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I love watching all the Christmas shows. Some of the Hallmark and Lifetime ones are pretty sappy but entertaining. We all need a little escapism. Sorry to hear your dad is sundowning so bad. It must be just awful for you. No wonder you can't sleep. I hope you get better rest tonight as you must be exhausted. ((Hugs))

Windy, it's sad when one reads/hears of these things. I avoid reading our local newspaper because I don't want to see so much home invasions, repeated rapes, etc... Grabbing a woman in the parking lot, etc... I'm sure there are others but if I read these things daily, I don't think I can leave the house. I just try to be aware of my surroundings, make a habit of immediately locking the car doors when I get in, etc.... Sad about the generational family, especially at this time of the year. Imagine every year, the memories of them at this time, and everyone is so festive.

Dad is sundowning. Last night, past midnight, he was yelling. After he finally slept at 1am, I couldn't sleep at all. I stopped looking at the clock when it was 2:30am. I just couldn't sleep. I tried reading here on AC which 99% of the time knocks me out. But it didn't work. I finally remembered the 'sleep like a dead' position. Lie on my back, 2 pillows below my knees, a microbead eye mask, my long froggie neck pillow over my tummy and my hands rested clasped on top of it. Sigh.... I finally fell asleep.... Uhm... because I have acid reflux, I eventually woke up at 5am choking so badly, I had to sit up trying to breathe. Hehehe.. this is why I sleep on my side...

Oh my! I don't celebrate Christmas. Since i came home from work, I've been watching modern TV movies on Xmas. It's like a marathon. I was laughing on the past 2 movies. I'm now on the 3rd one. I've never ever seen these movies. It's not like the Macy's Santa, or that Life movie where he sees the present/future/past spirits. These are all new ones. Anyway, I'm having fun watching it - as a first time. Would I re-watch it? No. But it was fun watching it the first time!

Book, glad you had a pretty good experience at the play. Being cold is no fun though. It's magical, the 'good' singing, isn't it? I look for joy wherever I can find it. We need that! A local woman's husband went missing after paddleboarding to take nature photos on a lake. Two weeks now and they can't find his body after robot searches on the bottom and a thousand people checking the shoreline. Had 6 inches of snow and now we are going to 10 below zero. Lake will be frozen solid. The wife was my son's High School guidance counselor. They have kids 9 and 6 with one on the way in May. It haunts my dreams thinking of him in that lake. Just so sad. Also found out today that one of favorite pub guy's son was killed in a wrong way crash on the freeway on Tuesday. Grandma, mom and son all killed. Three generation funeral held yesterday. I want some good news! Blah!

I've tried using the courser app on the iPad before. Once I start a video, I can't backtrack. I must continue watching the video. Drove me crazy because with dad talking, angrily yelling (at the invisible people), etc.. or calling my sis.. I have to keep replaying the video several times. I ended up deleting the app. Plus, my iPad is almost to the max in storage. It's mostly taken up by my ebooks in the iBooks and the Kindle app ebooks. I've been deleting the ebooks when I'm done reading it but... I have soooo many unread ones....

Oh, do you mean I can download the coursera app onto the laptop? I've never thought of doing that. I wonder if that's so much better than accessing it by the website browser. I'll give it a try... Thanks, Glad!

Book have you downooaded the coursera app? Call HP whioe you have that free tech support.

HP Special Edition Notebook is driving me crazy. All 3 USB ports don't work. Every single time I boot up the system, the windows Edge freezes. I keep hitting the Escape button and nothing. Takes several times hitting the X top right corner and several freezing before it finally opens up properly.

Online course. Very difficult using the iPad to read the forums. So I go back to the laptop, absolutely refuses to open the FORUM button. So, I opened the Internet Explorer... and.. Walla!! I have access to the forum. Well, week One is basically the same info as previous years. So I'm hoping the forums are interesting.

My new HP wireless mouse don't work because...the USB ports aren't working.

Pam, I was smiling as I read your latest update. Great news! A little more freedom to do more things and not lugging around that extra weight ...talking about the leg weights. =)

Onedoor, I actually enjoyed my breakfast at Denny's. New cook because the fried rice actually looked like fried rice with soy sauce (and not yellow looking fried rice). Cook wasn't stingy with the scrambled eggs and had gone overboard with the mushrooms. Too bad he/she skimped on the ham in the fried rice. This is the first time in years that they've actually cooked the rice and scrambled eggs (with mushrooms, onions, green onions, ham, peas, jalapeno peppers) perfectly!

