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For noe Angel, take what you can as small Victories! Good Luck Hon!

Whoa, Whoa, Wait! So this is just a temporary situation, such as for Rehabilitation? You know, you can refuse to allow him back into your home, for reasons being that you are completely unable to care for him! You would have to put your foot down, but you can do it! Unless of course you are living in his home, and from there, I do not know what you can do.

staceyb. It is a temporary solution but then I know that he will have to return here with me and it will get tough again

Such Great News Angel, and no doubt your Mom had something to do with it! I'm a big believer, so Go Mom!

I know that the next few days will be busy for you, so be sure to take a couple of breathers, you can do this! I hope your Dad is being well cared for! Kinda jealous here!

The good thing is I will be driving right by there on the way home from the hospital so that will be convenient for me to stop there. I will discuss his results from any x-rays or scans he has had done as well as letting the doctor know that I care give for him alone and I will question as to what type of dementia he has and let him tell me from there. I am a detailed person when it comes to a lot of things and the more information I can be told then the better I will know when Dad comes home from the nursing facility what I should do here at the house to ease my mind from worry

That's great news, Angel! Definitely make sure the doc knows your dad has dementia if it's not noted in his records already (I'm sure it might be), and that you are his caregiver.

Good news, Angel

Keep us posted - playing tag with doctors in the hospital is never easy -

If you have the time, swing by the nursing home tomorrow and meet the head of nursing and have them show you around - sometimes a Friday move-in is a tough day as they're gearing up for the weekend

Keep us posted

I just got a call from the social worker. She came through for me. She found him a bed in a newer nursing facility that has a better reputation then the one Mom was in. I wouldn't put a fish in that last would turn belly up. She said he will be moved Friday so that would be when his 3 days are up at the hospital. I asked her how I can talk to a doctor while he is still in the hospital and she said tell the nurse when I am there in the morning to have him paged or called and let him know I am there in the room. So I will try that because leaving a note beside the patients name for him to call is not working. I was so afraid he was not going to be accepted anywhere. My guardian angel.. My Mom.. I just know she helped me again. Love you MOM!

MsMadge, Well he was just on observation Monday and then was actually admitted about 11:00 am yesterday morning. I did ask if Medicare paid for an observation and they said yes because I sure do not need to be stuck with a big bill. So. I assume at 11 this morning was 1 day? I still have not heard from a doctor and I didn't visit today. I will be going to visit in the morning and I just hope I don't have to turn into a raging "B" to get answers I need. I need to talk to a doctor and the social worker. I mean.. Crap on this.. just waiting around and not hearing nothing. I sure do hope though he can be placed somewhere for a little while anyways. Today after I washed and changed my bed linens, did laundry, got out in the yard and picked up a few twigs. I went grocery shopping and later on I will finally meet up with a friend I have not seen in 2 months and we can talk about things.

Hope you had a good nap
Grab a book and maybe get a nice hot latte from Starbucks

Is today day 2 of dad's hospital stay?

I'd be surprised if a doctor calls you unless they actually find something from the tests they've run as it sounds like he was admitted just to give you time to find a placement - I'm sorry I don't quite remember if a rehab facility has been identified and a bed is available ? If not, then please try to connect with the social worker as if tomorrow is day 3 then the last thing you want is him discharged to just anywhere there's an open bed

OGenki desu ka

I am on the same page SusanA43.. AMEN for that! And that would just be my luck and I would be the one who would never be cared for first.

I just don't want to end up being anyone else's caregiver ever again. I've been a wife, mother, caregiver to *many*, including my spouse's parents and relatives, my own parents and relatives....I'm just done. The last thing I want is to get involved with a man and then have to be HIS caregiver. Sorry, not for me.

See...that's my problem, too, Angel. I have experienced too much in life with relationships to be naive enough to think I would be happy with anyone else now. I don't trust easily and my emotional wall is always up. Having been through a couple of very painful relationships, and then being alone for close to 20 years, I've discovered I'm a better person on my own. I have no intention of marrying again - ever.

Yes Tinyblu it can get lonely and even having Dad here it can be even more so because I don't get to talk to anyone. SusanA43, I have thought about it that way too. I must say that the guy who had the hots for me( That is what he always said) was an older man ( 20 years older than me). I thought about how it could be just a couple of more years and then who knows, I could possibly having to be able to push him around in a wheelchair or end up taking care of him in another aspect. I bet he probably doesn't realize that could be the case. I don't want to go through all of this again either, especially with a man because it just seems harder to me to communicate with them. They don't fully understand us female feelings and they can be selfish. I guess it will be interesting to see if he tries to talk to me and start things again after something happens to Dad, but you know what? By then I will be all about ME and working on my own happiness.

