yard where they park in our land, but seems to get tired by the time he gets to our house) that's growing near the house. I felt great when I was able to pull the whole plant including the roots out of the ground. I took out all my frustration in the weeding and made a wide swath! Suddenly, I stopped, stood up and looked behind me. Other adult nephew who lives next door was watching me. He asked me what I was doing. Duh!! I said, "Pulling grass!" I lost my momentum. Decided to go in and cook rice and open can of chicken soup.... Hehehe. Nephew felt bad. He's right now bush cutting the tall weeds around our house...

Niece just sent me her bloated face lamenting she looks awful. I messaged back, "Nah, you don't look gross. But your face is looking like mine - chubby. Soon, u will look Korean, too. Especially since you're so pale.. I need my dark glasses...😎"

Book they can sometimes stop the contractions. if not there is still hope for a premee at 26 weeks. Don't give up yet.


Book, lifting your niece up in prayer this evening. I don't know what will happen. It sounds pretty bad with the internal bleeding.

Sorry, I'm still crying. I needed to vent about fave niece. So I type in the "on your mind " box. It helps me to take this great fear and squash it down to a few lines. What is sooo overwhelming is shrunken to a few words. Does that make sense? Best to just go to my profile and read my thoughts. ...niece is now contracting... She won't make the 28 weeks goal...

Yes, Book -- what's happening??


Book, what is going on?

I've had major surgery here and I survived. Most people died, even our local senator. You take your chances when you stay here and don't go off island. I'm fighting my gut feelings. In the end, I had to do what I just did.

I'm damaged goods from childhood. I can't say, write or even type the 4-letter word. I felt Compelled to message my fave niece, "I love you, D.." I was crying as I typed this.

Haven't been on for a while as was reading to play catch up. Considering switching dad from his primary care doc ( who is also my doc) to a physician service that his place uses. Can do monthly wellness checks and communication may be easier. I feel dads doc is having a hard time finding a medication to control his outburst? He is good in the morning but come afternoon he goes to the exit doors and kicks and pounds on them. Not every day but often enough. He is now on Seroquell 25 mg early afternoon and evening. My cousin and her hubby stopped in last week to see dad and he commented on his mental decline. Physically for almost 87 he is pretty good. Never gets a cold. I still wonder if he even knows I'm his daughter. What was sad was my sis was here for a few days and I was surprised she did not want to spend more time with dad.
I am concerned about your health Book. Years of caregiving have taken a toll. It's sad you cannot have a meeting with all your brothers and sisters to get them to see what caregiving is doing to you. Take care everyone.

Your nephew sounds like mine
When he would spend a couple of days with us to help with grandma I would give him some money to go to the store and buy sandwiches for lunch - when I got home from work I asked him what kind of sandwiches they had
He replied grandma wasn't hungry and didn't want one - odd she's always hungry

Later when I took the trash out I heard glass tinkling in the recycle bin - no sandwiches but he enjoyed a nice 6 pack of beer on auntie - not the cheap stuff but the imported stuff in glass bottles

That said I know he loves her and it was better than her being alone on a hot summer day so as long as you're not planning on moving your nephew in then take whatever precautions you need to safeguard your valuables

What made you take the decision to move your mother, Jim? Was there a last straw, or what?

Yuki, two weeks in your husband should be dialling back on the pain meds and beginning to feel a lot better. After all, you have a hip replacement to *stop* hip pain, not make it worse. When is his next follow-up appointment? I'd want to check his surgeon is satisfied with his rate of progress, if I were you.

Is getting visits at home from a physical therapist - what does his doctor say about his level of progress?

If instead of a cigarette break can you take a 10 minute walk ?

Sometimes folks behave worst around their family than hired care professionals - can you get help temporarily or when you go back to work ?