The play. The first half I was freezing. Couldn't go use the restroom since I chose to sit in the middle row for perfect viewing. People were on both sides. The minute intermission came on, I jumped up, looked left and right to figure out how to get out, and ... I was the 2nd person in line for the ladie's room. I was able to move to another seat that I didn't freeze for the next half of the show. Uhm... you know.. with the light dimmed, I was struggling to stay awake during the play. I had to force myself NOT to sleep since I moved to the 3rd row from the front. The actors actually did great with audience eye contact when facing us and doing their spiel. Costumes were great.

And, I just love how they implemented their fellow college singing group into the play. It was wonderful to sit there and listen to them before opening singing and playing instruments (banjo, guitar, etc...) They chose songs that allowed one person at a time to step forward and do a solo verses, then back up to join the rest of the group. At least 3 of them have beautiful singing voices when I heard them singing their solo. (One girl had problem maintaining her voice - maybe not her singing range? It sounded like she was holding back her voice when she should be raising it?) They sang during intermission and at the ending. Wonderful! Hehehe.. I think they were my favorite out of the whole play. Hmmmm.. Maybe I need to check their college website and see when their singing class have public presentations. Free public singing. I think it sounded more beautiful because they were dressed up in costumes...

So Book, how was the day off/play/lunch at Denny's? I hope it was grand!

Whoo hoo!! The awful full lower leg boot is off and I now have a brace,, so much lighter and I don't have to sleep in it and I can do short trips (bathroom) with no brace, then in a week go to "naked" foot walking. So I can drive again, thank you sweet baby jesus! But boy oh boy does it feel strange. On track to go back to work mid January.

I just got an email alert from Coursera, an online free courses, go at your own pace. Starting Monday, they will be having:

Online Coursera Course: Living with Dementia

No reserving, no advance purchase. Tickets will only be sold at the door. Niece recalled the one time that it was sold out when she went to watch.

Book, can you call and reserve a ticket? Or order online?

We're all your friends, Book. And you are ours.

Jingle, it's Twelfth Night. I'm getting excited the closer Saturday gets. I'm planning to treat myself to brunch at Denny's to order my favorite local dish. Sweater in case it's cold. Arrive 90 minutes prior to playtime with the hopes they still have tickets... My niece feels bad that no ones going with me. I almost said that I wanted to go alone. It's been decades since I've attended the theater.

Windy, whenever I mention what you guys say, I stumble on the word 'friends'. I view most of you as friends but it feels strange to say 'friends'.

Book, Your story was so endearing about seeing a person flying when you were a youngster. That's the great thing about theater as you can suspend your disbelief. It's magical. My son was in summer theater not that many years ago. He loved the experience and I appreciated the confidence he gained being on stage. It's a good time for everyone all around. I met some nice people helping to build the sets. Perhaps you could volunteer for that to meet some fun people. I know you have no free time though. :( Just your comment about no friends struck me. I am your online friend but knowing your likes for theater maybe that is a way? Theater people are very welcoming as I would be to you if you picked up a paintbrush :) We like coffee too. Hah!

cwillie: Love that quote -- it suits me too -- and love Pooh. Love Runaway Bunny too.

book: What comedy is it? My kids are actors and do a lot of Shakespeare.

I'm hoping to attend our local college's theater drama play. They've finally scheduled a matinee! Yay! I get to attend. I just love theater plays. I was initiated and fell in love with it when I was in elementary. We had a field trip to the college theater and .. I saw a real person FLYING!!! It was Peter Pan. I was sooo in awe, I always remembered it. Then when I was attending college, I realized that every semesters, they had theater shows (for their acting classes.) I, in turn, introduced my young nieces/nephews into it by taking them out in the evening to watch it.

I asked nephew if he could work overtime this Saturday. The play starts at 2pm and I don't know how long it will last. He remembers me bringing him to one when he was small. He told me to go ahead and take my time. Yippee! I'm going to turn off my cell phones, tell him if there's any emergencies, to knock on aunty's bedroom door (oldest sis) and if it's a real emergency - to call 911.

It's a William Shakespeare romantic comedy... Comedy! My favorite. I can laugh and just enjoy myself completely... =)

Book, I think I scared the director so much, or talked common sense as we are the same age, that mom's vape was never taken away. I talked to him about common sense and it's water vapor, no nicotene, and we talked about no seatbelts as kids. His mom forgot about him as a baby in the backseat with the door open and he fell out and survived.

I think my talk with him gave us a pass. Mom is in a room where no one hardly goes and she is very discreet about her use. She doesn't vape gross scents like coca cola or pineapple or any of those scents. Fingers crossed it will last until she passes.

I'm thankful that it didn't come to pass. Fingers crossed because of new owners of the AL. Geez! Always waiting for a shoe to drop.

