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Angel16, I feel your pain. At 39, I often feel like my life is at a standstill because of Caregiving. I'm turning 40 this year with not much to show for it besides a miserable old grump that I resent 50% of the time. The other 50% of the time I feel guilty for the resentment.

I didn't ask for this. I was SOOOO excited to go back to work today only to get a call from the Adult Day Center that Dad isn't feeling well... constipation... again.

I've done everything I can possibly think of to help with this. Of course, he didn't tell me he was having issues the entire weekend or my day off yesterday. No, he has to wait until I get back to work... AN HOUR AWAY to whine for me to pick him up, so now I must leave work, waste gas money that I don't have and lose income to pay for said gas money to pick him up because he can't POOP!!!!

I HATE THIS!!!! I'm sorry! CODA tells me to be authentic. I DON'T WANT TO DO THIS!!! Thanks to my whole miserable upbringing, I've determined the following:

I DON'T WANT CHILDREN!!! I've had to care for someone against my will my entire life. When is it my turn to live for myself. Besides, having kids now means that I would be potentially putting my adult children in the same situation I'm currently in. I would NEVER do that to ANYONE!!!

I DON'T WANT TO GET OLD... if I am remotely in the state that my Dad is in or some of the other residents, I seriously would like the option to relieve myself as well as anyone else I'm potentially burdening (Considering that I'm still single and don't want kids, that would probably mean ridiculously expensive caregivers that don't give a crap). The only ones who benefit from keeping the elderly and sick hanging on for dear life are the pharma companies and the facilities. It's 5K a month for care - an expense I have been supplementing for a BS promise I made to Dad...

I wish I had a "dear old Dad" that was loving and sadly ended up in this situation because he was widowed or something... NOT THE CASE. HE WAS AWFUL (though to hear him tell it, not the case. HELLO!!! Parenting involves more than providing monetary support. Keep your money and be a DAD for goodness sake....

I'm so irritated right now.... sorry guys....

Windytown, broccoli and coke, LOVE IT!

Angel16, good luck today!

BOOKLUVR, I hear ya on those giggling thighs! LOL!

Angel, Wishing you the best on getting some answers today. It's so frustrating to not find anyone available AND you have the grumpy one with you. Crossing my fingers for good luck for you!

Book, I hear you on the tummy, thighs and butt thing. I actually weigh less than I used to a couple of years ago, but the weight has migrated for lack of a better word. My lower arms are super skinny now. My thighs, not so much. As my aunt said, "I'm not fat. I'm fluffy!" :)

cwillie. Nurse said a doctor is making rounds now but who knows when the doctor will be around and unfortunately I cant stay all day and Dad is extremely irritable and confused. Confused all the time here.. Dang.

I may be unusually tired early because I'm gaining so much weight on my tummy, thighs and butt. I saw myself in the mirror this morning and saw, Saw that my tummy has gotten bigger. So, while microwaving my breakfast burrito, I was on the slider/skier machine. When I came home after work, while warming up dinner, I was on the machine. Then 30 minutes ago, I went on the machine dragging myself on it. When the song Roar came on, the rhythm/beat was so infectious, I found myself singing off-keyed and moving the slider to the rhythm. The faster the beat, I found myself 'walking ' Yet shaking my bottom to the beat. Ugh, sweaty! Boy I'm sleepy. I think I will sleep early.

Split screen doesn't work on the iPad Air 1, which I have. I've been using the slide-over but it's not perfect. I'm sorry. I was going to comment but it's 11pm and I'm constantly yawning. My brain is feeling sluggish. Maybe tomorrow will be a better day. Night all.

Angel, try to find out when the doctors make their rounds so you can be sure to find one!

Using the IPad, so I will be commenting per page. Too bad.. I was going to say that it's too bad we can't split the iPad. So I can shrink this site and open the 📝 on the bottom and type as I read here. Let me google to see if it's possible..?

I will be off to see humpty grumpy this morning in a little while. I am sure when I go to see him he will have a complaint list a mile long because he was getting irritable before I left the hospital yesterday. I hope to find out some more info today about his health,, although when I used to go see Mom all the doctors were always hiding and there was nobody to talk to. I hope dad has not been treating anyone too bad and vice versa because this is a new world to him right now have being cooped up in the house so long. I told him yesterday.. isn't it nice to be out to see the world and make a few friends for awhile and have a social life. Not sure if he likes it but hey all I have heard for the longest is how he never gets to leave the house and never sees anyone and how he wants someone to look at his knees.. well here is his opportunity like it or not,

Stacey and Angel, You are doing the right things. My gosh, we have to protect our own lives for goodness sakes. This stuff takes away so much from our own lives. All of us here. It is soooo draining.