I gave up on the dating thing too. I tried a few times after my divorce, but then was busy with my kids and parents needing care and just stopped. Now that my caregiving is over, I just don't want to date. Every time I think about it, I think about the fact that this will just be one more person I have to provide care for, be responsible for, accountable to, etc. No thanks.

Angel...take it easy today, but don't stay in bed all day. Get out and get some fresh air, enjoy talking with people other than your Dad and doctors. Just take some "me" time.

Wow Angel. It sounds like your body is simply asking for what it

It is so refreshing to hear someone else articulate some of the things I feel, too.


As for dating, I SO get it. I just gave up. It's really hard to find someone who understands the sacrifices of caring for a parent. I used to compare it to dating someone with children, but I really think it's different because we're dealing with adults.

If it wasn't for this forum, I would drown in loneliness. Hang in there Angel! You're doing an amazing job.

Just seem to be tired and sad today. After washing my bed linens and making my bed up.. think I will go back to sleep.

Last night was the first time in forever that I was able to go out for awhile and have some ME time. I went out and listened to some karaoke and caught up with some people I used to talk to pretty often. But.. of all nights I went out, a guy I dated for about 3 months shows up and is now dating someone else. It made me feel bad and very alone because the timing just wasn't right for me to be dating and I had to call off our relationship and it wasn't working out and he never understood my predicament with both my parents at the time and he expected me to just drop them aside to be with him. I feel sad about it. This morning it will be the first day not seeing Dad. I need a day without dealing with him. He can never remember which days I go and to him times seems like forever since my last visit. It's just been months and months that I have finally gotten a little bit of a break. I need to recuperate some physically and mentally. Even when Mom was away those 3 months I would only go to see her every other day and chores never stop at home. Always something to do here. I kept my phone close by all day yesterday and never got a call from any doctor and that was very discouraging. I mean people talk about a discharge plan yesterday already and I don't even know what all is wrong with him and that's not right for me not to know because,, GEEZ.. I am his daughter and I have every right to know what is going on. As far as the Aricept they want to put him own, Yeah,, I really don't think it will help either. He is deteriorating so fast all of a sudden that's why I believe he will end up dying from something before the dementia kills him.. There has to be something really wrong and I hope it's not that they are afraid to tell me because.. believe me I can see how hoe he looks and yes I have already prepared myself if something were to happen to him.

Madge san, doomo. Ja, mata ashita.

Oyasumi nasai, bookluvr

I can't believe I fell asleep at 11:30pm. I slept like a log except that 5:00am call to relieve a full bladder. Upper thighs were a bit sore today. I left work at 1:15pm. Should I get a quick lunch or go straight to DMV to renew my driver's license? I went to DMV. I know that it's a terrible time to go to DMV at the first and last week of the month and monthly GRT time. But my next afternoon off will be after my DL has expired. So I have to go today. The line was long. Long line to turn in my renewal application form + photo + eye exam = 2 hours of standing. Then they gave me a slip to pay for the license at the cashier = 30 minutes in line. Then I take the payment receipt and drop it off in the box = 30 minutes later I finally got my new DL.... I look like a guy. Ugh!! I'm stuck with this DL for the next 5 years.

I'm so exhausted and it's only 7:30pm. My feet is killing me. I have a feeling I'm going to have some major legs cramps tonight.

I had my kindle to read during those 3 hours. I sometimes made conversation with the man behind me and the woman in front of me. When I reached the front of the lines, elderly people would walk up next to me. It's the law here that anyone age 55 and over have the right to walk to the front of the line of all government offices. So, I made conversation with them. One white non-American elderly man felt bad cutting in front of me. He offered for me to go ahead of him. I reassured him no, he can go first.

A while later still at the front of the line (too many elderlies cutting in front of me), I suddenly looked up, turned behind me and saw this gray haired Asian man several feet away. He bowed and quietly said, "Sumimasen, I'm so sorry but..." I answered with a sigh, "but you're old, at least age 55. Please come here." He replied {I think I insulted him using the word 'old'}, "I'm age 59." As usual, I started the conversation with him, like all those before him.

Needless to say, out of all those I had conversations with, 4 of them, including the Asian man, waved to me goodbye as they left the DMV.... I'm skipping the slide walking exercise today. My feet is sore. I 💭{think} I will sleep early tonight, even before 11:30pm.