People have been talking about those christmas newsletters that some like to send. I thought this little quote from Winnie-the-Pooh sums up my life:

"I might have known," said Eeyore. "After all, one can't complain. I have my friends. Somebody spoke to me only yesterday. And was it last week or the week before that Rabbit bumped into me and said 'Bother!'. The Social Round. Always something going on."

cripe I dont know why :( I will try to fix that...

Hey, Micah, I was going to post a private message to you but you blocked it.

Hi Mica, nah, this thread is very slow compared to the others. When I go to the Whine or Dysfunctional thread, I'm several pages behind. Nothing much happening here... is my nose growing?

One last peek before going to bed. 1:00am and I'm not sleepy... could be that frisky giant cockroach running around the Livingroom floor. Let's be thankful it's not flying. I'm terrified of cockroaches and I think that's why I can't sleep. It might crawl on my face. eyes are body's tired but my mind is wide awake. Night!

For some reason this site and everyone's posts have become impossible to keep up with, everyone is having conversations I cannot understand...
Even thanksgiving was like that- I felt one step behind and out of it...
Everyone talking except me, and when I was asked a question I was like "whut?"

Alto, don't you hate it when you or others do something extra for someone and they decide to undo everything. My dad was like that. Especially when I took leave from work and he decided to not go to his appointments a few hours before the appointment. It may have been embarrassing but thank goodness people stopped to help you.

Windy, I'm glad you got to spend some quality time with your grandson. By the way how is your mom dealing with the no vape rule? I think those things stink much worse than a real cigarette. I thought a man was smoking a cigar because the smell was thick like a cigar. It was a vape.

Lousy laptop shutdown without warning. It's not like my old laptop. I accidentally discovered how to open 2 separate Edge website (email and Amazon), had several Word Documents and several Excel Expense documents opened. I was reconciling my free ebook list, the email orders, etc... and the laptop just shut down. The side panel was really hot. Yes, I have hooked up the laptop fan below it and we're in an aircon room.

Have enjoyed time with our son home this four day weekend from college. Gosh! He keeps me going and is such a welcome distraction from all things old people. Good to have young people around once in awhile. He's a good and patient grandson. Three of the four days will/have been spent with dying grandparents. We had our one 'free' day today. Went out for authentic spicy Mexican food and got the boy a haircut and some groceries to survive upon for the next month until he comes home for Christmas break.

I am blessed my mom is in AL and now FIL in AL on hospice. It's in no way easy, at all. I do understand all of you doing it and trying to keep it together at home with your loved one. It didn't work for me and my mom. It doesn't always work and it's okay if it doesn't. My mom is going on year 6 at AL. She complains constantly but at least I can sleep until 7. She now gets up at 1:00 a.m. in AL and goes to bed at 5:30 p.m.

Do I want to deal with that? No no no.


Isn't it wonderful how people come by right when you need them? I remember when my mother fell and a PT just happened to come home and helped me get her up. It was like angels were sent in our time of need. Your neighbors were your angels.

Hope you didn't hurt your hand too much.

Was outside helping my dad put up Christmas lights, mad that he felt it necessary to undo what my brother abd sister-in-law already did. Stepped into a prickly bush and fell on my butt in the driveway, jamming the fingers in my right hand. Felt fat, clumsy, embarrassed, and awkward. I have 2 knee replacements do cant kneel or get up easily. My 88 yo dad can't help much. Was lucky that 3 cars of neighbors stopped and helped as Im not sure really what I would have done.

I think belief is very important. As a child, my instincts were to ignore them. I didn't aggravate them but I didn't acknowledge them, either. When I got scared badly, I prayed to God to protect me from them... dad has had the house blessed by the priest several times in the past. We still have the blessed coconut leaves made into crosses-attached to the bedroom and bathroom doors. After what happened to dad, this past Palm Sunday, teacher niece brought 3 blessed palm leaves for her grandpa. She placed it strategically on the windows around the living room where he's in. The cross necklace may work if blessed- due to their belief that it will protect them. None of my family are practicing RC. I think the simplest solution is for nephew to just say the local ritual, pray to his God and don't go into any of the bedrooms. I think...

Bookhow do the Spirits feel about Christian symbols.? Woud it help for nephew to wear something like a cross or would they punish him for that too? I know you said the rest of the family is RC. How do the priests manage the spirits? I know they do't bother you too much being the head of the household but do they get difficult unless you perform the traditional rituals.
Males in the West seem also to have this superiority but that is very slowly changing as women become better educated and assume more responsible jobs. of course there is a great cost in my opinion to this advance which the women mostly have to suffer in that it involves working out side the home.

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