Just have to tell a funny story to break things up because I giggle everytime I think of it. Had a very rare chance to go into the big city today and went to our favorite Szechuan Chinese restaurant. The food is authentic and I love it! I so enjoyed this rare treat. Being a holiday of sorts I ordered a Bacardi Coke (not very Chinese, I know). The super cute, young and wonderful waitperson did not have a great command of English, but that's okay. I understand. She asked me why I wanted broccoli with Coke. She was not familiar with alcohol and was new and I understood her confusion. She asked another waiter behind her if they had ??? with coke. He understood and everything went great. Our entire meal was just what I needed. Our waitress was very new but so, so sweet. We giggled about it the whole time with her. Tipped 30% because she was just so genuine and helpful. I will never forget the broccoli coke. Gives me a chuckle during difficult times at not at her expense either. I am into languages and it was just a time when I needed some humanity and laughter about how things can just get jumbled.

Much easier than how our elders lose their language and lose their ability to communicate.

And we all need a laugh now and then.

I am afraid financially things just aren't' that easy when it comes to getting Medicaid. I had a friend who went completely broke and couldn't even pat her bills anymore because she had Medicaid for her mother but everything was drained. I won't never put Dad in the skilled nursing facility that Mom was end.. now that one was a shite hole! It smelled bad, the food didn't even look good to eat, they didn't get changed or bathed like they should there oh and she was roomed with a lady who had been there for 5 years and said the same ole crap day after day and yelled it out.. just annoying. Awful place. My route of plan because it hasn't been that long since Mom was at those places and even though Medicare only pays fully for 20 days.. well better than nothing. He sure won't get more physically able here at home because all he did is sleep and he probably hates me right now because at the hospital they wont let you sleep. Then after they work with him to regain strength .. possibly Home Healthcare may be an option. The only source of income we have right now is his social security and if they took that away then we would have to live in a paper tent. Just not poor enough to get Medicaid but not rich enough for other options either. It's sad that's the way healthcare is and when people get old then that's when they need the most care. I can't even afford insurance for myself and my health so I resort to Med Now if I get too bad of shape. One thing that I am glad of is that he can still recognize the difference between number 1 and number 2 and where it should go in spite of his confusion. He even knows when he messes up his clothes most of the time and now he wears Pull-ups.. he called them little boy pants.. I said Dad you are little and you're a boy!

FF, I can't, I just can't anymore! Once he's in, he's in, and will be their responsibility! We will go to visit a couple of times a week, and do his shopping for him, but we will definitely be getting out from under this burden, we just have to begin living again, or go Crazy ourselves! Of course we will be there for emergency situations, but I refuse to sit by the phone in wait for them to happen! Isn't this the end goal we've been working towards these past few years? Uggg, Calgon, take me away!

staceyb, yes, even after a parent goes into continuing care because they need a higher level of care, we are still tethered to them. For me, that comes from 7 years of sitting near the telephone in case either parent calls for help. Then waiting for long-term-care to call, or Assisted Living/Memory Care to call.

Thus, no dinners out because of the fear that you would place an order and the cell would ring from Mom that Dad fell and couldn't get up. Mom couldn't hear so telling her to call 911 was mute [pun intended]. Forget going to the movies, leaving half way through the film wasn't worth it.

One just becomes so conditioned to living that way, that even if the parent is placed in a higher level of care, you can't shake the conditioning. Even now, with both of my parents had passed, I still remain home as I just can't shake the feeling. Talk therapy is helping, but it is going to take time.

Happy New Year.... all I can say is that 2017 won't be boring, for those who know what I mean :P

Hang in there, StaceyB....I know it's tough. ((hugs)) to you.

Angel, you did the right thing. As harsh as it sounds, this fall was probably a blessing in disguise, because it was someone else telling him he needed to go to the hospital - not you. When it comes from you, it's too easy for him to just say NO. But when a medical professional tells him he should go, and another medical professional tells him he needs rehab/therapy or skilled care in a facility, then maybe it will be a little easier for him to accept. I'm sure you will get better rest tonight, and will see things more clearly as they start to fall into place with the medical staff's help. Don't forget to avail yourself of the hospital's social services assistance - they will help get him placed in a facility that can handle his specific needs and will help you get everything in place for Medicaid, etc (if he's not on that already). Let them help you.

Angel16, we had about the same situation here with my husband's Dad, URI, and frequent falling, soiling his PJ's, both urinary and fecal incontinence, and left the pile of mess on his bathroom floor, stinking up the entire house!

