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Sorry to hear about the headache, book. I hope the Excederin made it go away. Headaches are no fun, especially as the result of having a yummy meal. When you can't trust a restaurant on their ingredients, I can see how one sticks with things they know won't make them feel sick.

That is strange how the salmon was served and allowed to continue to cook. I like your idea of a separate plate for the fish. The chef could learn from you, truly.

You made me really hungry for Taco Bell. The nearest one to me is 20 miles so I don't have it too often. I always get a crunchy beef taco with extra cheese and onions and a side of refried beans. It's tasty and I like the price! Way back when I lived and worked in the city, I was at their drive through at least twice a week for lunch. If I was feeling flush, I'd get their Mexican pizza with a side of beans. Yum!

How is your dad doing? Any changes with him lately? My mom had a troubling change today. Her feet and ankles are now incredibly swollen to the point her skin is shiny. The nurse got her into her recliner with her feet raised up high up on pillows above her heart. They suspect she may have kidney or heart problems. We'll discuss this with hospice tomorrow. The AL nurses are not sure she is a candidate for a diuretic as she doesn't drink enough water and is under 80 lbs. now.

These are sure interesting times for all of us. ((Hugs)) to you!

Windy. Today I finally got a migraine. I got to work, and the head just started pounding like crazy and getting worse. I took an Excedrin. No headache - until after lunch. The Vietnamese cook insisted she doesn't cook with Ajinomoto (MSG). So being adventurous, I decided to try their food. She's wrong. Within 30 minutes, I had a sudden pounding headache. I had to take Excedrin. Anyway, the food was delicious but awful. Have you ever eaten food that was fried in oil that was used too often, too long? I was burping up that terrible awful yucky oil taste. Ugh!

I'm a creature of habit. I can do the same thing over and over for decades and not have any desire to deviate. I will go to Taco Bell and always order either the burrito supreme or the small crunchy tacos. Period. Same applies for Burger King - always the Whopper Jr. Subway - always the tuna sandwich-same stuffing, no deviation.

Therefore, I really enjoy eating out with others. They would say, "That's what you're ordering? Chicken?! Why don't you try this dish or that dish. You'll like it. Anyway, I'm treating." And I try something new. When best friend came and we had teppanyaki lunch. Nothing on that menu was I familiar with. So I chose something. OMG! The tofu was yummy!!! The bean sprouts was yum!!! The salmon was yummmmm. Too bad the steak had too much fats, I almost choked several times trying to swallow it whole since chewing, chewing, chewing was NOT working to cut it to smaller piece. In the end, I didn't eat the steak. But, this made me realized how much I am missing out on Not eating other food.

So, I've tried the new spicy chicken sandwich at Wendys. Whew is that hot and delicious (but it made a dent on my lunch budget.) I went to Denny's to celebrate January. Instead of ordering my usual, I tried something different: Salmon, potatoes, cherry tomatoes and mushrooms skillet meal. Hmmm. If only the whole food was tasty. Unfortunately, some portions were very bland. And if I ever order it again, I will request a separate small plate to put the salmon on. As the food continued to cook from the very hot skillet, the salmon was also cooking and.. at first it was delicious. But towards the end, it was hard and dry. Lesson learned - separate the salmon!

I missed a lot on not being adventurous when it comes to trying new food. On the other hand, although I enjoyed the Denny's salmon, my favorite food (scrambled eggs, mushrooms, onions, jalapeno peppers) still wins hands down. Later! Past midnight...

Catherine, is your MIL diagnosed with dementia? Was she diagnosed as incompetent? Do you feel comfortable contacting DCF and let them know that she's becoming aggressive? Ask if they have advice on how to handle it. I've read from other posters that when a person becomes violent, to call 911 and request that the person be taken to the hospital for evaluation. I've never done that before. I don't know how well it works. Some were advised that once she's in the hospital, to not pick her up at time of release. This will be the time to give them her son's contact number, for you to state that you can no longer take care of her (they will do the guilt trip, even subtly tell you that you are responsible for her, etc...) and that they can work with her son for an alternative place. This all depends on how determine you are to be free from her....