My hubby just had a total hip replacement, and I've been taking care of him the best I can. I took 3 weeks off work and I'm in week 2 . It's been very hard to watch his pain, but I'm working threw it with him. But he's not been the best patient , he lashing out quite quickly, and always reminds me it's his pain I don't know what I'm talking about. No matter what I try and do , I get lashed at. I know the med's are talking. But I'm so stressed I don't know what to do? I don't even want to be hear. But 35 yrs prohibits me from otherwise . Does anyone know how long the lashing out goes on? I'm smoking more, drinking more, and just always afraid, can't sleep , Could use some help.

jlm8699, I see from your profile that your Mom has age related decline. My Dad [also in his 90's] had that too but I was seeing some dementia knocking at his door.

Since your Mom got confused with her pill box, my Dad did the same thing, I had to get him "medicine care" option where all the pills are kept in the nurses office at Independent Living, and the "med techs" came around twice a day to give him his required dose... yes, there was a fee for that, but well worth it.

It took me months to finally learn how to speak with my Dad when he was "sundowning" with dementia. I learned to just agree with what he was saying as I knew he would forget it an hour later.... that turned out to be a win-win for both of us. It made him feel good, and the same with me [sorta]. It was a quick fix until the next day.

My parents had passed not that long ago, and I am finally seeing a talk therapist who is my age and had gone through taking care of her elderly Mom... finally a person face to face who DID understand :)

Jim, I hope your shrink will tell you that she's lost her marbles and you need to keep yours as firmly in your head as possible. It is terribly annoying, but think of what you might have to tell a toddler about why they can't use the power tools in the garage, and how often you might have to tell them. Your poor mom WISHES she could go back to how life used to be, but she can't, and she can't get her head around that nor can she stop obsessing over it. You are allowed to rant and be tired though, for sure!!

Hard part too - vacant homes are frowned upon by insurance companies and unless things are at all likely to change with regards to Mom's inability to move back and live independently or with the degree of help it would take, should she even be able to accept it - you probably have to start thinking about getting incapacity letters (assuming you already have financial and healthcare POA) so you can sell. You may not need a shrink for yourself, as much as you need a good talk with a geriatric social worker or admissions director for an assisted living facility about your mom's actual abilities to manage even in independent living. I know when my mom's neighbors talked about how she was "sharp as a tack" it tore me up and really slowed me down in doing what needed done - I kept hoping she'd be able to go home way longer than I should have (though not as long as she did :-)

i'm really depressed folks. My 92 yo mom, whom i moved 1000 miles to my town, is just hammering me daily to move back to fla, alone, to her empty condo.

She complains constantly, and i'm sick of it. I am ready to let her go, and the hell with it.
My life is now dealing with this crap twice a day, she lives 8 min from me at Independent Living place.
Was a loner for 30 years, and "just doesn't need anybody"...
She accidentally took 6 days of meds last week, as she got confused on her med box.
I feel i need a shrink, and its only been 3 months since i moved her.

sorry for rant... i'm tired....

At one time many decades ago I had a tortie cat who would run anyone or anything on four legs off the property. Even the UPS driver. She would hide in our front bushes and then come running out sideways, in her Halloween stance. It would even scare me :P

Mally, not only are your pets rat repellent, I bet they're also burglar repellent.

My rat/mouse solution is 4 cats and a dog in the (2 story - 2 up, 2 down, then reverse); haven't had any rodents since my husband built the place 12 yrs ago!

Fave niece, effective immediately, will no longer be babysitting grandpa. Lastnight, I was able to get nephew to watch on Saturdays, with pay, of course. Is he reliable? No. Has he ever changed an adult pamper? No. Do I trust him alone in our house? No. He's a stealer, even from family. I strongly believe as a teenager who lived next door, that he walked into my bedroom and stole the old baht chain (soft gold, maybe 24 karat) that mom gifted to me. With him in the house, he will not be able to resist temptation. I will be locking my bedroom door....

See what I did there??? I meant to say that the valerian made the mouse/rat calm down for a while, so you can then ...

We need an Edit button!! In the worst way!!

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