I'm sure you know how the rules work but please make sure dad is admitted to the hospital for a full 3 nights in order for Medicare to pick up the first 20 days of rehab

As FF notes above the family care doesn't stop after placement - I was exhausted with mom in rehab for 6 weeks a year ago even with a private aid 4 hours a day

Now that she's in a memory are facility I'm equally exhausted - i still wake up at various times during the night thinking I hear her needing to get up to use the bathroom and in addition to having private aides with her 12 hours a day (unless they cancel) I spend a significant amount of time there too - even more so over the holidays as the facility has been short staffed

I feel badly for those there who either have no loved ones or whose loved ones just dump and run - one new resident spent Christmas Day crying because she didn't know where her daughter and granddaughters were - others sit by the front door waiting for someone to come who never does and I don't think these folks even get dinner

Staff if they even bother to try and redirect just say oh they'll be here at 10 am to have breakfast with you - early on I told staff not to tell my mom that as I work and will not be there at 10 am and mom knew they were lying to her. Of course staff lies to families as well so there's no easy path on this journey

Hope you get some well needed rest and dad regains some strength to make it easier on you both

angel,, don;t expect anything dramatic with the Aricept,, it is just to possibly slow down the progression of ALZ. We never knew if it helped or not,, because no one can predict how the ALZ will progress with each person. However, there are things they can give for behavior, and I hope they get some on board fast for your sake!

And I have seen the sundowning here at home in the evenings and night, just never seen him act like that in the daytime and says he hasn't slept in 2 nights. He ended up in a room with a guy who moans in pain talks to himself and snores day and night. I guess next thing I will be told how he cussed the guy out for getting on his nerves.

Oh I have seen that SusanA43. This morning he asked me if I got lost. He hadn't seen me in 2 days. I said I have been here to see you yesterday and today. I took some sweet potato soufflé to him this morning. He gobbled everything up on the tray stuffing with both hands and then I gave him the sweet potatoes and he said the same thing last time. " You sure are stingy with the sweet potatoes". The nurse laughed when I told him " If I had 3 full bowls, he still would say I was being stingy" I was told they were going to put him on Aricept but here it is almost 2:00 and still no doctor call. eat He already stripped naked in front of me and the nurse in bed and has tried to get out of the bed. I said I have been dealing with him for 6 months by myself so I am not surprised. He was doing all of that this morning.

Oh, and Angel - when these episodes of sundowning or delirium occur in the hospital, the patient *never* remembers it the next day. It's like someone turns off a light switch in their brain at night and turns it back on in the morning.

Angel - there is such a thing as "hospital delirium" or "hospital dementia" - something about being in the hospital causes a serious uptick in the dementia symptoms, or causes new ones. Google it - you'll come up with a LOT of info.

My own mother had the same problem. She was relatively lucid for the most part outside of the hospital, but after a serious fall at home, she was in the hospital for about a week. I had to start staying with her at the hospital 24/7, because the nursing staff couldn't watch her constantly, and she kept trying to get out of bed (they put a bed alarm on), yanking out her catheter, yanking out her IV, etc - and it all occurred at night. She'd never had a sundowning episode in her life - only when she was in the hospital. She was hospitalized 3x over the course of a year, and each time, the dementia progressed further and she never was able to regain the ground she lost each time.

One night, when I was staying in the hospital with her, I was dozing lightly (because I never went into deep sleep for fear she'd wake up and do something before I could get to her) - and I heard her start moving around in the bed. I got up to check on her and saw her holding something in her hand and waving it around. I said, "Mom, what are you....MOM! That's your IV!" Her response? "Oh is it?" I asked her if it hurt and she said she didn't feel a thing. Same response when she ripped her catheter out with her hand and caused bleeding down there. Didn't hurt a bit.

The symptoms subsided somewhat in the nursing home, but she never was quite the same.

That would have made me mad, Tinyblu. Constipation isn't an emergency unless it has been going on for a few days. Why in the world did they call you to come get him?

I have been feeling the same way you do. I'm much older than you -- 64. I looked back over the last year of my life and know it was wasted. I do everything around here and the only reward I get is someone yelling at me that I don't do anything for them. Why do we keep doing it? Heck if I know. Maybe it is because someone has to do the job and no one else is lining up to help.

It wasnt an exciting trip. A social worker came around and we were talking about his plan of care when he is discharged. Now she says he needs to be evaluated to see if he is suitableb for a skilled nursing facility and to see if any od the ones I chose have a bed available. Come to find out he wasnt even admitted to the hospital and he has been under just observation all this time. Now he is officially admitted today. I seen no doctor and left word at the nurses desk for the doctor to call. I need to talk to one asap. I hate hospitals they always leave me without any info. The nurse said Dad experienced delirium last night. Thats new to me. I have never seen it. He is fidgety and weak and miaerable and complaining wanting to know when he can leave there. I mean omg! Do something for the man or give him meds or something. Just since yesterday morning its like he turned into a monster. This dementia and whatever else i still havent been clued in about is progressing very fast..and he is eating like a pig but i have to wonder he is getting thinner by the day.. How long can he survive like this. Its getting ridiculous. This is why I came to this many people who are dealing with something like a horror movie never ends. Never apoligize for anything you need to say because the way things are I should have checked myself into a mental ward a long time ago...because yes this takes a mental toll on you going through all of this.

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