It was on Thursday this happened, and he fell twice in 12 hours, the first time while we had gone out for a couple of hours, the first time in 3 months, and I'd even called him, to let him know that we would be home with dinner in 15 minutes, but he Had to got up from his chair, to "go to bed", at 5:30pm!) Now this is why I think he is being a jerk, sulking because we went and Left Him, and he Knew we would be Right Home! So Friday morning, we took him into the Drs, instead of waiting over the Holiday weekend, to go to the ER. Now, I almost wished we'd waited and gone the same route that you did, requesting they keep him, and admit him to Rehab, as his strength is so deminished, and he is so weak! But No, he remains with us, now Showboating, doing his laps around the house to "regain his strength" (as he should have been doing all this time, since PT, last summer! ), and now "acting" appreciative, as I told him he Never shows any to his Son, who Cleaned up his horrible mess he dragged all over the carpets, both poop and blood. I don't blame him for falling (well kinda), but I told him how he Never says Thank you for all his Son does for him on the daily, and now his Thanks doesn't seem genuine!

I spent yesterday, doing his laundry and his filthy sheets on his bed, and Insisted he have a shower, as I know he is covered in poop! Yuck, it's this part of the caregiving, that I am not cut out for, especially for my Narcissistic FIL!

He's a jerk, and I can barely tolerate him much longer, and neither can my husband. I outright told my FIL, that a Nursing home is in his future, so all this phoney baloney Show-boating, isn't going to keep us from that goal in the near future! He might think it will, but a little bit too late Bud!

Typical Narcissistic, he told ne the only thing that he can do for my husband is to offer him money, I told him to keep every penny, other than what he chips in to live here with us each month per our caregiving contract, as he will need it for his new living expenses at the Nursing home. He did initially get all riled up with me over him saying he doesn't have the money for that, plus, he said he will Never go to nursing home, as they are all shite holes where they "dump old people, terrible places"! But I'm not one to back down to his ranting, and I asked him (right in front of his Dr), when the last time he Went to a nursing home, he said the 50's or 60's, and I said they aren't like that anymore, that there are new regulations, and that we wouldn't just dump him into any old place! The Dr pipped in with "your son and DIL have taken very good care of you for 13 years, why would you think they would stop now"? And he backed down a little. We went on to discuss it while he was waiting in line for lab work, and he agreed to go to visit a Nursing home with me, so that is progress!

I know he's been thinking about this topic for a while, and I know that he hears my husband and I talking (arguing) about it (all the friggin time), so hopefully, and despite these recent Show-boating episodes, trying to prove to us that he can IMPROVE overnight, he will come to grips with the obvious, and that we can't go on like this much longer.

He Never even considers that We might like to get on with our own lives, and we desperately want to sell our home while the housing market is still in this upswing, as it is in our area, and buy a nice little Condo, so that we will be free to travel, and will be able to buy one outright, and only have Condo dues, and normal monthly expenses. Nope, he only thinks about himself, and has even told my husband that he'd better not die before he does, as then of course, I would dump him into a Shite hole of a Nursing home! Yup, that's what we live with here, and he's getting worse all the time, as he falls further into the world of Dementia!

I do have to say, that after listening to you guys talk about how you are still so tethered to your LO's in Senior living situations, I am a little discouraged! I think its important to set your boundries right from the get go, once they move into the Home, or else we'll never be free to begin enjoying our lives again!

I know that I'm rambling here, and whining, and that so many of you guys have it much worse off tha me, so sorry about! I do so appreciate having you all to complain to, and just to write this all out, to get it off my chest! Not that it helps, Lol! No, it actually really does! 😉!!!

I wish for you All, a Very Happy New Year! One filled with a much easier time than this last year! It was a Doozy! Love, Stace

Genevieve, so sorry to hear about your Dad's passing! You did your best and were a very Loving caregiver! Take care Sweetie, I'll be thinking of you and your family!

BOOKLUVR & Windytown, hiya, what I like to do with those Jello No Bake Cheesecakes, is add a Whole cube of cream cheese to the recipe, plus a couple of teaspoons of lomon juice. Then top them with that rasberry sauce you buy in the can in the cooking isle, and you can even swirl it in, as the "cake" is Very thick, even before putting into the fridge to cool. Yumm, Yumm, Yumm!

