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Hi churchmouse, Gosh do you have that right. Had the wind knocked out of my sails today and made to feel petty about it.

My husband and bro brought mom over today. While they were picking her up I made some yummy bites. Put together prosciutto, fresh mozzarella and olive bites. Roasted artichokes, mozz and olives for non pork eating brother. Made fresh guacamole and a really good cheese plate. Mom loved it. She ate more than I've seen her eat in ages. Mom kept making weird references that she won't be around long. I believe her.

My hubs and bro forgot to bring her morphine dose with her when they picked her up. Yikes! Sorry guys, but daughters think of these things. Geez! It was noshes and a break for me and they screwed up. She was three hours off. Uffda!

Got her the pain meds right away when we brought her back to her AL. She was wincing in obvious pain. They left and I changed her shirt and socks. As we were leaving she thanked bro for his great care and how much she loves him. Nothing to me. That's why I feel petty. Bro told me not to take it too much to heart. I wanted to punch the SOB. I've been doing this for 6 1/2 years.

Family dynamics are so weird.

I think it might be called childish excitement, Windy?

It is extremely galling when their little faces light up for the absentee, when your 24/7 support goes apparently unnoticed. The only positive I could find in it was to be happy that mother was happy, even if the reason for it did get right up my nose.

Sweet book, I feel somewhat like a panic attack when driving or in a store.

Usually I can talk myself down. I've been down this road before with my dad. It's a dizzy feeling for me, not quite coherent. Gah!

I've been quite ticked off lately about a few things. My agitation weirdly keeps me focused. Maybe it keeps my blood pressure up, though I don't need that. I hate not being on point on everything. I'm hyper organized from changing towels to sheets to vacumming. I'm a cleaning weirdo.

I'm the same way about bills. Pay them and off my mind.

My brother leaves in 5 days. Mom is eating again and seems so much better.

I want to throw up as I write this. She is going to die when he leaves and I will be on my own again. She is showtiming for him even though she doesn't have dementia. I don't know what that is called.

You need to take a nap - you're on overload

I forget where I put the mail sometimes it's so overwhelming with weekly stuff for mom and now I'm trying to get her taxes organized - haven't even thought of mine yet

I had a dr appt yesterday that I didn't even know about so when the auto reminder hit my cell Thursday night I hit cancel

Does your county tax office have an online system ?
I can type in the parcel number or address and pull up the amount due - one year I paid a penny or two off - in a hurry writing out the check -

Eat well and sleep tonight

I paid our landtax last year. I can't find the billing and the payment receipt. Worse, the 1st installment of the current landtax is due 20Feb. I just discovered I lost both dad's and our (dad gifted all his 8kids land but not yet subdivided) landtax bills. Since no one has POA, I'm not sure land management will make a copy of dad's landtax bill... This is why I refuse POA. I'm losing it, mentally.

I almost made double payment on the cable bill. I don't remember paying it. I couldn't find the bill. So I went to the cable company to pay it. The cashier said that there's no outstanding bill. She didn't give me any additional info since the bill is only under dad's name. Confidentiality stuff.

I've been struggling with words. I run blank in mid sentence. I've noticed lately that sis, several of my nieces would either fill in the blank or keep guessing until they or I finished it off... I was supposed to make an appointment with my doctor. And I can't remember why....

Joyce, I'm glad that you're finding hospice service very helpful with your mother. I totally agree that it would be very difficult to deal with this stage by oneself. 93 years old! My dad is only 88. Yes, having a hobby and supporting family/friends helps us a lot. You take care.

Well hello. My mother is 93 and lives with me and has dementia. She still goes to the bathroom by herself. Her memory is not very good. She needs help with her daily needs. There was a point where she was getting aggressive and she is taking Neudexta with Aricept. That tamed her down. My mom would get a lot of UTIs that would make her loopy mentally. I would have to take her to the ER. The last visit they did a CT of her abdomen and found a mass. She is now in hospice at home. I feel so relaxed now! I can call them 24/7 and they are there. I do not have to sit at the ER for hours and it was tiresome. I am the only one caring for her. I do work part-time and that gives me some mental relieve. I could not do this 24/7 without some relieve from outside. It is hard and people do not realize until, they are up against the same thing. Yes! you need to be good to yourself first. Take up a hobby, get with friends and enjoy. This will not last forever. Have a good day!