You can do a search here and see more alternate advises.

Some background......MIL moved in with me while I was still married to her son. He was cheating on me and at the start of his mid life crisis. He moved out, left her with me and I filed for divorce (that was Sept 2012). My daughter moved back home 3 mon. later.
Her son is too wrapped up in himself, ex MIL might hear from him every two months. I have explained the situation to him many times, I have begged him to take her, just for a few hours. He says he will, but never shows up.
Things started the down hill slide about 8 months ago. Y'all know the drill. I believe the tipping point was when we had to evacuate from hurricane Matthew.
When we were able to return home (no damage thankfully) she got depressed, stopped drinking enough water, lost her appetite etc. Was admitted to hosp 3 times for dehydration and bladder infections.
I have been trying to find a nursing home for her. Her insurance won't pay for it, she can't afford it and her son...well he's too busy.
DCF was contacted, they came out and interviewed everyone, they are aware that she can't/won't care for herself. self neglect is common. She agreed to placement, so DCF has started the process. When I spoke with them yesterday, I was told they were working on it and I needed to be patient, it could take some time,
I am looking for someone to come in 2-3 days a week. 4-5 hours each day, help with her daily needs and give me a break.
I am very worried about her increased aggression, yesterday she told me daughter that she was going to slap her. My daughter was trying to get her to put dry clothes on. What if she does hit someone??

book, I think you are right on about her stomach shrinking. The soup was a very mild chicken wild rice, typical Minnesota comfort food, that was maybe a spoon too much. :( She's back to not eating much at all, so very skeletal looking. 75 pounds, maybe?

How are you doing, book? Are the migraines bothering you and the stress at work? Who am I kidding, from your dad?

Hope you have something good to read to de-stress. I wish you could get away for just a couple of nights for you. I know that's not possible. Wish I could wave a magic wand for you!

CatherineK904, Can you tell us a little more about your situation? How did you come about to be the main caregiver for your ex-MIL?

You're in a really bad situation and I know everyone on here would like to help if you can give us a little more background. Hugs to you! It's not easy no matter how you got to where you are now.

Bless your heart! Get help and take care of yourself. Don't let yourself miss this special time with your daughter and new baby. You will regret it and it will eventually hurt your relationship with your husband.

Catherine, don't cry or scream (unless it makes you feel better!) and instead get some help. Can ex MIL pay for paid caregiver several hours per day to do the work you're currently doing? If she needs the care, and she isn't paying you, she would have to pay someone. If you're like me and others around here, you may have "backed in" to a more intense caregiving situation than you were thinking at the time. It doesn't matter how you came to be here, you need to get some regular assistance and respite.

Is placing your ex MIL in care facility an option?  You can't go on like this because you'll make yourself physically, emotionally, mentally ill, so what's going to change?  

Two words sum up how I am doing......compassion fatigue.
I am a slave to my ex-mother in law. A prisoner in my own home. She can't be left alone, refuses to care for herself, even bathing is a daily battle. She is verbally and emotionally abusive when I try and make sure she is cleaning herself after bowel and/or urine incontinence.
Her room smells of urine regardless of what I do.
Except for my insistence that she shower, she will not wash her hands or even use hand sanitizer, sooo.......I can't use the bathroom that we share without first using Lysol wipes on the toilet, vanity, door frame, walls and door up the stool that is everywhere she touched.
I know she has dementia and that it is not her fault but the disease.
This should be a joyful time in my life.....I will become a grandmother in about 6 weeks. Instead of being able to enjoy this special time with my daughter, I feel like a slave to a woman I am not even related to.
I am past emotional exhaustion - not sure if I need to cry or scream.