New Years Eve kept me up pretty late and yesterday I decided to do a whole lot of nothing. I didn't sleep good last night either. I did wake up about 7:30 this morning to find Dad's walker several feet away from him and he was on the kitchen floor and really too weak to get up this time, so finally I made the call for the ambulance to come get him. He couldn't believe I did it. When the paramedics arrived I told them what all was going on with his health. One of them persuaded him to go because he could have a possible UTI. His blood, blood pressure, urine, blood glucose were all checked and they even put a catheter in. The ER doctor said that everything was good. No infection.. just dehydrated bad. Well. I already knew that much. The doctor asked me what kind of plan I was looking for. I was thinking. you are not going to send him directly back home to me this time? I told her I would like to see him placed in a skilled nursing facility for awhile with rehabilitation, regaining strength and possibly improving his mobility. She said she would put the plan into action. He will be having an MRI and a head scan and I asked them to look at his knees and let me know of what they found when I go to the hospital tomorrow to see him if any of the results are back. I can't believe I am sitting here in my home worry free and quiet and peace and I will be able to sleep tonight because I don't have to worry if he is on the floor not knowing how he got there or how long he has been on the floor because he can never tell me how it happened but he can remember hitting himself in the face with his walker accidently because he says he almost fell 2 days ago. I am hoping to get much needed rest tonight and I hope these tests they do can help me know what his problems are internally and possibly a plan of treatment.

Well, silly me - Book, you said you use the Kindle app, so of course you're using Amazon! LOL

If you are interested, let me know and I'll message you the names and links for the ebook freebie services. :-)

Book, do you use Amazon for ebooks? I have a TON of ebooks on my tablet from the freebies that are on Amazon every day. There are several ways to find them - I get emails every day listing the current freebies, because they change just about every day.

Windy, please keep us posted on your mom and the melanoma - those spots on her back sound very suspicious. You're right to have them checked.

Hard to believe I've been working from bed for a full month now - glad to hopefully see the end of it soon. The neck/shoulder pain is not as bad as it was at first, so the bed rest is helping, but it's definitely not 100% yet. I still can't sit upright at my desk to work for more than 15 minutes, walk for more than 20 minutes without having to sit down, or drive more than a few miles. Hoping my dr. appt. next week comes up with some solutions, or at least a start to a treatment program for this thing. I know one thing - I probably won't ever be a good "caree" for a caregiver, because I *hate* being stuck in bed!

Book, You've now made me crave cheesecake! Darn it girl, I love that stuff! Marie Callendar frozen pies were on sale for $4.99 today, usually $8.99, so I picked up a Key Lime pie. That will have to do for now but that cheesecake idea will be there until it's fulfilled. :)

I know Jello has a great no-bake cheesecake recipe if you can get the Jello mix. Haven't made it in years but I remember it was yummy.

Hubby and I splurged last night and made pears wrapped with prosciutto ham, baked and then drizzled with balsamic vinegar, an Asian kale salad and then crab legs with garlic and lemon butter. Kind of all over the map but a good New Year's treat.

I know it's now a new year but we are all dealing with the same old struggles. I intended to come into it with a new and improved attitude. That lasted exactly 11 hours and ended when I saw mom today. She has now developed bedsores on her backside from sleeping in her recliner. Thankfully, the caregivers are on the ball and treating it with ointment. I told her medicare will pay for an airbed so she can get out of the recliner. She screamed at me that she is NOT going on hospice.

I am so very grateful that the visiting doctors program starts this week. She was so very angry at me signing her up for that, but otherwise they'd kick her out. It's state law to have a primary doc if you are in an AL. Some of this stuff will be out of my hands. It won't be up to me to make her go to a doctor (well, for the most part). They can prescribe pain meds and manage them for her back pain.

When they give her a physical I will leave them a private note to check the nickel sized melanomas on her back. It has to be what it is - raised, black and bumpy with blue and yellow in the middle. So bad looking, I think she's shot through with cancer, but at a doctor's office for her back/constipation issues she refuses to let them look at them. Maybe now we can get to the bottom of her pain.

Sorry to hear about the BBQ mess-up by fave niece and that your Chinese order was not what you were anticipating. Stinks to be excluded because you were caring for your dad doing the hard work they avoid. Sometimes I just shake my head. Big hugs sent your way, book, and that there is some ease in this madness for you in 2017.

Fave sis had gifted me this iPad Air about 2 or 3 years ago. The storage is getting full. So I deleted some photos. Helped a bit. Then the available storage shrank. So I deleted photos in my linked email address. That helped for a while. Then it shrank. So I deleted several ebooks from the IBooks. That helped for a while.... then deleted more ebooks in IBooks....