Windy, you and hubby going through the same thing with each of your perspective parents. You both must be under so much pressure. I, doubt they will pass away on the same day. But it might be close... very close since they're both not eating much.

Cwillie!!! That was funny.

MommaJamez , when I was in elementary age, Nana would take off her blouse and flop her long sagging breast over her shoulder. We thought it was hilarious and kept laughing at her antics.

Welcome Mammajamez. If you have just started caregiving you have a lot of adventures ahead of you. The important thing is to take care of yourself, get enough rest and have some leisure time. A good sense of humor helps a lot too. Watch out for those boobs they get into everything!

As long as you aren't tucking her boobs into her Depends you are probably doing OK ;)

I'm new to this! I am a caregiver (without being asked) to my husband's grandmother. I am a homeschool mother of 2 girls 11 and 14 year old. We have had multiple experiences this week from helping Granny find her boobs to tuck them in her bra to pulling up her Depends. Even though I'm trying to keep it together I can honestly say our day to day life is never boring.

Thanks for the hugs and support my AC friends! I appreciate all of you!

My mom's vitals were checked today and they are pretty good. However she lost 5 pounds, now down to 79 pounds and still nauseous and not eating. I honestly don't know how she hangs on.

My husband is with his dad this evening. His dad told my SIL today that he had breakfast with my MIL who passed over 6 years ago. He's also not eating much and staying in bed.

We're kind of freaked out wondering how we'll manage if they both pass on the same day. These are just sad and scary times. :(

Love and prayers to you windy

Oh, windy, such a tough time for you and mom and family. I know I'd be a bit of a wreck. You've done so well by your mom. I'd want you as my daughter and caregiver. You've done what you can and the rest is up to fate and time...? Many (((((hugs))))))

Today was quite a bad one for my mom. My brother found her sleeping face down in her spot at the little cafe she frequents every day in her AL.

I've become really good friends with the woman who runs the cafe. She is an angel and good friend to mom and we've all grown quite close. In fact we've seen her and her husband twice in the past three days. They had my husband and I and my brother over for dinner on Saturday and tonight we met them at a restaurant.

She had tears in her eyes tonight. B has seen a lot of dying people over the years and she wanted to let me know she thinks mom is close to dying. There is a somewhat language barrier (German) , but I understood perfectly what she was saying.

My brother is fluent, and they like him, but B and I are close and she says things to me that she won't to him.

Mom hasn't had anything to eat since Sunday (four bites) and is nauseous now. B got her a bowl to empty her stomach today. Nothing there.

Stupid AL nurses promised they would have a weight on her by yesterday. 84 pounds on 1/3/17. Didn't have it today. Maybe I'm a control freak, but I'd just like to get a handle on how much time we are dealing with here. That is a pretty accurate indicator. My brother leaves in 10 days. I want to make this the best time as we can for our mom.

B told me mom says she wants to be at home with us. She doesn't want to go out to a restaurant or anything. We will make that happen on Sunday if it is even possible.

B told me mom is probably just hanging on until my brother leaves. Gah! I'm conflicted about that thought. I will be the one sitting with mom alone in her last hours. It would be fitting as I'm used to dealing with this stuff by myself. We set up the funeral home stuff together the first week he was here. That was comforting to have my brother here.

Walking on eggshells. Hoping you all have a good night's sleep. I know it won't be easy, but sometimes you have to turn the mind off. The phone not so much! :(

Cwillie, I've discovered that listening to the audio books are much funnier than reading it. But it's even better if you read along with the narrative. I've been pronouncing 'Celtic' wrong. There's other words but I forget which ones. I guess that means I will be pronouncing it wrong since I forgot those words.