Windy, maybe your mom threw up the soup because she hasn't been eating much lately. And then, when she finally eats, it could be a bit too fast and a little too much. Was the soup a bit strong like spicy or tomato based? I'm thinking her stomach shrank and then when she ate, her stomach rejected it.

It's good that your brother is there. It gives you some me time knowing that you're being covered by a family member.

That was great intuition book! You've been trusting your gut for a looong time so I'd say you are good at it. The people you work for don't appreciate you with all you do 'in' and 'out' of work. I wish they could realize 1/10th of what you do when you are not at your desk. You are an amazing woman! You are also tired out and need to get your own life back. Easier said than done, I know. Wish I could deal with your dad for awhile and let him know what a wonderful daughter you are. Your sibs would hear from me for DAYS. I'm pretty good about not mincing words. :) They would get the BLAST of the century for not helping you over all these years. They'd be little puddles of goo. :) And of course help you out afterwards.

Siblings can be so obtuse or just plain unwilling. Mine is obtuse and living in some other reality. He's sweet and well-intentioned in a way, but just ignores reality. So frustrating.

Just a quick stop before I change dad's pamper. Last night, I happened to look at the wall with square mirrors pasted on it. They've been falling one by one for the past couple of years. It's been several months since the last square mirror fell. We're now down to 2 left on the wall. I just covered dad with the blanket, turned off the ceiling lights and my eyes happened to land on the mirrors. I glanced down to the floor and saw several cables running near the wall. I looked at the mirrors, the cables/telephone cord, back to the mirrors. I remembered thinking that if the mirror tile was to fall, it could damage the tv cable, the outside camera cable or !the internet cable!. So, I took 2 of dad's shoes and lined it on top of the cables.

Just now, I'm going to change dad's pamper. My glance landed on his shoes. Oh, wow! Talk about coincidence! Right there, on top of his shoes, is a mirror tile- all in one piece, and no cable damaged. Talk about perfect timing! This is what I mean about listening to your guts. {too bad I'm lousy at it when it comes to my work.}

Hi book, Thanks for asking. Things are going pretty well with my brother. It's easier on the weekend with my husband home. He watches Game of Thrones with him while I hide out in my little office. I get some much needed space.

The three of us got my mom out for lunch today. I can't believe she wanted to go after sleeping almost all day and night yesterday. The rollercoaster continues. She still loves to get out but for how long, who knows? She barely spoke today but ate half of her cup of soup then oddly threw up some of it through her nose. It shocked all of us, her the most as it was so strange. That ended the eating of soup. :(

I also noticed a new problem when switching her over from her snow boots to her shoes - Her feet are very swollen now, so much so that a corn on her bunion started bleeding and looks like it could become infected. Poor woman, it seems every day it's something new and painful. I bandaged the corn and will have the hospice nurse take a look tomorrow.

I love hearing your descriptions of your family members, each with their own unique perspectives. Reminds me of my own family! ;) I'm sure most of us can relate. They sure keep life interesting (and maddening at times!) ((Hugs)) to you and good thoughts sent your way for strength and peace.

Good to hear bro is executor. Let him deal with that when the day comes! If it helps, most of the time at least where I live, the executor is almost always the POA. Hint, hint to your brother.

Windy, how are you doing? Have you lost your temper and blasted brother? And your mom?

From what I can tell, each of my family have different senses. From the age of 19, I’ve learned that older sis gets 'visited' by relatives when they are dying or have died. So, today, sis emailed me if everything's okay at home. In her email, she also asked for my cell phone number. When I didn't reply, sis called me. I reassured her that dad and oldest sis and everyone here is okay. No one's hurt or dying or have died. I’ve learned that when sis would text me or email me if everything’s okay at home, I know that she’s been ‘visited.’ Curious, I asked her what happened.