I downloaded more ebooks into the kindle app. Storage shrank. After googling yesterday, I deleted the Facebook and radio Apps. And then added these 2 websites onto the iPad desktop as an icon instead of an app. By doing this, it doesn't affect my storage at all. Yes! I can download more ebooks. \o/ \o/

Politics. There were several big to-dos here on Agingcare regarding this. Moi's comment was deleted along with the others. =)

Let's hope your dad continues to agree to the washings. I remember those times with no fondness at all. I remember the bribing, too. And the saying how he really smells and family will be visiting soon and smell him stinky. Those worked for a while and then .... it got to only him agreeing to shower from several times a week to every week to then bi-weekly. By the time he had his stroke, it was down to monthly. I am glad that this new strategy is working for you.

Now, who ever heard of salt and pepper pork chop - with the pork chop being BREADED?!?! I have eaten at several different Chinese restaurants, and I never had breaded salt n pepper pork chop. I don't even like breaded meat. Well... that's the last time I order that specific food from that specific restaurant.

Hmmm.. I keep thinking of getting a piece of that pumpkin pie I bought yesterday. I couldn't believe how much it cost to buy pumpkin pie. $10.75!!!! So, to make it last long, instead of cutting the pie into 8 pieces, I cut it into 12 pieces. Since I'm also craving cream cheesecake, I've been googling for a non-bake recipe. I don't have an oven, or a toaster oven.. Just the microwave and a hot plate/burner.

Genevieve7, Sorry about your dad. It must be lonely without him. I understand.

We try to keep things politically neutral here.

That's so funny, Angel - my mom did the same thing to me! She'd fight and fight me on the shower - giving every excuse under the sun, and at times, outright arguing with me until I'd get upset and tell her she was going to shower, and that was all there was to it. Then she'd shower, I'd help her get all clean, and she'd come out and say, "Oh, I feel so much better now!" ARGH!

He wasn't getting away with just the water on him. I made sure I put plenty of soap on the rag and I put the soap on myself. It's funny how they want to fight and fight you and then once it was all done he says " Now I feel better" and I said " You should just look at that dirty water isn't it nice to feel clean"

Oh...and a funny afterthought here....after Mom had to go into the NH, they only showered her once a week, which was definitely not enough. She was a large woman with deep skin folds around her abdomen and back, which can gather bacteria and cause skin breakdown and infections if not cleaned properly. So I insisted on at least 3 showers a week, with thorough cleaning of the folds plus daily bed baths or sponge baths to be sure we didn't have that issue.

She really fought them on it, because it was uncomfortable and cold for her to sit on the shower chair in the big shower room they had. Then they asked if she wanted to try the walk in tub - hallelujah! She loved it. She hadn't had a good soak in a tub in years - just showers.

When she told me she took a bath, I asked how she liked it - she laughed and pointed at her chest and said, "They FLOAT!!" LOL

Aha! You finally found the ticket, Angel! Good for you!

I had the same struggle with my mother. She was a large woman, and getting into and out of the tub was difficult for her, and she was frightened she would fall. I totally understood that, but when I moved in with her, she hadn't taken a full shower in MONTHS. There was literally about an inch of dust in the tub from not being used. I paid $800 to have the tub cut down so she could just step in and out of it, put her large bath chair in there so she could sit and shower. She did very well with that for the first few months, then the resistance kicked in. She was too tired. She'd do it later. After this tv program. After dinner. Tomorrow morning, she liked showering in the morning better. Later today, after lunch. Every excuse under the sun.

I finally had to do what you did. After cajoling, pleading, begging, BRIBING (yes, I even resorted to that), I finally had just had enough one day and got a little upset and raised my voice to her - something I never did - and told her, "Mom, there is a bad odor in the house, and it's because you are not showering. You are going to get an infection or skin breakdown in your skin folds, and have to go to the hospital - and guess who's going to be questioned by Adult Protective Services about your care - or lack of it?? ME. And I'm NOT letting that happen. So you are going to shower TODAY. RIGHT NOW. And that's all there is to it!"

She showered. I hated taking that step, but it became necessary, and there were times she still resisted it, but for the most part, she showered on a fairly regular basis at that point. But I had to use this tactic pretty much every time after that.

What you'll want to check on is if he's actually showering, too - one of the ways I realized that Mom's dementia was getting worse was that she would get into the shower and simply sit there, letting the water run over her. She wouldn't do anything, then she'd get out and say she was done. Except....she definitely wasn't. There'd be evidence all over the chair and all over her backside that she hadn't washed, and her hair was dry. A few times, she actually fell asleep in there. (She could fall asleep in a matter of seconds.) I finally had to start washing her and washing her hair for her.

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