MsMadge, pumpkin pie for $2.99 is a steal. Here on island, local made is $10.60. I don't buy it because when mom used to bake pie from scratch, her pies never had fluid on top. And her crusts were definitely baked golden brown. Nowadays, the pie crusts are pale, thin and obviously under baked (very white). I miss mom's pies. Our favorite was tutti-frutti pie. Relatives and ex-in law have been asking for mom's special recipes. Nope. It's family's.

Windy, just go with the flow - your mom's flow. I still remember how mom took hours to eat her breakfast (by mouth.) By the time she was done, it was lunch time. Then it took hours for her to finish lunch. And it was now time for dinner. This went on for months. Then she started choking on the food. We switched her from grinded food to yucky-looking blenderized food... Your mom is slowing down. It's to be expected yet to see it actually happening is totally different.

Difficult taking mom out today. Her arms are barely working. Could hardly lift her arms to drink. Got her a straw for her coffee. Eating her ham and cheese sandwich was a torture. Maybe ate four bites. I offer to help but she gets mad at me. Not fun for anyone. I feel bad for her.

Sounds good!
Thanks for the tip, Miss Madge.

If anyone has a Sprouts market nearby they have some of the most delicious black seedless grapes from chile.
Also pumpkin pie is just $2.99

Book, I've never had acupuncture but I watched when my mom has. I expect they would be putting the needles in your back so you wouldn't have to see them, and they are so thin that you should hardly feel them either.
My dad was a big believer in chiropractics so we went regularly when we were kids. I never liked the neck crack then and I wouldn't let anyone try it now, aside from the potential danger of it I expect I would be too tense and it would hurt!
The big advantage of ereaders is the e ink, I wouldn't want to do a lot of reading on a lit screen, especially since you tend to get headaches. I always download my books to my desktop and then transfer them to my ereader (an old kobo) so I can't offer any solutions for you there.
Ugh, mom is calling and calling again... I hate it when we start the day crazy before I have my coffee.

Micalost, I believe it's paranormal. But I would do my very best to pretend it was a glitch. However, my siblings will tell you that it's your mom thinking of you, etc....

Talking about paranormal, my nephew brought his stuffed pet monster to help chase the bad spirit bothering his grandpa. But he told me that he saw my doll and that the livingroom's atmosphere feels different, lighter. So, he didn't bring his pet monster in. Whew!!! I'm scared of his pet monster.

He then asked me if anything unusual happens now that I chased the spirit out of the livingroom. I didn't answer him. He looked at me and asked again. I sighed... Yeah, when I walked into the kitchen from the front door, I saw something fly from the right vision downward to the floor and heard a splat. I looked at the floor and saw nothing. I looked behind me where it came from - and saw nothing. Then the next day, at night, I walked into the kitchen from the livingroom. As I reached the fridge, I saw from my left vision something fly past me and downward and heard a splat. I looked at the floor and saw nothing.... He asked me what kind of a splat? Describe it to him. I said that it sounds like when a lizard from the ceiling falls and lands on the floor -splat. He said that it's good it's not the other sound - like a boom. He told me that I've chased it out into the kitchen. I told him that I want another doll for my bedroom to guard it. I'm not happy about only 1 doll guarding it. He said that one is sufficient. I shook my head. I need 2 but I cannot find another doll wearing eye glasses... The ones online doesn't make me desire to have it. Okay... enough of that. I will end up scaring myself.

I've been toying with the idea of massage. Chiropractors scare me. I won't let them near my neck. I saw on the news how a woman died after seeing a chiropractor. He was realigning her neck area and accidentally broke her main artery (aorta?). They didn't discover this until she died within 24 hours. Uhm... what if he 'clicks' my neck and I end up paralyzed? ... no needles... ever since the hospital nurse couldn't find my vein to insert the IV and went 'fishing' for it, despite my saying "ow, ow, ow, ow... can you just pull it out and try it again? ow. ow." After that, I've become terrified of needles...