That evening, her daughter and the family came to visit and brought home-made dinner. While eating, sis' TV turned in loud volume in her bedroom. Her daughter went in and turned it off. Went back to the dinner table. The TV turned on again. Sis told her daughter to just leave it alone. It will turn off when 'they' get tired of it. Daughter went in and this time the TV wouldn't turn off - by remote or the TV. So, she unplugged it. Daughter then said aloud to the spirit to quit it. Sis told her that she shouldn’t have said that. Just leave it alone.

In our talk, I found out that older sis can also see the spirits, like oldest sis and nephew. She was telling me where she saw each of the spirits when she came home when mom was dying. She told me that I’m like SIL – who refuses to believe in the spirits. I have never denied them. I just refuse to acknowledge their presence when they’re around me.

When her younger daughter came to visit our island, older sis warned her ahead of time, that we are different from the rest of our people. She said that we’re lighter skin and … prettier .. than our people – because of our Spanish ancestry. Sis chuckled. She said that when her daughter came back from visiting our island, she told her mother that she was right. I told sis that the problem with our people is that they have no self respect. They go around in public dressed up yucky…. Gosh, I’m tired.

SignArt4u, I strongly recommend you read the book. I got the book in paperback first and then the ebook. I prefer the ebook because I can color code the highlights and 'search' is easier/faster. I've reread the highlights. It really helped to rearrange my thinking. No more Excessive Guilt.

Bookluvr thank you for the book recommendations. I was only close-r to my dad in my adult years. I've always lived 10 1/2 hours away. He wanted to be in my kids' lives and did pretty good. I have four brothers and two of them are half. I am the only one involved as the others have no relationship with him. I've been by his side for the last 10 months while my life at home seemed to be falling apart...( another story). I just feel like I'm all he has and I'm gonna wear myself out trying to make him feel wanted. He doesn't even have a conversation with me and I wonder if he even knows me half the time. I was forced into this situation and now I only grieve over how I'm doing. This feeling is so sucks! Some say that my husband saved my life...that could be true. I don't know that I could care for his special needs and even change his brief. I just wanna "fix" it and I can't!!! I feel I'm doing the best I know how, but I keep stressing and consuming my mind with how he might be feeling and what he is thinking. I know this sounds awful...but it seems as if I knew he had no memory and didn't know any different, it would be better on me. Sounds twisted, I know. I just don't want him to hurt and be sad.

FreqFlyer, this is the first time for me to read the hoops you have to jump to do probate. Gives me a glimpse... wait... I forgot. I'm just a female. Dad assigned oldest brother to be the executor. Still.... charge quarter of an hour!

SignArt4u16, as I was reading your comment, so many things went through my mind. Were you close to your father when growing up? Or only when you became an adult? It's hard, really hard to see the drastic changes of our parents.

I still recall, still do compare tomboy mom to the completely different stranger she became. I liked the stranger. My dad is changing, too. He used to have such a wonderful singing voice. Now, he can't even sing a pitch, voice wobbles and cracks, definitely out of tune. It's hard to see the once strong parent become a shadow of their former self.

A book came to mind as I read your post. Have you read: Loving Someone Who Has Dementia. How to Find Hope While Coping with Stres and Grief.

This book helped me to see that as my mom slowly changed, how difficult it is as I slowly watch her 'die' a little at a time. I never did finish the book. Short attention span.

I just realized that I posted in the wrong forum...sorry about that!

I posted in here back in December. Since then, I finally transported my father from Memphis, Tennessee to a facility 20 minutes from me. It was nerve wracking, but after 12 hours, we made it! I'm still overwhelmed with guilt!! I wanted so much to be able to bring him to my house or set him up in a handicap equipped home, but he doesn't walk or talk... He can follow commands and nod yes or no. I previously posted about my husband not allowing me to bring him into our home. He feels it will kill me. He has been here since Wednesday and I've been going to the facility everyday and trying to stay at least 5 hours. All he does is stare out the window. I pre- decorated his room with family photos and made it very homey, but somehow it doesn't seem to matter. I cry just as much as I did before I moved him. How do you get over this? I can't stop thinking about how he was living on his own going to work everyday and super independent and now it has all come to a screeching halt about 10 months ago. I can't tell if he hates me or just super depressed. My husband keeps telling me that I gave to live my life and that I need to move on from it and not let it consume me. It is so hard!!! What is wrong with me????