Windy, headaches are normal for me. Been having it since middle school, every single month. It's just that when I come here and post my aches/pains, it's because I've been dealing with it too long, and just need to vent it.

Menopause? I just joined the age group of 50 and over. I haven't researched meno. I guess I should.

Is anyone here, like a gremlin? Do electronic devices like freeze, stop working, and dies much more frequently than other people? My laptop and my kindles are driving me crazy. New kindle 2016 keeps freezing and shutting down. When I reboot it, I lost the audio book. I have to re-download it. The same with just reading the plain ebook with no audio. It freezes and shuts off to home page. So, I went and got my older kindle of 2013. I spent all afternoon downloading my ebooks to the 2013, and deleting the same ebooks from the 2016. Then, when I tried to download One audiobook in the 2013 - it's like over 3 hours now. Yet, the 2016 kindle downloads so fast.

I really like Amazon ebooks. Any recommendation on Another device that I can buy to replace my kindles? I'm just fed up with kindles. Ipad... I have one but.... it's heavier than the kindle. I'm seriously thinking of getting rid of these kindles and replace it with a reliable ereader with internet access. Must be at least 7 to 8" in height. My current iPad sis got for me is 10". Something light and small and great for reading for hours. I can send money to my brother in the states to buy it, and he can mail it to me.

Book, so sorry to hear the headaches are back, darn it! I hardly ever get one and when I do it freaks me out. It's not within my normal range of things that bother me.

I have a giant bunion on my right foot that definitely needs surgery. I've been putting it off because I can't take two weeks off from looking after my mom. I loved shoes in my former life, now have to wear boots two sizes too big to get by. It still hurts to walk with every step. I have a corn on top of the bunion and it rubs really bad.

I sympathize with you. I'll take foot pain over a headache any day. Hugs to you book! I hope you feel better dear friend!

I had an experience yesterday, one might call it paranormal?
anyways, my mother and I have a very close "connection" which now that she has AD is very hard on me...
Yesterday I got in the car after visiting her in N.H. and my phone said "retry saying Call Mom "
I have never used the talk feature on my phone... Needless to say , it made me feel really sad and guilty for leaving her :(

Book, what about acupuncture? Or like cwillie said massage or chiropractor. All three of them really helped me when I was dealing with pain following an accident years ago.

I also think you may benefit from finding a counselor that would work for you. There must be someone that is familiar with elder and caregiver issues.

Book, have you ever tried massage? Chiropractor?
I can't remember if you've hit menopause, but I got some major hormonal headaches around that time. I've found that getting up and taking extra medication through the night - even though moving is the last thing you feel like doing - can help me sleep more deeply and wake up with the headache manageable or gone altogether by morning.

I don't understand this headache. Is it sinus? Is it related to my stiff neck? Migraine? I sometimes wake up from deep sleep to a terrible throbbing headache. It feels like migraine in that it's so painful to rest my head on the pillow. Nothing to do but go to sleep while throbbing. I woke up again suddenly, not sure why. So I decided to go to the bathroom since I'm up, 4:00am. Turned my head, extreme pain from my neck. I slept too long in one position. So I did a few short neck exercises. Alarm woke me up. My head feels 'full'. Exhausted. And my upper back bones hurting. It's been hurting lately. Stress. Definitely stress. I find myself worrying over dad's lack of POA and my depression.

I don't know where to go anymore for my aches and pains. I've had xrays, scan, MRI, neurologist. I think I've exhausted the physical aspect. Maybe I need therapy to deal with my stress, inability to put myself first instead of my parental obligation... It's this mental anguish that's wearing and tearing me consciously and subconsciously. I don't like therapy....

Windy, I was thinking of you and your mom yesterday while I was at work. I'm not familiar with what your mom's current swells. But I learned something new.

Windy, it seems your mom has been going downhill rapidly since your brother came home, do you suppose she had been waiting for him? Is she still feisty or not so much any more? I'm glad they are keeping her comfortable.

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