At least pour yourself a cuppa in the royal doulton with the periwinkles

Doing fine, but I have found myself stalling on doing the Probate paperwork for Dad's Elder Law Attorney.   I want to send everything over at once, as they charge by the quarter hour.   It's just filling in the missing pieces, like doing a 5000 piece jig saw puzzle, feeling more like 100,000 pieces.

Then the other day, Dad's CPA sent me the packet to start filling out financial information for Dad's taxes.   Oh fun.

I rather be watching "Keeping Up Appearances" and getting my daily laughs from that show :)))

Stacey, I envy you your winning streak!

Mom started showing dementia in her early 50's, my early 20's. All these years, it was mainly me and dad. When mom finally passed away, I was so relieved because bedridden dad was getting jealous that I tended to mom first before him.

When mom died, at the nightly uhm Catholic thingy at the church, people would offer their condolences. WINDY, my sister {fave} was so angry that people told her that a burden was lifted. Sis angrily told me that mom was not a burden!!!... {{ weellll, of course mom wasn't a burden! My sister not once ever changed mom's pamper in the past 23 years! Very rarely suctioned her trache. Never cleaned her trache or her stomach tube. Well, yeah, mom wasn't a burden for her!!!}}

So, I get it about how you reacted to your clueless brother. Because he really is clueless. Or just plain denial.

Oops... almost midnight! My goal. 20 minutes to wash the dishes, shower and clean the toilet. Later!

BOOKLUVR, glad you were able to clear up the plane ticket issues at work!

You definitely need to find some stress relieving techniques, if you can't find your way to a get away or respite! It does eorry me that you were finding yourself lost, looking at the computer screen at work, a clear cut sign of stress overload! Bennett there done that myself! Please take care of yourself Sweetie!

Windytown, maybe your brother Is fasting, to get out of taking you out to dinner, Lol!!

I don't know the customs of the Jewish faith, but a full week of fasting seems extreme! I know that I'd be passing out too!

I can definitely see where his guilt would be overriding the obvious, in that he thinks he can pray away your Mom's dying process, but you know that is just not possible. I guess, whatever makes him feel better, but why oh why, doesn't he understand the terrible pressure it puts up in your, once he leaves? That he would wish for her to live, in the condition she is in, is simply not fair to either you or Mom. Reality will come soon enough for brother, I'm afraid. And yes, people often rally, when "outsiders" come to visit, and soon slide right back into their prior condition once the've gone. I'm so sorry having him here has caused you so much more stress, when you had been looking forward to some added help. Misguided expectations I'm afraid. Take care Love!

I'm fine. I was reading a cozy mystery book. I kept laughing. It felt so strange to laugh so hard and several times, too. I felt rusty. It's also been a while since I've read a humorous book. After laughing, I noticed I felt so much lighter.

I'm going to try to keep my goals: exercise a few minutes daily and sleep early, by midnight.

The other night, dad spoke to me in our native language, which I don't understand. Well, maybe 1% understand if you count up to 10 in Spanish , door, table, plate... Nana was the only one who tried to teach me our language when I was a child. We grew up in an only English household.... So I told dad to now say it in English. And he did. After a minute, I said, "it's so sad that I don't understand our language.... I know more Japanese than our language!"

Dad laughed and then asked me, "Ikaga desu ka".

book, Hoping your are okay friend. Please let us know how you are doing when you get the chance.

book, What was the revelation? You have me on edge saying that. You are going through so many years of tough times. I am concerned about you. ((Hugs))

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